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GD Reviews PPV!

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Plump, Juicy User
Reviewing PPVs seems to be all the rage now, so I thought I'd give it a shot. KB has got pretty much all of the big PPVs covered, but what about the lesser, more obscure PPVs? They deserve some love and attention to. Now, I'm not going to pretend to have a wealth of knowledge about wrestling history, because I don't. In fact, I probably haven't seen most of the PPVs that I'll be reviewing. If I make a mistake in something I say, correct me. However, I think that's what will make this interesting. My thoughts will simply be based on what I saw, not what I remembered.

I'm review PPVs on a schedule to be determined, it could be every few days or every few weeks, it all depends. As for the content, I look for what I think may be interesting. If you have any personal favorites you think I should watch, I'll try to do it given that I can find them. Off we go.

Bad Blood 2004

Date : June 13, 2004
Attendance: 9,000
Venue: Nationwide Arena
City: Columbus, Ohio
Commentators: Good ole' JR and Jerry "the King" Lawler

What is the reasoning for picking this PPV? Nothing really. I was just looking through the interwebz for a PPV, and Bad Blood sounded like a cool name. I went with the 2004 version over the 2003 version, because who wants to watch Kevin Nash actually wrestle. This is based off of the In Your House PPV in 1997, which featured the first HIAC match ever between HBK and Undertaker.

This is still during the time of brand exclusive PPVs and this is just for Raw. Benoit is the World Champ coming into this after his victory over HHH and HBK at Wrestlemania 20 and victory in the rematch at Backlash and Kane is the current #1 contender. However, HHH and HBK is the main feud here as their rivalry is finally going to come to an end in the Cell. There are other's matches too, trust me, you'll see.

The opening video is kind of over the top, but it got me excited for the PPV. JR welcomes us mentioning the "demonic" structure hanging above the ring. King is wearing a purple suit jacket, he should stick to shiny T-Shirts. He say hello to the two fat guys at the Spanish Announce Table and we're ready to go.

La Résistance(c) v. Edge and Chris Benoit in a World Tag Team Championship Match

La Resistance (Robert Conway and Sylvain Grenier) are out first and their gimmick is pretty much that they're Canadian. Honestly, I have never heard of them before, but that's just me. They were only around for a couple of years yet were 4 time tag team champs. Shows how easy it is to attain titles in the WWE nowadays. Conway gives us an atrocious singing of the Canadian National Anthem until he is interrupted by the entrance of Edge. That seems rather odd, what kind of person interrupts their own national anthem, regardless of how bad it's sung? Edge is looking pretty strange in all baby blue outfit, I kinda like it though. Apparently Edge can set a record tonight by becoming 10 time Tag Team Champ in the WWE, which is pretty impressive considering this is 5 years ago. Benoit comes out for his first or 2 title matches of the night to a pretty big ovation.

We start off with a big "USA" chant from the crowd. Anti-US gimmicks always work, even if there are not Americans in the match, you're sure to get a good chant going. The faces are in control early and it's clear that Benoit is way more over based on the reactions he gets when he's tagged in as opposed to Edge. After some interference by the heels, Edge is thrown face first into the ring post and they are in control. They have Edge in a resthold as the action's slowed down a little. JR mentions La Resistance winning the titles in Montreal a few weeks ago, King says that the celebration for that wouldn't be as big as if the Expos won the World Series. Ya, I'm gonna have to disagree with that one. Edge is still playing the face in peril as we get basic heel tag team action. Conway and Grenier aren't great, but they aren't horrible either. After a pretty cool looking double neckbreaker by Edge, Benoit is finally tagged in. Benoit is on fire hitting suplexes on both of his opponents. Even though he doesn't get much ring time here, Benoit is by far the most impressive part of this match. He hits some more nice suplexes and gets Conway in the Crossface. Grenier tries to break it up, but he gets a Spear for his trouble. Conway is going to tap, but Kane's music hits as he starts coming down to the ring. This would make sense, except for Conway is still in the Crossface the whole time Kane is walking towards the ring. It has do be for a good 30-45 seconds. How didn't he tap out? Just because Kane was at the top of the entrance ramp? That doesn't make any sense. Anyway, Kane comes into the ring and goes nuts. He beats the crap out of both Benoit and Edge with some chokeslams and hurls Benoit into the ring steps. He says. coming for his title later tonight.

Winners: Chris Benoit and Edge at 10:17 by DQ.

Rating: 6/10. It was a pretty decent opener, but for the most part, nothing really happened aside from Benoit at the end. The other 3 guys really did nothing of note in the match. Kane coming in to interfere was a pretty good move, there was really no reason for Benoit and Edge to win the titles here and it adds some intrigue to the main event.

GM Bischoff is backstage giving Coach a pep talk for his match with Eugene. Eugene is undefeated at this point, but Bischoff wants him gone because he's an embarrassment. He was actually really big for awhile, he even had a match with HHH at Summerslam. Eugene comes in, Uncle Eric assures him he's looking out for him.

We got some more hype for the HIAC, JR says it's about "sheer finality."

Tomko (w/Trish Stratus) v. Chris Jericho​

The idea behind this match is that Jericho injured Christian awhile back and Tomko is there to get revenge. We get a replay of Tomko powerbombing Jericho through the announce table on Raw a few weeks ago, that look like it hurt. Jericho comes out and is rocking the long hair at this point, which is always cool.

Pretty good Y2J chant to start, but Tomko quickly takes control. Gets Jericho in the corner and starts hitting the Matt Morgan elbows on him (yes, they are now called Matt Morgan elbows, he's earned it). The fight quickly goes to the outside and Jericho is able to throw Tomko into the ring post, however it doesn't last long as Trish distracts Jericho long enough for him to get crushed by Tomko. The big man is looking pretty good here, much better than I remember him. Some more basic offense from Tomko, but he best thing happening here are all the sexually suggestive marks from King. I tried to keep track, but I simply couldn't. King is just ogling over Trish, he says that Greenspan is wrong and that inflation is a good thing. JR is trying to talk about either Jericho's or Benoit's injured ribs, I can't be sure. Either way King makes sure to remind us that Trish has nice ribs. Thanks King. Jericho is still getting beat down, they keep saying there's no way he can possibly win this, which means he probably will. After Jericho hits a bulldog, Trish tries to interfere again, but Tomko accidentally hits her. He turns right into an Enzuguri from Jericho and the match is over.

Winner: Chris Jericho in 6:03 by pinfall.

Rating: 5/10. This was just an average match. Tomko looked decent, but you knew Jericho was going to win the whole time and he did after not doing anything for pretty much the whole match. This is something that would've better been served for an episode of Raw, but with the brand exclusive PPVs, anything of importance can be contested on Sunday.

JR says this has been an auspicious start to the PPV. How so JR?

We get a review of the current IC Title feud between the champ, Randy Orton, and the challenger, Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin pinned Orton a few times and Orton and Evolution beat him up a few times, pretty standard stuff. Todd is with Orton in the back. Orton says he's a living legend and starts insulting the crowd. Orton talks about how's he's been champion for over six months, which is pretty impressive. He's on a roll at the moment, he'd lose the best to Edge next month, but proceed to beat Benoit at Summerslam to become the youngest champ ever, which led to his face turn. Safe to say it was a good year for Randy. He's much different on the mic then than he is now, and I kind of like it. Orton walks out through the crowd and continues saying things a heel would say. He says he ended Mick Foley's career. Not really, but whatever. As he walks over the barrier into the ring, Orton gives some random fan an extremely creepy look. He just stops talking for a few seconds and stares at her. That was really weird. O shit, here comes Shelton. I don't care how "athletic" he is, he's boring as hell. Apparently the match isn't supposed to start yet, but Shelton wants it now. The ref calls for the bell, and here we go.

Randy Orton (c) v. Shelton Benjamin for the IC Title​

Shelton immediately goes for the roll up and almost gets the quick win. JR and King are going at it like preschoolers. King is pissed that Orton has to compete now because he deserves so much better. He really was a pretty shit heel announcer and is just a bad announcer overall. It's just annoying. Shelton looks pretty good to start as we get to see his "athleticism." He hits some nice kicks and throws Orton out of the ring with an armdrag. The 2 are over the railing and fighting in no time. Some brawling on the outside. Since it is mandatory to mention it in every Shelton match, JR raves about how good of a high school athlete Shelton was. Really JR, no one cares. They are in the ring briefly, but are back to the outside again. Really nothing of note happening here. Orton takes control and he is getting some pretty good heat here. Flair comes out in his suit to support Orton at ringside. It's incredible that Flair would still be wrestling for 4 more years after this, he looks really old. Shelton gets a brief couple of shots in, and King says that Orton is pretending to be hurt just like Muhammad Ali. Really King? Are we going to compare Orton to Ali? Really?

Orton wastes some time with restholds. Not that many people seem to care at this point. He goes up top, but Shelton moves out of the way. He almost finishes him with a suplex. Shelton hits nice top rope closeline for another nearfall. JR thought Shelton had the win, but King says JR was premature, and that's the story of his life. Oooh. Burn. We get some Orton chants now, that just shows how boring Shelton is. Benjamin hits the T-Bone, which is his finisher, but Flair moves Orton's foot under the ropes. Flair goes to leave and is doing his silly walk up the entrance ramp, but Shelton chases after him and starts to beat the shit outta him. He bring him in the ring and is dominating both him and Flair. For some reason, he puts the Figure Four on Flair, who isn't his actual opponent. King says this is sacrilegious. I'm pretty sure HIAC is more sacrilegious than this. Orton with a roll up on Shelton for a really nice nearfall. Shelton is somehow able to gain control again and he hits a crossbody from the top rope, but Orton rolls through and grabs the tights for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton at 15:03 by pinfall.

Rating: 6/10. This match was really slow to start and even though it picked up a little towards the end, it just wasn't anything special. I'm not a huge fan or either Orton or Benjamin's in ring work, and this is why. This was just boring for the most part and could've been a little shorter.

We go to Hardy and Lita making out in the locker room. Ewwww. Bischoff kicks Hardy out so that he doesn't interfere in the title match. This is because Kane kissed Lita, or something.

We get some more hype for the HIAC about how it is career threatening and gut wrenching. Still haven't heard anything about the Title Match though.

Trish Stratus (w/Tomko) v. Gail Kim v. Victoria (c) v. Lita for the Women's Championship​

Trish is out first to a pretty big reaction. Her music is awesome. King is talking about how he doesn't like lipstick because he likes to taste women, not lipstick. That was creepy. Victoria's theme music is also pretty awesome. "I ain't the lady to mess with, woooooo!" King says it reminds him of "Milkshakes." No King, they don't sound the same at all, maybe you're just thinking of here boobs? Gail Kim and Lita are also here, but there music isn't cool enough to comment on.

Trish immediately bails as the match starts, and Lita follows her to the outside. As Trish and Lita brawl on the outside Victoria hits a nice standing moonsault on Kim. Tomko tries to interfere, but Mike Chioda flips out and ejects him from the match. That was pretty humorous. There are a lot of nearfalls as this match is pretty fast paced. It seems like most of it is Trish and Lita though, as it should be as they are the biggest stars here. Kim is trying submissions on everyone because apparently that's what she does. She gets a pretty cool one with her legs wrapped around Victoria's head, JR called it a "satellite maneuver." After some more stuff, everyone is down. King offers to go out and help them. Seriously, you're just weird. Stop. Lita hits a DDT on Kim out of nowhere, but Trish rolls her up for the win. This makes her the first woman to win 5 Titles, which is pretty cool.

Winner: Trish Stratus at 4:43 by pinfall.

Rating: 5/10. This was ok, but kind of frantic and definitely could've used a couple more minutes. Everyone looked pretty good in the ring, but it was just too short and seemed a little off.

We get a video package for the Eugene/Coach match which was pretty awesome. Eugene was way over at this point, he shoulda been in the main event. Maybe not, but it would've been fun.

Jonathon Coachman v. Eugene

Coach comes out first in a Michigan outfit because we're in Buckeye country. He looks like a gym teacher, to be honest. We are reminded that Coach is undefeated on PPV, which was against Tajiri, and that Eugene is also undefeated. This is a real clash of the Titans. Eugene comes out to a big ovation. Regal, who is his manager at the time, is with him, but can't be at ringside according to Bischoff.

Eugene wants to shake hands and Coach tries to overpower him, but he gets dominated by Eugene. King is basically complaining the whole time but JR says that Eugene is just having fun and living his dream. The whole match is basically just Coach getting owned and comedy spots. They including Eugene rolling around in the fetal position and flipping Coach over, Eugene riding Coach like a horse and spanking him, Coach running back and forth in the ring for about a minute while Eugene is admiring some girl's teddy bear (possibly the one that Orton stared at), Eugene doing the Junkyard Dog headbutt on Coach as well as the fake pee, and some more rolling around. Eventually, some random chick in a bikini comes out with a plate of cookies. Eugene starts to eat them and Coach hits him from behind and the cookies go flying. It doesn't really matter though as Eugene takes control again and hits a pretty nice dropkick. Garrison Cade comes out and rips the teddy bear's head off and is able to hole Eugene against the ropes. For some reason, this isn't a DQ even though the ref is right there. Eugene is able fight him off though and hits a weird looking Rock Bottom followed by the People's Elbow for the win. He gives the ref a hug and starts running around pretending he's an airplane. He hits a stunner on Cade and another one on Coach as Regal comes out to celebrate by playing the "got your nose" trick on Eugene.

Winner: Eugene in 7:38 by pinfall

Rating: 6/10. A lot of people may have hated this match and called it the worst they've ever seen, but it was good for what it was. This match gave you pretty much what was suspected, some comedy spots and a Eugene victory. Comedy characters definitely have a big place in the WWE, they are usually more entertaining than "real" wrestlers and that was the case with Eugene, he was great here.
We finally get some hype for the World Title Match which is up next. We get a replay of Benoit's win at Wrestlemania, which was great. Kane says that he's tired of living in the shadows and the darkness.

Kane v. Chris Benoit (c) for the World Heavyweight Championship​

Since this is the best match of the night, I'm going to post the video instead of giving you the play by play, enjoy.




Winner: Chris Benoit by pinfall in 18:20

Rating: 8/10. Easily the match of the night. I thought it started out a little slow, but the last few minutes were just awesome. Both guys were on top of their game and the finish was just awesome. Kane should definitely be used more today, he plays the monster heel role perfectly.

Benoit is backstage and says he's the best. More hype for the HIAC, and it's time for the main event.

Triple H v. Shawn Michaels in the Hell in the Cell Match​

JR and King talk about how the HIAC is satan or something and how HBK demanded this match. Apparently this feud had been going on since the Rumble when their title match ended in a double countout and HHH retained. A lot of other stuff happened in between including HBK getting suspended or something. HHH is out first to a decent reaction, HBK gets a huge pop. His entrance is definitely one of the best of all time, it sure sends shivers up and down my spine.

They start out with some basic offense. King says that aren't here to pin each other. Actually, ya, they are. I never really got that phrase. It quickly goes to the outside and they throw each other into the cage, which JR makes sure we know is "unforgiving." HBK is able to take control with some knife edge chops, which have been used in almost every match on the PPV, but not Orton's match, which is kinda strange. HHH is cut open now after being thrown into the cage and HBK is in control. He hits HHH with punches to the head in the corner and the crowd counting along, that's always great, it really gets the crowd into the match. HBK throws out his back or something while trying to pick up HHH and he's in some trouble now. King and JR are already talking about how hard this is to watch and want the ref to stop the match. After watching the whole match and looking back, he probably should have. HHH is using the steel chair now and looks like a corpse, he's just not doing anything. Somehow he does some sort of flip to get away from HHH, but that doesn't last long. HHH is just crushing him now and the crowd is faintly chanting for Trips now. HBK gets thrown into the cell and you can clearly hear someone call him a sissy. That was funny. Back in the ring now, and HHH slams HBK onto the steel chair a few times. BAH GAWD! HBK is somehow able to kick out and throws HHH to the outside, but then he just crumples in the ring. We get HBK chants now, the crowd can't make up it's mind. Maybe that's what this match was lacking. HHH goes for a Pedigree, but HBK hits a low blow on him. The ring steps are involved now and HBK is able to get out of the way just in time and hits some more chops. He hits a kind of odd looking flying forearm out of nowhere, but misses SCM. HHH has the steps again and is able to hit HBK square on the head. That was pretty sick looking. HBK is bleeding now as well.

For those of you who think the PG Era and it's no blood rule are ruining wrestling, you should watch this match. It has a bunch of blood, but that doesn't make it any good. I'd rather see something like Punk/Hardy with no blood than this mess. I don't understand how people could be so pissed off about some that is as insignificant as blood.

HBK is able to kick out again. JR said he can't believe it, but I don't anyone there thought this was the end of the match. This match is just odd, the crowd sort of cares, but not really. They're just popping for the weapons shots now. We get some more of HHH beating on HBK for awhile and even a sleeper hold. O boy! HBK is able to get out and counter a Pedigree with a DDT. We get some solid laying down now from both men and I think I hear some more HHH chants, strange. Some more chair shots now and there's blood everywhere, but his match hasn't gotten any better yet. Maybe they just need more blood? HHH brings the ladder in the ring and hits HBK a few times with it. I really don't care anymore, there are so many weapons shots that it doesn't even matter anymore. JR still cares though and we get a BAH GAWD or two from him. Another missed Pedigree from HHH, that like the eighth one he's attempted, and that means HBK can use the ladder some. This match is just getting slower and slower as it goes on, nothing is really happening here. The match is over 30 minutes now with no end in sight. JR tells us someone is going to win tonight and someone is going to lose tonight. Thanks for reminding me. HBK is able to set up the ladder and hit an elbow on HHH through the table. That was pretty nice. It brings out a "Holy Shit" chant from the crowd, I don't think it was that good, but it was better than everything that's happened to this point. HBK goes for the SCM but HHH is able to counter it into a low blow. Yeah, it looked as weird as it sounds. HHH hits a Pedigree, but he can't cover as he's too tired. JR and King talk about carnage and torture because nothing is actually happening in the ring right now. HBK hits SCM out of nowhere, but he's too tired as well. It takes him about an hour to cover HHH, who unsurprisingly kicks out. We get some more laying on the mat here and King says that the fans are showing their respect to these great competitors. If you mean being very quiet as not to disturb them, I guess you're right. HHH hits another Pedigree followed by a super slow motion pin, and gets the 3 count. Wow, that was a sucky ending. Evolution comes out to carry him off as HBK lies in the ring to end the show.

Winner : Triple H in 47:26 by pinfall.

Rating: 5/10. The match wasn't that horrible, but it was 47 minutes and 26 seconds! That's way, way, way, way too long. After awhile it was just boring as hell as nothing was happening for most of the time. The weapons shots were pretty good, there were about 10 minutes of walking around in between each one of them. If this was 20 minutes shorter it may have been passable, but 47 minutes is just too long.

Final Rating: 5/10. Average, that's exactly what this show was. There was one good match, but aside from that, there was nothing else at all. Aside from the HIAC which ended a feud, there really wasn't really a point to most of these matches. Benoit was extremely impressive here though, definitely the MVP of the PPV, not like there was much competition.

So, thoughts? Do you remember this show? What do you think of the matches? Agree or Disagree?
Man, this PPV takes me back to the 5th grade. I remember talking to all my friends about the HITC match... ANNNNNNNNNNNYWAY, I thought that your ratings were about right and I thought it was interesting to see that you gave the main event a 5/10. Personally, I thought it was an okay match but it's highly overrated as I think most people like it because the match is so long but I always think that quantity isn't quality. So in the end, the PPV was not bad, I really enjoyed the Kane/Benoit match which I think is very overlooked. But man, this PPV takes me back...
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I really liked that HIAC match sorry but that 5/10 rating doesn't work with me at all.

I own this DVD, as many of the older PPV's are at least ten times better than most of the ones now.

I've watched that HIAC match at least ten times and find it to be one of the better HIAC's just my opinion.

Kane and Benoit wasn't that good at all Benoit is only really good when he is facing guys like Angle Jericho and Orton. Kane HHH and HBK just don't fit his style so this match was average at best.

It was an average PPV overall check out Backlash 2004, the triple threat match there was better than the WM 20 match, HHH, HBK and Benoit had hard to believe but it's true. Also Orton vs. Foley was amazing.
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While I did like the HBK/HHH HIAC match, I will agree with you that it was way too long. Had this match been a lot shorter, it would've been better. You could tell both men were totally gased towards the end.

The Kane/Benoit match was very good. I remeber this match, but I'm glad you posted it so I could watch it again. The last good years of Kane. This was a time where The Big Red Machine was actually getting a nice push.

Eugene/Coachman sereved it's purpose, it was nothing more than a comedy match. It made me and probably everyone else who watched it laugh.

Another failed chance for Shelton Benjamin to gain some momentum here. Considering Orton was really the only one riding high in Evolution at this time, it would've been a golden chance for Shelton to gain a boost by a least putting on a good performance int this match. But he fell flat yet again.
Well, it's actually pretty cool for me that you picked that PPV since I was there. So, I had a somewhat different view of what many of you saw at home.

For me, I thought most of the matches were solid. I could have done without Jericho vs. Tomko, which seemed to be dull live. Getting to see Chris Benoit wrestle twice was for me the highlight of the show, and even after the whole murder-suicide, I still am glad I got to see one of the best wrestlers in the world wrestle twice and have two really good matches (especially the one vs. Kane). I know that's awful to say, but it is what it is.

As for Hell in a Cell, for me, the time might have been eternal to those of you who had the courtesy of a clock beside you to keep looking at. For me, live at the arena, it was intense, and I was actually shocked after the event to learn how long the match was. When I watch it on DVD, I actually think the match holds up. This is probably going to sound stupid, but I think it was the best match inside Hell in a Cell without being the best Hell in a Cell match. There will be other matches that are probably more fondly remembered, but as far as the rivalry going in and the overall match inside Hell in a Cell, I have to give the edge to Triple H and HBK.
I really liked that HIAC match sorry but that 5/10 rating doesn't work with me at all.

I own this DVD, as many of the older PPV's are at least ten times better than most of the ones now.

I've watched that HIAC match at least ten times and find it to be one of the better HIAC's just my opinion.

Ya, it's a match where you people will either love it or they'll hate, there's really no middle ground. My mind may have been poisoned by someone telling me that is sucked before I watched it, but I think it just didn't fly for me.

Kane and Benoit wasn't that good at all Benoit is only really good when he is facing guys like Angle Jericho and Orton. Kane HHH and HBK just don't fit his style so this match was average at best.

Umm, did you watch the match? It was awesome, even against someone like Kane.

It was an average PPV overall check out Backlash 2004, the triple threat match there was better than the WM 20 match, HHH, HBK and Benoit had hard to believe but it's true. Also Orton vs. Foley was amazing.

I'll add it to the list.

For me, I thought most of the matches were solid. I could have done without Jericho vs. Tomko, which seemed to be dull live. Getting to see Chris Benoit wrestle twice was for me the highlight of the show, and even after the whole murder-suicide, I still am glad I got to see one of the best wrestlers in the world wrestle twice and have two really good matches (especially the one vs. Kane). I know that's awful to say, but it is what it is.

Benoit was definetly the highlight of the show for me. He just seemed way ahead of everyone else here, it was a treat to watch.

As for Hell in a Cell, for me, the time might have been eternal to those of you who had the courtesy of a clock beside you to keep looking at. For me, live at the arena, it was intense, and I was actually shocked after the event to learn how long the match was. When I watch it on DVD, I actually think the match holds up. This is probably going to sound stupid, but I think it was the best match inside Hell in a Cell without being the best Hell in a Cell match. There will be other matches that are probably more fondly remembered, but as far as the rivalry going in and the overall match inside Hell in a Cell, I have to give the edge to Triple H and HBK.

Like I said above, tough match to judge, a lot of people probably thought it was one of the best matches they've ever seen and a lot of people probably thought it sucked. For me, it was just too slow moving and took too long, however some of the weapons shots were pretty sick.
You hit the nail right on the head with the HIAC match GD. If they took about twenty minutes off of that match it would be one of the better HIAC matches of all time. The other problem with that match was it seemed just like a regular wrestling match inside of a cell. Sure they bled a lot but it just got boring fifteen minutes in. They would meet at Taboo Tuesday later that year but WWE would tell you their feud ended at Bad Blood.
I try not to watch things that involve Benoit so I bought the DVD of the cell instead.

Yeah a lot of excessive losses of blood happened which did make me get squeamish but that explained the slow pace of it. As far as innovating the match itself, I thought it was nice of them to avoid leaving the structure while using a regular referee (Mick Foley was refereeing the match of Kevin Nash versus Triple H in the cell when neither competitor left the cage for probably the first time in the history of televised matches in the cell unless I'm wrong about it.). One thing that I remember oddly is that the crowd was really undecided or confused after about a half of a way into it. This was the last match of "Badd Blood 2004" which featured two legendary Grand Slam Champions and they could not even show so much interest throughout it. Still it seemed more about just trying to go through it without being severely injured instead of two heated rivals wanting to end careers but that lets the gimmick of the cell be seen more strongly and did not take away from the action since they played to it.

Now this is a small observation but did only nine thousand people attend to see the show or was that a mistake? It seems untypical for such few fans to show up to a "pay-per-view".

Oh I guess that Kane and Mankind didn't leave the cell either when they fought in it and neither did Undertaker nor Big Boss Man so I edited this message after I re-read the post. Well maybe it was the first match in the cell in which a ladder was used.
Thought I wasn't gonna come back and this thread was going to die, didya? Well, it's not, I'm back with the newest installment of this here series, so off we go.

No Way Out 2006​

Date : February 19, 2006
Attendance: 11,000
Venue: 1st Mariner Arena
City: Baltimore, Maryland
Commentators: Michael Cole and Tazz

So, as you may or may not know NWO is the PPV directly before Wrestlemania (22 in this case), so it's kind of a big deal. Angle is your world champ coming into this, having defeated Mark Henry, who was making one of his brief appearances in the main event. You also have Royal Rumble winner Mysterio putting his number one contendership on the line against Orton in a rather tasteless feud. You also got Benoit against Booker for the US Title and some other good stuff, including a mystery partner in a tag match, stay tuned for that. O ya, this is a Smackdown exclusive event as well, in case you were wondering.

There was probably some generic video and introduction, hopefully including the Spanish announce team, but I couldn't find it, so we'll just pretend it never happened.

Gregory Helms (c) v. Brian Kendrick v. Paul London v. Funaki v. Kid Kash v. Nunzio v. Psicosis v. Super Crazy v. Psicosis for the Cruiserweight Championship

I'm actually gonna start out with the obligatory video here as it involves a lot of people and would probably better to watch it then read about it.

Winner: Gregory Helms by pinfall in 10:03

Rating: 7.5/10. This was a pretty good match, really fast paced without any dull spots. Of course you had the stupid spot where people just wait for a guy to land on them, but other than that, nothing to complain about. Scotty 2 Hotty was awesome in this, as where the Mexicools and Londrick. Ending was done very nicely as well, very good opener.

Booker and Sharmell are begging Teddy Long not to make Booker defend his US Title because he's hurt, Teddy says he looks fine.

Finlay sees Kristal Lashley (yes, the one that Steiner is hitting on) in the back and says he's here for a fight. He picks her up and carries her out to the ring. He starts pushing her and stuff in the ring when Bobby's music hits and he comes running out. Finlay beats the crap outta Lashley for a minute or 2, which seems strange. Wouldn't you be all pumped up to save your wife from a big, foreign guy that carried her off? Anyway, while this is going on JBL (Lashley's opponent) comes out in his limo and hurries his way down to the ring. However, as soon as he gets there Lashley takes control and throws Finlay away, and the match is on.

Bobby Lashley v. JBL w/ Jillian

JBL looks like he's about to shit his pants as he comes face to face with Lashley. Finlay is being escorted out of the arena as the situation doesn't look to good for JBL at the moment. The millionaire is able to take control with a thumb to the eye though and throws Babyface to the corner. The announcer make a comment about Lashley skill set and mention something about MMA. Good prediction on their part. Lashley is also undefeated at this point, which is kind of a big deal. Bobby with a nice back body drop on JBL, that's always a cool looking move. Jillian, who I just noticed now, is apparently JBL's "image consultant", whatever the hell that is. She is holding a clipboard though, so I guess she really means business. Speaking of Jillian JBL uses her for a distraction and once again is in control. JBL goes for the closeline from HELL on the outside, but Lashley reverses it into a belly to belly, cool. Lashley hits a slam on JBL and the crowd loves it. They are really into this match. JBL takes him to the outside again and hits a big boot and slams Bob into the steps. That looked like it hurt, but so does all of JBL's offense. Everyone may shit on JBL and call him boring, but he's just awesome. Big "JBL sucks" chant, the crowd is extremely into this, both guys are way over. For some reason, JBL goes up onto the 2nd turnbuckle and hits an elbow drop on Lashley. That just looked weird. Jibbles is in control for awhile now and eventually gets Lashley in a Sleeper. Lashley almost gets out, but JBL is quickly on him again. Tazz is bitching at Cole for saying that Lashley was building momentum, and Cole says that the only thing Tazz builds is Legos. That was great.

It's slowed down a bit now with the Sleeper Hold. There's some more arguing between Tazz and Cole that's pretty fun. Cole really doesn't suck at all on this show, 2009 Cole could learn something from him. JBL takes Lashley to the ground and gets a 2 count. Tazz says it's good strategy because it takes a lot of energy to kick out. I never really got that, compared to all the other things that are done to you throughout the match, simply kicking out will take away all of your energy? JBL is still dominating and pandering to the crowd here. We get a "textbook JBL" comment from Cole. I like "vintage" better. Tazz tries to say something about girls skating downhill in the Olympics. Yeah, I don't get it either. JBL goes to the top rope again, which can't end well. Lashley catches him and slams him to the mat, the crowd erupts. The Boss is on fire now with a closeline and about 5 or 6 suplexes, busting JBL open. After they both miss their finishers, Lashley with a T Bone for a very good nearfall. Lashley is on the verge of finishing it, but Finlay comes out again and throws Tony Chimel into the ring. While the ref is checks on him, Finlay hits Lashley with the shillelagh and JBL with the Closeline from HELL to pick up the win.

Winner: JBL by pinfall in 10:58

Rating: 7.5/10. This match definitely exceeded my expectations. On paper, it looked like a borefest. However, it was a very entertaining, hard hitting match that the crowd was really into. Lashley lost his undefeated streak, but he still was kept looking strong here. It didn't really lead to a program with Finlay from some reason, but it was still a pretty nice finish to a nice match.

Batista comes out to the ring with a promo about coming back from whatever injury he has at the moment and he wants the title. Pretty basic stuff, what you'd expect from a Batista promo.

MNM (c) v. Matt Hardy and Mystery Partner in a Non-Title Match

Nitro, Mercury, and Melina are out first with the paparazzi entrance. Melina does her splits while wearing skin colored panties. Nice. Hardy is out to a decent pop followed by his super secret mystery partner ... Tatanka? Apparently there was some speculation that Animal would be the partner, but instead we get a guy with an Indian gimmick who has never won a title in the WWE and hasn't really done anything since the mid 90s. I guess it could be worse though. By the way, Tatanka's music is the same as they used for the Indian Diva's on Raw this week. Apparently Tatanka came back at the Rumble last month and was "impressive" on Velocity recently. This match is part of MNM's open challenge, which I suppose is just a substitute for actual storylines. Before the match starts, Tazz is already taking the King role as he says that he'll keep an eye on Melina. Pretty basic stuff to start, nothing worth mentioning until Tatanka and Hardy do some sort of flippy move that looks pretty cool. A faint "Hardy" chant starts up as he's in a resthold. Melina slaps him, but he knocks her off the apron. Hardy then hits the double neckbreaker move that I don't remember ever seeing before, but I now have seen it in the last 2 PPV's I've watched. Strange. Tatanka is tagged in and hits a move of the top rope which is called the Tomahawk. Lol, his character is such a stereotype it's ridiculous. He actually doesn't look bad here though given that he's probably well past his prime.

Some dirty tactics by the champs let them take control and they get Tank in a resthold now. Melina is randomly screaming now for some reason. Tazz likes it because he's a freak. Alrighty then. We get a "boring" chant now as nothing much is really happening. Hardy finally gets tagged in and is on fire. He hits a sweet looking move where he bulldogs Nitro and dropkicks Mercury at the same time. That was really nice. Both members of MNM have been in this match for awhile now, why isn't the ref counting? Finally he starts to count as Tatanka is tagged in a hits a double closeline off the top rope. Tatanka and Hardy hit the Trails End and Twist of Fate simultaneously for a finish that kind of came out of nowhere. The winners celebrate in the ring as they are apparently in line for a title shot now.

Winners: Matt Hardy and Tatanka by pinfall in 10:28

Rating: 5/10. There really wasn't much to this match. The mystery partner was rather disappointing and the match itself was pretty boring. It wasn't horrible, but was just plain pointless. Mercury and Nitro didn't do anything the list bit interesting to improve this. O well, not every match can be great I suppose.

Chris Benoit v. Booker T for the US Title

There's a video package before explaining the feud. It was a best of 7 series for the belt, but Booker was injured. He got Orton to replace him in the last match, and he won the title for Booker after Booker interfered. Since then, Booker has pretty much been acting like an asshole milking his injury and screwing Benoit out of the title every way possible. Teddy Long is finally making Booker compete tonight. Before the match starts, Booker says he's forfeiting the US Title because he's injured and he walks away from the ring. Benoit gets the crowd going with a "Coward" chant and Sharmell and her weird looking tits get in his face and starts slapping him. Booker suddenly comes running up from behind to take out Benoit, and the match is on. Cole gets really pissed now for Booker having others "DO HIS DAMN DIRTY WORK!" That's comedy right there. Tazz then informs us that Sharmell is a former Miss Black America, whatever the hell that is. It's pretty intense to start as most of these strikes between these two look like they really hurt. Cole mentions their feud in WCW more than a few times, which is kind of odd. I can't remember the announcers mentioning WCW at all recently. Maybe it's something they should do more often.

They are outside the ring now as Benoit is manhandling Booker. He throws him shoulder first into the steps. Booker says his groin is hurt and tells the ref to get Benoit to back off. Booker is able to take control again after faking his injury. They work some takedowns and mat based stuff in the ring. Tazz says it's riding time for Booker. Ewww. Benoit with a big German Suplex, but Booker is able to get out of the Crossface and hits a nice looking spin kick. Benoit is able to power out of a sleeper, but Booker plays possum again to get away. The crowd is sort of dead at this point as the match has slowed down considerably. Booker goes for the Scissors kick and misses it. How dumb of a move is that by the way? Who the hell would just stand there to be in perfect position for it? It's just silly, even for wrestling. Benoit with the 3 Amigos, but Booker hits another sweet looking spin kick on him. Booker goes to the top rope, but Benoit is able to get all over him with some headbutts followed by an awesome looking superplex. Benoit gets up first and hits about a million suplexes on the champ. Benoit goes up top for the diving headbutt, but that bitch Sharmell distracts him. Booker knocks him off and hits the Scissors Kick, but only gets 2. The crowd is going nuts now. Booker throws Benoit into the ropes, which knocks down Sharmell, who starts freaking out. Benoit gets Booker into the Sharpshooter and switches it into the Crossface to get the win. Big pop for Benoit and Booker gets the "you tapped out" chants as he leaves.

Winner: Chris Benoit by submission in 18:13

Rating: 7.5/10. Another very solid match. It got a little slow in the middle, but I guess that's excusable. There was a great story coming into this one as the crowd was really pulling for Benoit after he'd been screwed out of the title so many times. Benoit was great as usual and Booker showed that he's not slouch as well. Really cool match that the crowd was into and the ending was very fitting.

Benoit walks through the back and gets congratulated by all of the faces. At the end of the line there's Rey, Chavo, and Vickie. They say Benoit won this for Eddie and Benoit says it's Rey's turn next.

Randy Orton v. Rey Mysterio in a Number One Contender Match​

We get a recap of the feud with moments such as Orton saying that Eddie is in hell and that Rey has as much of a chance of winning as Eddie does of coming back to life. I'm sure many would agree that this was at least slightly disrespectful. Sure, it got Orton some tremendous heat and put Rey over, but what about Eddie's family? Anyway, I guess there's been worse things done by the WWE in the past, so this may not be that huge of a deal. A huge "Eddie" chant to start the match as Cole mentions that Rey and Eddie won the tag belts at NWO last year and Eddie won the World Title at NWO the year before. That's some good info actually. Orton takes advantage of his size to start and is pretty much acting like a smug bastard, which is always entertaining. He's just awesome here and the crowd really hates him. Rey comes back with a Bulldog and we get a nice "619" chant. Rey misses a crossbody and we get some more good back and forth action. Randy eventually takes control again and tells the crowd to "shut their freakin mouths" while he's slapping Rey in the side of the head. Cole calls him an ass. I love it, why doesn't he ever say stuff like that anymore? Orton gets on his knees and starts punching Rey, but Rey reverses it with a head scissors. He goes for the Seated Senton, which is when he sits on a guys face, but Randy catches him and slams him hard into the ring post. That really looked like it hurt. Tazz calls Orton a son of a bitch. You gotta love the announce team swearing. Randy has Rey in a resthold inside the ring now and is able to thwart a few small comebacks, which includes hitting a huge backbreaker type move that just looked awesome. The crowd is really into this now and Cole is getting really pissed off at Orton. Orton throws Rey into the steel steps as you hear a voice from the crowd say "Cmon Randy, he's a midget" followed by another voice saying "hurt that midget." If that doesn't make you laugh, I don't know what does. Cole is completely losing it now telling Orton to "END THE DAMN MATCH!" Back in the ring and the crowd is way behind Rey, who is able to throw Orton out with an armdrag.

They're both on the top rope now as Orton has Rey in position for the Electric Chair, but Rey reverses it into a Sunset Flip for a really close nearfall. Cole yells damnit. That was an awesome move. Rey does the Eddie dance now and he's hits a flurry of offense on Rey, including what Tazz calls a Rolling Neck Slap that eventually busts Orton open. Rey comes flying off the ropes, but Orton hits him with a great dropkick. He's stalking for the RKO now, but Rey hits a dropkick of his own and Orton is in position for the 619. Rey comes running in for the finish, but Orton is able to move at the last second and roll up Rey with some help from the ropes to pick up the victory. As he's leaving, Orton gets on the mic and tells Rey, "I'm going to the main event of Wrestlemania, where are you going?" Cole calls Orton a jackass. Rey is pretty much crying in the ring and Cole and Tazz talk about how bad he must feel.

Winner: Randy Orton by pinfall in 17:28

Rating: 9.5/10. Just an awesome match. I was entertained for pretty much the whole thing as both of these guys were at the top of their game. Coming into the match, the winner wasn't obvious and it looked like both men would finish it a few times here. As most of you know, both of these men would end up in the main event at WM 22 anyway, which was a triple threat won by Rey. The thing that really made this match though was the story behind it. Sure, it was based around a dead guy, but it certainly worked in peaking the crowd's interest and getting a big reaction from them, which is a vital part of any match.

Rey is in the back as Chavo and Vickie try to console him, but all we get is Rey getting bleeped out a bunch of times. He walks the same path that Benoit did earlier, but this time, no one says anything.

Kurt Angle (c) v. Undertaker for the World Heavyweight Championship​

Not much story behind this one, Angle won a battle royal awhile back to win the title and Taker wants it now. They're both faces, and it's all about competition here. As usual, the Deadman takes about 4 hours on his entrance. Pretty good back and forth start with Taker controlling most of it early, hitting a few of his signature moves. His leg drop even gets us a "vintage" from Cole. I'm not really into it for most of the beginning of the match. Angle locks on a figure four on the ring post which looks pretty cool. Nothing much more happens until Taker throws Angle into Chimel, who is taking a beating tonight. The leads to Angle hitting an Angle Slam on Taker through the announce table, which looked awesome. The ref is counting and Taker isn't going to be able to make it back into the ring, but Angle gets in his face and tells him to stop because he wants to beat Taker. Wouldn't it have been easier for Angle to have simply walked out of the ring as well? Anyway, they're back in the ring now and Taker is up on the top rope for some reason. Angle catches him up there, but is thrown off. However, before Taker can do anything, Angle jumps up and hits him with a belly to belly off the top for a 2 count. Incredible move. Angle is able to reverse both the Chokeslam and Triangle Choke into the Ankle Lock, but Taker won't tap. Cole tells us that neither of these men have ever tapped. I'm not sure if that's true, but I don't feel like looking it up, so I'm going to have to trust him.

Taker hits a Chokeslam, but takes awhile on the cover, allowing Angle to kick out. Taker goes for the Last Ride, but Angle is able to reverse that into the Ankle Lock as well. Taker gets out and is able to kick out after and Angle Slam. Kurt is into it now as the straps are down. Angle gets the Ankle lock on him yet again, and Taker is able to get out of it yet again. Another Angle Slam by the champ, but Taker reverses the pin into the Triangle Choke. Angle is in trouble, but is somehow able to roll through while still getting choked to get the 3 count. Everyone seems to be in shock as Angle celebrates. Taker gets in Angle's face and says he has his number and the show goes off the air.

Winner: Kurt Angle by pinfall in 29:37

Rating: 8.5/10. Some people may not agree with this as I've heard this called the Match of the Decade more than a few times, but I don't see it. Don't get me wrong, it's a hell of a match definitely better than most you'll see, but I wouldn't call it a classic. The crowd wasn't really that into it and about the first half of it was just boring. Plus, the finish hurt it, too. It was a pretty cool looking ending sequence, but it left most of the people there confused. A lot of the people probably didn't understand what was happening. Once again, I'm not saying this match sucked, but I just don't think it's a 10.

Final Rating: 9/10. Hell of a PPV here. Of the 6 matches, 5 were well above average and the 6th one was passable. The highlight of it for me was the Orton/Mysterio match, but the main event was great as well. There was also solid action in the midcard matches. Overall, great event here that really helped the build for the upcoming Wrestlemania.

So, thoughts on the PPV? Do you remember it? Agree or Disagree? Suggestions on further viewings? What should I eat for dinner tonight? Answer as many of these questions as you are willing in your reply.

BTW, Backlash 04 is up next.
Backlash 2004

Date : April 18, 2004
Attendance: 13,000
Venue: Rexall Place
City: Somewhere in Canada, apparently Edmonton
Commentators: Good ole' JR and Jerry "the King" Lawler

So, back again with another PPV review. This time it's Backlash 2004, by request from somebody. Anyway, this is the PPV directly following Wrestlemania 20 and it's a Raw exclusive. It's actually a few months before Bad Blood which I did a couple of weeks ago, so it appears we're going in reverse. Anyway, in the main event, you have a Wrestlemania rematch for the title between the new champ Benoit, HBK, and HHH, which should be pretty good. There's also a hardcore match between Orton and Foley for the Intercontinental Championship and some other stuff. The card actually doesn't look that great, but I suppose it's ok for coming off a big PPV. We'll have to wait and see.

Video package reviewing the buildup for the World Title match. King is wearing a kimono or something and he says HHH will win tonight. Some blabbing from the Spanish announce team, and we're ready to go.

Shelton Benjamin v. Ric Flair

The story here is that Shelton beat HHH 2 weeks in a row, and he got a beatdown from Evolution for it. Now he's facing Flair, who's pissed or something. Flair's entrance is definitely an epic one, just awesome. By the way, Flair is part of the tag team champs at this point with Batista. Shelton is taunting Flair to start, and he eventually takes control on the outside. JR mentions Shelton being a standout athlete in high school, which continues the streak of it being mentioned in every Shelton match ever. Crowd is slightly involved in this one, but nothing outstanding as far as crowd reaction goes. Five minutes in and nothing of note has really happened yet. Flair is controlling now and working on the legs to setup the Figure Four. He gets it locked on, but the crowd is pretty much dead silent. Flair has to break it after trying to use the ropes for leverage. There's a lot of stupid teacher/student puns mad by King and JR now, which are incredibly corny. You can't even imagine. Shelton hits a really nice Enzuguri on Flair and they're both down ... to silence. Flair is thrown out of the ring which looked like it really hurt and it's followed by a suplex from Shelton. Flair comes back with a HUGE knife edge chop. However, as he tries to put on his brass knuckles, Shelton hits him from behind and follows it with a closeline from the top for the win.

Rating: 4/10. Just another mediocre Shetlon match. This was in the midst of one of his many pushes, and he shows why all of them have failed with his boringness here. It doesn't help that Flair is 78 years old either. Why the hell was this the opener anyway?

Orton is backstage with Grisham. Orton says who cares about Shelton Benjamin, he's the longest reigning IC Champ in the last 7 years. He says he's going to beatdown Foley later tonight and he calls him a dog that he's going to put out of his misery. Decent promo, but Orton wasn't great on the mic at this point.

Coach v. Tajiri

Ya, this should be bad. Tajiri sprayed Coach with mist awhile back, so we have a match. Wonderful. They're trying to put Coach over as a great athlete here. I'm not buying it. Tajiri hits his leg on the ring post after a missed kick and Coach is controlling him for awhile. He's trying to get Tajiri to tap now as he's had him in some sort of leg submission for awhile now. How exciting. Tajiri actually isn't bad at all and probably could've done a lot more in the WWE if given the chance, but he simply has nothing to work with here. Coach goes to the top, Tajiri gets him in the Tree of Woe and hits him with a big running kick. However, Garrison Cade comes out and hits Tajiri while the ref is distracted, giving Coach the win.

Rating: 3/10 Well, that was pointless. Coach is just awful and there is no reason he should be going over someone like Tajiri who is actually decent. The whole match was just boring and Cade served no purposed either. What the hell was the point of him getting involved? This would lead to nothing for him at all as he is pretty much a waste of space. This shouldn't have been anywhere near PPV.

Some more hype for the World Title match as we see HHH arriving at the arena.

Chris Jericho v. Christian and Trish Stratus

We get a video recapping this feud. Jericho was dating Trish, but she turned on him at Wrestlemania and joined Christian. Trish and Christian are out first, King calls them the hottest couple in the World and makes some creepy comments. It's tough to argue with him as Trish does look hot as hell here. Jericho is way over here and looks pretty awesome with the long here, that was always a great look. Crowd is really into to start as I'm pretty sure we got a "****" chant towards Trish. King is freaking out about Jericho "striking" Trish because Christian threw him into her. After seeing the replay, King is still convinced Jericho abused her. Trish is actually tagged in now and she hits a Chick Kick on Y2J and quickly tags out. That's a move that would put down any woman for sure, but it didn't really do much to Jericho. Talk about sexism. King is telling Trish to lean over a little more so he can see her cleavage. By god, please tell me this guy had to notify all of his neighbors that he moved in near them. Jericho looks likes he's about to slam Trish, but decides to spank her instead. That was funny. Christian takes this opportunity to hit the Unprettier on Jericho and tags in Trish for the cover, but it's only two. Chaos in the ring know as Jericho closelines Trish much to the crowds delight and everyone is down. Christian has Jericho in the Cloverleaf, but King is more concerned with Trish. The finish comes as Jericho throws Christian into Trish and then hits him with a running Enzuguri for the win.

Rating: 7/10 This was a pretty decent match here. A little slow at times, but Jericho was way over with the crowd here and they were interested for most of it. The Trish encounters were a nice touch to it and the booking made sense; Jericho needed a win to keep the feud going since he lost at WM. This would've been a much better opener to the show.

Eugene walks into the Diva's locker room backstage and asks a half-naked Gail Kim to sign his magazine. Screaming ensues as Regal eventually comes in to take Eugene away

It's Chris Benoit Day in Edmonton as we see Benoit revisiting where he grew up and some interviews with family members. Back in the ring they show all of his family in the front way. This is really tough to watch.

Victoria (c) v. Lita for the Women's Championship​

Both of these ladies are faces here, so I'm not sure about this one. Lita is pretty over here while there wasn't much reaction for the current day Tara. King says that these are two great looking women, but in a shocker, he says that they are great wrestlers as well and he is interested in watching the actual match. What?!?!?!?! Who saw that coming? Anyway, crowd is dead at the start, as you'd expect. Nothing at all is happening as King has resorted to talking about Lita's thong. I guess he doesn't really care about the wrestling. There's the typical sequence of about 15 roll throughs for nearfalls that happens in pretty much every women's match. Victoria has Lita in the Surfboards which looks really nice, it's just an awesome move. Lita counters with a head scissors and they go back and forth for awhile. Right as the match was picking up momentum, Lita puts Victoria in a Sleeper and we get a resthold. Victoria goes for a Moonsault, but Lita misses and the champ hits the mat hard, that looked sick. Eventually Victoria is able to win with an inside cradle, which is the finish for 67% of all women's matches. King tells us there are actually no loses in this match. Actually King, there are. Lita lost, therefore, she's a loser. Molly Holly and Gail Kim come in for the beatdown after the match. Not sure what the point of this is, but I guess it's alright.

Rating: 5/10 I thought this was going to be worse, but it actually wasn't horrible. Victoria and Lita are both pretty good in the ring, but this match was kind of pointless. Face v. Face matches usually never work, especially when neither face is especially over. The crowd wasn't really into this and you can't blame them.

Randy Orton (c) v. Mick Foley in a No Holds Barred Falls Count Anywhere Match for the Intercontinental Championship​
Nice video package of the feud before the match starts, which includes a pretty good includes a pretty good promo by Foley who is just freakin' insane. This is a pretty good match, so I thought you'd like to watch it.

Rating: 8.5/10 If you're a fan of hardcore matches, you'll love this one. Kind of spotty, but it sure as hell was entertaining and had the crowd really into it. I originally had it graded a little higher, but it sort of slowed down as the match went on and the ending was a little anticlimactic. It was pretty awesome though as a lot of the weapon shots looked like the hurt like hell. Plus, this was also a huge period in Orton's career. A win like this over Foley really solidified himself as someone who should be taken seriously as a contender and it would culminate in his World Title win later in the year.

Evolution carry Orton off and HHH says that Orton is a legend. He also says he's going to walk off as champ tonight.

La Resistance v. Hurricane and Rosey​

Despite being Canadian, LR came out to pretty much no reaction. Hurricane and Rosey don't get much from the crowd either. You can't expect them to care that much about a match that was just made on Heat after seeing the last match though. King says he's going to make a "shocking" prediction that Hurricane will win. Not sure how that's shocking, but whatever. Hurricane is wrestling without a shirt, was just looks weird. Rosey, for those of you who don't know, is Afa something or other and is somehow related to Umaga, I think. He is rather large and is also a superhero. LR are Conway and Grenier and their gimmick is pretty much that they're Canadian and nothing else. Other than that they're just bland. The crowd really does not care about this thus far and who can blame them. even King and JR are more concerned with talking about Orton's win than the actual match. Eugene comes out here now for some reason. Rosey actually hits a nice series of slams and other power moves in the ring, but he gets no reaction. I don't even know what's going on now as the camera keeps focusing on Eugene touching LR's flag for some reason. Hurricane with a pretty nice move off the top rope and Eugene is in the ring and running back and forth for some reason. Hurricane hits a messy looking Eye of the Hurricane out of nowhere to end this mess.

Rating: 1/10 This was just a pointless filler match that had no meaning to it whatsoever. The commentators didn't even pretend to care about it and it was more about Eugene running around than anything else. Just utterly pointless garbage here. The part where Rosey looked like he was trying saves this from being a 0.

Kane v. Edge​

This match is the definition of filler as this feud came out of nowhere and there's nothing much to it. While there talking about Kane, his music surprisingly hits, prompting King to say "speak of the devil," to which JR replies "literally". Well, that isn't that works JR. You see, Kane is not actually the devil and King was just usually a figure of speech. In know way at all was that meant to be literal. Are you stupid? We get the obligatory mention of Kane being a former World Champion, despite the whole 1 day thing. Edge comes out to a pretty big pop as the Canadians sure do love him. Edge also has a cast here for some reason, I'm guessing it's a legit injury. King is freaked out about Edge using the cast as a weapon as apparently he'll be DQ'd or something if he uses it. Kane is know working on the broken hand, which is really a pretty smart thing to do. Lots of resthold which leads to King and JR talking about the Mounties for some reason. No idea why though. Edge is jumping around the ring now with some moves and King talks about how he looks like Cristal Gayle. Apparently Edge has been out for awhile here, didn't realize that. Also, he'll get suspended if he uses the cast as well as being DQ'd. Kane is down and sits up, Edge misses a pear and the ref it outta the ring now. Edge uses the cast and spears Kane for the win.

Rating: 5/10. This was just a filler match. There wasn't really anything behind this match and the crowd didn't really care. It wasn't horrible, but it was just and incredibly basic match that you'll see on TV every week.

Chris Benoit (c) v. Triple H v. Shawn Michaels for the World Heavyweight Championship​

As I mentioned before, this is the rematch of their WM match the previous month. That's all fine and dandy as that was a pretty good match and I have no problem with it. It does make this match sorta predictable, but there's nothing you can do about that. It's a slow start with some basic double teams followed by turning on who you were double teaming with. Benoit hits suplexes on both men to get the crowd into it briefly and he gets HHH in the Crossface early, can't hold it. Benoit with a nice diving headbutt on HBK for a near fall. It's kind of a strange crowd here as they only seem to react to moves by Benoit, which just makes for an odd match to watch. King is convinced that Benoit is a one hit wonder and he'll use here as he mentioned it about a million times already. The ref is outta the ring now and Benoit is dominating putting submissions on both of his opponents. Benoit realizes there's no ref and tries to wake him up. Eventually, HBK gets Benoit in the Sharpshooter and Hebner comes down to the ring, but Benoit gets out of it. A big "You Screwed Bret" chant at either HBK or Hebner here, I think HBK. JR says that Benoit is like a 4 wheel drive truck with a heart, whatever that means. Pretty cool spot where HBK tries to jump on Benoit and HHH on the outside, but he overshoots it and goes through the announce table. HHH is controlling now, which means it isn't really exciting. It's pretty much the same as a lot of his PPV matches, a lot of walking around with a few moves here and there. Not great stuff by any means. JR tries to tell us this is a very vocal crowd, but it's really not at all unless Benoit is doing something good. It's just more of HHH beating on Benoit now as HBK may or may not be dead after going through the table. Pedigree out of nowhere now, but HBK is back in to break it up. HBK tuning up for SCM on HHH, but he decides to hit Benoit instead, which the crowd certainly doesn't like. It's just been HBK/HHH for awhile now, which isn't a good move, because as I said, the crowd ONLY cares about Benoit. It's just weird.

HHH with the sledge hammer shot on HBK, but there's nothing the ref can do about it apparently. Can't he just throw him out? JR says HHH got it from Home Depot, but Kings says they don't have them in Canada. Is this true Canadians? HHH is about to go for the Pedigree on the Steel Steps, but Benoit is able to get out of it and throw him over the barricade. Now it's just HBK and Benoit. Benoit reverses SCM into the Sharpshooter and has HBK in it for awhile. HHH is trying to crawl in and make the save, but HBK taps before he can get there and Benoit retains.

Rating: 7/10. Honestly, I was expecting more out of this match. It was decent enough, but there wasn't anything that special about it at all. The crowed that into it for it being a title match featuring the hometown boy. There just wasn't that much drama to this and the in ring action wasn't anything spectacular.

Final Rating: 4/10. This was just not a very good show at all. Foley/Orton was a the only really memorable match here. The main event was rather disappointing, which really hurts the show. Plus, there was just some absolute trash like Coach's match and the pointless tag match. It's the first PPV after Mania, so it's understandable, but this still could have been much, much, better.
Oh single brand pay per views, why do you mock my faith so much?

I love the brand-only pay per view concept in theory. A roster so stacked that it had to be cut in two is obviously a roster too stacked to fit everyone who deserves to be on PPV on just one. Single brand PPVs should have been the big payoff to at least two months worth of fantastic build and created a roster twice as deep as an unsplit roster. Unfortunely, creative putting no effort into anything gave us some pretty shitty shows. So now we have tri-branded gimmick shows in an effort to hide the damage creative has done. It's pretty hard to watch and rather pathetic considering how stacked the rosters were once upon a time.

Backlash '04... Two match show. Orton had his best match ever here and what made it great is that it wasn't really a Randy Orton match. That tack bump by Orton is still a great holy shit moment. Not something you expect from him. The main event is fun as well. I don't think it was a let down. It was fun seeing Benoit have his moment at the time and the Canadian fans getting to have some fun with Shawn and Earl always keeps things lively. Too bad everything else (except for the maybe the handicap match) blew chunks.

Bad Blood '04... One match show. Kane's a shit wrestler. Benoit's most certainly not. Led to Kane's best match ever. The HIAC was a let down, not worth the build, and not worth making Benoit's title reign look like an after-thought. The rest of the show, as is typical with these brand only shows, is hardly worth mentioning.
I love the brand-only pay per view concept in theory. A roster so stacked that it had to be cut in two is obviously a roster too stacked to fit everyone who deserves to be on PPV on just one. Single brand PPVs should have been the big payoff to at least two months worth of fantastic build and created a roster twice as deep as an unsplit roster. Unfortunely, creative putting no effort into anything gave us some pretty shitty shows. So now we have tri-branded gimmick shows in an effort to hide the damage creative has done. It's pretty hard to watch and rather pathetic considering how stacked the rosters were once upon a time.

Exactly. There was alledgedly a lot of talent there, not sure if that's true, but we still get Coach v. Tajiri on PPV. You may get 2 extra months, but you only have 2 hours to build up 8 or so matches, which is a very tough thing to do. Sure, creative also kinda dropped the ball at times, but don't they always? I think the tri branded PPVs are better at this point. Sure, they may suck a lot of the time, but at least it's a sucky PPV with big names, instead of one involving Tomko. Single branded PPVs are ideal as they save main eventers from getting stale too quickly and prevent the "hot potatoing: of the belt that everyone complains about. They can be very good at times, as shown by No Way Out, but most of the time, they suck.

Backlash '04... Two match show. Orton had his best match ever here and what made it great is that it wasn't really a Randy Orton match. That tack bump by Orton is still a great holy shit moment. Not something you expect from him. The main event is fun as well. I don't think it was a let down. It was fun seeing Benoit have his moment at the time and the Canadian fans getting to have some fun with Shawn and Earl always keeps things lively. Too bad everything else (except for the maybe the handicap match) blew chunks.

The Orton match was pretty sick. I'm don't even think there were any wristlocks in it. Foley was just awesome as well. Loved the spot where the pushed back the refs and hit the diving elbow drop. Vintage Foley. The crowd wasn't as in to the main event as I thought they'd be. HHH is just rather boring and HBK was dead for half the match. The ending was pretty cool, but that's about it.

Bad Blood '04... One match show. Kane's a shit wrestler. Benoit's most certainly not. Led to Kane's best match ever. The HIAC was a let down, not worth the build, and not worth making Benoit's title reign look like an after-thought. The rest of the show, as is typical with these brand only shows, is hardly worth mentioning.

Putting a non-title match in the main event instead of a title match is something that should usually never, ever be done. I makes the title seem meaningless. Take the HIAC PPV this year for example. Why do we need to see DX v. Legacy in the main event instead of a World Title match? Just silly.

By the way, I'm going to Slammiversary '06 sometime within the next 1-8 weeks.
Apologies for the dealy, for those who actually care. I actually intend on continuing this. I know my 1 review every week or 2 doesn't compare to KB's 3 a day, but it's still something, right?

Slammiversay 2006

So, Slammiversary 2006 is next up on this incredible journey of reviewisms. Don't know much about this as I definitely wasn't into TNA back then. Christian is the champ here, which is always a good thing. Card looks pretty decent. Of course, you have the KOTM match as the main event, as well as Staniels facing American's Most Wanted for the Tag Titles and Joe against Steiner for the X Division Title. How Steiner is eligible for that title, I don't know. Also, this is still TNA/NWA which was a very confusing time indeed. That's pretty much it, I'm not expecting much from this, but I may be surprised.

Team 3D v. The James Gang in a Bingo Hall Brawl​

O shit, this already isn't looking good. The opening pyro hits, and seconds later the two teams come brawling and rolling down the entrance ramp for this "Bingo Hall Brawl" match, whatever the hell that is. The steel chairs are already involved less than a minute into the PPV. That has to be a record. The fans are really into this to start as 3D is way over as always. The Kendo Stick is getting involved in this one as well and they're already in the crowd. For some reason Homicide and Hernandez are in the crowd and they're beating up both Devon and BG James. The fuck is the point of that? I think Konnan is involved there as well, this is just madness. Tenay says that these are two of the best teams in the history of the business. Nice try Tenay, but I'm not sure the James Gang is anything but awful. Pretty cool spot where BG jumps over the guard rail onto Devon. They're completely in the crowd now as the fans are holding chairs as 3D smashes their opponents into them. Ray throws in a trash can full of weapons as there obviously aren't enough in there already. He uses a bra as well as a cheese grater on Kip James, who is just getting crushed here.

This is an incredibly fast paced match (even though 3D is involved) as there's always something happening and the crowd absolutely loves it. 3D is actually decent here, and I normally hate them. "This is Awesome Chant". and I actually have to agree. Great Doomsday type move from 3D for a nearfall, and they're getting the tables now as they hit a bloody Kip James with a 3D through the table for the win. Brother Ray gets on the mic and says that's how it should be done.

Rating: 8/10. This was a pretty awesome match actually. I wasn't expecting much, but the action was non stop and there were plenty of nice weapon spots and crowd interaction. It actually wasn't anything more than a glorified squash match, but that's just fine. Great finish and just the perfect choice for the opener as this definitely got the crowd going, which should, for the most part, always be the main goal of an opener, shouldn't it?

Tenay and West run down the card and we go to the back with JB and Jarrett. Jarrett is just an asshole here as he compares himself to Joe Montana, Michael Jordan, and Reggie Jackson. He says he made the KOTM match famous. Is it really famous at this point? He calls out Sting, Christian, Killings, and Abyss as this is just going on too long and he's rambling here. Larry (Zybsko?) comes to the back and says the new face of TNA management is coming in. That really is an overused storyline, isn't it?

Video package reviewing the history of KOTM, which is only 2 years, not making it much of a history. The champ has never retained ... in all 2 of the matches. Pretty good video actually, except for the parts where Killings talks.

Bobby Roode and Coach D'Amore v. Rhino

It's Rhino against 2 members of team Canada here. D'Amore is more or a less supposed to be a joke in the ring. He gets on the mic before the match and says the only thing handicapped in this match is Rhino's IQ. Coach tells Bobby to stay in the corner and watch for the whole match. O joy. Rhino comes running out all pissed and intense as usual and D'Amore immediately runs away up the ramp. This likely won't be too great. Rhino is Rhino. He's more or less been the same wrestler for his entire career. Roode isn't very exciting either as he's the "enforcer" character here. Rhino is dominating but D'Amore refuses to tag in. D'Amore is running around the ring for some reason now, his fat jiggling everywhere, he's controlling now. It's basically the Canadians double teaming Rhino the whole time here which isn't especially exciting. Don West's voice is more annoying than I remember, almost as bad as Eric Young. After some more boring offense, D'Amore goes for a moonsault for some reason and misses it. D'Amore hits Rhino with a hockey stick while he's fighting Roode, but isn't able to pick him up and slam him, allowing Rhino to hit the GORE, GORE, GORE for the win.

Rating: 4/10. Pretty boring for the most part. Crowd wasn't into it and there was just nothing special about it at all. That's what happens when you put 3 boring guys into a match, you get a boring match. The Gore to end it was pretty sweet as the crowd was going nuts, but that's about it.

JB is in the back with Samoa Joe. He says that neither him nor Steiner have ever been pinned, but he's going to take that from him tonight.

Petey Williams v. Alex Shelley v. Jay Lethal v. Senshi v. Sonjay Dutt v. Shark Boy in an X Division #1 Contender Elimination Match

Here ya go.

Rating: 7/10. This was a pretty decent match, but there seemed to be something missing during most of it. I had the feeling these guys were capable of an absolutely incredible match, but were kind of holding back for some reason. Senshi was definitely the highlight of the match as some of the stuff he did was just awesome. I don't remember the whole X Division rankings thing, which seemed kind of odd, but I guess it was a way to make the X Division important, unlike it is today. Decent enough match, but I expected better, especially on a show as big as Slammiversary.

Shelley and Nash are backstage, as they are more or less partners at this point. Shelley said he didn't win because they came at him with knives and some more funny stuff. If TNA was just 2 hours of Shelley talking, I might watch it.

Kevin Nash v. Chris Sabin

The basic premise to this match is that Nash is trying to destroy the X Division because he's bigger than them. Apparently Nash hasn't wrestled for over the year, as his most recent match was against a midget, who are just a huge part of the wrestling business it seems. Nash looks about 20 years younger here than he does at the moment. That long, gray mane really adds on the years quickly. Sabin is pretty over here, but there isn't much to say about him. He's pretty much you basic cruiserweight as he's nothing without Shelley. My hopes aren't too high for this match for 2 reasons. First, I don't know how these 2 styles will mesh. Second, it's a Kevin Nash match. After some basic offense, Nash is overwhelmed, and Shelley comes out to distract Sabin, allowing Nash to take control. Sabin goes for the Cradle Shock early, but he just can't get Nash up.

Some more interference from Shelley, as this is just boring. I just noticed the ref is wearing a blue dress shirt and a bow-tie for some reason. Has that been the case in all the matches? I guess that's an NWA thing. Sabin was actually going to hit the cradle shock, but Shelley interfered again. Sabin is going nuts now as he takes down Nash and dives outside onto Shelley, prompting a "TNA" chant. That actually was pretty awesome. Sabin goes to the top, but Shelley knocks him down on to an exposed turnbuckle, and Nash hits a Powerbomb for the win.

Rating: 6/10. There was a 2 or 3 minute stretch where it was exciting, but for the most part, this was meh. The finish was strange as it just seemed to end rather abruptly. It was as good booking decision though, methinks. Nash was just coming back and this was a way to prolong the feud with the X Division for a few more months. I'm guessing something like that happened, but I guess we'll never know. At least not without taking some time to research it, but I'm a busy man, so we'll just have to wait.

JB's in the back with AMW and Gail Kim, who I guess is their manager. She's in all white is looking really good. They say they're going to beat Staniels. Also, Storm is drunk, which seems like a questionable strategy.

America's Most Wanted (c) v. Staniels in a Tag Team Title Match

The whole idea here is that Staniels has lost to AMW like a hundred times already due to Kim and a ton of other interference. Apparently AMW's 8 month reign is the longest in 30 years. West and Tenay went back through the record books earlier today to check on it. The title reign really is a big deal as I think Tenay's mentioned how long it is about 4 times now. I'm thinking this should be great though. You have 2 of the greatest tag teams in TNA history, and for good reason. Even with Braden Walker involved, it should still be really good. The crowd is really into this from the beginning as we get a vintage TNA move with AJ diving outside onto Harris and Storm while Daniels held down the rope, which was just awesome. AJ and Daniels weren't really considered a "tag team" yet, as they hadn't really been together for that long. They were still played off more as 2 X Division guys. Another vintage TNA move with all 4 men fighting on the outside, plus Kim jumping on the back of Daniels, which was pretty funny. AMW takes control now, and it's amazing how similar they are to Beer Money. Obviously, Storm is a part of both teams, and Harris and Roode are really similar. Both are generic looking guys with long hair who are solid, but nothing more than that. There isn't really anything that sets them apart from Generic Wrestler #1, which is why they are most successful in tag teams. AJ hits an absolutely sick Pele Kick out of nowhere on Storm, who was on the top rope. That's always an incredible move. Daniels is on fire now, but Kim distracts the ref. All of a sudden, some completely jacked lady comes out and chokeslams Kim, then takes her to the back. That was weird. Apparently Staniels hired her, or something.

Daniels is somehow able to kick out of a steel chair shot, and the crowd goes nuts. AJ hits sloppy Gutbuster type move on one of the generic long haired guys, but AJ misses a top rope move. He get hit with handcuffs, which are a really underused weapon, but Daniels is the one who interferes now and puss the ref out. Daniels has the win with the Angles Wings, but Harris completely crushes the ref with an elbow drop. The refs out now and this gets crazy. Storm has the beer bottle, but accidentally hits Harris with it. AJ and Daniels follow up with a frog splash/BME combo off the top rope for the win in what was an awesome finish. The new champs celebrate in the crowd after the match.

Rating: 9/10. This was an awesome, awesome match. Daniels and AJ are two of the best wrestlers in the world today and they just worked perfectly with AMW here. The whole atmosphere was great as was the buildup. Staniels had been chasing the belts for awhile, and TNA picked the perfect time to pull the trigger on them as champs. Great work all around.

Apparently there is an in ring segment here where Jim Cornette is the surprise authority figure of something. This seems to be a very common storyline in TNA. He says some stuff, but from the looks of it, nothing really important.

Sting is backstage and says this is the first ever KOTM match, even though it's not. He starts yelling about Jarrett for some reason and leaves.

Samoa Joe v. Scott Steiner​

The video before this match is just strange. I think Steiner just said I "guaran-damn-tee you." There was a lot of other rambling, and pretty much they don't like each other and you shouldn't eyeball the Big Bad Booty Daddy. I thought this match was to find out who the X Division Champion was, but Tenay says it's to find out who the biggest badass is in TNA. Joe is the champ here and is undefeated at this point. Wait a minute, apparently this is a non title match. That wasn't made very clear at all. Joe and Steiner look pretty much the exact same as they do today. Steiner is ridiculously jacked and Joe is big and doughy. We're a couple of minutes into the match, and from the opening video and the commentary, I don't know who the face is here. I'm guessing Joe, as Steiner is just a prick. We get a big "Joe" chant from the crowd, so I'm going to guess he's the face. Tenay is really into this match. He almost had a heart attack after Steiner did a suplex.

Anyway, as far as the match goes, nothing much is happening thus far. The crowd isn't nearly as into it as they were during the tag match. Tired? I don't think so. Just bored. They've went to the outside now, which is the standard in TNA. Steiner gets a chair, but the ref takes it from him. However, Steiner gets it right back about 10 seconds later and starts beat the shit out of Joe with it. How is he not DQ'd? That doesn't make any sense. We have an announcement that the ref is going to finally start a ten count, and wrestlers have to get back in the ring. Why did we need an announcement? Couldn't the ref just start counting? Anyway, Steiner crushes Joe a few more times with the chair, and the ref is at 6 now. Joe's somehow able to get back in the ring though, despite getting hit with a chair 10+ times. Some more back and forth action in the ring and Joe is eventually caught in the Steiner Recliner. He's able to get out of it though, and he hits a Scoop Slam for the win.

Rating: 4/10. The match itself was decent. I don't think you'd expect much more from these two guys, so it was ok. However, the booking was just stupid. Why do the rules change from match to match? How was Joe all of a sudden perfectly fine after getting absolutely destroyed with a chair for a good 2 or 3 minutes? The whole thing was just odd and what a lot of people would call typical TNA booking.

Christian is backstage with JB and is wearing a jacket that belong back in the 90s. He calls JB a bitch for some reason. That was funny. He says the title is like a drug, followed by some more stuff that isn't really that interesting.

Video hyping the KOTM match. Jarrett is really annoying here. He says something about Christian and Sting's egos cancelling each other out for about the 10th time.

KOTM Match for the NWA-TNA World Title - Christian (c) v. Jeff Jarrett v. Sting v. Ron Killings v. Abyss

In case you don't know the rules for the match, it basically goes like this. It's a ladder match, except you have to hang the title up instead of pulling it down. Also, you have to pin someone or make them submit to become "eligible" to hang the belt. Kind of stupid, right? Wait, it gets even better. If you are pinned or submitted, you have to spend 2 minutes in the "penalty box", which is just fantastic. Sure, it sounds like your typical gimmicky TNA match, but with the guys involved and having the title on the line, it's actually not that bad. Hell, it's pretty interesting when you think about it. Jarrett is getting pretty good heat here. Even Tenay calls him a cancer. Jarrett plays the heel role really well. He's one of the few wrestlers that I really can hate. He sounds like such a prick with that accent. It just makes you want to punch him in the face. Killings actually has more or less the same music he currently has which I didn't know. Before the match they mention that Earl Hebner is the referee. Remember that now. They do the championship type intros now with JB in the ring introducing everyone. This is just kind of pointless as the crowd is just ready for the match to start at this point.

Finally after 15 minutes the match starts. A few minutes in, Sting gets on the penalty cage, which isn't that high as it's just about even with the top turnbuckle. However, Tenay and West are convinced that it's the most amazing things they've ever seen. Sting does one of those stupid jumps onto 3 guys on the outside who are just standing there for some reason. I hate that move more than any other. Jarrett gets pinned less than 5 minutes into the match by Killings, but he's out in 2 minutes anyway without much happening, except for Abyss getting pinned, which doesn't matter because he's more or less the most pointless of the match here. I guess it's just so they can make as many people "eligible" as quickly as possible, but why not just get rid of that stipulation all together? It's just overkill. We're 7 or 8 minutes in on now, and not much ahs really happened aside from the 2 pins. The crowd doesn't really seem to care either. Jarrett becomes eligible after hitting Killings with the Stroke off of the apron on to the railing, which was actually a pretty cool looking move. O ya, it's Falls Count Anywhere as well, in case I didn't mention that.

Time for the obligatory fighting in the crowd now as everyone but Killings, who's in timeout, are mingling amongst the fans. Christian tries to through Jarrett over the top row, which could be considered attempted homicide, but whatever. West mentions that Killings being in the penalty cage is good for him because he's resting and no one is anywhere near hanging the belt. That's actually a good point and is another odd thing about this match. It actually may be an advantage to be pinned, which is silly when you think about it. I think Foley actually tried to exploit that after his 10th heel turn. Apparently Killings is the first one to realize that you actually should be trying to get a ladder and hang the belt. He gets knocked down by Abyss though, which really didn't look that impressive at all. I think the crowd actually go quieter after that. The ladder is upside down now and Jarrett is wedged in the bottom. Cage stands on top of him and tries to climb and hang the title. West says that it was a smart move. I'm not sure how it's smart to try and climb up an upside down ladder instead of a right side up ladder, but whatever. Earl Hebner gets knocked out for no apparent reason, as Slick Johnson simply comes out and counts Abyss's pin on Jarrett. Seriously, why is Earl Hebner even here? He's not going to do anything of significance ... or is he? Abyss gets his fatass knocked through a bunch of tables, which is the first interesting thing that happened in this match.

Apparently Jarrett escaped the cage early, but no one really does anything about it. Where the hell did Slick Johnson go? This looks like it's finally going to end as Sting hands Christian the title, but Larry Zybsko, who is part of the championship committee, hits him in the nuts for some reason. This starts to get really ridiculous now as Sting is pinning Jarrett, but there is no ref awake to count it as Slick has disappeared for some reason, presumably to go shower with some females in the back. It's ok though, because Sting drags Hebner over and moves that raggedy old man's arm himself, which counts as a pin. I have no idea where Killings or Abyss are at this point; haven't seen them for ages. Sting and Christian are fighting on the top of the ladder, but Hebner revives and knocks them both off. Jarrett, who never served his latest penalty, gets up and becomes the champ. The fans starts throwing trash in the ring and Tenay is absolutely freaking out. However, as Jarrett walks up the ramp, referee Rudy Charles takes the belt from him and give it to Cornette. The show ends with Tenay asking who the champ is, which is never a good sign.

Rating: 2/10. What the hell was that? Pretty much nothing of note happened throughout the whole match, the crowd didn't give a shit until the end, and Abyss and Killings were just pointless as hell. Plus, the ending. What the hell was that? It didn't really make any sense at all as to why Hebner was interfering. I guess because he did it in the WWF, TNA should just copy it for no apparent reason. Very poor showing for a match that always has the potential to be good, but can produce an absolute clunker as well.

Final Rating: 6/10. This was really a mixed bag. There was some good matches, including an absolute classic with Staniels, however, there was also a good amount of shit on this show. Anytime the main event fails so hard, the show fails as well. Especially considering this is a major PPV for TNA, you have to expect more.

Well, there you have it. I'm sure someone else watched this show at some point, what do you think? How bad did you think the KOTM Match was? Any other thoughts?

Anyway, I don't know if I should do Slammiversary 07 next, or some random WWE PPVs from the beginning of the 00s that were recommeded to me. Give me guidance. If you don't like either of thoes, give me something else to look at.
Vengeance 2003

So, we're back to it again here. Going with Vengeance 2003 here, as requested by some Monkey guy. There looks to be some good stuff on here. You have Benoit v. Eddie for the US Title, which should be great, and a 3 Way for the WWE Title between Lesnar, Big Show and Angle. We also have a match with a 1 legged man, a match included a woman who isn't really a wrestler, and a match including about a million people. Also, Taker is taking on some guy named Cena. Enough dicking around, let's get to it.

Odd opening video with the faces talking and then Vince talking for awhile.

Cole is extremely excited for this PPV for some reason and we're going to start right off with our first match.

Chris Benoit v. Eddie Guerrero for the US Title​

This is the finals of a tournament for the US Title, which is something that the WWE should do way more often, especially for the midcard belts. Remember the tourney for the IC Title about a year ago? That was awesome. This is also somewhat significant as it's the first Smackdown only PPV, at least that's what Cole said. Mike Chioda brings the men together before the match and talks about fighting clean and stuff like that for some unknown reason. He tells him to shake hands, but they don't they obviously don't like each other. Wait a minute, what's that you say Cole? Eddie put wax in Benoit's eye? That's not very nice or sanitary for that matter. Besides the despicable act by Eddie, this match is also about how they used to be good friends, but now they're not. That's always a good story. Basic stuff for the first 8 or so minutes. Nothing spectacular, but still interesting. Benoit gets the Crossface on out of nowhere, but Eddie is able to escape to the outside. Benoit does a Suic... I mean Torpedo Dive through the ropes onto Eddie on the outside. That was sick. TNA! TNA! TNA! Wait, wrong company? O well. Pretty good crowds here, as they should be for a match like this. Eddie is in control now and Tazz says we can literally see him thinking on his feet, which literally makes no sense, but more on that later.

The back and forth is really good here and Benoit eventually hits a HUGE suplex off the top rope. Some more suplexes by both guys because they make up 90% of their offense, dontchya know? Ref bump here. This can't be good for Benoit. Eddie gets the title belt, which apparently is "patented" Eddie Guerrero. That's about the 5th time Cole's said that already. I guess it was the prelude to "vintage." Anyway, a title shot and Frog Splash combo is somehow only enough for a 2 count. Eddie gets the belt again, and hits a crawling Chioda with it for some reason. What the hell is he doing? O, he's trying to frame Benoit. Well, that won't work if you knock the ref out, moron. According to Cole it was a kidney shot to the ref that knocked him out. Some more stuff happens, but the ref is knocked out so it doesn't matter. Rhyno, who is Benoit's friend, comes out and spears him for some reason. I guess it's because he loves to make heel turns. Anyway, Eddie capitalizes by hitting a Frog Splash and Chioda wakes up to count the pin.

Rating: 7/10. This was a really solid opener. I had the feeling that we could've seen a little more from them, but it was still a solid match. I'm not a big fan of all the interference here, but I'm assuming that this rivalry continued beyond this, so I guess that's ok. Pretty good start to the show.

Steph and Vince are talking backstage, and the sexual tension is palpable. They keep talking about Linda's "condition" and something about Kane. Did her kiss her or something like that? Can't really remember. They also talk about their separate matches tonight. That's right folks, we get 2 McMahon matches on one show. What a tread.

Billy Gunn v. Jamie Noble in an Indecent Proposal Match
So, here's what we got here. Billy is with Torrie here, but Noble, being the creep he is, wants her real bad, but Torrie isn't interested for some reason. I can't imagine why, I just think he's as cute as a button. The stipulation is that if Noble wins, he'll get to sleep with Torrie next week on Smackdown. I'm not kidding, they really said that. Torrie is wearing about 1/3 of a shirt here and there is a decent amount of underboob showing. Noble comes out with a briefcase, which apparently contains his sex toys. That's just fantastic. Some chick named Nidia comes out a few minutes into the match. It appears she's Noble's girlfriend. She can't approve of this. The much is pretty boring so far for the most part, but what would you expect from a Gunn/Noble match. Nidia tries to interfere, and who could blame her? I know I wouldn't want to lose that hot piece of ass. Anyway, Noble gets the shit beat out of him by both females for awhile, until he eventually is able to roll Gunn up and grab the tights for the win. Torrie is crying now, thinking of her upcoming night of passion. Cole says he wishes he could be a fly on the wall during Noble and Torrie's encounter, which is just creepy as hell.

Rating: 2/10. The match was only like 5 minutes long, and it was really boring. Noble is one of the most uncharismatic guys out there, and Billy Gunn is Billy Gunn. You can't be expecting that much. Plus, the whole story is just pretty ridiculous here. This is something that would've been much better one Smackdown, not PPV.

Fuanki is interviewing Bradshaw and Farooq. They talk about the upcoming APA Invitational Match, and a man in Bunny Suit hops past them for no apparent reason. What the fuck? APA also invite Funaki to the brawl.

The APA Invitational Bar Room Brawl​

This match isn't even happening in the ring, as there is a bar room set up next to the stage. Before the match starts, there's already a bunch of guys in the bar standing around and drinking without their shirts on. There are about a thousand people in this match. The Bashams are out first with Shaniqua, followed by the FBI, the Easter Bunny (seriously), Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore (with Hardy's badass Version 1.0 Titantron, which informs us he doesn't like bar fights), Brother Love, Doink the Clown, Sean O'Haire (who the fuck?), and finally, the APA. There are some other guys as well who weren't good enough for entrances, including Chris Kanyon, John Hennigan(aka Nitro, aka Morrison), Orlando Johnson (or maybe Elijah Burke?), Rob Conway, Johnny Jeter, The Brooklyn Brawler and Spanky. Really a "Who's Who" wrestling. Bradshaw says there are no rules and that the last man drinking wins, which is actually kind of like a rule. Brother Love, who is incredibly annoying, talks for awhile and then hits two guys with a bar stool, which I guess starts the match.

It's pretty much impossible to see what's going on here. Kendrick was dancing on the table, but he got pushed off. The Easter Bunny is getting raped here. Funaki is just sitting at the bar while everyone else is fighting, which is just funny. It appears they're trying to give O'Haire a push here, but that quickly ends when Brother Love takes him out with flowers. Shannon Moore hits a pretty sick looking Moonsault of the stage, as this is just chaos. Hardy tries to put the Bashams through a table, but it doesn't break, so he has to do it again. Fuanki is too wasted and passes out. It's down to Bradshaw and Brother Love now, even though Farooq is still standing there, Cole tells us he was already knocked out or something. Love tries to sweet talk Bradshaw, but he gets punched in the face and it's over.

Rating: 1/10. This was just pointless as hell. You could hardly see what was going on and even when they tried to do a legit move, Hardy botched it. Just a huge mess, which is what you should expect when you book a match including the Easter Bunny.

World's Greatest Tag Team (c) v. Mysterio and Kidman in a Tag Team Title Match

This should be pretty good here. Not really any big story behind this, except for that Mysterio and Kidman won a #1 Contenders Match. Cole says something about Taz being a psychology major in college. You here that Coco? You could be Taz someday. You can tell from the beginning that this going to by a fast paced match. There may not be the most charismatic guys who ever wrestled (especially not Shelton), but they all are more than capable in the ring. Rey is jumping around everywhere here which is always entertaining. It looks like Mike Chioda is the ref here, which seems like a questionable decision. You have to wonder about the condition of his liver. An awesome sequence has Mysterio jumping to the outside with a Senton followed by a SSP by Kidman off the top rope, which promoted a well deserved "Holy Shit" from the crowd. I don't know when the last time we saw anything close to that in the WWE was. They actually reference Chioda's injury, as apparently he has a bandage on his arm. That's awesome. The injury really seems to be affecting him though, as he didn't see Kidman tag Rey in. You'd think that the fact the crowd went nuts all of a sudden would give him a clue. They also mention how Angle is the mentor of the WGTT here, which was a really good move by the WWE. Think Legacy, except much better. Mysterio and Kidman hit a ridiculous move where Kidman launches Rey up to Haas on the top rope, and he hit some type of head scissors move on him for a 2.99999999 count. Haas gets Mysterio up in an electric chair and Shelton gets a blind tag followed by a sick looking top rope move for the 3 count.

Rating: 8.5/10. This was a hell of a match and is exactly what the tag division should be; 4 solid midcard guys who can really go in the ring. It's really not that hard to figure out. It's not that complicated, but it more than gets the job done.

Stephanie McMahon v. Sable No Countout Catfight​

Why the fuck is this match happening? Steph is the GM, but Vince put her in this match for some reason. O, Sable is apparently an assistant appointed by Vince, so they don't like each other and they're having a match. I guess this is comparable to Teddy v. Vickie then. Cole says Linda was piledrived by Kane on Raw. I was sure he kissed her. Maybe that happens next week. Both women are scantily clad here as we get to see a decent amount of butt cheek from Sable. They're more or less running around after each other for the first few minutes, taking advantage of the random no countout stipulation. The crowd is surprisingly into this match, but I guess they're all just horny. Stephanie tries to use a chair, but it's a no count out match, not a no DQ match, duh. Steph has resorted to mounting now, as this has turned into some decent softcore porn. I think Sable just got her top pulled down. Nice. The ref does what any man would do and takes off his shirt to give to Sable. While this is happening, A-Train randomly crushes Stephanie, allowing Sable to get the pin.

Rating: 3/10. For what it was, this wasn't really that bad. You get a decent amount of skin, but once you remember you can see as many naked chicks as you want on the internet, it's not that great. The crowd really loved this though, which was a plus. There's also Sable wrestling, which can be ugly at times. Combine that with a 300 pound man plowing Stephanie at the end, and you end up with something slightly above shit level.

John Cena v. Undertaker



Rating: 7.5/10. I really liked this. It was fun to see these guys with their previous gimmicks, which were awesome. Great psychology and storytelling throughout the match. I recommend checking it out.

Zach Gowen v. Vince McMahon​

In case you don't remember, Gowen is the guy with only one leg. The feud basically is that Vince says Gowen is an embarrassment and doesn't deserve to be a WWE superstar and blah blah blah. Gowen eventually won a contract and he gets to wrestle the boss. Vince pretty much dominates to start the match, which makes sense, considering he has twice as many legs as his opponent. Gowen hits a sick moonsault to Vince on the outside. That's impressive as hell for a guy with one leg. However, Vince is controlling the match again, working on Gowen's leg. Taz expertly points out that Gowen can't move around the ring if that leg gets injured, because that's his only one. Vince is getting some pretty good heat here, which he should for beating up a crippled man. He puts Gowen in a Boston Crab now. A one legged Boston Crab that is. Vince looks pretty good here with his bronzed muscles rippling. Gowen starts to make a comeback, but it's not really believable considering the guy is all of 150 pounds. He hits what Taz calls a Bulldog from the top rope, even though it was more like he barely touched Vince as he flew past him. Vince throws the ref out of the ring now, but it backfires on him as Gowen kicks the chair into Vince's head in a stupid looking spot, busting him. Gowen misses the moonsault though and Vince gets the 3 count.

Rating: 3/10. I get the idea and it's cool that a guy with one leg gets a chance in the WWE. But, this just didn't work. It was really more about booing Vince for beating up a handicapped guy than anything. The first moonsault Gowen hit was nice, but other than that, he didn't really do much of anything. I don't know what else to say, other than that was just unimpressive.

Brock Lesnar (c) v. Kurt Angle v. Big Show for the WWE Championship​

So, Lesnar is the champ here. He beat Angle at Wrestlemania, then Angle got hurt, so this is his chance for redemption or something. Big Show is just there because he has to be in a triple threat title match once every few months. It's in his contract. Lesnar doesn't get much of a reaction when he comes out, but then again, his music is incredibly dull, so I wouldn't cheer for him either. Angle comes in with a garbage can lid, as this seems to be No DQ, which is news to me. I guess that's ok though. It'd probably be incredibly boring otherwise. It's more or less just 3 big guys beating on each other here, which is just fine. Lesnar hits an F-5 on Angle and then Big Show, then just starts beating the shit out of Kurt. A few minutes later, he hits a SICK running powerbomb on Big Show. He's just a strong dude, plain and simple. We get another great spot where Angle slams Big Show through the announce table. Apparently, they're both out cold, even though Angle gets up like 30 seconds later. Lesnar's busted open now. How the hell did that happen? We get a few solid minutes of just Lesnar/Angle, which is cool as they really worked well together. Lesnar goes for a rear naked choke, which is something he'll be doing a lot of in about 5 years. When almost get an "O shit" from Taz, but he is barely able to catch himself in time. Big Show comes in and dominates for awhile, but Angle is able to take him out and hit Lesnar with an Angle Slam to win the Title.

Rating: 7/10. This was a solid main event that gave us just what you'd expect. You had some huge guys in there beating the shit out of each other and a few nice spots. The end was kind of sudden, but still a solid match.

Final Rating: 7/10. Seems good to be. There were 4 good matches, and 4 shit matches, but you expected those to be shit. Everything that was supposed to delivered here, and this was as nice little PPV. Well done.
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