Generation Me heel turn


Dark Match Winner
I'm watching it now and it looks like gen me have turned heel by attacking viciously the guns after they won.

Where does this leave the future of Mcmg and Gen Me?

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i hope they go heel cause if they do then their attire would probably change. their attire sux ass lol but i think generation was suppose to be the next fued in line for the titles but london brawling missed their match tonight so i guess they made the fued start tonight
Bit strange turning Gen Me heel after they talked about being anti-drug Christians on Reaction. I would have much rather seen MCMG feud with London Brawling. Gen Me do nothing MCMG don't do and they're not legit heels at all. As a caveat to that, the London Brawling promos have been awesome and at least Wolfe seems like a nasty bastard.
It'll probably be the "MCMG is the scourge of the land, they're sinners & the Crusade for the tag championship is underway."
(Maybe they'll be part of the New Church too.)
All I hope is that they don't go the "CM Punk" route with Generation Me and have them preach about Christian family values and a drug free lifestyle. Those kind of messages don't appeal to me in the slightest :p But seriously, I think they have a lot of talent and despite their ugly ring attire, they had to do something with them.
At first glance, it sounds stupid and illogical. GenMe, the happy go lucky tag team with hardly any personality turning heel? Yeah.... but I think it makes sense in a way. The logic here is that they haven't been able to beat the MCMG, so if they are more ruthless and aggressive, maybe they can win? Not to mention the sheer frustration of always coming so close against MCMG and not being able to win clearly came into play.

My only concern here is the fact that GenMe can't work the mic at all. I guess you could have them go around and ambush face teams, but at some point they'd have to do some solid promo work to actually get over as legitimate heels, and I just don't know if they can do that. So this is definitely a risk by TNA to turn these guys heel.
I didn't get the turn. I know ROH fans are/were big on these guys, but I am not just seeing it. Some people criticize "big men" for being generic because they aren't flashy or technical or [insert flaw here]. However, I think a lot of indy guys are just as generic because they are just all style and no substance.

I think what was even more confusing is that these four guys do waaayyyyyy phonier "for the stake of looking athletic and getting an stupid chant" stuff in their matches and none of them sell for it, but all the sudden Sabin does? huh?
All I hope is that they don't go the "CM Punk" route with Generation Me and have them preach about Christian family values and a drug free lifestyle. Those kind of messages don't appeal to me in the slightest :p But seriously, I think they have a lot of talent and despite their ugly ring attire, they had to do something with them.

Christian family values like stoning children to death if they're disobedient. I used to be a member of that cult and so glad that I am away from that hateful, bigoted religion.

I agree with the heel turn. Shelley and Sabin were a heel tag team for quite a time and it definitely gave them the edge to become a better tag team. I really hope they ditch the Hardy starter gear and get a little more violent.
Obviously, London Brawling was suppose to face MCMG tonight, but either Wolfe/Magnus had personal problems that stopped them from participating in the match.

Whether heel or face, don't expect GenMe wearing any gold anytime soon. I'm pretty sure their mic skills suck and also, they are only a circus act. They can put on great acrobatic matches w/ McMg, but they have no seniority and have only recently came into the fold since their debut in January. I would assume their turning heel because TNA is going to run with MCMG being face champions, and what type of storyline do two face tag teams give each other, especially if Gen Me will be feuding with MCMG until BFG(two face tag teams vs'ing each other at consecutive ppvs just doesn't make sense.)

It also might of been to add too the match. We've seen face GenMe/McMg before. This match was suppose to be London Brawling vs McMg, so their was no actual thought out storyline involving Gen Me, until LB could not contend.
With this heel turn it gives GenMe some character at least, but I think GenMe looks too baby faced to be credible heels. In order for people to take them seriously, they will have to have a completely new look with new music. A name change would benefit them too. They have so many spots in a match where fans usually cheer for them. I don't think they will have any boos when they compete in matches unless they change their formula in the ring. GenMe is pretty much an early version of the Hardy Boys but less popular. Maybe this heel turn could get them over, but I'm not so sure.
It isn't that bad of a move, I mean honestly, what the fuck is Gen Me going to do anyways? They need to turn heels, at least for this feud, or else they will continue ti be stuck in the TNA tag division going nowhere. The tag division is so flip floppy anyways, I half expect them to come out as faces again on Impact. However, being heels gives them an identity and possibly a chance at building some sort of character, something that may in turn lead them to a title reign and maybe even give them their big break in the company, something they need desperately.
For Generation Me to be credible heels, they need a mouthpiece. Someone who actually looks like he is a bad guy, rather than two thirds of the reincarnation of 3 Count. Who were heels, but not in a vicious way.
Off the top of my head, chuck one of the Knockouts who is not part of the TBP/ Tara storyline with them. If she can do the loud, smug "you're wasting my time" gimmick, similar to Mrs Lashley, then you'll have the Impact Zone booing the baby faced assassins in no time.
I think that it will be interesting to see if Gen Me can actually play heel characters. I do like the idea of this though and It could help Gen Me more interesting then they are now. The attack on MCMG was surprising and it got them some good heat because of how popular The Guns are. I think that this Heel Turn can add to their character but to make this work they need to change their music and change their attire to something more dark. I think that the idea is good but now it's up to the execution of Gen Me to be good heels for this to work.
I like it because they are redundant in a face role to MCMG. However, in a heel role they can separate themselves. I hate it when people trivialize all high flyers into the same category. There are clearly grades of creativity and "highness" of the spots. Gen Me scores pretty highly on those in my opinion compared to a lot of people. They do have a built in heel persona in their name. Entitled young people that want it all right away. They could do a misguided choosen ones routine or other several other options. Max is better on the mic than he gets credit for but I would not go as far as calling him good. Its not like a mouthpiece could not easily be added to the gimmick.
These guys totally killed their own momentum by being given promo time on Xplosion. They are just draining to hear as goofy-happy faces. Making them heels can give them more confidence and more character. Which they seriously need a lot of. It's not really hard to get over as heels when you attack the hottest team in wrestling today, I'm more than sure they can get a heel reaction. Should be fun to see them wrestle in that role. Using a mexican heel dynamic to put high fryers as heels really sounds like great idea to try out.
God I love threads like this where no one knows what the fuck they're talking about at all. Sorry, you guys saying Gen Me suck on the mic are basing this on what exactly? Their 20 seconds of mic time over the last 6 months in TNA? Have you ever actually SEEN the Bucks cut a promo? No? Then shut the fuck up and go look up their work in PWG over the last year, where they've been the hottest heel tag team in the business, working their crowds into an insane frenzy of heel heat every time they touch a microphone or even enter the building. They are FANTASTIC heels.

Hopefully this means an actual push for them, hopefully in a nice long feud with MCMG which would be great as MCMG needs something new to do since we've already seen MCMG-Beer Money 20 times now. I would love to see a nice program with the two teams for the next few months, perhaps even leading to an eventual Generation Me tag title win, as being put over by a team like MCMG would pretty much instantly make them a credible and serious threat to any tag team in the world. Then again MCMG do deserve a nice long title reign after the years of waiting and eating shit they had to go through to get the titles in the first place.

I loved their turn at No Surrender and cannot wait to see how they're utilized as a heel team now. Hopefully TNA doesn't screw this one up, the tag team division is one of the few things that's been working and putting over young guys for the future.
I like it... GenMe were very boring on ReAction when they talked and their ring ring gear, did just make them look like Hardy Boy wannabes...

Not sure how their heel characters are in PWG, but hopefully this is something that could set them apart from that Hardy stigma... So, I'll reserve judgement on their mic skills until I see them get a chance to work their heel personas... Maybe they were just bad faces... It is a lot easier to be heel than face...

I also like the idea of having a girl with them...

Not sure how their christian beliefs will or won't effect their new gimmicks... But, wouldn't it be cool to have Daniels come back and lead them? The Fallen Angel and GenMe would make a pretty damn good group, plus they good use a veteran to be around to sharpen up their ring skills...
Me personaly cudnt give a fuck wat GM do.

This is because when the best of 5 series finished with Beer Money i thought, "WOW the tag division is gunna look shit after all that" then the guns took on GM on impact n i fuckin loved it.
Im not watchin no surrender till 2morro n i cant wait!

Let the good times (in terms of ring-work) roll!!!
God I love threads like this where no one knows what the fuck they're talking about at all. Sorry, you guys saying Gen Me suck on the mic are basing this on what exactly? Their 20 seconds of mic time over the last 6 months in TNA? Have you ever actually SEEN the Bucks cut a promo? No? Then shut the fuck up and go look up their work in PWG over the last year, where they've been the hottest heel tag team in the business, working their crowds into an insane frenzy of heel heat every time they touch a microphone or even enter the building. They are FANTASTIC heels.

Hopefully this means an actual push for them, hopefully in a nice long feud with MCMG which would be great as MCMG needs something new to do since we've already seen MCMG-Beer Money 20 times now. I would love to see a nice program with the two teams for the next few months, perhaps even leading to an eventual Generation Me tag title win, as being put over by a team like MCMG would pretty much instantly make them a credible and serious threat to any tag team in the world. Then again MCMG do deserve a nice long title reign after the years of waiting and eating shit they had to go through to get the titles in the first place.

I loved their turn at No Surrender and cannot wait to see how they're utilized as a heel team now. Hopefully TNA doesn't screw this one up, the tag team division is one of the few things that's been working and putting over young guys for the future.

If it's anything like most of the nonsense I hear from ROH promos or from indie shows (see MCMG v. London Brawling back-and-forth promo from the 9/02 iMPACT!), I can't imagine they'd be "fantastic" in any way, at least no more than any of the other juvenile indie stars who have little more than a penis measuring contest with their opponent as a means to be perceived as actually having a personality.

They've had much more than 20 seconds of mic time over the last six months in TNA, X. Do you watch Xplosion? They cut numerous promos there, and they were all pathetic ramblings about things no one in the wrestling world cares about, like the fact they are from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, or the fact they are Christians. Completely irrelevant nonsense.

They're a good energy team, and I enjoyed the turn as well, but let's not kid ourselves here into thinking they are half as talented (in terms of having the whole package) as the other tag-teams in the division.
If it's anything like most of the nonsense I hear from ROH promos or from indie shows (see MCMG v. London Brawling back-and-forth promo from the 9/02 iMPACT!), I can't imagine they'd be "fantastic" in any way

Man you just LOVE shitting on ROH and the indies, huh? Pretty funny considering how massively superior ROH's current product is to TNA's and has been for quite a long time. How the fuck was the MCMG-London Brawling promo an example of an ROH/indy promo? It wasn't, at all, if anything that was a glaring example of sports entertainment-style promo cutting, with jokes about dick size and all, this is the exact opposite of what you'd see on an ROH or indy show promo.

But it's good to see you're already judging this team's ability to cut a heel promo without ever actually having seen them do just that. That's really fair.

at least no more than any of the other juvenile indie stars who have little more than a penis measuring contest with their opponent as a means to be perceived as actually having a personality.

Again, that's about as sports-entertainment as a promo possibly gets without Gen Me busting out a firehose full of beer and shouting "Oh Hell Yeah!". It's also absolutely in no way, shape or form anyway similar to Gen Me's promos in PWG.

They've had much more than 20 seconds of mic time over the last six months in TNA, X. Do you watch Xplosion? They cut numerous promos there, and they were all pathetic ramblings about things no one in the wrestling world cares about, like the fact they are from Rancho Cucamonga, CA, or the fact they are Christians. Completely irrelevant nonsense.

I do watch Xplosion, though I usually skip the promos. But again, as I said before, if you give them a chance to cut a HEEL promo (AKA NOT the completely 100% babyface promos they've been cutting on Xplosion) you'll see they're quite talented at playing heels. Not only that but they can work a crowd greatly as heels as well, working in ancient Hogan-esque moves like back rakes after a springboard just to fuck with the smark crowd who despises Hogan and shits on TNA constantly, they work that PWG crowd as heels better than any heel tag team I've seen in the business today.

How about giving them a chance before just shitting on them because they're indy guys? Especially considering the absolutely atrocious face promos AJ Styles, your hero, used to cut on a routine basis before becoming a heel and cutting some quality heel promos.

They're a good energy team, and I enjoyed the turn as well, but let's not kid ourselves here into thinking they are half as talented (in terms of having the whole package) as the other tag-teams in the division.

If anything they're FAR more talented then most teams in TNA, from Ink Inc, and pretty much every other shit tag team TNA has like Orlando Jordan & Eric Young, the only team they aren't better than is MCMG and maybe Beer Money. How about, oh I don't know, giving them a chance to be heels before shitting on them?
Man you just LOVE shitting on ROH and the indies, huh? Pretty funny considering how massively superior ROH's current product is to TNA's and has been for quite a long time. How the fuck was the MCMG-London Brawling promo an example of an ROH/indy promo? It wasn't, at all, if anything that was a glaring example of sports entertainment-style promo cutting, with jokes about dick size and all, this is the exact opposite of what you'd see on an ROH or indy show promo.

But it's good to see you're already judging this team's ability to cut a heel promo without ever actually having seen them do just that. That's really fair.

Not at all, I just understand that there a discernible difference between the two (indies and the "big" leagues), especially when it comes to the value of their performers as it pertains to style and execution. That's why certain guys can become indie superstars who are heralded and championed by anyone who watches their work, yet in the event they do make the big leagues, they dont' cut it, because often the walls of kayfabe aren't torn down there, which means that without a very strong personality and without the ability to connect with the audience in a way that doesn't invite them to partake in the segment as though they actually know what's going on, they will undoubtedly fail.

Superiority is relative, but I'd love to hear how you think ROH is "superior" to TNA in any measurable way. Star power? TNA. Production? TNA. National potential? TNA.

If they cut a good heel promo, I promise you X, I'll rescind my statements, but until they do, they're still just as boring – this time as bad guys.

Again, that's about as sports-entertainment as a promo possibly gets without Gen Me busting out a firehose full of beer and shouting "Oh Hell Yeah!". It's also absolutely in no way, shape or form anyway similar to Gen Me's promos in PWG.

Any video available for me to compare?

I do watch Xplosion, though I usually skip the promos. But again, as I said before, if you give them a chance to cut a HEEL promo (AKA NOT the completely 100% babyface promos they've been cutting on Xplosion) you'll see they're quite talented at playing heels. Not only that but they can work a crowd greatly as heels as well, working in ancient Hogan-esque moves like back rakes after a springboard just to fuck with the smark crowd who despises Hogan and shits on TNA constantly, they work that PWG crowd as heels better than any heel tag team I've seen in the business today.

How about giving them a chance before just shitting on them because they're indy guys? Especially considering the absolutely atrocious face promos AJ Styles, your hero, used to cut on a routine basis before becoming a heel and cutting some quality heel promos.

1. If you skip through them, how is that any different than you blaming me for not watching their work in some federation somewhere that the majority of viewers would have a tough time accessing?

2. I never said I wouldn't give them a chance, just that I don't give a fuck about them being from Rancho Cucamonga, CA and Christian. Doesn't sell me on them in the slightest. That's like The Dudebusters coming out and telling me they like XBox and are from Williamstown, Pennsylvania. Good for you, now why the hell should I care about you? Because you supply us with generic information? Wow...

3. Styles is the #1 wrestler in the world (fact) – I find it hard to believe any aspect of his being is "atrocious" in any way whatsoever. He also has nothing to do with this discussion. Styles has/had main event talent since day one when I saw him in ROH – Gen. Me do not, at least not from what I can tell. They seem more like a run-of-the-mill indy tag team who are capable of putting on fantastically entertaining spot matches, but until they can tell a story and show me more personality than "We're Christian and are from California", I don't give a fuck.

If anything they're FAR more talented than, Ink Inc, and pretty much every other shit tag team TNA has like Orlando Jordan & Eric Young, the only team they aren't better than is MCMG and maybe Beer Money. How about, oh I don't know, giving them a chance to be heels before shitting on them?

I'd love to, X, honestly. I'll hear them out before I "shit on this" as you so appropriately put it. They need to sell me on why they are heels, though. Anyone can turn around and beat down their opponent and "turn heel". Stars can do so and make me care why afterward.
Tonight on iMPACT the Heel Turn was complete for Gen Me and I think they both did a good job on the mic. Gen Me got alot of Heat tonight from the Impact Zone crowd tons of Boo's and you suck chants. Them attacking the biggest faces in MCMG was a great way to get Heat. To me Gen Me is already more interesting as Heels as they were Face, Tonight they proved that they could play Heels well
I agree; the heel turn works for them. Despite the solid ring work, they were very bland as faces and never looked like anything more than jobbers. The heel turn at least adds some intrigue. Even so, they could still use a charismatic manager or valet. Why not have Christy Hemme dump the backstage interview stuff and become the Sunny for a young tag team?
Still not convinced. They still come off as pimple-faced angry teenagers with an ax to grind and not as much as an inkling as to how to do so.

Entire promo came off as contrived and unnatural, despite what I've heard of their ability to "capture the moment" as heels cutting promos from their work in the independents.

I'm glad they turned heel, as it actually gives them something to do at this point other than cut meaningless face promos talking about Rancho Cucamunga, California and their Christian affiliations, but they still don't look the part at all.

At least the matches themselves will be exciting. :)
I thought the promo was awful and didn't really pick up on much heat. It was a terrible segment altogether. Why did the Matt Hardy guy take his shoes off? In my opinion making them heels was a stupid idea because they can't talk and they don't look legit enough to be able to be evil about anything. The other week on Reaction, they were banging on about being Christians, and the next thing you know POOF! they're heels. It's just rubbish really.

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