Gimmick Changes


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Ok so what im asking is if you could repackage anybody or any tagteam (if the WWE) has any in the WWE who would you repackage and what would be his new gimmick so he can stay RELEVANT not just some gimmick you want them but a gimmick that will actually make us care about them?

One thing I really wanna see right now, especially considering Abe's originally planned GM spot went to Bret Hart, is for Abraham Washington & Yoshi Tatsu to team up and become a tag team.

They would be called: Rush Hour

Abe always reminded me of Chris Tucker and apparently it's not just me as WWE parodied a Rush Hour bit with Yoshi on Abe's show once "Do you understand the words that are comin out of my mouth?!"

So it's already something ppl like as it got over as a film, but if you check imdb it even states in the Tagline: Two cops. One is all talk. The other is all action.

this fits them, except dont make them cops in the WWE. WWE can put their own spin on this

And Abraham can be mostly talk while Yoshi is mostly action. They are just like Carter & Lee, and yeah Tatsu may not be Chinese, but it still works gimmick wise

They'd add to the tag team division, Abe would get over as a face along with Tatsu and we could have fun with it. Also they wouldnt be useless as they are now, it's worth a try and better than anything WWE will do with them.

They even have everything ready for them, they can bring them together like Carter & Lee were in Rush Hour. Kinda make it appear they dont mix and argue a bit, learn from each other and have a bit of laughs (this happens over the course of a few weeks while they are unnamed)
then they start to get chemistry and win titles and say they gotta come up with a name and Abe can say he cant think of anything better than Rush Hour

Hell, this could lead to Chris Tucker & Jackie Chan hosting Raw and us getting some good comedy and Abe & Tatsu can be a good comedic team, the likes of Booker T & Goldust
lol. The Rush Hour one is great idea.

If I could repackage anyone, it would be William Regal.

He's always been excellent on the mic, and vicious looking technical wrestler. The idea would be very similar to the roundtable, but less Un-American. You would take the superstars that needed it, and put him in a teacher role. Not a comical one, like we've seen over the last ten years (Tajiri, Eugene, Shefield), but something legit. Guys that look like they're going no where right now. Kozlov, Morrison, Dudebusters(maybe), or a couple of the NXT rookies that could make it. I guess you could say the idea would be on the same track as Evolution. It's likely it would get over, as Regal has never had trouble playing a heel. It would be nice to see this propel him to main event status. He's got just enough gas left in the tank to do it, and it could help propel some with him.

Not the best of ideas, but the only one I could come up with at the moment. Sorry.
I was really hoping they would re-package Kofi Kingston recently, his little run with Randy Orton as him being a badass seemed to work well and i think a turn like they did with the Rock would result in similar superstardom. I mean for him to turn on the fans because they haven't helped him achieve anything would be great. He has the skills to take out bigger guys than him, he could develop a new devastating finisher even, i'd love to see him repackaged like this
Echoing Xemnas...

I'd alter William Regal to the character similar to that of which he had during his role as Commissioner.

It's a minor tweak, yet Regal seemed to be genuinely unhinged at the time in a rather depressed and bitter way. A character that was so desperate for respect that he would do such extreme and unpredictable things.

Have him do things such as attacking people randomly and for little reason other than they looked at him the wrong way.

Also I'd have him flanked by Kane and Drew McIntyre.

Better yet, give him a position of authority. Granted that there isn't really much room for one at the moment but still...

Give the guy significant microphone time. He doesn't seem to say all that much right now aside from the odd comedy spot.
I'm not sure why, but the first person that came to my mind was Goldust. Now I know he's up there in age & we can't expect a whole lot from him in this stage of his career. But what I'd like to see isn't too far fetched, just a step back to what he was when he first came into WWE.

I LOVED his character back then. When he had Marlena in the director's chair & would do them (in a way) creepy little segments where he'd just talk to the camera. He could get some new diva that can't wrestle & isn't doing anything (either on the WWE roster now or somewhere else) as his new Marlena & would be a decent mid-card heel again. Maybe even stalk certain superstars & try to "re-cruit" them, leaving to fueds.

I mean, Goldust still has the ability to go, so why not? Now obviously I know he wont be a Main Eventer or anything like that, but at least give the guy something to do!
personally,ive been craving a faction with shemus, macintyr and finley. and if ya really wanted to open it up kinda like lance storms old un-americans, you can add william regal to that mix and make it a european thing. u.s.(us) against them.
personally,ive been craving a faction with shemus, macintyr and finley. and if ya really wanted to open it up kinda like lance storms old un-americans, you can add william regal to that mix and make it a european thing. u.s.(us) against them.

...Thats hardily European, its a British and Irish Invasion (Even without Regal, it will still be this). Take the words 'and Irish' and you'll know that angle was done... I don't know last year? Plus why take out one of the biggest heels and one potential future main eventer for an angle where they will simply job?

In terms of gimmick changes, I would personally like to see Drew's being changed. Have him come out and do his normal ranting about him being the chosen one. That Mr McMahon will back him no matter what and then recieving a letter telling Vince won't back him and he needs to back himself up. Out comes Kane, who easily beats him. After weeks of being mocked etc, Drew comes out with a body guard and proclaims himself 'The Future'. A small gimmick change but it would actually do something with the character that has become rather stale.
Zack Ryder. I am sure deep down he is probably a fairly talented wrestler...but the whole half pants/half trunks thing combined with the whoo whoo whoo bullshit makes me completely unable to take him seriously. While his Edge-head character wasn't great, it was far and away better than his current gimmick.
It's been said before but i'll say it again. KANE!!! Please please repackage him. Ever since he took off the mask his career has been a downward spiral. Once known as the big red machine he is now the big red jobber. They don't even need to give him his mask back but they need to make him the powerful feared hellfire guy that won't take anyones shit. Kane may be on Smackdown but he's on every show and not cause he's powerful it's so he can job to someone else.
Let me first off say that this is an excellent thread, and everybody who has commented have had some excellent ideas, especially with Regal that ive been screaming about. Now on to my idea, one thing i have noticed is that no matter how over he is with the crowd one guy who never gets any push in WWE, at least since the new ECW is Christian. This honestly pisses me off and i am getting really sick of it. This got me thinking of a nice worked shoot idea. Have Christian come out and say that ever since hes been in WWE hes been held down blah blah, except hed do it in his great Christian way and say something like although hes not going to let it happen to the other talented young wrestlers being held down currently and hes not gonna be held down any longer and he forms a stable with 3 other guys I feel are totally misused Dolph Ziggler, and the Dudebusters. The dudebusters remind me of an early E&C and Ziggler in a weird way reminds me of Christian right after E&C. I just feel like it would give every one of them relevance and with the way they can all perform in the ring i think they would all completely get over and give the fans something new.
Repackage Kane into the old Kane

Have him start feuding with someone where his opponent sets a fire and tosses it in Kane's face. Give him a few weeks off to "recover" and then have him come back out in the old mask and give him back his monster persona

He lost a lot IMO after he lost his mask
Ii'd like to see a Regal headed faction, but not using the tired nationality bit. Regal doesn't need it. McIntire, Otunga, Assbusters.
Yeah I said Otunga. He has the verbal skills in spades so if he can be shown how to wrestle we might have something there. As of now his in ring is probably the worst on TV...or elsewhere...possibly.
Personally I would LOVE a Regal World Title reign. I think he deserves it for standing up to WCW management with that Goldberg match. Mucho respecto!
Seriously, Regal would be a great villian against ANY face in the wwe. I think it's stupid not to get this out of him before he retires.
It's been said before but i'll say it again. KANE!!! Please please repackage him. Ever since he took off the mask his career has been a downward spiral. Once known as the big red machine he is now the big red jobber. They don't even need to give him his mask back but they need to make him the powerful feared hellfire guy that won't take anyones shit. Kane may be on Smackdown but he's on every show and not cause he's powerful it's so he can job to someone else.

I completely agree. Kane doesn't need his mask back, but I don't want him to be a jobber anymore. It's one of the (multiple) things that WWE does that pisses me off. I'm a huge Kane fan, and the reason I became a huge fan was because he would and did destroy anybody. Now, we see him losing to Rey Mysterio. The Big Red Machine, who is almost 7 feet tall, was losing to someone who can barely see over the ropes in a feud that in my opinion, had a lot of potential.

Another gimmick that I would have changed was Evolution. I wouldn't have necessarily changed it, I would have kept it around longer. It was an amazing stable. It had all the huge stars in wrestling today.
i also think that repackaging kane is a good idea but his charector should be taken forward instead of back if he started wearing the mask again it would be cool but would just feel like a bit of nostalgia

why kane was so popular was because he was unique and had a great story behind his gimmick but now all he is is a generic jobber what i would do is have him take some time off and come back with a new cool looking attire and appearance and put him in some good storylines and make him generally scary again he wouldnt need to even win any titles as long as he put in some decent fueds and storylines ones were he actually wins for a change

its not exactly a total overhall of his gimmick but it definatly needs to evolve to the next level to make him relevant again
Things I would change:

William Regal: I would make him a manager. Have him manage folks like Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, and Skip Sheffield. Of course remold Skip, like he did Eaton in WCW. Call me crazy, but I really liked him as the leader of the ruthless roundtable.

Goldust: I like a previous poster's idea of bringing back the old Goldust. Turn him heel and have him start stalking someone.

Hornswoggle: Time to kill the ******ed leperchan gimmick. I would make him like little weasly manager who has a stable.

Gail Kim and Kane: Now I put these two together because Kane is like Abyss, a big pussy and Gail is really like the divas. Turn Gail into a sadistic, dominatrix type who turns Kane back into monster. She then sends Kane out to attack random people.
this myt go off topic but I would repackage a whole lotta people, but make them join a mean heel faction of some sort. the dudebusters should become more aggressive and do backstage attacks, then the mouth of the team would be wade barrett coz i could listen to that guy speak for days, khali and kozlov could be the muscle heads with matching ring gear, make kofi kingston heel and have edge as the leader of the group. now as you can see these people are from all over the world they could be dubbed as the INTERCONTINENTAL CONNECTION... oh nd like a previous poster said, swoggle as a weasley manager
1) Regal: Sure, we've talked about it. But I think you need to take him out of action as a wrestler and just have him manage a stable. So the basics.
Stable: The International Incident
Regal as the head, McIntyre, Finlay, Sheamus, Kozlov
With those 4, Finlay can still smack a bitch and the others are pretty decent, but just need that little bit of it. Kozlov is a BEAST and maybe putting him and Sheamus in the tag title scene for now would be something. I'd have McIntyre win the U.S. title but rename it the European Title or whatnot (doesn't fit with Kozlov, w/e) and then go from there. Could be a power.
OMG. First I thought everyone would say "Give Cenaz teh Rapper gimk," but I was pleasantly surprised. Then I was pissed off at "KANE!?!?!?!" mentions.

You know why we don't have to repackage Kane? He takes about three wins in a row to be made viable again. You know why he's constantly thought of as competitive by the fans even though he hasn't actually won a feud series in what seems like decades?

It's because he's a veteran. Any person he goes up against him will immediately be assumed to be at a disadvantage, because he's fucking Kane. The ECW title was thrown on Kane and the fans immediately said "Oh. Okay. That's completely believable." They might as well have thrown the title on Cena for how convincing it was. Why was that? Because it's fucking Kane.

Give Kane three wins against jobbers, and have him chokeslam the dude he's feuding with during a backstage promo or something. Instant credibility again. Kane doesn't need repackaging.

If anybody needs repackaging, it'd either be Kofi or MVP. While Kofi really just needs to be allowed to speak and do a promo ala the one where he busted up Orton's car, MVP really needs a whole new go at a gimmick. He's been floundering for a while, and was only ever over with the crowd when he was also out with Mark Henry. That's gotta tell you something.

It doesn't even need to be a face/heel turn. Just have him go out there and be a face that actually has some character. Right now he has barely more character and depth to him than Evan "Look at me jump higher than Shelton Benjamin" Bourne.

If you really want him to have a heel turn as a part of the repackaging, have him feud with CM Punk. He loses the feud and has to join the Straight Edge Society. There. He repents for his jail business and all of that jazz. What's that? A character?

Then, when you want him face again, have him start one-upping CM Punk and all that shit. CM Punk gets angry, kicks him out, blah blah blah, your standard stable break-up storyline.
This might sound way off the mark but I think the one person in need of a serious gimmick change is Rey Mysterio...

I know he is sticking to his latino heritage and that gimmick has worked for him for a long time now, but imagine Rey as a heel (can't remember him doing a run before)...

He could still mask up but change it to make it "evil" looking and change his attire to move away from the big pants that make him look 12 years old - Just a thought?
ok great topic but the first one i will re package is really not a big change just to me im a big cena fan just he needs to lose the shorts and go back to his old attire that just the thing i would like him change to me
but for the big change

gold dust seriously bring dustin runnels back and out him teaming with his brother this hol freak gold dust look needs to stop it old.
I looked at the Original Post and instantly thought of The Dudebusters first. I do not find them that exciting, and their name is..well Dudebusters just doesn't roll off the tongue to me. They sound like a generic tag-team like many have passed before (Basham Brothers, Gymini, etc) but have the ability to become credible stars.

I would revamp them with a gimmick similar to that of the APA of old. But instead of getting money as part of protection, they should be like hitmen. They would be credible heels with that angle and people could actually get into this. And they wouldn't have to break the children's demographic either. Just two guys that get paid to put the bruise on some face star or whatever. Instant push.

Just a thought anyways.
Zack Ryder. I cannot standddd his Gimmick. Everything about me annoys him. His glasses, his pants, his shirts, his colors. His cocky, stupid, Soap Opera acting talent. Everything.
Vladmir Kozlov might well be consigned to being a comedy jobber now with his alliance with Santino. But if WWE want to make him a legitimate wrestler, they need to lose the whole Soviet, communist gimmick. According to Wikipedia, he is trained in mixed martial arts. So why not build on that? Make him a MMA fighter with a MMA-esque moveset. If WWE ever wanted to make him a credible wrestler, I think this would be the way to go.

That is the only one I can think of that needs changing.
As The guy above me said, Kozlov is being used as a comedy jobber now. Bring back his original badass character where he was unbeaten for the good part of 2008/9.
But Why not give Santino Marrella a gimmick change. im suprised that no one has said this at the moment (sorry if you just have, but i was typing) but ive heard and read that he is exellent as a Martial Artist, so why not use this to his advantage. Give Santino a less Comedic role, new look and it could work well if Kozlov reverts to his old way, it could be one hell of a tag team, and not the 'Look at us, we're funny but we always lose and get released' Type of guys... I'm Just Sayin...

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