General Hell in a Cell PPV Discussion

I need to know who the fuck set up the match line up. The world title matches BEFORE R-Truth/McIntyre and the US title? Seriously. That was a ridiculously stupid.
I think the cell was watered down terribly by this, but all I could do was rely on Punk and Taker, and Orton and Cena to do some original shit, since we know DX relies on a tried formula in cages (Or at least HHH does) and Legacy have never been in one before.

I think it actually turned out okay.

P.S. I agree with Mark0820 - What the hell was with the PPV match order?
There are certain match types that need to be feud enders. TLC, HIAC, First blood, casket, all feud enders. Having three of them in one night was pointless and all three were forgetful.
Yeah I agree for the most part. I understand you couldn't do 3 Hell In A Cell matches in a row but come on the match order didn't make much sense. They at least could have done Punk Vs. Taker, Divas Title, Cena Vs. Orton, Tag Title, and then DX Vs. Legacy. I mean R-Truth and Drew McIntyre even must have been thinking how the hell did we get such a primo spot on the card. The match wasn't bad it's just something that shouldn't have been so high up on the card. The Hell In A Cell matches weren't as great as what they could have been. The only Hell In A Cell match that actually kept my attention the whole way through was DX Vs. Legacy and the sad part is most of the match took place outside the cell. The other 2 matches felt like regular matches(with weapon use here and there) inside a big cage.

And what the hell is with the Orton not have a full strength kick. They just had to find some bullshit reason for Cena to survive the punt where others have been put in the hospital for months cause of it. Even Vince and Triple H took time off T.V. to sell the punt injury. Would it have really hurt to have Cena off T.V.(I guess not due to the Bragging Rights format) at least for a couple of weeks. I know Randy Orton's knee/leg was being worked on in the match but come on that's ridiculous(Yes I understand it was one of his worst looking punts but come on.). At least Orton won but unfortunately there will be no fresh WWE title fued anytime soon with Cena almost certainly will cash in a rematch clause. There's got to be somebody on Raw that can take the ball and run with it at least on a B PPV.

Overall Hell In A Cell left a little to be desired with most of the undercard having better matches than the main events. I mean the Tag Title match was awesome! It seemed like all 4 men were performing at the top of their game.
yea it was pretty tame the match order ruined the whole thing taker shouldve went last, cena shouldve been beat to death no blood (damn pg) and legacy shouldve beatin the lamest form of dx ever and made hic look weaker then an ordanary cage match whats next they gonna ruin war games>
I read that the reason Taker/Punk was first was a punishment to Punk for some behavior during their most recent tour. I don't know too many details, just what I read on the main site.
This was by far the worst ppv I have ever seen. The matches were weak. It seemed the top superstars were affraid of taking a bump. The only forgiving resuly was Orton winning against Cena, otherwise, that was the weakest match of the night. I have seen them perform better on Raw. PPV's are supposed to be a higher quality than the weekly televised shows. That was not the case tonight. I'm affraid this will be my last PPV purchase. It just isn't worth the money. The chant of the crowd said it all "boring".
Hopefully WWE realise just how much of a mess this ppv really was i mean seriously come on this so called satans structure is supposed to shorten careers and amaze and yet we dont even get one little drop of blood and still with the PG rating i thought that this show may have pushed the envelope a litte bit but all we had is basically a cage match with no blood and a few weapons thrown in.I'm hoping this doesnt ruin hell in the cell matches as they are some of the most entertaining matches to date, however if the PG era continues like this i wouldnt be suprised to never see the demonic structure again.
Yes I knew this would happen as this match has now been killed and will need to be off for a while before being brought back. The tag match was very very good. Im a little mad that punk got squashed pretty much ( i hear he has heat now,wonder why?)
Orton won so thats good and the rest of the card was ok.
Hope they realize this train wreck before TLC later this year.
great so punk gets squashed early, cena stands up after a punt which in storyline ended rvd's carreer n took batista out for months and despite gettin his neck crushed there was no sign of blood on rhodes (but taker used to make men like big daddy v bleed from the mouth with his submisson?) pg wwe is gettin bad n cena is WORSE five nuckle shuffle in hell in a cell? fuck off! lol
I'm really glad I didn't pay to see this PPV. The booking seemed really sporadic. I did, however enjoy the DX/Legacy match (sue me). Should it have gone on last? No. But I still enjoyed it. I think Punk & Taker could have had a really good match if booked properly too. With the reports going around that a lot of the wrestlers and creative weren't happy with the PPV idea though, I didn't really expect anything spectacular. Everything seemed like a last ditch effort.
Okay, here are some of IC25's thoughts on the PPV dynamics. Bear in mind, I did not see the event myself.

1. Punk / Undertaker up first. Most of us have read the reasons for it being Punk's behavior on the overseas tour, yadda yadda yadda. But think about this - 3 HIAC matches in one night, doesn't it make sense to break them up a bit? If you had all 3 of them, back-to back-to-back, then by the 3rd HIAC match the crowd would be bored and exhausted. I think the idea of kicking off the night with one of the three main events was genius, regardless of Punk's issues. FURTHERMORE, who better to warm the crowd up with the first entrance of the night than The Undertaker? If you were there, live, wouldn't his arrival early get your adrenaline pumping?

2. DX vs Legacy as the last match. Interesting, but it also makes sense. Do you think WWE forgot the reaction John Cena gets in my home state of Jersey? Not just that, but in one of the hardest city's IN Jersey? This is Newark, baby, where you have to save up to be poor. But Cena is a rich white kid from Boston who raps and talks about street cred. Yeah, not happening. On the other hand, Orton is a heel walking out with the belt. Why would WWE end the night with that crowd reaction? A heel getting cheered as the lasting memory? No, DX had to go last for that reason. They'd get the crowd pop, and the idea of having HHH and HBK do autographs after made perfect sense.

3. Three HIAC matches in a night. Here's where I question logic. Is this a sign of panic from WWE, trying to use gimmicks to grab people? Or is this merely the creative folks throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks? Maybe a bit of both. Here's what scares me, though. Fans are obviously QUITE scared of ANOTHER Orton vs Cena match / feud. It's beyond old now. The other fear is another Orton vs HHH feud. I have some ideas as to where I'd like to see things go, but that's for another thread...I just question whether WWE blew their load here and watered down HIAC forever.
Rob's review of WWE Hell in a Cell 2009

1) World Heavyweight Championship Hell in a Cell match, CM Punk (c) v.s The Undertaker - Firstly, I was surprised as hell to see this match kick off the show, fucking awful decision on the WWE's part. As for the match... well, I'm gunna go as far as saying this was the worst Hell in a Cell match of all time. Seriously, I hated it. It didn't have that Hell in a Cell like feel to it. It didn't feel or look brutal. Only one weapon for a Hell in a Cell match... seriously?! And even then it was only used a few times! The lack of blood did hurt this match (infact it hurt all three matches) but last year Edge and Undertaker managed to put on a great Hell in a Cell match without using blood. Just plain awful and it set the tone for the whole show.

Match Winner: The Undertaker (New World Heavyweight Champion)

Rob's Match Rating: 3/10 - Worst Hell in a Cell match ever!

2) WWE Intercontinental Championship Match, John Morrison (c) v.s Dolph Ziggler - Lemme quickly ask something... what in the name of god was with Ziggler's trunks? Zebra coloured with hot pink writing... seriously? Anyway this match, whilst it was good, has pissed me off. The reason being is that this was the match of the night... on a PPV with three Hell in a Cell matches on the card! How shit is that?! But to be fair to Morrison and Ziggler, they did put on a good match and I was very entertained for the most part. They can do better though. I thought Ziggler had it won but because I like both guys, I didn't mind who won.

Match Winner: John Morrison

Rob's Match Rating: 6.5/10 - Match of the night... even though it only got a 6.5/10

3) Diva's Championship Match, Mickie James (c) v.s Alicia Fox - The only reason why I remotely enjoyed this contest was because Fox looked super aggressive through-out. Not to say that she was any good, but I believed her when she was acting all pissed off. Not all that bad, considering it was a Diva's match.

Match Winner: Mickie James

Rob's Match Verdict: 3/10 - The same score as a Hell in a Cell match... what more can I say?

4) Unified WWE Tag Team Championship Match, Chris Jericho & The Big Show (c) v.s Batista & Rey Mysterio - Could of been so much worse. It was actually OK. Batista as always looked terrible but Rey actually had a pretty decent match. Jericho (for the first time in years) looked average, mostly because he hardly featured. Big Show's knock-out punch to end the match was the best thing he did all match long. An average match, but it could of been worse.

Match Winner's: Chris Jericho & The Big Show

Rob's Match Rating: 5/10 - Rey was the man of the match, the rest looked average.

5) WWE Championship Hell in a Cell Match, John Cena (c) v.s Randy Orton - This was the match I was most looking forward too. It turned out to be a better all round contest than Punk/Undertaker, but still... it did suck quite a bit. One thing I did notice was how comfortable Cena looked inside the Cell. For the first time, Randy looked strong and his crazy character actually worked well inside the Cell. However, like Taker/Punk, it was still bad. Hardly any weapons and no blood were the main reasons why this match failed to live up to the hype.

Match Winner: Randy Orton (New WWE Championship)

Rob's Match Rating: 5/10 - Is this really what a Hell in a Cell match is about? What the hell?

6) R-Truth v.s Drew McIntyre - Why in the name of all that's holy was this even on the card? Why? It was nothing but a shit time-filler! Nuff' said!

Match Winner: Drew McIntyre

Rob's Match Verdict - 2/10 - Disgraceful booking!

7) WWE United States Championship Triple Threat Match, Kofi Kingston (c) v.s Jack Swagger v.s The Miz - This just so happened to be a fast paced, contest that I thought was pretty good. It was probably Miz's best match to date. Kofi once again gets another push.

Match Winner: Kofi Kingston

Rob's Match Verdict - 6/10 - Not all that bad.

8) Hell in a Cell Match, D-Generation X v.s Legacy - I was very surprised that this would main event the show. The opening sneak attack was cool and there was more brutality on the first 5 minutes then there was in the first two Hell in a Cell matches combined! However once Legacy locked Michaels inside the cell alone, this is when the match went down hill. Triple H's return with the bolt-cutters was always going to happen. I did laugh when DX locked Rhodes inside alone, talk about turning the tables. Whilst it became very boring, it was still the best Hell in a Cell match of the night.

Match Winners: D-Generation X

Rob's Match Verdict - 6.5/10 - There were good and bad parts... mostly bad but hey, what can we do?

Rob's Overall Rating for WWE Hell in a Cell 2009: 4.5/10 - As a PPV, this was fucking disgraceful and I want my money back. The PG era has killed the Hell in a Cell match! Awful! Worst PPV of the year by far!
I haven't seen everything so this review will be a sketchy.

'Taker vs Punk

Didn't see, but read the result and the reason behind Punk's loss. There will be another thread for in depth talk about Punk but as an employee you do what you're told, no matter how ridiculous it is. He is to blame for the shortness of the match (if the story is true. If not, then terrible idea behind a match)

I'll presume Rob's order is correct and I'll follow suit.

IC Match

I loved this match. Not on Morrison vs Rey or Rey vs Ziggler standard, but Rey is a special talent. They did a good job and I really though Ziggler was going to win at one point and when Morrison won I was happy, so it did it's job. 8/10

Diva's match

Didn't see, have no intention of seeing either. Alicia Fox should never, ever be ahead of Beth Phoenix in the pecking order. Mickie vs Beth is the only feud that should make a PPV.

Unified Tag Championships Brilliant match. Everyone looked good in this match. Rey was his usual brilliant self, Jericho played his role perfectly, Batista actually entertained me and Show carried on his good run. This match had me hooked and the ending was well done. Great to have Rey back and great to have tag titles defended in an entertaining match. 9/10

Cena vs Orton This match was fifth? Oh well. I like these two together and the match entertained me, but the ending was weak. Creative let themselves down with this one. Good news is this means more from these two to come.

I'm sure someone will complain about Cena getting up after the punt, big deal, it didn't look as deadly as the other punts anyway. Also, they can't keep having the punt keep talent off for a month, or it is never going to be used. A deadly move that can't be kicked out of is what it should be, not a career threatening move. 6/10. Poor ending ruins an otherwise good match.


I like Truth, and McIntyre's Scottish so I'll get behind his push, but this wasn't great. It shouldn't have been on PPV in the first place. As for the live crowd, they sing Truth's song then sit on their hands, idiots. Then again, have you read the live report on the main site from the fan in attendance? They must all have been as idiotic as him. 4/10. 3 of them are for R-Truth managing to get on a PPV

US title

This should have been MotN but it didn't deliver. Kofi is definitely better than this, the other two should be too. They could have got a little more time, I#d have given them the extra time from Punk.'Taker. I still like these three feuding each other and hope it continues for a while yet. Though Kofi being billed from Africa seems needless. 7


This has ben the best feud Raw has seen since the draft. It has been booked brilliantly and every match has been great. This one was booked perfectly. Legacy look strong in defeat which is the best anyone could have hoped for from this feud. 10/10

Turns out I have seen more than I thought I had. Decent enough PPV. No where near as bad as people are making out. What a shame for them.
From everything I'm hearing, this PPV seemed like a fail as a whole, but still had great matches. From what I've read, and what I've been told about Ziggler/Morrison, it seems like a candidate for MOTY. I'm glad to see they both took advantage of the opportunity, and set the tone for the rest of the show. I'm also seeing that the US Title match was solid, and hopefully the higher-ups can start noticing that the midcard is more exciting, and getting better reviews, so they can push some of these guys a little higher.

I still don't see why Drew McIntyre v R-Truth made the PPV, or the Divas Title. Neither match seemed to be all that impressive, and took a spot that could have been given to the ECW title, and maybe even a 2nd ECW match.
Well here's my 2 cents....

WHC HIAC Match: Taker v Punk:

I had a feeling they'd open this PPV with a Cell match, just didn't expect it to be this one. If anything i thought this would be on last since Smackdown has had THE ME slot the last 3 PPVs in a row, but this month it was not to be. Good job that this match was on first, because it was probably the least impressive of the 3 creatively. Where the other 2 made use of things they haven't tried in the Cell before, this match was your typical HIAC but with the PG twist, so therefore BORING! If they ain't gonna bleed what's the point of hyping these types of matches as being brutal?

What also made me laugh, was that as Taker was going for Old School, and Punk countered, he clearly hit a modified version of the GTS. He yanked Taker off the top rope and kneed him in the face as he would when executing his signature move, and yet no one in the audience made a peep at such an innovative counter into a finisher, and the announcers didn't pick up on it either. Smoothe.

I had no idea management were pissed at Punk, but i couldn't honestly see Taker losing 2 PPVs in a row, so the ending was predictable, but satisfying because the Deadman can now have a 7th title reign for all of 2 months.

IC Title JoMo v Ziggles

Fuckin' great match. I'm not going to say MOTY because someone says that about JoMo every week, but this match was great. They had some excellent mat wrestling, the pacing was done very well, and they moved on to the high risk stuff at an appropriate point in the match i felt. Ziggler's character obviously still needs work. You don't start trash talking 3/4 of the way through a match when your opponent is repeatedly kicking out of your moves, and you don't try to show off with (very well executed) fireman's carry's when victory isn't guaranteed. It didn't get him any additional heel heat, all it did was suggest that Dolph may have been rushed a little too quickly into these matches. I never had any complaints about him during his fued with Rey, and he'd probably BE champ if Rey hadn't been suspended, but his character is now acting like he already is the champion and that just makes him look silly. That's nitpicking, i know, but i have to find some fault with it don't i? Otherwise, best match of the night, should have been where McIntyre/Truth was on the card though.

Divas Title

I'll just say, how the fuck does Alicia Fox not have a broken neck after that fucked up DDT?

WWE Title HIAC: Cena v Orton

See?!?! He CAN beat Cena on his own! Now that they've FINALLY let Orton have a clean win over Cena, it should be easier for people to accept him as the champion. Decent match i guess, but why hype this match by saying that we're going to see a new level of brutality out of Cena if he's barely going to use any weapons the whole match? He threw the stairs at Orton, and that was it wasn't it? Is that newly defined brutailty for Cena? Methinks not. Very creative ending though, i've never seen anybody else even attempt that in a HIAC match, but what spoilt it was the camera angle making it clear that Orton barely connected with that punt. Personally i thought that was the best match they've had together this year, but i'm not sure i want to see them go at it for like the 7th time on PPV for a full hour in 3 weeks........ but that's what we're getting so.... Oh and before i forget, hyping it as Orton's last chance made the outcome almost as obvious as his Royal Rumble win.

Unified Tag Titles

Good return for the Animal/619 combo, and thankfully they didn't do it in a way where Rey was made to look like he relied on Dave the whole time. I was impressed that Rey stood up to Show, and was also glad that Show, who's been built up as a destroyer ever since he and Jericho hooked up, wasn't made to look like a 500lb bitch when facing Batista. The only problem i have with JeriShow (and correct me if i'm wrong), is the ending to their title matches is the same every time, with their defense against Legacy being the only exception (of course that was the 1st defense). One guy is knocked out or facing one of the others outside, the other guy is about to get the win, Big Show blasts him in the face, match over. That fucking shit signature move is again being relied upon to win every match.

R-Truth v Drew McIntyre

How did this get on PPV yet Christian v Ryder did not? They might hype him as McMahon's new favourite, but those of us who don't have goldfish memories will remember that this is not Drew's first SD! stint, and 5 minute matches where all he really does is a Double Arm DDT at a weird angle is not going to get him over. Why send them to train, hone their skills, and then debut them on TV where they do fuck all in AND out of the ring for the first 3 months? Do they really expect us to care about those kinds of new talents?

US Title Triple Threat

Basically you can just remember the 6 Pack challenge from a couple of months back and the only spots that were different would have been no Ballin' and no Playmaker/SCF combo towards the end. Decent match, although somewhat the same as all the others during Kofi's title reign. I have to laugh because i said to myself, 'this US title reign is getting really old, either Kofi needs a proper fued where he talks or he needs to drop the belt', and now Miz is champion. Lol. Did anyone notice that Kofi was announced as being from Africa instead of Jamaica as well, or did i just imagine that?

HIAC DX v Legacy

Didn't expect this as the ME, no way no how. Very creatively done. While it may have been boring not seeing DX wrestle, you can't deny that Legacy were made to look very cunning and smart with their tactics. If only they'd taken a page out of Orton's book and handcuffed HHH, because he'd have never gotten in then. Anyway, again i would say that this was the best match out of their fued, because it was so totally different. Not what you would expect from a HIAC match, and although i wanted Legacy to win, i'd say i'm satisfied with the match as a whole.


Didn't agree with the running order but in retrospect understand why they did it the way the did. The only matches that didn't live up to the rest were the ones i knew wouldn't, so all in all i enjoyed HIAC as a PPV. The only thing that i don't like, is that the whole PG shit is now making gimmick matches pointless. If guys aren't allowed to bleed or have a hardcore match with more weapons spots than wrestling, then most people will be disappointed when they hype a night like this as being exceptionally brutal. John Cena did not live up to this month's promise of a more brutal side top his character, he just did what he always did. Either stop having these matches or stop hyping how violent they're going to be, because people will only leave disappointed at the end of the night.

Transmission ends.........

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