Ghostbusters 3: Do You Care?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
So talks of Ghostbusters 3 FINALLY happening are starting up.......again. The latest news:

According to a film industry executive, Ghostbusters 3 is considering Cleveland as a location to shoot the third installment of Ghostbusters, says WKYC Ohio.

The movie is scheduled to be shot in 2014, they claim, with rumors swirling once again that Jonah Hill and Emma Stone have been offered the lead roles.

Ivan Reitman is directing, as Bloody Disgusting first reported, with rumors having Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis, and Sigourney Weaver all potentially returning. Bill Murray is the wild card with previous reports stating that they’ll move “with or without him”. He can always be dead like Andrian in Rocky Balboa.

In Columbia Pictures’ third film, a ragtag group of paranormal researchers reopen their notorious ghost removal service, and a new generation of Ghostbusters is brought on board to be green slimed and trained to contain the mischievous spirits. We previously reported that the new ‘Busters will be lead by Dana and Peter’s lovechild, Oscar.

Eh, Oscar wasn't a love child from Dana and Peter. Dana had Oscar from a relationship with an ex-husband.

Honestly, I don't give a shit anymore. Aykoryd started hyping up Ghostbusters 3 back in 2010 or 2011? And on top of that, he was pushing for a Christmas release date last year? Sorry, but it's getting to a point, where the constant teasing is just annoying now, because there's no real progress for 3. No teaser trailer, no set photos (for fuck's sake, there's a pic of J.J. Abrams and others with R2-D2 out there now), nothing. Just a lot of "Well....maybe" talk. I don't know about others, but Ghostbusters 2 provided enough closure for me. My only real complaint is Peter MacNicol's Dr. Janosz Poha is really annoying (and not funny) most of the time.

Plus, the rumored release date of 2015? Yeah, that's not a good idea. Batman VS Superman, Jurassic World (a shit name), a new James Bond film, the new Terminator film, Star Wars Episode VII, another Hunger Games film, a new James Bond film, Mission Impossible V, and The Avengers 2? That's a stacked year of highly anticipated blockbusters, and I'm not sure a January or September release date would ensure the big numbers they're looking for. So going by patterns for Ghostbusters "announcements," it wouldn't surprise me if they pushed 3 into 2016 for a tentative release date.

Reportedly, the big hang up is Bill Murray showing little to no interest in 3. Aykoryd says they'll move forward with or without him now, and personally, I don't have a big problem at all with no Bill Murray in 3. If they're planning on moving the story in a new direction with Jonah Hill and Emma Stone as the leads, Bill Murray eating up so much time and focus as the star won't help things. A cameo or reduced role is fine to give fans the necessary nostalgia kick, but they need to move the story in a different direction now. Besides, one of the bigger complaints about 2 is the sequel was nothing more than a lazy carbon copy of the first film.

And call me crazy, but when it comes to 3, I don't see a foaming at the mouth sense of urgency from Ghostbusters fans. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but I don't see a potential revolt coming if 3 doesn't happen. People are FAR more excited for the films I listed above.

Not having a Ghostbusters 3 doesn't bother me. Anyone else feel the same way?
It's nearly 25 years since a not-too-good sequel, so I don't know why they're pushing ahead with this.

Actually I know why they're pushing ahead with it, I just don't know why it's Ghostbusters 3 and not Ghostbusters 1. Just strart from scratch. I can't think of any reason for Dan Aykroid or Ernie Hudson to be in it. If you have a role for a previous Ghostbuster, it's Bill Murray. If it isn't Bill Murray, it's nobody.

That said, it's Ghostbusters and I'll be excited when I see the first pit of promotional material.
Feels like the situation with Duke Nukem Forever, it's been in development talks for so long that new info that comes up just generates a 'meh' feeling. The fact it's all talk still doesn't really have me hyped at this present time, the other problem is what kind of story they do from this point? Effectively 3 is going to be a re-hash of 1 and 2, with a new generation starting out with the originals being out for ages and forgotten until new ghosts show up.

The problem is that it just feels like it's going to be a sequel that isn't required. And if something actually happens and the film can prove itself as ideal to fit with the other two films and be worth seeing, then maybe I'll have interest. But at this time, there are more films to be excited about.
A 3rd Ghostbusters would feel weird without Bill Murray, that said I can understand why he would want to pass, everyone from those movies is old as fuck now, & from what Ive heard his biggest issue is that he feel nobody wants to see a bunch of fat old men running around chasing ghosts, & I have to agree. There have been so many great stories in comics & shit that can fill whatever void there is due to the lack of a 3rd film.
I loved the movies when I was a kid but I haven't gone back and revisited them as an adult so it really wouldn't bother me personally if it didn't come out.

I don't know how it is where you guys live but about 4 years ago I dated a girl who was about 5 years younger than me which would have made her 19 or 20 at the time and she and all her friends were supposed to "love" Ghostbusters. They all had t-shirts with the logo and proclaimed their love for the movie.

Turns out none of them had actually seen the movie and it was just some sort of fad in their age group at the time. There's a store in the mall here called Spencer's and the carry stuff from the latest "trends". Not the upscale trendy type stuff but the weird fanboy pop culture type stuff. Anyway they had Ghostubsters lunchboxes and things of that nature in their store around that time.

There was that Ghostbusters video game that came out around that time that spawned even more of this fake love for the movie from people who never even saw the movie. I never played the game but I heard it was awful but again in her age group it was supposed to be this really popular thing that they all loved.

So with all that it kind of soured me on the whole Ghostbusters thing.

When I first heard there was going to be a new movie I had a little bit of interest to see what it was going to be like. I wasn't expecting much.

Now with the delays and everything I feel like it's going to be the equivalent to what Chinese Democracy was for Guns N' Roses.
I'm not really bothered about this film if I am honest. I loved the cartoon and toys of Ghostbusters when I was a kid, and I like the 2 original films but is there any need of bringing back yet another franchise when all the original actors are old men now?

What is it? 25 years or something since Ghostbusters 2? If this follow up had been made in about 2000 I could have got on board with it, but now I think its too late and I don't see Jonah Hill and Emma Stone being suitable actors for the franchise. I will probably go and see it at the cinema when/if it's ever released, but it won't be a priority to see.

It has been talked about so long now its like Dr Dre's "Detox" album- who knows if it will ever actually happen!
You know when this thread was first posted I was going to post in it saying that I was still excited to see the film and recapture a small part of my youth, but over Thanksgiving weekend my girlfriend and I watched Knocked Up, and I had forgotten that Harold Ramis plays Seth Rogen's characters dad in the film. While he was still funny, he was overweight and clearly didn't look like a guy who should be running around busting up ghosts. If they make the film as a reboot and he directs or is involved in the writing then great, but he clearly doesn't need to be in front of the camera, especially playing Egon, my personal favorite Ghostbuster. It isn't just Ramis either, look at the cast and tell me that they are believable as parapsychologists who chase ghosts.


So unless they go down the road of giving the film new protagonists or they Michael Bay it and just fuck the story and blow shit up for two hours, I don't see it working out.
So to pass along a new update, Emma Stone refused the part for the new film, but an offer is still on the table for Jonah Hill.

To add to that, rumors are circulating about Sony refusing to green light the new film, if they're unable to snag two major stars for the leading roles. And for those wondering, I wouldn't put too much faith in Sigourney Weaver being a big name, because she continues to accept roles in so many shitty movies, so her stock continues to drop as the years pass.
Weaver isn't a name that sells a film anyway. Not anymore. And she's a middle-aged woman so she's hardly going to have many roles thrust her way. She picks as wisely as she can if she wants to remain in work.

The Ghostbusers name should sell this movie. The fact that they feel they need a bigger star shows how little faith they must have in it.
Weaver had a part in The Cabin In The Woods, but her screen time might add up to five minutes, and that's pushing it. I would trace the downfall back to Alien Resurrection, because whatever mystique Weaver had died with that film.

Something else I thought about a little while ago, but I don't what they were expecting with a duo of Stone and Hill, because they're not capable of selling a movie as a team. They both need bigger names to prop them up. Hill needed Brad Pitt in Moneyball, and now he's relying on the return of another DiCaprio/Scorsese collaboration. With Stone, people were going to see Spider-Man no matter what, Gangster Squad had Penn, Nolte, and Gosling (and it still flopped), and The Help was Oscar bait.
Well seeing as Harold "Egon Spengler" Ramis died a few days ago, and this year marks the 30 year anniversary of the original Ghostbusters, it would be a fitting tribute to re-release it.

As for GB 3, it wouldn't be the same without him IMO, sure they could bring in another actor for the role of Egon, but the late Harold made that role his own IMO.

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