Get Creative: Barret Barrage Saga


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Wade Barret should he start?

Have Wade take on former Nexus members to kill the "Rumors" (That never happened but for story purposes) Rumour has it that had it not been for his Impact (No pun intended) he would never had got the crediability he has today.

"everyone believes I cant do it on my own, i always needed a group they seem to have named is The Nexus. I have said it time and time is all apart of a BIGGER PICTURE, It is time that i paint the canvas"

he takes out Otunga, Darren, Heath (Starts with him), Justin, D.Bry, and FINALLY...he moves on to the unbeaten Ryback.

Wade defeats Ryback by using weapons and such, making Ryback NOT look weak and giving Wade "Dominance"

now here's where the twist comes please try to follow:

both CM Punk and John Cena were part of Nexus. For the sake of moving forward lets just SAY Punk beat Cena at Night Of Champions. (Nothing against Cena)

Barret will fight Cena AFTER Ryback. Wade will have another short feud with Cena and finally...lets get the gold. Wade decides to take on the one man that took his creation from him...CM Punk the WWE Champion.

"It's all part of a bigger picture...that your to simple to understand"

Wade goal the entire time was to use Nexus to bring him to the gold and once he became king he would do away with his pawns and claim dominance over ALL of WWE

"You will all hail Ceaser"

After LOSING to Punk...

Enter Regal: a master mind who will give Barret the "Proper mindset" on beating a champion such as Punk. ONCE WADE BEATS Punk and TAKES THE STRAP...Regal would remind him of a little debt that Wade owes...

Regal vs Wade: After a good fresh feud, the time has come to write off Regal from in ring performance THE RIGHT WAY: in the climax of it all Regal vs Wade ONE LAST TIME: WWE Title vs Regal WRESTLING Career.

Wade wins and we all get to see Regal get THE RESPECT he so long deserved.

Hence the chapter of "The Barrage"

what do you think?
I just rewatched the Cena/Barrett chairs match from TLC and Barrett looked like a beast he pummelled Cena until Cena came back with his 5 moves. Then Barrett went SD after that. WWE as they seem to do really dropped the ball with Wade, he really is a special talent. There is no shame in losing to Cena, and the way he ran Nexus and manipulated everyone was awesome. He truly ran with the ball but it was taken off him.

Barrett can do anything and although I like your idea, I think the WWE title picture with the Rock being involved and the Punk/Cena feud it's too crowded, where the Barrage is best suited is Sheamus' world strap. Sheamus had been very dominant since before the RR and for Wade to come on and knock him off the mountain top would be his best bet. I would even add your the taking out of Ryback idea to fuel his contender ship. Barrett to rule SD and have him walk into WM perhaps as the villain to beat
I like your idea. The promos you've provided definitely fit Barrett's character to a tee (e.g. "it's all part of a bigger picture", "it's time that I paint the canvas", "you're too simple to understand", "you'll all hail Caesar"). There's just one problem: Punk's now been booked as a heel. The only other way I can see this happening is if Barrett returns as a face, which is very unlikely since his vignettes scream heel to me. Good idea overall.

No matter what the circumstances, Barrett should return by squashing mid-carders first (e.g. Ex-Nexus Members, Kofi, Truth) to re-establish himself. He could even "put Orton out" to "explain" why the latter would be off TV. Then, he could move towards the World Title Picture, preferrably the WWE Title (I know Punk's champion, but I have a strange feeling that he won't be for long), and finally win WWE's richest prize. Should he go for the World Heavyweight Title, I hope its champion isn't Sheamus anymore as their feud is really old - and this comes from a Sheamus fan.
Barrett and Sheamus had a couple of matches on SD. That hardly qualifies as a feud. Bryan and Punk had several matches before WM before they had their 3 month feud.

Sheamus and Barrett is pretty fresh and not old at all. And Barrett really is the oy competition for Sheamus other than Orton And a face vs face feud doesn't interest me.

Barrett coming in and taking it to Sheamus would be great for both men.
Forst of all, I think the Cena-Nexus feud was one of the best recent moment in WWE.. but I don't like one more Barrett-Cena feud.

I'm a fan of Barrett, And I expect for him a title shot. I prefer him in Smackdown, against Orton or Sheamus. Maybe he can win the Royal rumble to challenge the champion at wrestlemania... just a though.

It can be funny if he will be used to "save" ex-Nexus. I mean... he can challenge and destroy some of then (not Ryback) to make them turn face.
It would be a hell of a rivalry with Punk vs Barrett, Punk could say how Barrett's Nexus failed and he had the WWE locker room in fear and lost control of his own group and didn't know how to be a leader and look at all of his accomplishments he had after he was leading Nexus. Then Barrett could counter with saying Punk's Nexus was horrible and was single handily taken out by 1 guy (Randy Orton) and it took an entire team of WWE Elites to take out his Nexus. But! as stated before Punk is now a tweener/heel and the feud wouldn't really work right now. And most likely Barrett is headed to face off with Sheamus as they were in the makings of a possible feud right before Barrett got injured and Punk has his hands tied with Cena at the moment and will likely be feuding with him until Survivor Series. It's definitely something to think about in the future as a possibly great feud.
Cena beats Punk at NOC. Then after Punk/Cena rematch at HIAC. Barrett challenges and beats Cena at Survivor Series for the title. The Rock versus Wade Barrett at the Royal Rumble for the WWE title.

If the WWE thinks Barrett can be a top superstar this would be the way to go. I doubt it happens though.

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