Gimmick Switch


Depending on how you guys respond to this, I might make this into a series. Anyway, onto the thread.....

I name a WWE wrestler, outline their gimmick, then ask if you think anyone else could play the role better. Simple really.

Or is it? I've decided to start with a tricky one, because he plays the role so well........

'Dashing' Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes plays a very vain, arrogant petty boy. Slightly cowardly and very protective of his appearance. He is also very patronising towards other people regarding their appearance, as show with his 'How to be Dashing' promo's.

So, Do you think anyone else in WWE currently could do better with this gimmick?
If so, why?
Good thread idea.

My first choice would be someone who is already doing a similar gimmick, without the vanity. That would be Dolph Ziggler. He's got the looks for it, and has a brash and cocky attitude that would push this gimmick pretty far. On top of that, he would look really believeable playing the "I'm sooo much better than you'll ever be" character that can back it up in the ring.

Out of left field, I'll also say that Curt Hawkins would be a solid pick to run this gimmick well. Hawkins would have to clean up a little, but I think he plays arrogance great. I also believe he has that "it" factor that could make him the man men hate, but woman absolutely love... I think thats the one thing missing from Cody's interpretation of the gimmick.

By the way, since Cody is so "Dashing", wouldn't it make since to give him a female valet to get the gimmick over even further? My suggestion would be Maxine from the Diva's NXT... she has the look and attitude that would pair perfectly with an arrogant, self preserving heel.
Trent Berretta

This is my choice. Cody Rhodes has great in ring and mic ability. He is able to put on a vaeriety of moves that keeps the crowd involved in the match. His mic skills are phenomenal and he is really iver as a major heel on Smackdown. Trent Berretta is good looking, got a tremendous move-set, and from his days in OVW, his mic skills aren't the worst either. Trent Berretta needs some kind of gimmick, whether he's a heel or face, to get over and Cody Rhodes' gimmick is the best way to do that. It fits him so well. Trent Berretta would play a great heel and would easily get over with a cocky attitude.

Tyson Kidd

Good god, I don't particularly care for him at all. But with that little thing he calls hair, it would be easy for him to tell everyone he looks better than us. Like I said, Cody Rhodes has a great moveset like Tyson Kidd. I think adding Jackson Andrews in the mix would be an awesome move. Tyson Kidd has yet to make his mark in the WWE as a singles wrestler and the "Dashing" gimmick would fit Tyson so well. The only problem would be Tyson's mic ability. He doesn't talk to well and he doesn't feel comfertable in his own shoes.
Kane would do it better. just kidding...

I believe Cena would play this part to perfection. Not only he is theatrical enough, specially in the mic, he undoubtedly has a huge female fan base which would sell the gimmick brilliantly.
I'd say someone like, perhaps, Drew McIntyre...
He's got that kind of smug look on his face... you just know he already thinks he's better, and better looking, than you.
Not a bad thread idea at all.

My first and only choice would be Dolph Ziggler as mention somewhere above. He =has that cocky act and has some sort of look that you could call "dashing" although he doesn't really look all that dashing but that's just my opinion, calll me crazy. So that would be my choice.

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