General Discussion: CM Punk vs Y2J


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I dont want this thread to be deleted just like all of my other ones. But really its a good question and want your opinions on it..With a returning Jericho who will get over big vs the biggest face in the WWE right now CM Punk (if the match does happen at Mania) who will be the heel who will be the face? and if u look at that match being added to WM28 u have a REPORTED: Taker vs HHH III-Both faces in the fued. John Cena vs The Rock, and REPORTED: Y2J VS CM PUNK.
I personally believe at WM they will both be faces but hopefully after Mania if they wanna continue with the fued they should make Jericho heel and keep Punk face it would be an epic fued and great mic promos from both "wrestlers". And i just hope creative doesnt fuck this fued up if it happens because this is a hell of a fued in the making and can deff push ratings higher, especially if they can keep this fued running until summerslam of 2012. But obviously in the end i see CM Punk winning the fued and y2j either starts another fued, with maybe barrett? miz?(would be epic)

First of all, I do not believe that Jericho is 100% confirmed to return. Secondly, we already have a Stickied Thread in the WWE PPV section on ALL WRESTLEMANIA 28 DISCUSSION, so this is a duplicate topic. Lastly, you have no concept of punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, or anything else that supports the English language.

And you wonder why all of your threads keep getting deleted?
First of all, I do not believe that Jericho is 100% confirmed to return. Secondly, we already have a Stickied Thread in the WWE PPV section on ALL WRESTLEMANIA 28 DISCUSSION, so this is a duplicate topic.

Why'd I want to take part in that melee when I only want to discuss one specific but significant part of WrestleMania 28? At least you had the decency to hide it in a sub-section.

Welcome to the spam zone, friend.

I'm not looking forward to Jericho's return, nor am I looking to fans scurrying away from Punk like rats from a sinking ship to their old flame. Their chubby, overrated old flame.
I can stand the poor sentence structure, I can't stand the idea that there is something you want to talk about and don't give the rest of us any room to continue the discussion.

I like Hamburgers. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Y2J v. Punk is the best possible scenario for both superstars. It puts Jericho back in the spotlight where he belongs, it puts Punk against someone that's on his level at both talking and wrestling, and it gives the WWE a possible show stealer at Wrestlemania. Its a win/win for everyone.
i think its hilarious as many shots as jerichos been taking at punk on twitter and mr. pipe bomb has yet to say anything back.. interesting
I love Jericho, I love Punk. You don't need in-depth detail on if I want the match to happen.

Also, I'm with D-Man, sue whoever taught you English.
The Problem I have with this is Chris Jerichio does NOT draw. no matter how many Fozzy concerts he puts on, how may stars he dances with or how many VH1 shows hes on people will not buy wrestlemaina because hes back, in fact the casual wrestling fan probably doesn't know he ever left. If your trying put elevate CM Punk to Superstar End of wrestlmania with fireworks going off and everyone chanting his name status, you need a bigger match than with Jericho.
First of all, I do not believe that Jericho is 100% confirmed to return. Secondly, we already have a Stickied Thread in the WWE PPV section on ALL WRESTLEMANIA 28 DISCUSSION, so this is a duplicate topic. Lastly, you have no concept of punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, or anything else that supports the English language.
OK, You want to know why i posted this? Because i want to talk about Jericho vs CM Punk im not gonna waste my time going to a wrestlemania 28 thread where everyone is talking about diff matches. I posted this to talk about punk and y2j. Now if u really have the balls to delete my OPINIONS on things then go ahead. But seriously ur going to delete my opinions thats bullshit. And use proper spellin commas (,) periods (.) im sorry but sometimes i dont have the time to put this all this shit i have shit to do other than a run a fucking website all day. I dont sit on computers 24 hrs a day ok
I can stand the poor sentence structure, I can't stand the idea that there is something you want to talk about and don't give the rest of us any room to continue the discussion.
and for this guy:lol: haha ok, i can give my opinions on this and u say u have no room to discuss. WHY THE FUCK DO U THINK I SAY GIMME YOUR OPINIONS or does that not mean give me ur opinons. SO u want me to post this general dicusion: y2j vs cm punk please discuss this, please use proper spellin or else your post will get deleted because we feel if u dont spell right ur fucking ******ed. GO AHEAD AND DELETE MY ACCOUNT BECAUSE IM SURE U WILL AFTER ME SAYING MY OPINIONS
OK, You want to know why i posted this? Because i want to talk about Jericho vs CM Punk im not gonna waste my time going to a wrestlemania 28 thread where everyone is talking about diff matches.

So, what you're saying is that you're completely ignorant to our rules? Thanks for pointing it out but we figured that one out already.

I posted this to talk about punk and y2j. Now if u really have the balls to delete my OPINIONS on things then go ahead. But seriously ur going to delete my opinions thats bullshit.

I don't recall deleting anything. Matter of fact, I did just the opposite. I moved the thread to a subforum where more users could read it... and shit on it because it's atrocious.

And use proper spellin commas (,) periods (.) im sorry but sometimes i dont have the time to put this all this shit i have shit to do other than a run a fucking website all day. I dont sit on computers 24 hrs a day ok

What a coincidence... neither do I.


I've got a better idea... log off and don't come back.
So, what you're saying is that you're completely ignorant to our rules? Thanks for pointing it out but we figured that one out already.
Ohh, ok so im not "ALOUD" to post something about a potential Y2J VS CM Punk fued? ok that makes alot of since:banghead:
I don't recall deleting anything. Matter of fact, I did just the opposite. I moved the thread to a subforum where more users could read it... and shit on it because it's atrocious.
your right on that one u didnt delete them, u some how go on my account or however u do it and change my shit that i posted u mine as well just tell me to delete it and be more specific.
I've got a better idea... log off and don't come back.
I've got a better idea... go fuck your self.
I'm not looking forward to Jericho's return, nor am I looking to fans scurrying away from Punk like rats from a sinking ship to their old flame. Their chubby, overrated old flame.
Are we the only ones who sense the impending doom or am I just getting that impression because you're one of only a handful of people whose posts I bother to read?
I like Jericho but I would like to see Punk beat him verbally and physically to disappoint a lot of lil' chrissys out ther'. Has someone checked for new FSWWE alts?
Are we the only ones who sense the impending doom or am I just getting that impression because you're one of only a handful of people whose posts I bother to read?
Honestly I think the internet will be too busy jizzing themselves to truly take sides.

I'll be rooting for Punk in the match, though.
Ohh, ok so im not "ALOUD" to post something about a potential Y2J VS CM Punk fued? ok that makes alot of since:banghead:
your right on that one u didnt delete them, u some how go on my account or however u do it and change my shit that i posted u mine as well just tell me to delete it and be more specific.

I'd reply to some of this but I honestly don't have a clue of what you're saying. I guess English is your second language.

Plus, that horrific post says enough on its own.
I'd reply to some of this but I honestly don't have a clue of what you're saying. I guess English is your second language.

Plus, that horrific post says enough on its own.
Haha okay, could u atleast tell me what's so bad about the post? I mean since u post better ones why dont u explain it to me a little better instead of being a complete tool about it..
Haha okay, could u atleast tell me what's so bad about the post? I mean since u post better ones why dont u explain it to me a little better instead of being a complete tool about it..

Do you pay attention to anything? If so, your question would've already been answered having read this:

First of all, I do not believe that Jericho is 100% confirmed to return. Secondly, we already have a Stickied Thread in the WWE PPV section on ALL WRESTLEMANIA 28 DISCUSSION, so this is a duplicate topic. Lastly, you have no concept of punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, or anything else that supports the English language.

And you wonder why all of your threads keep getting deleted?

LULZ :rolleyes:
Haha okay, could u atleast tell me what's so bad about the post? I mean since u post better ones why dont u explain it to me a little better instead of being a complete tool about it..

He uses proper grammar, you put the word "aloud" where allowed ought to have been which is a mistake young ones would make back in play school. You attempt to make D-Man come across as a nonsensical thing while you yourself spelt sense incorrectly and instead used the word "since", which once again is a mistake one who is attempting to refer to another as a "stupid bitch" should not be making.

Also what makes you look foolish is you actually suggest D-Man, a moderator on the forum hacked your account and changed your stuff. No, I saw your post when you put it up, you can't excuse poor spelling, punctuation and structure on someone else when it's obvious you have not got a clue.

From a third party perspective that is why your post(s) are bad. Now, if I were you I'd apologize to D-Man and stop acting like a total dipshit unless you want everyone who sees this thread to simply shake their head at every post you make from here on out.
He uses proper grammar, you put the word "aloud" where allowed ought to have been which is a mistake young ones would make back in play school. You attempt to make D-Man come across as a nonsensical thing while you yourself spelt sense incorrectly and instead used the word "since", which once again is a mistake one who is attempting to refer to another as a "stupid bitch" should not be making.

Also what makes you look foolish is you actually suggest D-Man, a moderator on the forum hacked your account and changed your stuff. No, I saw your post when you put it up, you can't excuse poor spelling, punctuation and structure on someone else when it's obvious you have not got a clue.

From a third party perspective that is why your post(s) are bad. Now, if I were you I'd apologize to D-Man and stop acting like a total dipshit unless you want everyone who sees this thread to simply shake their head at every post you make from here on out.

Love this fucking guy. <3
These videos are hyping a potential WM 28 feud between CM Punk and
Chris Jericho and this is why i think so. In the video the little boy is
representing JY2J and the little girl is representing Punk. Keep this
in mind throughout my explanation. Notice, how the little boy continues
to write in his notebook and the little girl keeps trying to look at
what he's writing. Once the boy goes into the corner (Y2J's time
off from WWE) The girl tries to do the work herself, but can’t come up
with anything. Keep in mind that she looked at the boy’s notebook and
this is pretty much implying that she has stolen the boy’s work, which represents
Jericho going to come back and claim that Punk is a fraud and has stolen
his ideas and gimmick, ideas etc. Also the ball in the video
represents Jericho dropping the ball by leaving and Punk “taking the
ball and running with it”. The ball belonged to the boy and the girl
took it. At the end the girl is standing in the spotlight and the boy is in
the dark with his head down indicating that we have forgotten about
Jericho and that Punk is the new guy we all know and love. This will
lead to WM match with Punk and Jericho. Look within the video not what
the kid is saying. I Arrest my case!

He "arrest"'s his case. That is a first. Also the format in-which the post took is blatant copy and paste work to me, that or he is typing this stuff out on a black and white McIntosh computer.
I'll support Punk over Jericho. Jericho has never entertained me much and I do not really see how his and Punk's gimmicks were the same apart from the use of catchphrase. I really think that Jericho is making a much bigger deal of it than it actually is. Or it may be a ploy to promote their feud.

And even if the gimmicks were the same, Punk just used it better. Jericho's probably annoyed at that fact more than anything else.
I like Punk and I also like Jericho. I couldn't pick right now, I'd need to see what Jericho does when and IF he comes back.

Oh & wewantchange? Ask for money back. If you can do that, that is.

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