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Genesis: TNA World Title - AJ Styles (c) v. Kurt Angle

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I happened to trip over this on the TNA site, and have no idea when it was actually "announced". This is a bad sign already, that the main event, and title match, has been passed over like this.

All that said, I'm sure this will be a hell of a match. AJ and Angle have never had a bad match together, and they'll definitely tear the house down here. i don't know where this leaves Daniels or Lashley, but I'm sure they'll be back in the main event soon. Also, what about Wolfe? Where does he go?

Great match, outstanding main event, but it's awfully "thrown together"...
I prefer the ''thrown together'' version of TNA. The actual thought about and prepared TNA is a load of shit, but the company as a whole, in their wait for Hogan period, has been solid.

Like Daniels vs. Styles it'll be a perfectly good match, but that's about it. There are always good matches in the company, but there haven't been any great ones in years. Angle vs. Styles should be a good main event, but it's been done before. They should've gone with Styles vs. Wolfe as a transitional PPV main event.

The reason this has been announced with little fan fair is because Hogan will likely have the real main event of the show.

What happened to Lashely's title shot anyway?
Thrown together? This has been building since AJ won the belt. You had the 20 minute draw, the tag matches where Angle kept saying he wanted AJ's belt, and the brawl on the last Impact before the holiday break. This is the obvious outcome and it's only been announced because TNA lost two weeks of time to build it (not that it matters... IT'S BEEN BUILDING SINCE SEPTEMBER!). If anything, everyone who considers themself a TNA fan should have seen this coming from around the corner. It was tap dancing for goodness sake.

If they want AJ to seem legitimate and not just someone who's keeping Angle's spot warm, the outcome should be obvious. Let's see how serious Hogan is about making AJ a big name.

As for Daniels, he has a ready-made confrontation with Wolfe if they choose to go that route. And I'm sure they haven't forgotten about Lashley's title shot either. Maybe he'll go after AJ on the next PPV? All I know is AJ has a great cast of contenders to play with. I hope his reign doesn't end here.
Thrown together? This has been building since AJ won the belt. You had the 20 minute draw, the tag matches where Angle kept saying he wanted AJ's belt, and the brawl on the last Impact before the holiday break. This is the obvious outcome and it's only been announced because TNA lost two weeks of time to build it (not that it matters... IT'S BEEN BUILDING SINCE SEPTEMBER!).

That's what they want you to think, in reality it's just a thrown together match that you've found a reason for. TNA planning since September? Doubt it, it's probably something to do with a lack of challengers.

If anything, everyone who considers themself a TNA fan should have seen this coming from around the corner.

Not I then.

And I'm sure they haven't forgotten about Lashley's title shot either. Maybe he'll go after AJ on the next PPV?

Lashley's a number one contender yet the number three contender is headlining a PPV. That's forward planning for you. Once your number three contender has lost his title shot you've still got your number two, right there ready and waiting. Why don't more promotions work like that!
Thrown together? This has been building since AJ won the belt. You had the 20 minute draw, the tag matches where Angle kept saying he wanted AJ's belt, and the brawl on the last Impact before the holiday break. This is the obvious outcome and it's only been announced because TNA lost two weeks of time to build it (not that it matters... IT'S BEEN BUILDING SINCE SEPTEMBER!). If anything, everyone who considers themself a TNA fan should have seen this coming from around the corner. It was tap dancing for goodness sake.

I've seen it coming, but they've both had separate feuds since all that happened. This match gets put together without someone saying "Angle is the #1 Contender", and it leaves 3 guys with nothing to work with. Desmond Wolfe, Bobby Lashley, and Daniels are all lost right now. What does Lashley do until his title shot comes? Who does Wolfe wrestle, with absolutely no feuds outside of Angle under his belt? What happens to Daniels, who went from X Division to main event?

There's a lot of questions left to answer, and with only 2 weeks or so until Genesis, there's a lot to pack in.
I knew this match was coming. I cannot wait for this to happen. If Hogan wants to keep AJ a top the roster with the world title, AJ will go over here. I have to agree with Coco though, this has been building since September, and Angle has constantly confronted AJ and stated he wants his rematch. I am personally hoping for another classic match from these two.

As for where this leaves Daniels and Wolfe, either these two can feud OR, if they want to go crazy here, they could have Daniels & Wolfe cost AJ or Angle the match , set up the DQ finish and set up a different number of possibilities for the next pay per view in case they want to go that route. I however, would love to see Kurt win and face Lashley as I don't think AJ and Lashley would gel well in the ring together.
In what world is Angle the number three contender? Sure, Lashley won a title shot. But he was competing with some people who weren't even in the division he wrestles in. Not to mention that Lashley lost to Steiner in the recent past. Meanwhile, Angle hasn't lost a match since No Surrender (according to him... I haven't looked into this). Lashley may have a shot lined up, but Angle is the guy who has a list of wins and an unsettled issue that more than justify this match for me.

Although I wouldn't be shocked if what you're saying about TNA's ability to plan in advance is true.
I've seen it coming, but they've both had separate feuds since all that happened. This match gets put together without someone saying "Angle is the #1 Contender", and it leaves 3 guys with nothing to work with. Desmond Wolfe, Bobby Lashley, and Daniels are all lost right now. What does Lashley do until his title shot comes? Who does Wolfe wrestle, with absolutely no feuds outside of Angle under his belt? What happens to Daniels, who went from X Division to main event?

There's a lot of questions left to answer, and with only 2 weeks or so until Genesis, there's a lot to pack in.
Lashley is in the same position the Royal Rumble winner finds himself in most years. I'm sure if TNA is smart, they'll think of something to do. After all, creative masterminds are arriving on the scene. Haven't you heard?

Daneils and Wolfe is a ready made feud from before Final Resolution. Seriously, one or two segments is all that is really needed to put that issue over the top. I fail to see what your issue with their booking is if they're going that route.
In what world is Angle the number three contender?

Jake logic and by definition TNA logic. Kurt Angle might have a long win streak, but Daniels & Joe had both lost their previous PPV outings before the rematch triple threat.

Kurt Angle is the #3 contender, this will be drilled home when they announce Lashley as the #2 contender earlier in the card when he's in his nothing match.
I am personally hoping for another classic match from these two.
"Another" would imply that these two have already had a classic match. I certainly haven't seen it. If it's one of their past PPV confrontations, please tell me which one I missed. If you're talking about their 20 minute draw from Impact, that wasn't a classic. It was above average. Standard Angle stuff and nothing else. I know we're all thrilled to see 20 minutes of uninterrupted wrestling for free, but we should avoid talking like that was something we're going to remember in a year. It wasn't that good.
I have read so many of these threads on wrestlezone, and alot of the times I just shake my head. Everybody is always so quick to judge TnA and trash what they are trying to accomplish. I think jan 4th is going to be a great night of wrestling. AJ vs. Kurt for the title is an excellent match. Two wrestlers that are at the top of their game, and the best at what they do. There are no 2 better wrestlers than them that can pull off a phenominal match on a historic night for TnA. Alot rides on the impact show tonight, and I honestly hope TnA blows the ratings off the roof. Vince and the wwe needs to realize that wwe isn't all there is to watch for wrestling. We need more huge wrestling companies to keep fresh talent circulating and old talents at the top of their game. If wcw never went out of business we wouldn't any has beens like Hall, Xpac, Goldberg etc... When there is another place to wrestle besides WWE it keeps wrestlers active. Vince gets off on keeping wrestling talents under is power, able to fire or just not hire them until he feels he needs a stupid segment on raw where a one time great talent get's abused or crapped on by his wrestlers. WWE may have had good tv at one time, but the few years they have just struggled to keep fans. Their programming sucks. I say give TnA a shot, and hope they succeed and grow bigger than ever so we have a variety, and less HAS BEENS in the wrestling curcuit.
Kurt vs aj? im really looking forward to it. next time i would like to see maybe a fatal four way aj vs kurt vs lashley vs daniels or put joe in the mix. and i really hope no one messes this match up either.
Styles-Angle is going to be epic. They will put on a hell of a show. You have the flamboyant, young, high-flyer in AJ and the absolution, intensity, and mat wrestling savvy of Angle. With the possible exception of a match that includes AJ, Daniels, and Samoa Joe, AJ-Angle could be the best match ever in the history of TNA. I do agree that I don't want to see anyone screw up the outcome of this match like Daniels or Desmond Wolfe. Maybe Hogan will keep everything fair.
It's good to see Jeff Jarrett take control back of the ship and give us what we want. AJ FREAKING Styles in the damn main event at every PPV. Ever since the Hogan signing, They have given us damn good wrestling at it's finest.
first post after finally getting registered...

correct me if i'm wrong here (and if i am i apologise) but doesn't angle have a re-match clause from when he lost the title to aj? he mentioned it when it was the three-way a couple of ppv's back - as he was saying how unfair it was - and i don't think he has 'cashed' it in. aj alluded to this and has said to angle that he'll get his shot. that's why he can have the title shot before lashley, wolfe etc.

after this match, then lashley can step in or wolfe, or whoever else steps intot he picture.

i think i'm right there, as said apologies if not.
yes lashley is the number 1 contender, but there is no way tna will give him the belt.
its rumoured that the guy is quitting wrestling so it would be a bad move on tna's part.
anyways your forgetting about samoa joe winning at feast or fired.
i think he will take the belt off aj either at genesis after aj's matchwith angle or at the next ppv.
i personally think it would be a great match which is why im hoping tna dont go down the edge road with this.
This should be a great match, but I'm curious as to why they would announce it on their website before announcing it on Impact. Especially the biggest Impact of the year so far. Joe can cash his suitcase anytime, and Lashley is the #1 Contender.

TNA has a habit of announcing world title matches on their website before they mention it on Impact. Although, most of us had a good idea that Angle probably would be fighting AJ for the strap this month. I think they should wait before they announce a main event of a PPV, before they air Impact.

It kinda rules out Lashley or even Joe being a #1 contender. I think it will still be an awesome match, but it leaves Joe and Lashley out in the open. Then again, it doesn't look like Lashley will be interested in staying with TNA once he goes to Strikeforce at the end of this month.

Hopefully TNA will have something special for Lashley, Wolfe, and Joe to be apart of, but I don't know.
From what him getting, TNA cancelled that match last week on IMPACT just so they could have it on free TV. They never really confirmed that it was back on and unless i miss something while reading the spoilers for this thursday's IMPACT they completly forgot about it. I Hope this match happened because that's pretty much the one match that going to save the train wreck that the GEnesis PPV is going to be. But again i not going to see it because if TNA doesn't want to put an effort in building an good PPV and advertised it, why should i pay 35$ for it.

The Genesis PPV problem going to be an expensive repeat of last monday's IMPACT and while Angle vs Styles will probably be even better than their matche in last weeks IMPACT, it's still not worth it.
Genesis is all about this match, and there's no doubt it will live up to the hype. AJ and Angle both have a history of stepping up in the main event, and there's way anyone can think this will be any different.

With a rather thrown together card, and not much build for anything apart from this, I'm hoping we get a solid 20-25 minutes, and a clean ending, with AJ walking out, looking like a stronger champ in the end. He doesn't "need" the win, but there is absolutely no point in taking the belt off him right now.
I'm looking forward to this match. Over the past couple of weeks it seems like this has been the only match they really been focusing on building. As they basically started over with storylines. They really done a great job of building this face vs face. Its has been interesting to watch these two interact over the past two weeks. With their match last week for the belt, and this week with Kurt helping AJ, and him not shaking Kurt's hand. I expect this to be a great match, I'm hoping that they give them a good 20 minutes or more to work this match as it deserves.
I understand Hogan and Bischoff and Russo wanted to make a big splash on January 4th, but having the main event of impact be the same match you want to headline your next pay per view is NEVER a good idea. They could have thrown these guys into a tag match against each other, a triple threat, a 4 way, whatever. But having them face off was a bad move, it takes away from the pay per view. Now, what I really want out of this is for one of these guys, preferably Styles, to turn heel at the pay per view, and take Flair on as manager. I think Kurt and Flair would be great together, but I honestly think AJ needs it more. Who better for AJ to learn from about building a character than Flair? I honestly think if AJ can get a REAL character going and improve on the mic, he can become one of the two or three biggest stars in pro wrestling today. Turning him heel now is good too, for two reasons. 1. The company needs a top heel who can still wrestle. and 2. It will be much better for AJ to turn him heel now, keep him heel for a while, work on his mic skills, and THEN turn him back to a face in year or two. When he is ready to turn back face, I hope he is ready to the #1 face, not just in TNA, but in the business (sing John Cena's ass a lullabye haha).
You know something, this match would be the main reason I would order this ppv, but since I've already seen them put on a couple of five star matches on free tv, why should I pay to see this one? Anyway, I think AJ comes away with the win here. Kurt being champion right now wouldn't be a good idea. He's already had a couple of lengthy title reigns, and him winning the belt now would kill AJ's momentum. AJ still needs more time to establish himself as a dominant champion.
I'd be more excited for this world title match if they hadn't recently done it for free on tv. I'm not going to be buying Genesis though so oh well. TNA has done a great job of finally developing AJ Styles into a more determined champion. A month or two ago I would have predicted Angle winning without a second thought. Now, I'm liking AJ's odds. Both guys have a decent shot at winning this. The recent storyline developments are leading me to pick Styles since he can go up against several different heels if he retains, Joe in particular because of his world title shot case. Angle's a great pick for champ at any given time, but I don't see another Angle/Joe feud going as well as Styles/Joe would be. Either way, this should be the match of the night and I think Styles will walk out while still holding the belt.

AJ Styles will retain the TNA Championship.
I'm really smelling a heelturn, more then likely by styles...the writing is on the wall, the appearance of Ric Flair at AJ's matches, the fact that AJ walked out of the ring on the last impact, kinda snubbing Angle. but....that would be kinda obvious, a lot of people are suspecting AJ to turn heel tonight, and if TNA really wants to push the Crash TV method of booking, they will throw a completely different swerve in the main event, hopefully it isnt Kennedy or Jordan, which makes me wonder. what Hogan was talking about with the MAJOR name that's supposed to premiere tonight, and will it somehow effect the outcome of the Styles/Angle match.
The only match on the card that I'm fairly sure will be decent. Unfortunately, I've already seen it at least six times.

The gimmick of "this will be Kurt Angle's last shot at AJ Styles in 2010" makes me fearful that he might just win it, which would be fucking pointless.

Wait a minute! Pointless? Kurt Angle? TNA? World Title? Most important pay-per-view of the year where there definitely shouldn't be stupid booking?

Aw, fuck.
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