Get well Rob Conway! Also who has met him, and why he's not on roids


Kee Kee

OK I have 3 topics to talk about:

1. Get well Rob Conway!
I met Lita after the Sydney show. She is such a sweetheart. I don't care what anyone says about her she is one of the nicest people ever. I just wanted to let you know when I asked where Conway was, apparently he could not wrestle because he got a blood clot from the flight. I hope he gets better soon. I REALLY hope this is not a serious blood clot, because my friend's granny died from one a few years back. I hope Victoria not only takes time off for her own injury but for Rob as well.

2. Rob Conway is not on steroids.
OK here me out. i don't think he was on steroids. First of all he never put on extra muscle when La Resistance broke up, he just got more ripped. That can be caused from losing body fat. He has only gotten skinny because he probally does not use weights as much lately. Also you cannot see his six pack anymore because he has a bit of a tubby belly from eating too mcuh junk food.

Also when I asked Lita about why he wasn't in Australia like advertised she said she had a blood clot and could not make it, so mabey that could be why he's lost weight? Also Rob has no roid scars. He never got back acne, his testicles never shrunk, his viens weren't popping out of his arms, his nails weren't discoloured and his skin around the arms were never wrinkley.

He was not squirting growth juice.

3. Who has met Rob Conway, and what is he like?
What is he like?
Awwwwwwwww:( I 2 hope Rob feels better soon!Rob seems like an awesome and swell guy and I love his facial reactions in the ring,whenever I have a bad day I always watched him and he always had some ways of lifting my spirits up and making me laugh!!! ^_^ Conway is just a cutie when it comes to him ^_~
He is fucking hot. I was surprised when I found out he was bi and that was when he was still in La Resistance, where he looked like one of the straightest guys you would meet.
He is Hot! ^_^ Me 2 I was 2 surprised to find out he was Bi!!! But I think Rob looks like such a sweet guy and he is awesome in my book! ^_^
just because he shows no side effects doesnt mean he hasn't used steroids....those side effects generally occur with abuse not tempered use...and how do you know his testes never shrunk?

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