Gimmick Matches: Which Are Still Exciting & Which Have Gotten Old?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
With Extreme Rules coming up I got to thinking about some of the gimmick matches we see in WWE. At the upcoming ppv we will see a Last Man Standing match, Steel Cage match, Ladder match, and Strap match. There are various other gimmick matches we see from time to time such as I Quit, Tables, Hell in a Cell, TLC (which I’ve always thought was the same as a ladder match), etc. Two simple questions. Which gimmick matches do you still get excited about and which ones are you bored with? For the purpose of this thread let’s assume a feud warrants a gimmick. I think we can all agree that even our favorite gimmick match can fall flat if the calendar dictates the stipulation rather than the actual storyline.

After all these years I still enjoy most of the gimmick matches. Even after nearly 20 years I still get a little excited when a ladder match is announced. Last Man Standing is another one I enjoy. For the most part a Last Man Standing match consistently delivers a war. I usually find the technical matches to be most enjoyable but there is still something very appealing about an old fashioned knock down drag out fight. I think if done right the Strap match is also very good. Most people think the strap is used simply as a weapon to whip your opponent. That’s obviously the main purpose but there is also a great opportunity for creativity is the strap was used more as a tool for leverage rather than only a weapon. Also it helps when the object is to touch all four corners instead of pinning your opponent. That makes for a more exciting climax.

I hate to say it but the Steel Cage match and Hell in a Cell have kind of lost their luster over the years. Steel Cage used to be the be all end all of matches but they’ve become a little too common. They’re still fun and I do enjoy them but we often have a cage match announced on Raw the night of the show which takes away some of the spark. Hell in a Cell can still be good but the bar was set so high from the very beginning that it’s now hard to live up to the hype.

One match that I think has run its course is the Tables match. They were ok in the early 2000s but they don’t really interest me anymore. We see people crash through tables all the time. It’s not special and putting someone through a table is not an accomplishment. I wouldn’t mind seeing that gimmick disappear.

Don’t limit this thread to the matches I’ve mentioned. I’m sure there are plenty others out there. Which ones are still exciting and which ones have gotten old?
I fucking love ladder matches (TLC being an extension) . I'm always up for seeing what can happen during those matches with people trying various different spots and if the competitors have different styles e.g high flyer and submission it makes for some interesting scenarios on how they deal with their opponent before trying to climb the ladder.

I also love Ultimate X matches like a ladder match it's just fun to watch especially with high flyers doing crazy stuff. The concept of having to shimmy across the rope instead of climbing a ladder in itself is a great new take on an old concept.

I will agree steel cage matches are a bit meh now. Being a young 'un I never really saw the way they'd be a blowoff to a match. Also with being able to pin your opponent as an option for many steel cage matches it just seems kind of pointless half the time.
Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

It would appear that you answered your own question within the first few sentences - any gimmick match is something to look forward to if a feud warrants it and if it's well executed. Obviously there are some really dumb gimmick matches - I'm looking at you, TNA - but they've been mostly weeded out by now and we're left with the good ones.

For the sake of argument, I'll say the cage match has long since lost its aura, and would have to be rested for quite a while if it wanted any of it back, but is generally an indicator of a good match. Last Man Standing is also a favourite of mine - it generally guarantees a nice amount of punishment for those involved, usually with kendo sticks.

Oh, and the last few hell in a cell matches haven't really delivered or, if they have, the actual gimmick hasn't been utilised. Punk versus Ryback was an absolute stinker.
I fucking love Ladder matches. Out of all the Gimmick matches the ladder match is simply the best. Totally unpredictable and never a dull moment. I own both crash and burn 1 and 2! Another one i enjoy is the last man standing match.

Think about it you gotta best your opponent so severely he cannot answer the ten count. Totally awesome and never a dull moment in that match as well. The I quit match is eh very predictable especially if Cena is involved no way in hell will he say the words I quit.

But the one that has ran its course is the steel cage match. Its just not special anymore and really i have never liked the fact you can pin your opponent inside the cage. I always thought the only way you could and should attain victory in the steel cage is either escape over the top or walk out the door. I still enjoy hell in the cell match though.

To me HIAC is the end of all be all feuds. The ultimate way to settle a score. Its guaranteed violence and mayhem in that kind of match. It does cut careers short. But HIAC the bar was set so high from the beginning but yes Punk vs Ryback was not just a stinker a total let down! That one I would have demanded my money back
UGH I am so over Hell in a Cell matches! They used to be huge there used to be so much buildup for them now...squat! Even Chamber matches are becoming that way ever since they had their own PPV and you knew they were coming it kinda dropped the excitement of it all.

Bring back the Scramble matches they were awesome.
I still look forward to both Raw and Smackdown MITB matches every year. The death-defying spots, action, brutality, and usually, each match won't have the clear-cut winner, so the element of surprise is still intact. Ladder matches are still fun, and the Elimination Chamber matches are still a blast. Although, the driving your opponent through plexi glass spot is becoming stale, because they abuse it at each show every year.

It's a chore to sit through Hell In A Cell matches now a days, a real agonizing chore. With the rare exception of Undertaker VS HHH from last year, Cell matches have become horribly boring and tamed. I hate to be one of those people, but the PG era pretty much killed the allure of Cell matches, because you can't expect the blood, extreme violence, and carnage that Cell matches are known for. And the annual Hell In A Cell pay per view just makes everything worse. Having one Cell match on a show is okay (like last year, if I'm not mistaken), but anything more than that is too much.The only halfway decent Cell match I can remember from a Hell In A Cell ppv was the threeway between Del Rio, Punk, and Cena. Everything else ranges from mediocre, to forgettable, or horrendous.
I'm going to go a different way here and bring up some other types of matches instead of commenting on the same ones

First Blood Match - I always enjoyed these types of matches because with the right opponents, it could lead to a very interesting match. My favorite was when old school Kane took on Stone Cold in a first blood match where the loser would also be set on fire with of course interference from Undertaker and Mankind who had just went through absolute hell in the hell in a cell match and should have been in a damn hospital. Anyways, with the restriction on blood these days, this could be a great treat as we hardly ever see blood anymore where as before every match was a blood bath 10 years or so ago.

Stretcher Match - This is another of my personal favorites along with the Ambulance match which is basically one in the same as far as I'm concerned. Its one of those matches you dont see a lot anymore and always seems like an interesting twist for any feud.

Buried Alive Match - One of those Undertaker exclusive matches that even today could be a good feud ender. I would absolutely enjoy to see this match brought back because every one of these matches have been good as far as I'm concerned.

Iron Man Match - This is the one match that thank god, they haven't beat into the ground. This is one of those that should be used rarely for the best of feuds to prove who is the better man.

Now for the ones I am absolutely sick of

Ladder match - How many ladder matches do they need to do a year?! I used to like these a lot but now it seems that every gimmick match is a ladder match or a TLC match or some other form of the same damn thing. Enough already.

No Holds Barred, Street Fight, Hardcore, etc match - Again, how ever you word it, ITS THE SAME THING! To me its just boring and played out
Stips they haven't over used and I still like...

Ladder Matches and TLC matches--I'm not sure it's really possible to over use this one they are always so bloody good.

Iron Man Match--This is a really good one if the fued is built up right, IE let two people go at it beating each other a couple times and then finally settle it once and for all in this match.

First Blood--These matches are generally very brutal to watch, which is why we don't really get them in PG era, but they also really put the icing on the cake of a fued.

Inferno Match--I can only remember 4 of these in WWE history, all of which have involved Kane, 2 of which where Kane vs Undertaker, and the other two people where MVP and Triple H. These matches are dangerious as hell, while also absolutely terrifing while being captivating. It's a match that makes you really take a look at yourself because while they may have some degree of protection someone is still getting lit on fire FFS, and if your heart doesn't skip a beat when it happens you need to check yourself.

Buried Alive--Undertakers match, never gets old but frankly I would like to see it used with someone other than him, especially since he is leaving, although I'm not sure how you would write a storyline for it to make sense without him.

Matches I am absolutely sick of

Last Man Standing--Really these matches where cool when people actually stayed down instead of being duct taped down. Now it's just a comedy gimik.

I Quit Matches--I used to love these but as of late everyone of them as involved Cena and we all know he won't ever say I Quit and it takes the luster out of it. Just really boring now a days.

Hell in the Cell--This match was doomed when they created a PPV dedicated to it.

Elimination Chamber--See Hell in the Cell.

Cage matches--Because they are rather similar now a days to HiTC and EC matches.
Remember when No Holds Barred matches were cool. Who didn't love Zeus vs. Hulk Hogan. Ah to be a kid again. The hardcore era kinda wrecked no holds barred as basically all matches became no holds barred matches. But, ah, the good old days.

Anyway I love the ironman match. There have been a few really great ones and I am glad they have not done it to death. I would much rather see two decent wrestlers go at for an hour than a whole bunch of 5 or 10 minute matches that we do get. In that same vein I do love a 2 out of 3 falls match as well and have not seen one in a while.

What I really want to see again is a decent submission match with some great technical wrestlers the likes of a Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle match. The stip being you can only win by submission.

Stipulations should end feuds and that be the end of it. You can't have a no holds barred match and then the next week have a normal match again. It's stupid. And they need to do away with specialty PPV's. That whole idea was stupid. We have to fight in a cell because it's hell in a cell not because it makes sense to the storyline at all.
Hey So this is my first time posting on this website, but i've been reading for years. I am 29 and i have loved wrestling since i was a kid. This thread is incredibly appealing to me as an old and avid Fan.

I've gotta say hands down the Buried Alive and Ironman Matches appeal to me more than anything else ever has i think this is for two reasons.
1) They are not flogged to death they are made for massive feuds that warrant a massive finish. 2) Buried alive matches have never disappointed I still remember Taker Vs Mankind in 96/97. Of all the Ironman matches the first an original is a standout another great one was the Rock and Trips. The greatest let down to this match was Angle and Lesnar on Smackdown. I was heartbroken to watch that match be abused with Lesnar using the chair to beat down angle and get disqualified several times in a row to have the advantage. While i understand it's all in the rules to me and Ironman Match should last the whole 60 mins and may the best man win.

Matches i am sick to death of and never want to see again. I think we can all agree Tabels has had it's day. The duddleys made it good but anything with a table has been done! I think the street fight/hardcore/no holds bared (call it whatever you like) can be done well Triple H and Cactus Jack had one of the best ones i can think of, which then lead to the second greatest Hell in a Cell match ever! But these days it's not made believable to bring out a trash can and a chair and make a match of it if your gonna do it bring out Al Snow with a shopping trolley full of weapons! The ladder match is another one a few people mentioned I thought the ladder match was done until MITB watching what Shelton Benjamin could do with those ladders put a whole new spin on it for me.
I am really looking forward to a strap match if it's a touch the corners to win this brings me to the Steel Cage. In my life i have seen some fucking incredible steel cage matches! But the idea (much like the strap match) that you can pin or submit your opponent is just bullshit! That's my two cents on it.
I enjoy most gimmick matches but there are some that just don't do it for me anymore.

First Blood Match - Most of the time, first blood matches seem to be little more than punch fests in which the wrestlers are...well throwing mostly punches so they can "bust" their opponent open. When you consider all the various other gimmick and/or "hardcore" matches that are far more brutal, first blood matches are simply too tame and boring.

Strap Match - Like first blood matches, we don't see strap matches very often. However, I think that the strap match is one of these really old school matches that just seems outdated. Again, it just seems like it's awfully tame compared to the "brutality" of other types of gimmick matches in which. As we have Sheamus vs. Mark Henry at Extreme Rules in a strap match, it's compounded by the fact that we're going to see a man with skin so white that it's nearly translucent using a leather strap to literally whip a very dark African American man. A white man literally whipping a black man just makes it feel weird considering the history of racism & slavery that American simply can't live down no matter what.

Some other matches have lost some of their luster to varying degrees, like a steel cage or Hell in a Cell match. That's due in part to WWE's increased standards of safety for wrestlers, which I don't think anyone can really complain about without coming off like a total douche. Wrestlers are human beings after all and not mindless drones put there to absolutely destroy themselves for our amusement. But the added safety does take away some of the "extreme" aspects of those matches. But, at the same time, I still do find them exciting, sometimes depending upon who the participants are in the matches themselves. Personally, I think the HIAC matches would regain some luster if WWE did away with the HIAC ppv so that people wouldn't know when the next one would pop up. The HIAC match between Taker & Triple H, for instance, at WM 28 was great and it felt like it was special because the HIAC aspect was completely unexpected.
As i grew up through the attitude era i was accustomed to some really good gimmick matches that ended and feuds or actually added something to the rivalry. Now with HHH vs Lesnar in a Cage match you sort of think this is the second gimmick they have used e.g No Holds Barred and now a Cage match which isn't addidng anything to the feud. Theres a few gimmicks that im going to mention that have lost lustre and appeal.

Hell in a Cell : When was the last decent hell in a cell match ? In my opinion it was Edge vs Undertaker at SummerSlam 08. Now a days there is only one or two HiaC matches a year and they suck. The last one with Ryback and Punk was horrendous and boring. It's really not the devil's playground anymore, it's more like the Angels choir room.

I Quit : One reason - John Cena. He's always involved in these matches and never loses.

Last Man Standing : You can just tell how scripted these matches are. You know when they will get back up and know when they will stay down and frankly the fact that to beat Big Show, Del Rio had to use duct tape was though hysterical it was a bit idiotic. Shows you how bad these matches have got.

There are some matches though that are still appealing like TLC matches, MitB matches and well i suppose any kind of Ladder match.
I certainly agree with the OP that Ladder matches (and TLC) always excite me just about no matter what, I personally find them to be the most exciting kind of match out there. I will also agree that both Steel Cage and Hell in a Cell have lost their luster, but IMO that's mostly because they no longer use them in their matches. Steel Cage matches used to be brutal, and winning by pinfall was unheard of but now it's commonplace, I can't remember the last person to win by escaping the cage. Now I feel like they're just working regular matches inside of the Cage or Cell, which completely defeats the purpose of hyping them up in the first place.

I didn't read all the comments but I'm wondering if anyone said the Elimination Chamber Match yet. This match was by far my favorite match type until they made it an annual pay-per-view for no reason. It seemed to be the only way to solve a massive conflict and the first couple of matches (besides the one that Cena won) were top-caliber matches that I revere today. Once they made it commonplace to just have them for mere #1 contendership purposes (2008-now) I feel like they have completely lost their appeal and although I still enjoy the concept I think it's too watered down and too common to be a big deal like it was in the mid 00's. Just imagine if WWE announced an Ironman Match or a 3 Stages of Hell match (I am very fond of both stipulations), that would be a huge deal because there have been so few of each type of match, that it would really put over the storyline of the time. That's how I feel Elimination Chamber should be used, as a special occasion to end (or continue) a storyline, not as some annual attraction that has gimmicks attached.

Last Man Standing and "I Quit" matches are usually still very good, Cena has been in a lot of good matches involving each type, I actually think more people should be involved. I feel like very few LMS or IQ matches happen unless Cena is involved, with few exceptions (del rio/big show LMS 2013 and hardy boys IQ in 2009). Regardless, they're always brutal and end in a unique way that always adds a "must watch" aura to it.

I don't know if this is off-topic a little but 2 match types I'd like to see return are the Stretcher Match and the Flag Match. I was hoping specifically they'd bring the Flag match back for the Del Rio/Swagger program since it has so much to do with race already. I think both match types are fun unique matches that could be incredibly brutal but (just like LMS and IQ) end in an unorthodox way that adds a "must watch" feel to it.
I think most gimmick matches are still enjoyable, especially the ladder match. Alot of the gimmicks are limited by the more child-friendly blood free WWE rules now, you aren't going to see epic bloodbaths in HIAC matches like back in the day with the likes of Taker v Lesnar or people getting fucking launched off the top of the Cell like Mankind, and I do think that limits them in a way. However, as we saw at WM when HHH faced Undertaker in a cell, its still possible to have a great match.

Also, making a PPV dedicated to Hell in a Cell or Elimination Chamber matches does make them feel "less special" as the excitement when a rare Cell match is announced is lost when you know that it is coming up in a month or two, same as last year.

The gimmick match that never gets old though is the Ladder match. There is so much creative stuff that can be done with a ladder, that every ladder match is enjoyable. Each time I see one of these matches, there are new moves and spots I have never seen before and I have seen ALOT of ladder matches over the years. TLC matches are my favourite gimmick match of them all as they add the Tables to the fray, which are boring on their own but add them to people falling off ladders? My friend, we have a winner!
Great topic!

I still like the ladder/TLC match. Those are always exciting. Bookers rarely put big and slow guys in these matches. Even though they can become senseless stunt shows at times, they are good to have occasionally esepecially if the story makes sense. When Jericho and HBK feuded, that HAD to culminate in a ladder match!

Before wwe became PG I loved Hell in a Cell. Now since they are PG, they have those types of matches with no blood. That's stupid and unrealistic. Unless they lift the blood ban, they should never do one again.

Steel Cage matches are getting trite. I was never a fan of winning by escaping the cage. I always felt it should just be a regular match, but with a cage. I hate the spot in which one guy climbs the cage and the other struggles to get to the door and the guy who climbed the cage wins! Silly.

I was never a fan of the first blood match. Winnning a match by making a guy bleed is silly. If wrestling was real these matches would last less than 30 seconds. Then again if wrestling was real Undertaker would beat Shawn Michaels in 30 seconds, not 30 minutes. Still I don't like the first blood match so I guess that's something I like about the "no bleeding" policy in wwe these days.
Battle Royals (I am not considering the Royal Rumble as a Battle Royal) - They are not like they used to be. They have become a short time filler for events I would say.

The Divas Battle Royal is a joke most of the time.

I would be more interested if they took the old WCW formula and put 3 rings side by side and then combine the wrestlers when the numbers got down to an amount that could battle in one ring.

Another idea would be when the battle royal gets down to a certain number (say the final four), turn the match into a ladder match for the final group to go after the prize!
Which gimmick matches do you still get excited about and which ones are you bored with? For the purpose of this thread let’s assume a feud warrants a gimmick. I think we can all agree that even our favorite gimmick match can fall flat if the calendar dictates the stipulation rather than the actual storyline.

Ones that still excite me are not surprisingly the ones that only come around once or twice a year: Survivor Series Match and the Royal Rumble are my favorites. While I could care less about battle royals in general, the Royal Rumble is awesome because it has suspense: you never quite know who is showing up next.

As for ones I have grown to care less about, I agree with earlier posts that cage matches just don't excite anymore. With the PG standards in play, the cage does not seem as disturbing or brutal. And from what I understand from those who have seen them in person, its actually quite hard to see the action going on, which can have an effect on crowd response.

And I never really cared for strap matches, dog collar matches, cow bell matches, and any of those S&M-style stipulation bouts that were far more popular in the 80s.
Last Man Standing matches have lost their luster, then again I've never truly been a big fan of that gimmick as I feel most LMS matches are nothing more than one big spot followed by a 9 count, another big spot, followed by another 9 count, repeat for 15-20 minutes.

The one match I still get excited about is an old school steel cage match. Going back to early roots of 2 men locked inside a cage which I feel can be far more brutal than Cell matches. The only thing I wish they would do away with Cage matches are the escape to win aspect. Keep it as a pin/submission and let 2 people go at it or better yet submission only.
A Strap Match is about the lamest possible thing I can think of other then dance-offs, arm-wrestling contests, or anything involving the Great Khali.

Elimination Triple Threats, Fatal 4 Ways, etc should be used more often. Let's say god forbid you've got 4 tag teams going for the belts (if there were even 4 tag teams in the WWE), an elimination tag team 4 corners match sounds perfect.
I think when it comes to any gimmick match, someone somewhere is automatically connected to it. For example, Edge with the Ladder Match, the Dudley Boyz with the Tables Match and The Undertaker with Hell in a Cell. Of course, they aren't the only guys good enough for those matches, but these are the guys we subconsciously compare matches to and whether or not they exceeded them. For the most part, they haven't.

One match I feel has lost all love is the Steel Cage Match. It has developed massively over the years from a once in a blue moon match to a five times a year match. While they can still provide entertaining spots, the Steel Cage Match no longer draws like it used to. Some matches may still sell better with the stipulation, but the stipulation by itself does not. I think with the overload of Steel Cage Matches, people have become bored and the matches seem bland. This is similar to the Hell in a Cell Match, however I still love to see these matches.

I think the Elimination Chamber Match splits many people. Some still love it and some are bored of it. I still love the match, and it can go on for another ten years, I really don't care. I think there are still somethings in the chamber we are yet to see and this is why I am still intrigued when I see this match.

In terms of matches I would like to see more of, the Iron Man Match comes to mind. It hasn't been used many times before, and when I think of the Iron Man Match, I can't think of bad thoughts. Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels, The Rock vs Triple H, Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle and John Cena vs Randy Orton, all really good matches. You could argue forever which is better. These matches have provided heart-racing entertainment that many talk about today, and they did provide something unique each time. It hasn't been used since 2009, and guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler seem to be popular choices for this match in 2013. I don't care who, but any of these will be satisfying.
gimmick matches can be amazing if booked correctly. it looks like the majority of posters on this thread agree with that. it's hard to get too excited for the Hell in a Cell or Elimination Chamber matches these days because we know when they're coming and very rarely is used to end an epic feud. the matches just occur because it so happens to be October/February respectively. and on that note, i'd agree with others that these matches used to be much more enjoyable to watch when the announcement of the match was unexpected and the rules for brutality weren't as toned down as they are now in the family-friendly PG Era. it is what it is.

Ladder Matches in any form have always been super fun to watch. and i like the Last Man Standing Matches as well. i know they're basic, but i still enjoy Street Fights and/or Falls Count Anywhere Matches. keep it simple, stupid. that's how i feel about them in a nutshell. when done correctly, i think Strap Matches can work well. JBL/Guerrero and Triple H/Rock come to mind there.

mad props to whoever remembered Flag Matches. those can be very effective with the right storyline and i think Swagger/Del Rio would have made or could still make good sense to do.

Iron Man Matches are probably my favorite. there's been so few and the talents inside the ring are among the best of all time. HBK/Hart, Triple H/Rock, Triple H/Benoit, Angle/Lesnar and Cena/Orton. just incredible storytelling from incredible superstars.

last one i'll mention is the Parking Lot Brawl. i can only think of 2 such matches, both involving Cena. Cena/Guerrero on Smackdown and Cena/JBL several years later. i think these are super fun to watch, but as with most match types, only if the story calls for it.

in summary, i'm for any type of gimmick match so long as it's done with the right superstars, has the right storytelling, is booked logically and is fun to watch. i think moderation, maybe even rarity, adds to the appreciation factor.
The ones I like to see that are used fairly regularly are Ladder matches and the Elimination Chamber.

I, like many, are completely over the excitement of a Hell in a Cell. I don't think I would be if they didn't make a damn PPV about Hell in a Cell but they did so I'm over it. I know I should say the same thing about Elimination Chamber but that one is different enough that I still find it entertaining.

Gimmick matches I really would like to see more of are Scramble or Turmoil matches. I LOVE those type of matches. I loved the Championship Scrambles and Tag Team Turmoil matches because they featured a lot of Superstars and it gave you a chance to usually see a few different teams/wrestlers "win", even if it was only temporarily. I really cannot understand why they don't do them more often. They would be great to make any Title match more interesting and give feuds for many of the under used talent. Obviously they aren't used because Vince doesn't like them ... I hope he comes around and starts liking them again because they are great.

Other than the aforementioned Hell in a Cell match I'm not really tired of any other type of gimmick match. If they did a Strap Match, Stretcher Match, I Quit Match, Falls Count Anywhere match more often than they do I might be tired of them but they don't so when they do they are pretty interesting.

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