General Computer & Video Game Discussion Thread


[This Space for Rent]
Since there hasn't actually been a thread like this, I'm going to go ahead and make one now. The objective of this thread is for those of you who'd like to randomly make a comment about a video or computer game you've played, or are currently playing.. but you can't make a thread for it, or don't wish to make a thread for it, if you feel it isn't a big enough title to warrant one.

Please make sure you follow the regular rules of the forum. This is NOT a spamming thread. You will be infracted if you don't give proper reasoning and explanation on whatever video game you're refering to. In other words, saying "this games cool" isn't going to work.. and you will be infracted for such spam.

The only two types of discussion that should happen in this thread, are for those of you who'd like to comment on any random game you wish to comment on. (Unless it has its own thread, already) Or you may reply to someone, who's talking about a game, as long as you add to the conversation. If you wish to reply to someone in saying you agree that game is good, or you don't agree and feel its bad.. do so through PMs or the Rep system.


Now then, for my initial game discussion...

All Pro Football 2K8: I recently bought this game from an internet service, using a discount since I was a member, for $4.00 total. Might of actually been a bit higher with tax. Anyways.. I wasn't high up on even wanting to try this game, but my passion and love for football games, as well as my bordom with N.C.A.A. & Madden of 2008 have caused me to go in search of something new, something different.

I've only played this game for tonight. (Just received it today) I have ups and downs to it already. The best "up" I could possibly give it, is I was pleasantly surprised when I found out it plays (the controls) are very similar to the old school E.S.P.N. N.F.L. 2K5 game. The graphics are much the same, and with the exception of the world's WORST kicking system.. the game is set-up exactly like the E.S.P.N. game.. even with the same announcing team.

Now, the general overall feel for this game is its filled with tons of former greats, Legendary Football stars. (Barry Sanders, Bart Starr, Reggie White, etc, etc.) The objective the way I've seen it thus far.. is you pick a selective team of so many "known" stars, then you get a remaining group of "no-named" individuals and you create an entire team out of nothing. You play through a season of 16 games.. just like regular N.F.L.

And I only assume they have a Superbowl like playoff system, but I wouldn't yet know.

Overall, I believe even at $20.00 (which is what you'd typically find this game priced new these days) I feel it'd be worth buying if you love football games in general. The one thing I've always hated, was using "fake names" as I can't get beyond seeing a ton of randomly created people that aren't real. But with this game, I can easily overlook that.. seeing as to how I'm having someone like Bart Starr play along side someone like Barry Sanders, or Rod Woodson.
Good thread, the game i am currently playing and addicted to is Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

This game is great, ive been playing since January and havent got sick of it once. Its basically a war game set in modern times with the SAS and Marines. The Campeign mode is awsome, great gameplay, great graphics (the best graphics ive seen from any game PS3 or Xbox 360) and a very well done story to go with it. But now to the best part

The Online Play: The online function for Call of Duty 4 is just truly awsome and has got me hooked for hours and hours. It has a very well done custom class system where you great a class of your Guns, Weapon Perks, Side Arms ECT which you can store 5 custom classes and you pick one to play with before the game stars.

The game modes Online are also great. You have the typicall kill fest with Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch and you also have modes where you need to think and play with strategy like Search and Destroy where you have to destroy and plant the bomb.

I can talk hours and hours about this game but ill stop. I truly think its the best game out there right now and its the best game ive played ever. It came out in November last year, but im still playing and so other many others. Id give it a solid 9.5 out of 10. Does anyone else have Call Of Duty 4??
Recently I decided to play Lego Star Wars 2 again.Dear god,what a beauty.

The game play is perfect as are the graphics.Playing through The "A new hope" section is like the movie itself.The sad thing is all the other star wars games suck eggs(apart from lego star wars 1) yet they have a great landscape to make it with.

Another wee gem in this game is the puzzles.Yesterday I was at a level for 30 minutes and couldn't get the last bit done because I had no idea how.I tired it this morning and realsied how to do.You have to be awake-and I really mean it-to get the harder puzzles.

But the best part is the scenes.You see the characters have no voices and must you signs and facial expressions to tell a message.Exmaple-when Vader tells Luke he is his father he takes out a old family picture of himself and Lukes mother!I was rolling on the floor with laughter.A must buy for star wars fans.
Race Driver: Grid:

This is by far the hardest racing sim I've ever played. Probably because I'm used to Mario Kart. I just can't do it. I'm awful. I've probably started about 50 races. Won two, and completed 10. I need to turn the damage off because I'll get a lap in and my vehicle will be fucked. If you can't turn damage off then this game will go in the same pile as the Tony Hawk game.

I heard this game was great. And it might well be. But I don't usually get games like this. The last proper racing game I bought was Need For Speed: Underground for the PS2. That was great. But only because I found it a lot easier. I will persevere with the game. But I can't see myself playing it this time next week. I'll probably take it back. I should have waited for Metal Gear Solid.
At my local game store, some guy just traded in 1200 snes/nes games, they had a massive sale. I got a bunch of different games, including a bunch of weird ones. So here's some of the weirdest ones I got.

Yoshi's safari for snes: ok, when I saw this at first, I thought it was going to be another game like yoshis island (which is my favorite game on the snes)
So I bought the game, go home, put it in, IT'S A FREAKIN FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. So here's how the game works do any of you remember the
super scope?
So basicly you're Mario riding on the back Yoshi, gunning down enimies.
Sadly, I haven't been able to play much of this game, for I do not have a super scope.

Dr, jekyll and Mr Hide for the nes: Ok, first off I'd just like to say that this is possible the worst game I have ever played. I've never even had the patience to make through the first level
You start off as Dr, jekyll walking out of your laboratory, and everybody is out to kill you, the children shoot slingshots at you, the women charge at you and try to knock you down, and the men drop bombs and then run away,
even the cats and dogs want you dead.
Sounds like an exciting game right? Wrong. They give you one weapon and it doesn't do anything! You poke people with your umbrella and it does zero damage. How's that for the only weapon in the entire game? the only way to elude your enemies is to jump over them. and even then, you can't jump ON them, only over them.

Now as for being Mr, Hide. You become Mr, Hide when you lose 75 percent of your health when you're Dr, Jykell, then the background changes and you now fight enemies by punching them and now you can finally kill enemies.
It says on the box that you can do a move called "The psycho wave" But I haven't had the patience to figure out how the dumb move works.
Even talking about this horrible is making me angry, next game.

Now we're going to look at a GOOD game,
The Legend Of Zelda, The Adventure Of Link: Now, when I first played this game, I thought it was horrible, I was so used to top-down and third-person perspective that I didn't even bother with this game, but since I managed to find it at such a cheap price, I thought I'd give it another try. I cannot believe I haven't played this game up untill this time. This game is one of the best side scrollers I've ever played, I love the leveling up system (although, I do miss collecting heart pieces) This game is perfect in just about every way.
My only two complaints, is that when you talk to people the the text moves at such a slow pace, that it can kind of annoying when you walk through villages looking for someone and every talks extremely slow.
My other complaint is that you have lives in this game, which is ok since it's so easy to die. BUT in every(?) other Zelda game you don't have a life system, when you die, it's over, you save and start back at a different place or the beginning of the temple. That's the way it should've been, but I understand that they we're trying new things with this game, that got it right with every other game, so it doesn't matter now, But I still don't like it.

Well, I got alot of other games, I'll review those some other time.
For those of you that read my entire wall of text, I thank you.
I rented Tiger Woods 2009 for the PS3 yesterday and I am loving this game so much. The Tiger Woods games are one of my favourite game series and this year's game is better than any previous game.

The graphics are amazing, the game is very easy to pick up, the in-game challenges are very addictive and you can actually hit spectators either on the leg or square in the nuts if you mishit a shot.

The only aspect of the game I don't like is the putting as you have be spot on as you either go way past the hole or go nowhere near it. Overall I say it is 9/10.

I'm also playing Formula One Championship Edition for the PS3 and it is a brilliant game. I love F1 so much and have played every game on the PS1, PS2 and the PS3.

It is so realistic in the way the car brakes from high speeds to very low speeds in a couple of seconds but it is so easy to hit another car if you're in the middle of the pack and you will damage to the extenet you have to pit to repair it or you will damage it too much and you will be out of the race. Easily my favourite F1 game and I'd say it was 9/10

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