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General Survivor Series Discussion


Team HBK (HBK, Mysterio, Khali, & Cryme Tyme) vs. Team JBL (JBL, Kane, MVP, The Miz & John Morrison)
--Decent match. A little disappointed that Morrison wasn't the sole survivor, and that Mysterio and Khali survived, but at least Morrison was the last on his team and was taken out by HBK and not Khali/Mysterio. I really do think that a Morrison/Michaels feud could work very well, and I hope they're going to be continuing that. MVP knocking out JTG made sense early on. Miz scored a decent pin over Shad. Mysterio pinned Kane...again....really does him wonders.....they should've had Khali pin Kane as it would've seemed more believable.

Raw Divas vs. SmackDown Divas
--Kind of a train wreck, but what was everyone expecting? Lol. A little more interesting that they had the heels and faces mixed in, though, I'll give them that. I was wrong about Smackdown losing via Maria/Michelle, but they did use that as the means to eliminate Michelle. Surprised that it came down to Maryse and Beth. Maryse actually seems like she may be getting better in the ring.

Casket Match: Undertaker vs. Big Show
--Rather boring, I'd have to say, and although the finish came off a bit lame, at least they decided to try something different.

Backstage Segment
--Haas coming out as himself...the Bella twins (Brie is the hotter one, right? I forget)...Carlito and Primo...Boogey Man/Gobbledy Gooker.....meh. I could've done without it. Should've had a Kendrick segment instead I think lol.

Team Batista (Batista, Matt Hardy, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, & R-Truth) vs. Team Orton (Randy Orton, William Regal, Cody Rhodes, Shelton Benjamin, & Mark Henry)
--Thank God R-Truth didn't get to do his whole annoying song. I hate that guy. Lol. Totally called that Henry would be eliminated by a Batista spear. I was surprised that Regal got knocked out as easily as he did, despite how you could tell he was going to be the jobber of the match. Way to build up credibility for your IC champ, right? They totally gave Regal the title just to please the UK fans. Pathetic. Lol. I was expecting Rhodes or Orton to help the other out and get the pin over Batista, but I didn't expect neither to be eliminated. Very glad that Shelton got to eliminate R-Truth. Pretty decent match. But why did they call Orton "the ultimate opportunist"? Did they forget about Edge? Lol. Next thing we know, they're going to call Rey Mysterio "The Phenom" or they'll call Ricky Ortiz "The Samoan Bulldozer" haha.

WWE Championship: HHH vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy
--Glad to hear that there was a "boring" chant. Glad to hear that there was a "We Want Hardy" chant. Lots of boos during this match. I have to agree with those...but not the "TNA" chants lol. Terrible...terrible match. The whole match was basically one move, 20 seconds of waiting, another slow move, a rest hold....I have no clue why everyone was busting a nut over it in the LD. If that was it, I'd have been really pissed. Thankfully, they surprised us and gave us a new champion...EDGE!! As much as I wanted Jeff Hardy to win, and as much as I think the HHH/Kozlov match was an enormous snooze, I welcome Edge as our new WWE champion :) I just hope that they don't continue the Edge/Vickie marriage thing, as that has already been played out to the end of the universe. I'd be pissed, though, if I spent the money to see Hardy and they only gave me the 10 second interference, you know? But since I watched this on a stream, that doesn't apply to me. As far as the match goes....I hope the "boring" chants show the WWE that Kozlov and HHH weren't putting on an entertaining match by themselves. Might we be looking at Hardy vs. Edge for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania??? I hope its not Edge/HHH instead. Edge and HHH should have a feud going on in between now and Mania, and Hardy can win the Royal Rumble and challenge Edge. That'd be awesome.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Jericho vs. John Cena
--Cena had ring rust. A bit lackluster and boring. I kind of stopped paying attention after the first few minutes, actually, because after the HHH/Kozlov fiasco...lol. The crowd was really kind of split from what I could hear. Not exactly what you'd expect from the hometown boy....but then again, when the WWE batters you 3 times a week for like 2 months about the same damn promos, no wonder. Whatever idiot thought that strategy up should be fired lol. SICK Walls of Jericho. He should do that version more often. That looked painful as hell. After that, the match started to get a lot better. I still have no clue why they want Cena as the champion...and I really...REALLY....DESPERATELY.....hope that it doesn't mean we're getting Cena vs. Batista as a title match at WrestleMania. That would be SUCH A WASTE of a title match if they do that. I wouldn't mind it as an undercard match, but as a World Heavyweight Championship title defense? No. It wouldn't even be the rubber match between the two. That's a really bad idea I think.

Overall, Survivor Series was a bit surprising for me, but it was basically held together by 3 things: the two proper Elimination Matches (Divas was bad) and Edge returning to win. Everything else was a bit bland. We'll see where this goes.
Well Edge returning to the ring tonight would have been a big surprise, if not for the revelation Jeff got jumped in his hotel room. I knew it was Edge the moment I heard that. Yes I am glad he won the title and all but two things do distress me. 1) It seems he and Vickie are back together, and 2) He wasn't crazy.
Darkshot77's Review of Suvivor Series 2008

This was bad...so very very bad. I thought TNA's Turing Point was bad...least that had a worthwhile undercard. Tonight it was like no one was trying, and everything came of as lame. But lets get on with it.

Team HBK vs. Team JBL-When your opener was MOTN, you have a problem, the whole thing was bland, I would have liked to see more Kalhi and less Rey. (As a side not the Three way comentary Free-for-All was very entertaining) Me hopes that MVP's poor performance does not lead to a "bankrupt superstar" angle that would do nothing but damage his carrere. The MVE award is a tie between The "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michales and The "Shaman of Sexy" John Morrison, a very good showing by both. There was a period of time that I thought Morrison could pin Michales, but alas it was not to be as Michales showed Morrison how he was doing it wrong. Lets hope we get HBK/Morrison over HBK/JBL.

Team RAW vs. Team Smackdown!: Divas Suvivor series match-Ther was lots of female talent in thet ring, squandered away by poor booking, too many roll ups, you trying to tell me that no one in the womans roster has a finishing move. And what was that bullshit of Candice not tapping to the fucking Sharpshooter a.k.a. the deadliest submission ever in the WWE and then getting pinned by a northern lights...srsly you guys, srsly. Beth won like predicted.

We have a Bella twins/Colon Brothers/Gobbledygooker/Charle Haas/Boogyman segment that was very funny. Glad to see the E bring the Gooker back, after all there is a Wrestlecrap award named after it for worst gimmick of the year. Way to go WWE.

The Undertaker vs. The Big Show: Casket match-This could quite possibly be the worst casket match ever. Takers legrdop on show is the lamest announce table spot in wrestling history. Like I said before neither man was trying, and the match was slow and bad. Different end to a casaket match, but that dosent mean it was good. Taker must be getting old cause there was no tombstone in the match, which was disapointing.

Team Batista vs. Team Orton-The result owas ok with Botchtista getting RKO'd but how it happened was laden in bullshit. Regal loses 10 sec. in with a GTS, what then follows is the best part of the match, Layla throws her shoe and hits CM Punk in the head, awsome. Then Paydirt on R-Truth, Orton DDT on Kofi, a lame ass DDT by Rhodes on Punk, and a Worlds Strongest Slam on Matt. And just as I feared its left down to Batista, who Spears Henry and Powerbombs Benjamin, but he is RKO's, thank god. If batitsa had run the table i would have hunted down WWE creative and killed them all. But like I said good ending shit way to get ot it.

Triple H vs. Vladimir Koslov-My god...Nash/Joe was more exciting than this and ended just as poorly, dont you have to be in the ring when the bell rings to be able to be counted for a pinfall...but I guess if your banging the general managrer you get to do what ever you want. Tripple H looked like he didnt care and Koslov officially sucks, so Edge won, and all this hype for Hardy is all for naught as Edge wins the title, way to waste weeks of build up, good call WWE.

Chris Jericho vs. John Cena-When Cena is trying you have problems. I stopped listening to cole and King cause they were just rambling cause they were bored out of ther minds too. In the end Cena won, which in my opinion was the wrong move, but with all the build up and the home town, was he really gonna lose. Lets just hope this workds for the WWE, and hope to god the WHC dosent start to spin.

Final Thoughtsi THis PPV was abyssmal, it sucked up and down, I want 3 hours of my life back.

Final rating: 3 out of 10
So I just finished watching the Survivor Series pay per view on tape because I was at work and could not watch it. When your watching the WWE you should always record it so you can fast forward through the crap. Anyways...the one thing I got from watching that pay per view was this...Edge is GOD according to Vinny and the writers.

Right when vicky the cow opened her annoying mouth and said that the match was going to be a three way I just said to myself...no...no way are they going to do this...come on vinny don't do this to me again. And sure as hell here comes the rated r rubblestar. Now at first I thought maybe he would just screw HHH over so Koslov would win...but wait...that's right...he's a part of the match. So of course God oh i mean Edge wins and him and Vicky celebrate. My biggest problem with this is the fact that I ALREADY HAD TO SIT THROUGH MONTHS OF A EDGE/VICKY STORYLINE WHICH INCLUDED A STUPID POINTLESS WEDDING. I mean come on Vinny...come at me with something new. I really liked the idea of Hardy turning heel and winning the belt or even Koslov winning because of Hardy or Edge interference and then lose the belt on the next smackdown. Honestly though...asking for something original from Vinny is like asking a packer fan to root for the bears...its just not gonna happen. I really hope there going somewhere good with this Edge winning the belt angle but probably not.

Now you could say the same thing for Cena being GOD to writers and Vinny....and it is true. But we all expected that Cena was going to win. The only way YJ2 was going win was by DQ. There was no chance in hell that he was going to clean pin Cena. I guess Cena's god status is more expected and established then Edge's. Edge is a top notch wrestler heel that doesn't get hurt much and cuts good promos, but he is not in the same league as Cena. And by that I mean Edge shouldn't be able to come back and win the belt on his first night back.

I just hope that Randy Orton finally teams up with team priceless and beats cena for the belt. I mean its been rumored for awhile, but it's still something new. As far as smackdown goes...guess ill be reading the spoilers till vinny can come at me with something original
Well since my stream wasn't working for the first two matches, I only saw the final 4 matches.

Undertaker vs Big Show
Meh. An average casket match. I can't remember the last casket match that I liked and enjoyed. The gimmick is horrible and never produces quality matches. The ending was unique and entertaining but without the ending, it wouldn't have been better than the WWE Championship match. Taker couldn't Tombstone Show as he is far too heavy to lift up that high, therefore the WWE were basically forced to end the match that way. I see this feud continuing though.

Team Orton vs Team Batista
I enjoyed this match to be honest. Good surprises and shocks with a nice twist at the end. The Regal elimination and the Layla Shoe throwing business was awesome. The eliminations were fair and Cody Rhodes wasn't eliminated! He seems to be pushed nicely along at the moment. The guy has potential to be big. Orton winning with the RKO on Batista via blind tag was a great way to end the match and to continue this potentially awesome feud between Batista and Randy. It was the best match I saw on the night.

WWE Championship - Triple H vs Vladimir Kozlov
I haven't seen a match this bad in a long time. Ridiculous amount of restholds and just a slow paced, repetitive and boring match up. Kozlov can't last more than 8 minutes in the ring, and this match clearly shows that. He isn't ready for the main event push and should only be in the United States Championship scene. I'm glad he didn't win. But Edge predictably came out and won the match. First of, wasn't he in "hell" and didn't he hate Vickie Guerrero? Where is the logic in that. Next thing you know Edge wins when Jeff accidently hits a chair over Triple H's head and Edge and Vickie are locking lips. All I can say is: What a waste of an opportunity. This was THE best possible time to put the title on Jeff Hardy, but instead they gave it to a guy who has now won the World Title 6 times in only 2 years. And Edge fans complain about Cena being shoved down our throats :rolleyes:

World Heavyweight Championship - John Cena vs Chris Jericho
I'm a Cena mark and I'm glad he won the title but at the same time I feel Jericho was robbed. The match started off slow but got good towards the end. Much better than the previous awful match. I seriously thought Jericho was going to retain here. Both came out looking strong though, and the fans booed Jericho over Cena! That's a bonus. Jericho's reign just made the title look less credible though. I sense a triple threat at the next PPV with Batista/Cena/Jericho. Nice ending there with Cena using two FU's to beat Jericho. I'm glad he's back.

Overall, it was a decent pay per view from what I saw, but nothing more. Without the two title changes, I probably would have been regretting watching the show in the first place. Hardy should have won here. The WWE had him go over Undertaker and HHH for nothing really. I saw two bad matches, one average World Title match and one very good old school Elimination match. Kozlov ain't ready for the main event. I sense a Triple H/Edge feud now while Jeff does next to nothing until the Royal Rumble where he hopefully wins the Royal Rumble and goes on to be champion.
When a wrestler has been out for a long time, I enjoy seeing him climb in the rankings before winning the championship. Giving the title to Edge and Cena on the night they return takes a lot of the mystique out of things.

Chris Jericho is a good example. He returned after a long hiatus and had to spend months fighting his way back to the top. It made it that much more valuable when he attained the goal.

Of course, I always liked seeing Triple H when he's in pursuit of the championship....and now we get to see that again.
ok i have a huge comment or should i say question. does anyone think the thing about Jeff Hardy being found unconcious was real or a storyline? i for some reason believe that this is a storyline, and if it is then i think there is gonna be some repercussions from both CNN and ESPN because they were both breaking this story as well. just a thought please let me know what u think as well.
When a wrestler has been out for a long time, I enjoy seeing him climb in the rankings before winning the championship. Giving the title to Edge and Cena on the night they return takes a lot of the mystique out of things.

Chris Jericho is a good example. He returned after a long hiatus and had to spend months fighting his way back to the top. It made it that much more valuable when he attained the goal.

Of course, I always liked seeing Triple H when he's in pursuit of the championship....and now we get to see that again.

It's kinda of a good exemple but the fact is Jericho got a title match is first match back and actually won the match by dq so yeah he did have to move up the rankings after that match but he still got a title shot is first match back. Anyway i don'T think titles means anything anymore. The world championship always goes to the biggest heel or face in the brand and it always going to be that way so at less with these 2 titles changes they don'T have to wait to give the world titles to their biggest attraction on raw and smackdown.
I read some people in the feedback question Cena getting a title shot after being gone for 3 months and losing his last match to Batista....then praising the WWE for putting the World title on Edge....if I'm not mistaken, Edge was ALSO gone for 3 months and lost his last match to Taker in the Hell in a Cell match...so from a character/storyline standpoint, how could one be more deserving than the other when BOTH were gone for 3 months and BOTH lost their last match before leaving??
Darkshot77's Review of Suvivor Series 2008

This was bad...so very very bad. I thought TNA's Turing Point was bad...least that had a worthwhile undercard. Tonight it was like no one was trying, and everything came of as lame. But lets get on with it.

Final Thoughtsi THis PPV was abyssmal, it sucked up and down, I want 3 hours of my life back.

Final rating: 3 out of 10

I thought that this was a horrible PPV also as far as in ring work and storyline progression. I love Edge, so it is good to see him back, but to see him and Cena having the titles again really shows a lack of progression and a "going back to the well" mentality. With the Survivor Series style matches, the pins meant nothing and having these teams going against each other really meant nothing. It would be better if the in ring work was better, but most matches told no stories and were forgettable matches. There was not a match that was "must see." Team Michaels vs Team JBL had some good action, but nothing that was "must see." Team Batista vs Team Orton was the same thing. I personally felt that Kozlov vs HHH and Undertaker vs Big Show were absolutely boring. On a side note, I cannot believe that some fans found this PPV or those two matches to be anything than boring. I honestly question the taste of some fans because I cannot believe that they don't know what a boring match is. You would think that the "boring" chants from the fans were an indication. Also, don't tell me that there was "psychology" in these matches. Slower paced matches DO NOT mean that they have "psychology." Doing a hold for a very long period of time does not equal "psychology;" it just means lazy in ring work unless the wrestlers are building to something or selling the moves to make them mean more.
Honestly, there were two World Title changes on a Big Four WWE PPV, and there really isn't any buzz or too much anticipation for these title wins because we have seen these two wrestlers have the titles before.
TheOneBigWill's Survivor Series 2008 Review:

Opening Segment: The show opens with Tazz & J.R. Tazz has his glasses off, so something serious has gone down. :rolleyes: They apparently run a story about Jeff Hardy being found unconscious in his hotel room, and follow through with him being in the hospital but then being released.

They explain that they don't have details, however apparently everyone "knew" about what'd happened with Hardy. (even though it'd be later discovered as a "work") They also explained that they were unsure if he would compete tonight. (the first dead give-away that it's fake)

The Matches:

1. Survivor Series Match: Team H.B.K. (Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, The Great Khali & Cryme Tyme) v. Team J.B.L. (J.B.L., Kane, M.V.P., John Morrison & The Miz): On one hand I can't blame them for starting the show with this match, but on the other it's very unusual to see Shawn Michaels opening a Pay per view.

While this line-up of Superstars wasn't really thrilling or overly exciting, this was a traditional Survivor match that I missed and love. I can't say it was the greatest, but it's definately not the worst. M.V.P. is still playing off the storyline of until he picks up a victory, he'll go without collecting some type of bonus. So he defeats J.T.G. for the first elimination, but quickly follows him to the locker room as he becomes the 2nd.

In the end, surprisingly it came down to J.B.L. & John Morrison of all people, against the 3-man team of H.B.K., Mysterio & Khali. I was more than a little shocked that Khali wasn't hand-picked to be the "big man" subject to receive all the opposing team's finishing moves. Infact, that normal Survivor "thing" didn't happen tonight, at all.

J.B.L. ended up being counted out which will more than likely lead to a single's match between J.B.L. & H.B.K. at Armageddon. And it was John Morrison picking up the highlight of being the final man eliminated for his team, as H.B.K., Mysterio & Khali roll to the victory.

2. Survivor Series Match: Raw Divas (Beth Phoenix, Candice Michelle, Mickie James, Kelly Kelly & Jillian) v. Smackdown Divas (Michelle McCool, Natalya, Victoria, Maryse & Maria): This match proved one thing. You can't have too many females in one place and one time, and tell them to work together. Their egos won't allow it. Smackdown's Divas practically eliminated themselves, while Raw only had slight miscues.

This match was more than a little sloppy, but once again it wasn't the worst Survivor match I've seen, and it wasn't even the worst Diva's Survivor match I'd seen. I would, however, say that the star of the match was Maryse. She held her own and pretty much carried the Smackdown Divas through the whole thing.

The Butterfl.. oh, excuse me.. "Diva's Champion" Michelle McCool couldn't co-exist with anyone on her team, and ended up being eliminated toward the middle to end of the match. Maryse was the last remaining SD diva, but it was Beth Phoenix being the "sole survivor" for her team.

3. Casket Match: The Undertaker v. The Big Show: Before the match ever started, the Casket got it's own entrance. I originally had my doubts that the Big Show could even fit in the Casket that was brought to ringside. It seemed way too small, but as the match went on, I discovered he could indeed.

Show tried his hardest to mask his "fear" of Casket's, but in the end it cost him the victory when he argued with the officials about closing the lid on the Undertaker for him. Throughout the match, the action went out of the ring and broke the E.C.W. announce table.

At one point, the Big Show had seemingly had enough, and as a result, he destroyed (flipped over) the Casket at ringside, then proceeded to walk up the rampway to the back. Only for flames to shoot up, and another (slightly longer and bigger) Casket would be brought out from the back.

The Big Show would stand this Casket up, seemingly trying to destroy it, but once again it's the Big Show's miscues that'd be the downfall for him in the match. Undertaker got Show with a Show-like fist to the face, knocking Big Show backwards into the Casket, which tipped over, as the lid slammed shut on impact with the ground.. apparently giving the Undertaker the victory, dispite him not actually "closing" the lid himself, either.

4. Survivor Series Match: Team Batista (Batista, Matt Hardy, C.M. Punk, Kofi Kingston & R-Truth) v. Team Orton (Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Cody Rhodes, William Regal & Shelton Benjamin): Without a doubt, they saved the best looking line-up for a Survivor match for last. And it didn't disappoint. (unless you'd consider Regal, Rhodes, and Hardy disappointments)

Eliminations didn't come too early, and they did space this match out. At one point it looked like Team Orton might come down to just him alone. Of course I only say that because Regal got eliminated almost instantly by Punk. However things cooled down, and it was Team Batista getting picked off. I forget how Kofi got eliminated but what I do know is.. Shelton Benjamin defeated R-Truth, Mark Henry defeated Matt Hardy, and Cody Rhodes defeated C.M. Punk.. which will no doubt lead to title return matches for the E.C.W. and Raw Tag titles.

Batista quickly made short work out of Mark Henry and Shelton Benjamin, but it came down to the two-unlikely partners in Cody Rhodes and Randy Orton. With help from Manu at ringside, Orton & Rhodes would be capable of working (slightly) as a team to pick off Batista and the victory.

5. W.W.E. Championship: Triple H. (c) v. Vladimir Kozlov: This match was the "controversial" side of Survivor Series, as everyone seemingly couldn't care less. I will say this much, in this match's defense..

The match was never seemingly meant to get a big reaction from Triple H. or Kozlov. It was always (I would assume) meant to be slow, boring and leading to the crowd willing to pop at ANYONE to show up and join the fray. That someone just happened to be an excited Vickie Guerrero who was more than happy to announce that she promised and will deliver a Triple Threat match.. because "he" has finally shown up.

The "he" would be the one and only Rated R Superstar, EDGE! Edge would come out looking like he just got back from the Mike Knox look-alike contest (minus roid abuse) and attempt to do what he's always done best. Find the ultimate opportunity. However it would lead from one huge pop to another, as the "injured" Jeff Hardy would fly down the rampway almost right after Edge entered the ring, attempting to take out his assumed "attacker".

Hardy took out Triple H. (by accident) with a chair, then Kozlov, only to be speared by Edge, followed by Edge picking up the victory and his 6th Heavyweight Championship reign, by pinning Triple H.!!!!!

Main Event: World Heavyweight Championship: Chris Jericho (c) v. John Cena: I was more than a little drained from seeing Edge return, but (and even for me it's hard to say) I was still excited to see John Cena return. (mainly because that means he'll return to the Main Event, and someone *cough* Punk *cough* will have to step back down to mid-card again) I was however a bit concerned that even the hometown of Cena might be a bit cheered out with the Hardy/Edge pops.

While Cena received a great pop for the night and his return, I think Edge's "mysterious" return may have over-shadowed Cena's. I say that because obviously the crowd had likely lost their voice with Edge's return, only to have Cena follow directly thereafter. I think they should've put the Women's Survivor match in between the two Championship matches to mellow the crowd back down.

The Main Event definately DID NOT disappoint. (me anyways) Going in I was very torn on what to believe. Sure, it's Cena's home and his return.. but that doesn't always mean he'll pick up the victory, much less the Championship. A DQ finish could've easily been called and it would've definately sent the crowd into a riot, especially if it came at the hands of Stephanie McMahon, in another form of a Screw-Job. Anytime someone is in a Championship match, in what could be considered their home turf.. you have to at least believe it's possible for the screw-job to take place, especially at Survivor Series.

Jericho seemingly controlled most of the match, which didn't hurt him in the end when he lost. He locked in what they kept calling a "altered version" of the Walls of Jericho. I wanted to reach through my TV screen and choke the shit outta Micheal Cole, who was more than happy to see the "boston" crab (of all moves) properly being applied so he could (in)correctly announce to the world that that's the proper version of the Walls.

Cena had a little in-match drama story going on, as he seemed scared to go to the top rope, knowing that's how he got injured before. (What he apparently forgot is how A. Batista delivered his finisher to him via that top rope move, B. Jericho doesn't have anything to counter the leg drop except the Walls of Jericho, and C. even though he was so badly injured at Summerslam, he somehow found the ability to wrestle through a couple extra weeks of Raw matches.)

In the end, the "hero" John Cena overcame the odds. (that saying is so overrated) He delivered the top rope leg drop, and showed off his newly added neck muscles by powerlifting Jericho up off the ground, into an F-U for the victory.

Final Thoughts: All in all this year's Survivor Series show was a lot better than the previous two years past. The played out return of John Cena capped off what was a great night with yet another perfectly laid controversial story, as well as some very good Survivor Series matches in between and a Casket match to round it out.

When they first ran the story of Jeff Hardy being found unconscious, I didn't know if it was real or fake. (until I heard J.R. mention he'd been released from the hospital) The VERY first thought I had run through my head, badly enough, was "Holy crap he finally OD'ed." That followed with.. "If this is real, and drugs did play a part he's gone anyways." Overall, this is what not having the internet at my fingertips whenever I want it.. does when a 'work' plays out to the non-net viewers. Now if only they could get their announcing crew to play it off better, without giving it away so instantly.

Had they explained Hardy was found unconscious and they had NO update. Which means no mention of him being in a hospital, much less being released.. I would've been even MORE surprised to see him there. Tazz would've sold it to me without wearing his glasses. True story.

They had a backstage skit with the Goobley-Gooker (sp?) only to have it turn out to be the Boogeyman. I can't tell you how disappointed I continue to be in this character. Drop the worms gimmick already and slap him with the gimmick they put with his video-game counterpart.

While I would've liked more surrounding with the Survivor Series traditional matches, I believe they still played a great role this year in jelling with everything else. Some storylines were continued through them, and some were made. While J.B.L. will likely feud with H.B.K. still, I definately see John Morrison's future becoming brighter, and possibly a Royal Rumble feud with H.B.K.

I don't exactly think anything progressed with the Raw diva's side of things, however I'm more than convinced right now that Maryse will become the next Butterfly Champion by Armageddon. (mark it down) I also greatly believe the only reason Michelle McCool is even still IN the company, much less a Champion, is because she's blowing a.. I mean, "the" Dead man.

The Casket match should draw a finish to the Taker/Big Show storyline, unless it leads to a Taker/H.H.H. v. Edge/Show tag team contest at Armageddon. Possibly throwing in Kozlov and Hardy and making it a T.N.A. style Pay per view 6-man. IF the Big Show/Undertaker storyline were to continue, I think it was a mistake to have Taker winning the Casket match. I would've much rather seen Show and Taker flatout destroy the Casket, leading to a Buried Alive match at the p.p.v. it should always be held at.

I believe Jeff Hardy will become Heavyweight Champion by defeating Edge. Not only will it giving him the push everyone apparently craves for him to have, but it'll give him the best starting point he could ever have by defeating Edge. I DO NOT, however think this will be a Wrestlemania match. I see it happening at either Armageddon, or the Royal Rumble. It could be at Mania, but if it is it'll be a major undercard match-up, because it just doesn't have Mania feel to it. Plus, Hardy is a life-long M.I.T.B.'er.

All in all I'd give this show a 9 outta 10. It won't get a perfect 10 simply for two reasons. First, they blew what could've been an even bigger pop, by having Hardy NOT announced as being remotely possible for the event and even more by playing on the rumors that he could even be dead. Second, the foundation of the show was screwed up. The matches should've been lined up differently, as a result I believe some of the pop for Cena was drained on Edge. All in all it was still a much better Survivor Series event than they've put on in the past couple years.
hey everyone! I have not posted on here for a few weeks, but I had to make my comeback by giving my two cents on what had to have been the best ppv of 2008 (losing only to sumemrslam)!

Team HBK vs Team JBL
I am glad they had this match first so that we could get JBL out of the way quickly. The match ended up being better than I expected despite how random the teams seemed. The results did not surprise me whatsoever. Morrison and HBK were the best of the match and I HIGHLY look forward to a feud with those two if it is going to happen. 6 out of 9 points.

Team Raw divas vs Team Smackdown divas
This match was pretty good. I really enjoyed seeing the raw vs smackdown theme of the match, making a couple of rivalries work together despite having a few issues with each other.... Kinda surprised that Jillian lasted as long as she did, I figured she would either be eliminated first or just be there to sing at the crowd. Glad that victoria was elimiated as early as she was.... but Natalya? come on! It NEEDED to come down to her and Beth in the end, I have said it before and I will say it again, natalya vs beth would be the ultimate divas match. Also enjoyed that natalya used the sharpshooter, a certain relative of hers must feel proud. Finally, maryse. omg. is it just me or has she gotten MUCH better lately? Beth was the sole survivor, and that is how it should have been as she is the best diva in history. I'll argue that to the grave, because you know what? She IS! 5 out of 9 points

Undertaker Vs Big Show
This match was a little boring, probably because this feud is beginning to drag out. I am just glad that Taker won. I kept thinking that Edge would be inside the casket, for some reason. That would have made for an interesting ending to the match, but I'll get to edge later! I laughed so hard when the refs yelled at big show to close the casket himself! The match itself could have been better though. 4 out of 9 points.

Backstage segment
I know, this is not a match. I'll chime in on it anyway though. Primo and Carlito are getting more interesting to watch as they interact with the bellas. That totally should have been haas in the costume rather than boogie though.

Team Orton Vs Team Batista
Wow! This match was so much better than I thought it would be. I did not even notice when regal got eliminated, it happened too quickly. Then as batista lost his teammates one by one, I knew it would come down to him. Batista then nearly avenged his team, only to lose in an oddly interesting way. I knew Orton would win this whether he tagged rhodes out or not, but it made it a little more interesting with the ending. I used to HATE orton but he truly impressed me tonight. I will actually be rooting for him if he goes up against batista again. 8 out of 9 points

HHH Vs Kozlov
This was so dissapointing in so many ways. They build up hardy as if they were practically going to give him the belt, then there's the storyline of him being found (as JR put it) "unconscious at his hospital" (LOL he really did say that, rewind a recording and see for yourself) when I heard it I thought it had to be either Edge or Kozlov who "hurt" him. So then it was going to be just HHH and Kozlov. I thought to myself they HAVE to let Kozlov win, I mean the guy has the biggest undefeated streak in a really long time, all his momentum for the past several months would be all for nothing if he lost to HHH. When Vickie came out all happy saying hes here, I then KNEW it was edge. Out he goes and wins the title. I realize that they might not trust hardy with the belt because of past issues, but dont push him so hard if hes never going to win!!!!! Edge as champ is the only thing that saved what was otherwise the worst match of the evening. (Sadly, it still was the worst.) 3 out of 9 points

Cena Vs Jericho
Finally the main event and the main reason my friends and I got this ppv. I will admit it that I am a big fan of Cena's, he is what got me into WWE in the first place. However, I am ALSO a big fan of Jericho's. I was going to be happy no matter who won the match, but if I had to pick, it would go to Cena. Like the man or not, you gotta respect his never backing down and how he gives his best no matter what whether its a world title match or pointless filler. Despite some ring rust, Cena and Jericho put on a fantastic match (considering how long Cena had been out!).... match of the night and I look forward to another awesome Cena title reign. Unlike many of you I actually WANT to see what the world heavyweight title would look like if it spun. That is my opinion, you have yours. We can agree to disagree. WWE made the right choice on this match, raw's ratings suck so the best thing they can do is put their biggest name in the title picture and in big matches.... but I digress. Awesome match! 9 out of 9 points.

Overall results
There was not a single match where I was not upset with the results. It was a great show that was worth the money spent on the ppv. Other than summerslam, it was definately the best show of 2008 and the next ppv has the difficult job of going up next after a show like this. It was great (at least as far as most ppv's go). 8 out of 9 points
aG3Nt's review of Survivor Series '08

Team HBK v Team JBL

My initial thought when HBK's music hit was 'Wow, the Showstopper, Mr Wrestlemania, The Main Event can no refer to himself as The Curtain Jerker'. I guess this match had less storyline impact than Orton v Batista and had no current champions involved so it was the most logical choice to start the PPV.
Each of the competitors put on a decent showing, even Khali for the 3 minutes he was in the ring for. (Seriously can't believe that he's getting cheered now for kissing fat chicks). I'm also glad that MVP finally picked up a pinfall, even if it did make JTG look weak. This whole losing streak is getting beyond stupid now and they can't keep saying, 'oh he may still get some of his bonus' because it's just lame. Kane getting squashed by Kahli and Rey was also pretty lame imo, but hey that's how it went down. Miz and Morrison continued to show why they are the best tag team WWE has to offer today, however, it also made Shad look weak to have him dominate Miz and then he gets hit with the Reality Check and pretty much JUST the Reality Check and he was gone as well. I liked the continuation of the Morrison emulating HBK thing as well, but if they're going to have an HBK/JBL fued, how long are we supposed to wait for Morrison/HBK if they even plan to run with it? Glad that JBL got counted out rather than pinned because it's always good to see those rules come into affect during SSeries matches imo.

Were they chanting 'You can't wrestle' at JBL or Khali? It's hard to tell as that chant started a long time after Khali got out of the ring and didn't do ANYTHING afterwards.

Overall i'd give that match a 7/10

Raw v Smackdown Divas match

I was pleasantly surprised at how good this match was. I also liked the in-fighting between Michelle and Maryse because it doesn't make sense to have the faces and heels on the same teams without someone taking a shot at each other. All the divas put on a good effort, even Maria put on a decent showing, with the exception of Victoria. What is the deal with making her the Diva jobber when she's a far better wrestler than 85% of ALL the divas? Even Natalya was made to look weak in that match, yet Maria and Mayse, were made to look good? What's the deal with that?

Speaking of Maryse she really impressed me in that match despite not actually doing a great deal. As i said in that matches thread, she played the heel part so well that i was actually looking forward to seeing Beth destroy her, which she inevitably did. Having Beth as the sole survivor made sense to solidify her dominance in the Women's division, but it did make the SD divas look very much inferior to the Raw divas overall.

I think this match was just as good as the previous match, there were a few spots that didn't look quite right, mainly by Maria (as usual) but it was still a good effort overall imo, and i'd give it 6/10

Casket Match

You've been around long enough Big Show to know you are the one who has to close the lid. That just seemed silly to me personally. Again, much like the LMS match this seemed very slow overall, and again it showed how weathered Taker's body has become lately, but as i've said in other threads, what do you expect when they are CONSTANTLY putting the guy in gimmick matches? They won't be happy until he CAN'T wrestle anymore will they? Thought the end was a bit sloppy. I would have preferred to see Show fall off the stage rather than be dragged and thrown into the casket.

Another thing, Big Show has knocked Taker out on 2 consecutive occassions simply by blasting him in the face. This time he didn't even ATTEMPT that. If he had done he'd have easily won, but instead, he didn't bother. Now i know Taker was booked to win, but for Show to not even try to use his ace in the hole just seemed really stupid imo

I'd give this a 6/10

Team Batista v Team RKO

The promo before this match kinda gave away what was going to transpire. 'Don't lose this for us Cody or i'll hurt you' screamed 'Sole Survivors = Orton and Rhodes'. Plus the fact that the face won the other match signified that the Legend Killer's PPV return wouldn't result in him losing. Much like the other two matches this one gave everyone the ability to show off their talents in the ring for a decent amount of time.... except Regal. Ok he has the flu, but to have the IC champion eliminated in 8 seconds was a terrible idea. How are we supposed to take him seriously now? That made his credibility as champion look worse than Santino's.

R-Truth has got to stop doing that corkscrew cross body because it looks less and less effective every time he does it. It seriously looked like he span AROUND Shelton instead of actually hitting him. I'm glad that both Matt and Truth got beat by their respective rivals because Henry and Shelton are being made to look weak constantly jobbing to Matt and Truth. Seeing Kofi get done in with the hangin DDT of Orton's was also classic (god i've missed that move) and i also loved seeing Punk get beat with Rhodes run of the mill, nothing special DDT although obviously the Boston fans didn't.

Once again Batista gets beat by not paying attention to everything that's going on around him, and tbh i wanna see somebody crush him. Take the Animal to his limit and BEAT him. No brass knuckles in the cage, no swapping places with a jobber tag team, no hitting him with weapons when the ref isn't looking, no DQ victories, i want someone to beat him down and pin him. I think the last person to actually DO that was Khali wasn't it? I marked right out after seeing Orton RKO him all the way to jobville.

This match gets an 7/10 would have been 8 if Regal had actually wrestled.

Triple Threat Match for the WWE title: HHH v Koslov v Edge

Well, what can i say. I respect them not doing a fast paced slug fest because they would have run out of material in the first 5 minutes. The Boston fans didn't even give this match a chance, which can understand because they obviously paid to see Hardy and instead got a slow, methodical, technical based match when they wanted a 3 way spot fest. I liked how Koslov took all of HHH's signature moves and by the time both men were down, he still looked to have a good chance to win the title.

Then out comes Vickie, and as soon as you saw her ugly mug you knew what was going to happen, regardless of how little sense it made. Is this what's going to happen at every Survivor Series now? Edge is gonna pop up and screw somebody out of the title? Once again, Edge waltzes down, spear to HHH, spear to Koslov, something different with a quick Hardy run in, and then back to the 'i'll hit everyone except the guy who cost me my title shot.... and now i'll hit him... Ow i just got my braindead ass speared.'

Apart from the triple threat match in '06 against Cena and RVD, he's never won the title cleanly and for me it makes Edge look weak. Sure he's the master manipulator but it makes him look as though anybody could beat him 1 on 1. We know that EVERY match will involve someone helping him win or he'll come in at the end and it's boring. Enough already.

This match gets 4/10. Not because the HHH/Koslov bit was slow and boring, i thought it was a good match, but because a) they disappointed a LOT ofmpeople by not having the advertised match and NOT giving Hardy his title shot (even i wanted to see him get another shot despite how sick i am of seeing him get title shots, so i could see him get beat AGAIN) and b) because i'm tired of Edge run ins leading to him becoming champion.

NOTE: Justin Roberts actually announced Edge as the new WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION.... smoothe Justin, smoothe. Glad HHH finally lost the title, would have preferred it if Koslov had won, but at least he's still undefeated.

WHC Cena v Jericho

(Sigh) I fell asleep during this. Not because the match was bad but because i simply didn't care. Knew how it would turn out, which i strongly resent and hope Jericho wins it right back at Armageddon, but one thing i did notice, Cena's selling was terrible! When he was in the Walls of Jericho the 2nd time it looked like he was having a small inconvenience rather than being put in a submission move. I can't be bothered to say anything else because i just don't care

Objectively i'd give the match 8/10

Apart from the little things i bithced about i'd give the PPV an 7/10 overall. One of the best all year, even though i hate theresults of the two World title matches.
I didn't watch the show, that would just be silly. I'm not paying £15 to watch it on box office when I can just read the results abd buy it for £10 in two months time. But having read the results I have a few comments. Mostly because I'm bored and Sam isn't online.

* I actually guessed that Edge would win the title. I didn't post it because I thought of it whilst I was in bed. And because the show was on Pay-Per-View I didn't get up to post it. But rest assured, I predicted that shit.

* Edge vs. Jeff Hardy looks like the Smackdown world title match. I suppose it'll be a nice touch when Jeff wins the title, and presumable the Rumble. But it doesn't seem like a big match to me. I'd say it's more of a title match for after Mania, and between Summer Slam.

* Koslov is my pick for Undertaker's WrestleMania opponent. I hold out very little hope for the match.

* I hear Cena looked really rusty in his match with Jericho. It's no surprise to me. After he returned in January he didn't get going again for another 4 months. The positive should be that he should be ok come February.

* Cena shouldn't have won the title. It should be saved for Mania.

* What did HBK, Rey & Comedy Khali surviving really do? Three wrestlers who won't be around for much longer. They should have put over The Miz & Morrison.

* If Regal had flu, and they want to push the IC division again, then they shouldn't have had him lose in 11 seconds.

* WWE must really like Cody Rhodes at the moment.

* What was the point in putting Kendrick in the Scramble match if he isn't even going to make it onto a show like this? It's almost the same as missing the Rumble. It's one of the only shows of the year where you can pile on loads of wrestlers, TNA style.
NorCal Night Cap

Very good show, far superior to last years SS. The opening contests were sufficeint, although I will say I was pretty disappointed by JBL-HBK. Perfect oppurtunity to blossom a HBK-Morrison feud, but looks as if they are going to keep pushing the JBL-HBK issue. No understanding what was accomplished by this. Although I will say im not a HUGE beliver that eveyr match HAS to accomplsih something. So it was fine, neither here nor there.

The girls far exceeded expectations. Very good for a match with so many divas, and Maryse is a beast. ( <------ someone needs to incorporate that into a sig). Enjoyed this one, and I thought the element of having the faces and heels team together was really cool, and intruiging.

The Batisa-RKO match may have had the best finish EVER for an SS match. The crowd was white hot for this, and It was a lot of fun, although it seemed to me that R Truth was eliminated a tad early/easily. I guess they changed their minds about him going towards the ME scene.

Taker Vs Show was serviceable, not great, not bad. Pretty cool, cinematic elements, and a sweet table spot. Pretty different ending, although it happened rather quickly. I dont understand how people can react badly to this match, what on earth did you all expect??

Personally, I loved the match between Kozlov and Trips. expected a little more high impact spots, but I enjoyed the technicality, and the hold exchanging. Just so everyone knows, they booked it like that to purposely have the crowd go extra nuts for the suprise. Of course loved the suprise with Edge, loved the entire finish.

I thought the Cena-Jeritron match was great. Cena looked like he was gonna crack for a few seconds during his entrance. Both men told a great story, and both played their roles to perfection, and the match was given a great, fast, intense ending. big time WHC matches dont get preformed a whole ton better than this.

Very good show. Id give it a 9/10. No matches sucked, two of them were very very good.
Can someone please explain to me why the WWE can't use the english language properly?

They kept using Sole Survivor, even if there was more than one survivor, it just didn't make sense

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