getting tired of HHH...


Dark Match Jobber

HHH is using his booking authority a lil too much because i haven't seen HBK get a pin in a DX match in since...they rejoined? Yes, HHH is one of my favs, but im gettin tired of his "im better than michaels" crap. friggin hoggin the spotlight.
I think they are both getting a little boring. The DX angle is overplayed and its hogging airtime for young talent like Shelton Benjamin and Carlito.
Shelton Benjamin?!?!?!?!? That guy will never be a star...Carlito maybe..but Benjamin no way..his mic work resembles that of the Ultimate Warrior..he doesn't even speak good english. If it were just about wrestling talent he'd be great but its not. If he were in TNA he would be great, less mic work more wrestle. As for HHH, hate all you want, but the man is one of the greatest wrestlers of his time. Shawn is washed up and needs to move on. What I want to see is something like the Hardyz and CM Punk taking over DX, now i think that would be great.
Oh here we go with the HHH stealing the spotlight holding talent deal again. My god this is as old as Hogan's saggy tit wrinkles. I personally think that this whole DX angle will eventually elevate younger talent, I mean shit it's giving Orton and Edge some sort of angle and something for them to run with isn't it? The main picture on RAW is of course the WWE Championship and we all know how pushed Cena is but he's still a young-er guy trying to make his due at the top rather than HHH era of 2003/2004 aswell as Umaga who has just been thrusted in there much to the dismay of some.
I've never been a fan of HHH, no matter how good his performances are I just find him to be a complete bore. The fact is that in the original D-X Shawn Michaels was the leader and in this version it's Triple H. The leaders very rarely get dinned in Tag Teams and Stabley. When was the last time you saw Brother Ray get pinned instead of Brother Devon?
TonyWit said:
Shelton Benjamin?!?!?!?!? That guy will never be a star...Carlito maybe..but Benjamin no way..his mic work resembles that of the Ultimate Warrior..he doesn't even speak good english. If it were just about wrestling talent he'd be great but its not. If he were in TNA he would be great, less mic work more wrestle. As for HHH, hate all you want, but the man is one of the greatest wrestlers of his time. Shawn is washed up and needs to move on. What I want to see is something like the Hardyz and CM Punk taking over DX, now i think that would be great.

Shawn is still one of the best wrestlers ever (Number 10 according to PWI). He makes people who suck look good and every match he is in, is a match of the year canidate. Razor Ramon or Vince McMahon. When he and Triple H was against each other, they put on the best matches you could see. But Michaels and Bret( 1996-1997) and Michaels and Kurt Angles( 2005) matches are my favorites. HBK is one of the few pure wrestler WWE has. HBK is The Legend the Showstopper the 6 time, 6 time ,6 time, 6 time, 6 time, 6 time PWI Match of the Year winner. The innovator behind the Ladder matchs, Hell In The Cells, Elimination CHamber and Iron Man Matches.

As Far as HHH goes, Shawn has given up spotlight desires. He wrestle for fun and the fans. I think HHH is getting there as well but not quite. He can never go back to being HBK sidekick again. Plus I think HBK is slightly more loved than HHH so no matter what HBK do they will still cheer.
I too find HHH boring and I can't quite say why...

DX is also very annoying and just "bleh" oh wow they can make 30 minute cock jocks and take up all the air time with stupid promos that are the same every damn week. Shawn needs to go back to single wrestling, and HHH just needs to go home to his damn baby.

i dnt understand what this heat is all about against hhh..couple of you sed that he is using his creative power to get pins or whatever? gimmie a break he has already stepped down from the title picture...i think hhh is good...he's one of the top and best wrestlers in wwe...he's at the top with taker and hbk..he's one of the few from the attitude era that we were able to c go from nothing to what he is today...he's a great wrestler, he's amazing on the mic, so i dunt understand what more u people could possibly want....if it wasnt for hhh we wouldnt have seen many of the amazing matches we have seen him in...i mean jus imagine austin, hhh, and the rock in the ring like the old days it would be huge...he's right next to the rock and austin so their is nothin bad about hhh...i think its good that he is doin dx right now while some of u make think its boring i think its rite for the moment so we can get use to not seeing him in the title picture and eventually he'll go back up to the title pic and cause more entertainment
I actually have no problem with DX...It's not as funny as it was eight years ago but It serves it's purpose for Raw and i'm sure 1 or 2 more members wouldn't hurt..The one thing WWE and TNA for that matter lacks is good strong factions...Thats why I liked Evolution..The Cabinet...Those were really the only Two strong factions since the Brand Split(I refuse to count the nWo's run on Raw)...But one common theme is They were heel factions..I can't remember the last Strong face faction in WWE.The fans were begging for a DX reunion..They nearly creamed themselves everytime HBK and HHH did the Crotch Chop before the reunion..Now they got it and everyone says it's overplayed...How many times did WCW do the nWo angle?Atleast WWE took a 6 or 7 year hiatus...Asfor HHH's booking power...When was the last time he was in a WWE Championship match?I believe it was Backlash 2006(I may be a little off)...Furthermore, when was the last time he was WWE Champion?I think you'd have to go back to Wrestlemania 21 for that..He's lost 3 straight Wrestlemania matches and it doesn't even look like he'll be competing for the Title at Wrestlemania 23..So i'm failing to see where exactly Triple H's booking power is being used because from what I see, he's become "just another wrestler" on Raw now giving the rub to guys like Edge, Randy Orton, not to mention jobbing to Batista,Chris Benoit, and John Cena at Two consecutive PPVs in Three Consecutive years(he actually jobbed to Batista three straight ppvs).Yeah, he wins alot..Big deal...Has ANYONE bothered to question why Kurt Angle failed to put over Samoa Joe, who needed the win more, at Genesis?Did anyone bother to question why The Undertaker refuses to get pinned cleanly by Mr.Kennedy?No..Because Triple H is such an easy target that we choose to criticize him rather than look at the big picture.
You do realize they are teamates and real life best friends right? It is just how things are working out, for one reason or another Michaels has become the sidekick to HHH, but if Michaels felt like he was being held down he would say something and HHH would change things. Everyone assumes HHH is the one behind everything but Michaels has as much power in the angle.
I can't understand from HHH's lil promo in England from RAW...." and the fact is I can't think of something new everyweek well I just can't think of anything new damnit" humbleness right there folks, not the same ol shit everyweek.
Need we forget that HBK was a power player long before HHH...HBK is the one who probably taught HHH how to work the system.HBK has had several potential segments with DX changed because he wasnt comfortable doing them..That's how much power HBK has..He had power before HHH started dating Stephanie...If HBK REALLY wanted to, he could be World Heavyweight Champion right now as evidence by Kurt Angle stating HBK was Vince's first choice to win the Title after Batista vacated it due to injury.
Well, the people that are tired of HHH are going to be wining a little longer. I don't think DX is breaking up anytime soon, it has been stated in other threads plus the WWE website that a new DX DVD is coming out next year, so they'll definitely be together promoting that.

I do agree that DX and maybe specifically HHH is getting boring. To be honest, they really don't have alot to work with outside of Rated RKO. They will never be as good as the 97-98 DX. DX is about going against the grain; against the system. They had Sgt Slaughter, Briscoe and Patterson, Vinnie Mac and other factions to do stuff with. They could do alot of angles with those individuals. Who can they work with now? Coachman? Haas and Viscera? Cade and Murdoch? The product is so watered down now, it's going to be really boring. And as much as I love DX, I am getting tired of the 30 min promos they put out every week. They are so over right now, they can do with little 5 min vignettes in the back every week and still be good.
It really bugs me how everyone automatically assumes that HHH holds the rest of the guys down because he is married to Steph and all that crap.
When is the last time HHH has done anything noteworthy? Since DX has been together all they have done was made Vince's life a living hell and then made him toss Big Shows salad thats it! Other than that they have continuously put everyone else over at their own expense other than Survivor Series but that was used to further catapult team RKO into the spotlight when they destroyed Naitch.
I'll admit I think DX sucks ass and HBK needs to be doing something better like being the one who beats Umaga but thats a diff thread.

The fact is like others stated HHH hasn't really even been in the title scene for some time now. Also I think that HHH being the 10 time world champion is down right stupid considering a lot of those weren't even decent opponents! But as ridiculous as it was no one can take it away from him but then again between the early 80's to the mid 90's Hogan won it like 8 times so I guess it's not so bad considering HHH carried the company for awhile.
My biggest gripe with all this is as I said, DX takes up WAY too much fucking air time cutting the same damn cock jokes and sarcastic dx merchandise promos almost every week.

jefferson411 said:
You do realize they are teamates and real life best friends right? It is just how things are working out, for one reason or another Michaels has become the sidekick to HHH, but if Michaels felt like he was being held down he would say something and HHH would change things. Everyone assumes HHH is the one behind everything but Michaels has as much power in the angle.

Obviously. Remember DX was doing the flashing boobing gimmicks and the oral sex thing, and because of Michaels objection they have dropped that angle completely. I think HHH is behind MIchaels last title run. The way I see it, it is Michaels that does not want to be a champion. And why should he. HHH supports Michaels though at all cost since it was MIchaels thatgot HHH over.
it would be great to see DX having longer matches instead of longer promos. i still like DX but it does get a littles stale at times. i always think back to the DX in 98 withe HHH, X-Pac, New Age Outlaws and Chyna and when they were feuding with the Nation... those were good times. yeah but anyway its hard to read DX. obviously hhh is gonna be around a few years longer than HBK. i definitely think they'll still be together until at least next summer but after that its hard to say. i can guarantee if they do break up we want be seeing a huge feud between them as we've seen them fight like 30 times since HBK came back from his 4 year layoff. i think most likely HBK will get "hurt" and he'll retire so the stable will be forced to disband. if not then one of them (probably HBK since HHH is a 10-TIME champion) will get another title run.
CRUSH316 said:
Need we forget that HBK was a power player long before HHH...HBK is the one who probably taught HHH how to work the system.HBK has had several potential segments with DX changed because he wasnt comfortable doing them..That's how much power HBK has..He had power before HHH started dating Stephanie...If HBK REALLY wanted to, he could be World Heavyweight Champion right now as evidence by Kurt Angle stating HBK was Vince's first choice to win the Title after Batista vacated it due to injury.

i think ur pretty much all wrong about hbk telling hhh how to work the system. its just that hbk had a close working relationship with vince and hhh was his best friend that was always around hbk and vince so obviously hhh and vince became closer. and about angle saying hbk was the first choice, WHO CAN BLAME HIM? hbk was in better health while angles had steadily been falling apart. also at the time hbk was face when angle was heel so it made more sense from that perspective. lastly hbk hadnt gotten a title for longer than angle. i think what angle said was just another dumb thing to try to make vince look bad. i mean lets get over this whole conspiracy theory about the Klique. its getting old ppl lets actually think. about hhh getting all the pins, thats bullshit who cares about who gets the pin, the team won.

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