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General Survivor Series Discussion

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic

Don't List Cards, Give Reasons.

I cannot wait for this years card. It has so much potential it's unreal. Just look at all of the new wrestlers that WWE have started to push over the past couple of months. This show should be great for getting a couple of them on PPV, which will probably be the last time before the Rumble. And it should make a couple of new feuds.

I don't expect a whole card of elimination matches. That would just be too much. But 3 or four should be good. They can then have a Women's title match, and one of the world title matches defended.

You've got to assume there will be a Rhodes, Dibiase, Manu & Orton vs. Punk & 3 partners match.
Team Jericho vs. Team Michaels

I can't remember the exact details, but I seem to recall a Survivor Series where you had the World Champ's team versus his primary rival's team, and whichever team won would then face off (either it was at that show or at the next PPV) for the title. If anyone remembers the details of that one, let me know (I'm digging through Wikipedia to find it). Anyone, that said, I think that this is a great way to put the finishing touches on this feud (unless WWE intends to run it all the way to Wrestlemania). I'm posting this before No Mercy tonight, so I might revise this later, but I'm of the opinion that Shawn Michaels is going to be winning the WHC tonight. Teams for this one would probably have to tap into Smackdown, so I would think the team would be: Team Jericho - Chris Jericho, Lance Cade, JBL, Kane and a heel from Smackdown. Kendrick, maybe. Team Michaels would probably be HBK, Triple H, Mysterio, Batista, and a face from Smackdown. Undertaker would make a dream team but I doubt it. Some face from Smackdown. They'd just get eliminated first anyway. Anyway, I'd pick Michaels team to win this one and potentially face off with Batista or Triple H (or both) for the title at Armageddon.

Team Orton vs. Team Punk
With the constant tag matches with all these folks, it's really the clear option to go. Team Orton would be Orton, Rhodes, Dibiase, Manu and if they decide to make it 10 man (I think they will, we've been seeing a number of 8 man tags lately) then they'd probably tap Deuce. Or move over DH Smith or something. Team Punk would likely be Punk, Kingston, Cryme Tyme, and if it is a 10 man, maybe a returning Hardcore Holly? Or Cena, if he's healthy? Don't know who would win this one but I expect it would put the nail in the coffin for Punk vs Orton - I'm figuring Orton to move on to feud with HBK but better this time around.

Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy for the WWE Championship.

Assuming the WHC is defended in the tag match, this means we'd need a WWE Title match. My bet is for Triple H vs Jeff Hardy in a gimmick match of some type. I figure Hardy to lose (or get screwed) out of the title at No Mercy, probably get voted in and lose, or lose in a gimmick match, at Cyber Sunday, and then come here for a gimmick match again. Ladder Match is probably out, Hell in a Cell was too recent, Steel Cage seems like it doesn't have enough umph - Last Man Standing isn't a bad idea. It's always a dramatic way to win a title. Anyway, some sort of gimmick match, and I'd figure on Hardy to win the brass ring here.

Team Hardy vs. Team Henry
Figure ECW would send their contribution to tag matches, but maybe 3 is hoping for too much. Still, it's my dream card. Matt Hardy, Finlay, Evan Bourne, and Ricky Ortiz to go up against Mark Henry, Miz, Morrison, and Chavo. Could be Dreamer instead of Ortiz. If we were really, really lucky they'd make this some sort of Extreme Rules match, so we could get all kinds of weapons mixed up in this one. It wouldn't really matter either way, but I would figure Hardy to win.

Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth for the United States Championship.

Seems like the direction they're going with. This could happen at Cyber Sunday but perhaps they'll delay it. Don't know that there's much to say about this one. I doubt it would be a gimmick, but probably a solid match. Perhaps R-Truth would win the title here.

Beth Phoenix vs. Kelly Kelly for the WWE Women's Championship.

Yes, it's a stupid match, but just the general feeling on Raw seems to indicate this is coming. It's not like anyone really cares about the Divas anyway. They're just a nice distraction in between the real matches. I don't even really care who wins. Only reason I say this is because Kelly keeps getting those roll up victories on Raw. Same thing could happen here, maybe.

If there's to be 3 elimination tags then 3 other matches is probably all the card could fit. I may revise this after No Mercy tonight if my predictions go awry.
Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy, Cryme Tyme, Finlay vs Miz n Morrison, Chavo, Bam Neely, Mark Henry
Opening Match Traditional Survivor Series style Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne win

MVP, Umaga, Shelton Benjamin, Kane, William Regal vs Hurricane Helms, Jamie Noble, Jesse, R-Truth, Festus
Mid Card traditional survivor series match Umaga and MVP win and Umaga attacks MVP starting a feud turning MVP face

Team Jericho(Jericho, Orton, JBL, Team Priceless) vs Team Batista (Batista, HBK, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, John Cena
John Cena and Randy Orton make their returns to start new feuds - JBL vs HBK, Jericho vs Cena, Orton vs Batista, Priceless vs Kingston & Punk

Rey Mysterio vs Santino Marella
Filler match with a funny promo from Santino Rey comes down and challenges him for the title Rey almost takes the title with a 619 but Beth grabs him while trying to go through the ropes. Santino steals it

Tag Titles TBK & Ezekiel vs The Colons
Good back and forth match Ezekiel takes out Carlito on the outside TBK pins Primo after hitting The Kendrick setting up future storylines shown below

10 diva one fall match
Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Katie Lea, Victoria, Natalya vs Mickie James, Candice, Maria, Kelly Kelly, Brie Bella

Who cares another diva filler match Candice with a roll up on Beth to start their feud for the title

Big Show vs Undertaker Buried Alive match
To end the feud Big Show throws the Undertaker in the ground Edge appears with a chair taking out Big Show and throwing Vickie in the ground burying her and the Undertaker. Edge takes on a tweener role and goes on to feud with Big Show

WWE Championship
HHH vs Koslov vs Jeff Hardy
Last chance match for Jeff, He starts to get angry in the weeks leading up to it teasing a heel turn. HHH pedigrees Koslov on an announce table. The Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel come down. Ezekiel takes down Koslov again while TBK distarcts the Ref. HHH knocks TBK off the ring apron. The ref checks on him on the outside. HHH with a pedigree on Jeff Hardy. Matt Hardy comes through the crowd and smashes HHH with a chair and puts Jeff on top for the cover
Jeff Hardy Wins. The show goes off the air with Jeff, Matt, TBK, and Ezekiel standing tall with the WWE, ECW, and Tag Titles
This could set up a more interesting HHH vs Hardy feud with Jeff being a heel
Matt Hardy could start a good feud with Evan Bourne and eventually lose the title to him
Ezekiel & TBK vs Koslov or The Colons - Koslov will finally be up against a big man that he could lose to

The stable could be underdogs teaming up to keep their titles and show the versatility with the Hardy's being heel again. Matt version 1 had the cocky attitude for it and Jeff could just snap using his personal problems as a storyline again and not letting anything get in his way. Eventually bring Edge back into it and have him win the Royal Rumble and take the title from Jeff at Wrestlemania
I'm usually a fan of Survivor Series matches where they have totally random teams. But I think there have been enough new wrestlers on each barnd this year that they don't need to do it.

ECW Elimination Tag Match:

Matt Hardy, Finlay, Ricky Ortiz, Evan Bourne & Another Wrestler vs. Mark Henery, The Miz, John Morrison, Mike Knox & Another Wrestler -
Both teams have another wrestler because I don't watch the show. So I have no idea if Jack Swagger is a heel or a face. But I'm sure The Boogeyman or Chavo Guerrero could be involved. Either way it's a pretty solid opening match.

Smackdown Elimination Tag Team Match:

The Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, R-Truth, Carlito & Primo Colon vs. Big Show, The Brian Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin, MVP & Edge -
Won't happen. It looks like a poor team and match for Taker to be involved in. The heel side is good. But the face side would make Taker look like he's on a jobber team. Either way it could be intresting. If Edge hasn't returned Ezekiel Jackson could have his spot. Or possibly Umaga.

Raw Elimination Tag Team Match:

JBL, Kane, Ted Dibiase, Cody Rhodes & Manu vs. C.M. Punk, HBK, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston & Another Wrestler -
Having said that I don't think random teams are needed I have since changed my mind. Especially when I noticed that Raw doesn't have many faces. I guess Cryme Tyme could be in the match instead of Kingston. It actually would just be better if Orton was back in time for this match, and if they could add another wrestler to their stable.

Other matches I'm predicting are Koslov vs. HHH, Batista vs. Jericho and a women's match.
I am feeling a triple threat WHC with Batista, Jericho, and HBK. Only becuase I cant figure out a spot for Shawn, and he assuredly wont be off the card for two shows in a row. its also a way for the Jericho-HBK thing to rekindle, continue, or end really. I see Cena being involved in one of the elimination matches, just so he wont be overkilled, and so he can have limited in ring involvement to test out that neck, and shake ring rust.
I'm thinking Triple H Vs. Kozlov or maybe a triple threat with Hardy. Obviously there isn't going to be another Hardy Vs. HHH match, since Triple H has beat him twice cleanly back to back so another single match would be over kill. If they are not planning on letting Hardy win then I say just have a Kozlov Vs. HHH match, but they will probably won't somebody to take the pin so Jeff maybe added.

There will also be a divas 5/6 tag match but most likely not elimination style(women's matches never go that long). Typical face vs. heel(Mickie, McCool, Kelly, Maria, Candice, Bella Vs. Pheonix, Jillian, Maryse, Natayla, Layla, Victoria. May end with McCool/Phenoix showdown but I see the faces winning.
I smell Cena entering to the pop of a lifetime and going over 'Tista for the WHC for whatever reason. I actually wouldn't mind...at least Cena does work hard to earn his titles and he'll do a better job.

As for the WWE Championship, I see Jeff being phased out this time. It's time to unleash Kozlov on Hunter in a singles match. Kozlov has no chance of winning the WWE Championship, but it'll at least be a good match and Kozlov will get the chance to prove himself.

Also pinned this as the place where R-Truth takes the US Championship from Benjamin. R-Truth is over like hell and while his matches are hardly worthy of his hype, it's time to have him go over Benjamin. He could do a good job as US Champion.

WWE Championship: HHH vs. ?
--Hopefully not Kozlov. I really think its being selfish if they have HHH be the first guy to defeat him when they can use that to push someone else.

World Heavyweight Championship: Batista vs. Chris Jericho
--Most likely. I hope Batista doesn't stay champion long.

ECW Championship: Matt Hardy vs.

Diva's Elimination Match
--Some grouping. Faces win.

Now here's where it gets tricky.

Right now we've got Punk & Kofi versus Rhodes, DiBiase, Manu, and possibly Orton (unless they've given up on the stable idea, which I hope they didn't). They wouldn't have Cena come back to be in that match as they'll most likely have Punk/Orton, not Cena/Orton.

We've got Kane versus Mysterio as a current feud, maybe with Bourne involved.

We've got Cryme Tyme vs Morrison & Miz - potentially, unless that feud is over with.

We've got Santino as the potential for someone that they'd throw into an elimination match just so he can lose extremely fast.






So its way too early to tell what groupings they'll pick, but I have a feeling that they'll cop out and only do ONE like they did last year and leave a lot of feuds out of it, unfortunately.
WWE Championship Match-HHH vs. Koslov/ Hardy

With Jeff being cleanly beaten Cyber Sunday I wanna think they're gonna wait on giving him another title match. It's obvious Koslov is being pushed for this. However, the WWE knows how huge Hardy is. I strongly believe however Edge will return and interfere and put himself into the title picture so HHH will retain.

World Heavyweight Championship Match-Batista vs. Orton

I read that Orton has been cleared to wrestle and I think he'll be next to set up an Orton v. Cena feud again and possibly give them a WM match.

ECW SS Match-Team Hardy v. Team Henry

Bourne just got injured so I don't think he's going to get a title match soon. This will be a cross branded match with Hardy, Rey, and Cryme Tyme v. Henry, Kane, Miz, Morrison

RAW SS Match- Team Cena v. Team Jericho

Cena, Punk, HBK, Kofi vs. Jericho, Priceless, JBL- It just seems to be going that way, and I don't think they wanna put Cena in a huge singles match out of fear he could get hurt again

SD SS Match- Team R-Truth v. Team Benjamin

R-Truth, Funaki, Colons v. Benjamin, MVP, Ryder, Hawkins-just puttign it out there. I think SD wll have one, just not 100% sure of who. If Hardy doesn't get the title match it will be his team. The U.S. Championship was announced for SD so the WWE is changing titles on TV now.

Diva's Title Match-Michelle McCool v. Maria

Since Maria took over from Maryse as #1 contender, the WWE obviously wants her to have the belt. I think Melina is returning sooner than we think and she will get the Women's title feud with Beth, since Kelly Kelly hasn't had any interaction with Beth in a few weeks. Possibly the Faces vs. Heels match might happen now that there are 2 belts, but I'm not holding my breath.

rest of the list-possibilities

Taker v. Show casket match-Edge could return in this also
Noble/Regal dark match
WWE Championship
Triple H(c) vs. Vladimir Kozlov

Lock it in. They have been building Kozlov, for a few months, and the match is gonna happen at Survivor Series, maybe Jeff Hardy will be added, but i doubt it. Match will probley end in Dq or something, setting up a rematch at Armageddon. Obviously Triple H is gonna be the WWE Champion, heading into Wrestlemania! So why not give Kozlov a title reign from Survivor Series- Royal Rumble, just to see how he goes?

World Heavyweight Championship
Batista(c) vs. Chris Jericho

Maybe John Cena might be the special referee, and cost Batista the match? Doubt that would happen, but this match will Main Event, and somehow, Cena will be involved with this match, wether it means he shows up after the match and has a staredown with Batista.

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match
Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy and R-Truth vs. John Bradshaw Layfield, Kane, MVP, Mark Henry and Shelton Benjamin

All of these guys are fueding with each, a match similar will be made. Happens every year, Shawn Michaels will probley be the Sole Survivor.

Casket Match
Undertaker vs. Big Show

Obviously they are going to have another match, and since Undertaker has a Casket match on Smackdown, im thinking Vickie will make it, Taker vs. Show in a Casket Match at Survivor Series. Maybe Edge will return here, and help Undertaker? Probley not tho lol.

Raw Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match
Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison and The Miz vs. Cm Punk, Kofi Kingston, JTG and Shad

Simply Priceless are fueding with, Punk and Kingston.. Morrison and Miz are fueding with Cryme Tyme, makes sense for this match to happen, as it looks like they have dropped the angle with Punk/ Orton/ Simply Priceless.

Divas Survivor Series Match
Mickie James, Michelle McCool, Maria, Candice Michelle Kelly Kelly vs. Maryse, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, Victoria and Katie Lea

Face Divas win.
I hope it ends up being Kozlov v. HHH for the WWE Championship at Survivor Series. I think Hardy's run for the title is finished for the time being and they've been building Kozlov towards a title shot for weeks. I would hope that Kozlov goes over HHH (although I doubt he will) because HHH as champ has run its course. I'd like to see Kozlov take his undefeated streak to Wrestlemania where he finally loses, perhaps to Hardy so that he can win his first world title at the marquee event.
Is that a joke, Kozlov v. Hardy is going to be a world title match at WM25, i would like to make a very larger bet against that. As for Survivor Series:

Batista (c) v. Orton v. Jericho-
After his little ultimatum Shane and Stephanie come out say how great he is and ask him if they can keep Adalme around a little longer if Orton gets the shot at Batista. I edited this cause one i forgot jericho and secondly feel like orton will play a part in the cage match which would lead to this

HHH (c) v. Kozlov -
Ends in a DQ where I see Edge jumping in. This is going to be the huge return show, where 4 people make either an in ring return or an appearence return.

ECW title:
Hardy (c) v. Chavo -
I hate this match, passionately hate this but Chavo went over Matt clean on ECW and this will lead to this match

Buried Alive Match:
Taker v. Show
This has to be a gimmick, it could be hell in a cell but thats been used to much, with Taker v. Chavo already being a casket match I think this is a similar option but enhances the feud. If Edge doesn't interfere in the title match he interferes here

Divas match:
McCool, Mickie, Maria, Kelly, and Bella v. Phoenix, Maryse, Natalya, Victoria and Jillian
Faces won last year so i guess the heels go over here, its a cluster and not an elimination match

Survivor Series Match:
Punk, Kofi, Cena, R-Truth and Rey v. Priceless, Benjamin and Kane
Simple combination of feuds and with priceless v. Kofi being 2 on 3 and Cena needing a match this fits

The last match is interesting cause I think it could be simply JBL v. HBK but in the hopes that they don't do something this basic and it turns out to be team JBL v. team HBK

JBL, Miz, Morrison, MVP and Henry v. HBK, Cryme Time, Helms, and Bourne (if healthy), if not Finley
I think this works cause Helms needs a spot to comeback, and obviously miz and morrison need to be involved with either HHH or HBK so this fits that also, I like this match a lot and the helms/morrison and Bourne/Morrison spots would be really good
I'm almost sure about this one:

Elimination Match:
Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Cryme Tyme vs. Vladimir Kozlov, Chris Jericho, Morrison & Miz

So, Kozlov gets a chance if he beats Undertaker, I say, Big Show enters the ring and knock-out Undertaker, Kozlov doesn't get a chance, and after RAW, Miz and Morrison want another chance against DX, Cryme Tyme is tossed into the match to be Kozlov's puppets.

World HeavyWeight Championship Match
Batista (C) vs. JBL

I'm just tired of this match, but I think it's the most obvious choice, thinking that the other match happens.

ECW Championship Match
Matt Hardy (C) vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. Evan Bourne

Chavo has beaten Hardy cleanly, so why not giving him a chance again at the title? But then, Bourne would want another chance at the belt, and after losing against Hardy on Cyber Sunday, they could make Hardy beating Chavo after Bourne hits the Shooting Star...

Elimination Match
Kane, Cody Rhodes, Ted diBiase vs. Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston

Tag champs going against each other, and the final chapter, hopefully, of the feud between Kane and Mysterio.

Divas Match:
Team Michelle McCool vs. Team Beth Phoenix

I don't know enough divas to list them on this match, but I say, Phoenix could team up with Natalya and Maryse, and McCool with Mickie James and Candice, have it as an one fall match.

Elimination Match:
Shelton Benjamin, Santino Marella, Mike Knox vs. Finlay, R-Truth, Charlie Haas or Helms

Champions versus challengers, not much to say, I don't even know if Finlay and Knox are still feuding with each other, but I guess nobody does so... throw them together and you have a match, Helms will possibly return, if not, Haas could be in this match only to be a possibly challenger to Marella's title.

Steel Cage Match:
Big Show vs. Undertaker

It makes sense, it's the last match before their Hell in a Cell Match at Armaggedon, Big Show escapes somehow and then Undertaker wants revenge at HIAC, it's obvious, and I would say, Edge returns at Armaggedon to feud a bit with 'Taker, maybe, doing the same thing he has done last year.
HHH vs. Koslov vs. Hardy

Didnt happen at Cyber Sunday, so I think it will happen here

Batista vs. Jericho

Jericho whines bout he never got a fair shot at the title, cuz Orton interferes in their cage match, so he gets it at the ppv only to have Cena interfere and cause Jericho the title

Buried Alive:
Undertaker vs. Big Show

Am I the only one who heard Big Show say the next time they met he was gonna bury Taker? and its logical. Also I think Edge will interfere here if he doesnt in the WWE Title match. Am not sure who he is gonna cost the match tho, cuz if he makes Taker lose then when Taker returns he will go after Edge AGAIN, and if its Big Show then there really is no one for him to fued with except Taker.

Thats all I got right now.
World Heavyweight Championship
Chris Jericho (c) vs Batista vs John Cena

Call me crazy but I'm thinking Jericho has a shot of regaining his title tonight on Raw. I never thought it was right that they abruptly ended what was a perfectly good reign. With Cena returning I think he will be fast tracked into the main event and I predict a Jericho-Cena feud down the line. Throw in the animal, angry about his steel cage loss and you've got the main event.

WWE Championship
Triple H (c) vs Vladimir Koslov

I don't see Jeff Hardy in this match firstly because it doesn't do his rep any good consistently being in the main event and not winning. Secondly I see him in the Smackdown Survivor Series match if there is one. Anyway, the program is pretty much sealed, HHH-Koslov, USA vs Russia. HHH will get the win but I like the way Koslov has been built up lately.
I'm excited for this PPV purely for the Cena/Jericho match. The rest has potential to be very, very bad. I'm scared HHH is going to bury Kozlov. It would be epic though, if he let our favorite Russian go over here, though.

I'd mark out.

Anyway. The Show/Taker match looks like crap. As does Team HBK/Team JBL. Lameee.
I'm excited for this PPV purely for the Cena/Jericho match. The rest has potential to be very, very bad. I'm scared HHH is going to bury Kozlov. It would be epic though, if he let our favorite Russian go over here, though.

I'd mark out.

Anyway. The Show/Taker match looks like crap. As does Team HBK/Team JBL. Lameee.

:sweat: You think the Show/Taker and Team JBL/Team HBK macthes are bad yet you look forward to Cena/Jericho. Hilarious. Cena/Jericho will be horrible because we all know right now who will win - John Cena. You think the WWE would actually let Jericho go over John Cena, arguably the most popular WWE superstar who has just returned from an injury? Dont think so!
The card almost looks complete, there's only one more match that I think will be added, it's filler. Carlito & Primo vs. Jackson & TBK. If anything it's good to see the WWE Tag Team titles to get on what is usually considered to be a big show.

So Jeff Hardy is added to the match making it a triple threat. He's winning then I guess. Great for him, bad news for Koslov. But with a win this week over Taker, and one next week over HHH, I don't see how he won't win the title.
Here would be my take on what Survivor Series 2008 looks like. In one sentence...

Probably the worst Survivor Series I can remember.

Now here would be my little explanation. For years the main feature about Survivor Series has been the elimination tag team matches. This years matches just look awful. If anything it looks like a ten man match that we would see on either Raw or Smackdown. There is nothing special about them at all. It's basically a bunch of TV feuds just thrown together. None of the participants on eachother's teams are actually really involved with their teams, outside of the tag champs. Matt Hardy? Isn't he the ECW champion? What the Hell is he doing in a Tag Team match and not defendng his title? Looking at them... between the 4 teams, all but three titles are in them. Waste of time. Also, where is the team buildup? Where is the hype for the matches... Non existant that simple.

The championship matches should be ok. Cena coming back should help ratings, and I am interested to see how WWE is going to use Kozlov. The casket match should also just be mediocre... I won't be ordering this and generally have no real intrest. It's a shame really if this is what WWE comes up with for one of their big 4 PPV's of the year.
The filler will probably be a Divas match. This card really stinks and I hate that all these matches are taking a backburner to the return of Jesus...I mean Cena. I honestly think the WWE is purposefully trying to make sure he's booed. They show those dumb videos on every single show! I'm sorry has he been gone with a life threatening injury ofr a year or something? The guys been gone for 3 months! HHH didn't get any videos like this when he was out twice. The Undertaker didn't get any when he tore his tricep.Thank goodness for live streams so I don't have to buy this thing. For me the highlights will probably be the tag matches and if Hardy gets the title, which I doubt.
This SS is set to be the worst man 6 matches only i smell a promo or a return of a or superstars edge or umaga
Undertaker vs. Big Show (Casket Match)

I hear talk of Edge being involved in this match. But I honestly don't see the point. Edge & Undertaker has been done to death, and if Edge helps Big Show that's where it'll lead. They're best holding his return off for a couple of weeks. Have somebody new help Big Show. Possibly Kendrick & Jackson.

Edge can return in a couple of weeks and act concerned because Vickie Guerrero has got a more dominant stable than La Familia.

Jeff Hardy vs. WWE Champion Triple H vs. Vladimir Kozlov (Triple Threat Match)

Hardy wins. They haven't added him so he can lose the match. I feel sorrt for Koslov, because it won't be Triple H who get's pinned.

On a related note, it was nice of The Game to ''put over'' Jeff Hardy on this weeks Smackdown. I guess Hardy's finishing move is a roll-up.

Team Batista vs. Team Orton Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Meh, WWE had something good with Randy Orton is these matches. But they blew it when they used him and Edge to massage D-X's ego. Orton will win, then WWE will promote him vs. Batista next month. they'd be better off saving it for Mania.

Team HBK vs. Team JBL Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Team HBK bar Shawn Michaels himself will be eliminated easily. He then does his overselling part that he does so well, he'll even the numbers up but in the end it'll all just be too much for him. I'm guessing Morrison will pin him.

Team SmackDown vs. Team Raw Divas Survivor Series Elimination Match

I'd much prefer Kendrick & Jackson vs. The Colons. At least having heels & faces on the same teams should make it more intresting. It's a shame they didn't do that with the male matches.

World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho vs. John Cena

Cena wins, by DQ. I just can't see them taking the title of Jericho, then putting it back on him, only to take it off him again.

Possible Batista heel turn.
Really though Jake?? why wouldnt they take the title right back off Jeritron?? its obvious they couldnt give a shit. Ratings are ballsack right now. and this is JOHN FRICKEN CENA we are talking about here. I think everyone has been lulled into a false sense of security by WWE's booking over the last year. He couldnt lose a damn match for the better part of two years. I dont think they would hype this up so badly and have him return at home if he wasnt going over. they dont give a damn about jeritron and his title reighn. Cena is taking the gold at Survivor series
Really though Jake?? why wouldnt they take the title right back off Jeritron?? its obvious they couldnt give a shit. Ratings are ballsack right now. and this is JOHN FRICKEN CENA we are talking about here. I think everyone has been lulled into a false sense of security by WWE's booking over the last year. He couldnt lose a damn match for the better part of two years. I dont think they would hype this up so badly and have him return at home if he wasnt going over. they dont give a damn about jeritron and his title reighn. Cena is taking the gold at Survivor series

It's a better story if Cena finally wins the title at Mania. It'll be nearly 18 months since he last held a world title by then, it'll be a great way to end what is supposed to be an important show.

If he goes into Mania as champion the main event won't be as intresting. It'll just be a rematch with Cena vs. Batista. If that's where they go. With Big Dave winning the first you'd have to guess that Cena will get the 2nd.

Stephanie McMahon will be the new thorn in Cena's side.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Chris Jericho vs. John Cena
--Good lord, I'm so, so sick and tired of those freaking video packages. Why are they so stubborn? Didn't they take notice that when Cena wasn't being pushed as heavily, people weren't booing him as much? I'm sure their goal here is to make it so everyone gets excited and happy to see him, but its going to backfire. Sure, it'll work on Survivor Series because he's from Boston, but when you put him up against a fan favorite like Jericho...ESPECIALLY if he gets the title...he's going to be booed to the heavens come Monday Night Raw. Jake brought up a good point....Stephanie McMahon having her upcoming feud with Shane. Shane was the one that brought Cena into it and Stephanie seems to be favoring Jericho over Cena. She even said that if it were up to her, she wouldn't have put Cena in that spot. So I can see her figuring out some way to screw Cena out of getting the title. This would make the whole "Shane + Cena vs. Stephanie + Jericho" thing play out for a little while. Plus, the WWE lately - outside of Regal - likes to make people lose in their home towns. Remember when Punk jobbed in Chicago? So I can see them making Cena come back to his home town of Boston, get a big pop, and then not win the title...since Vince probably thinks it'll make everyone hate Jericho. Of course, its reset the next night on Raw when they're not in Boston anymore and everyone boos Cena, lol. When it all boils down, I think either Cena is going to be "screwed" out of the title or he's going to just win it easily. I'm hoping for the first.

WWE Championship: HHH vs. Vladimir Kozlov vs. Jeff Hardy
--I want Hardy to win. I want Hardy to pin HHH. But I just can't convince myself that its going to happen. If Hardy wins by pinning Kozlov, or if Kozlov wins by pinning Hardy, it'll make me hate HHH's b.s. even more and it'll be just another notch in the books of how he refuses to look bad. I really think we need Hardy or Kozlov to pin HHH and make an emphatic statement...but I think Kozlov as champion will bomb. He's just not good enough or interesting enough in my opinion to be WWE champion. Hardy should have his shot. But alas...I feel we're getting another standard "HHH spends most of the time on the outside and then pins one of them and poses at the end of the show for 20 minutes" matches. What's tricky is that Hardy COULD win this, as its a big enough ppv and they're pushing him towards it, it seems, but they're sure as hell not going to switch both main titles on the same night, so if we see Jericho retain first, then I think we may get a title change here....and, like I said...hopefully its HHH taking the pinfall and helping someone out rather than just being a prick and making it a triple threat so he doesn't have to be the one that takes the loss. I'm also a little concerned that they might have Edge return and screw Hardy out of the title. That'd be a better option than just having HHH pin Hardy (or Kozlov) for the hell of it, but I think they should save an Edge/Hardy feud for a title situation.

Casket Match: Undertaker vs. Big Show
--Undertaker is going to win. I'm betting a lot on vBookie for that, cause we all know that Undertaker's feuds don't end until he defeats the person in a gimmick match, and I doubt the Show/Taker feud will continue. They've already had a few gimmick situations. Supposedly, Umaga is returning soon, so he'll probably be the next feud for Taker up until Mania, where Taker goes against HBK....*crosses fingers*

Team HBK (HBK, Mysterio, Khali, & Cryme Tyme) vs. Team JBL (JBL, Kane, MVP, The Miz & John Morrison)
--Cryme Tyme are the sacrificial lambs. Khali will get knocked out by a gang-up situation and probably pinned by MVP as retribution. Mysterio will knock out Kane and/or Miz/JBL....Honestly, I'm thinking and hoping that this will come down to Morrison and HBK, with Morrison getting the win. That would help them get into a feud together, and Morrison could score nicely with a big win as the sole survivor of his team via eliminating Michaels. This is the roughly the time last year that HBK was going to start his Kennedy feud, which ended before the Royal Rumble and then allowed HBK to start his stuff with Flair...so think about it...replace Flair with Taker, Kennedy with Morrison....

Team Batista (Batista, Matt Hardy, CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, & R-Truth) vs. Team Orton (Randy Orton, William Regal, Cody Rhodes, Shelton Benjamin, & Mark Henry)
--If Morrison wins for his team, Batista wins for his team here. If Batista wins here, HBK's team wins. Regal is a sacrificial lamb. Henry will fall to Hardy or Batista (more likely) after he eliminates R-Truth or Kofi. It would benefit Rhodes to do well here. They keep doing this whole angle with him trying to impress Orton, so maybe Orton will help him eliminate Batista and Rhodes will be the sole survivor of that team? If that's the case, Morrison doesn't win for his team. They won't have both Elimination Matches end with a push for a younger star over Batista and Michaels. They're not that studious lol. If I had to venture a full forced guess, I'd say its between Batista pinning Orton for the win or Orton/Rhodes helping the other out to win over Batista.

Raw Divas vs. SmackDown Divas
--This one is a toss-up. If it was all heels versus all faces (which would be more boring, so thankfully they're switching it up and making it more interesting) then it would be a little clear-cut that the faces would win. But now...hm....Maria might cost it for Michelle and the Smackdown team. I can't picture an interesting scenario where the Raw divas lose.

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