Games of your Childhood


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Games of your childhood
Crazy Taxi

For this thread, I thought that I would get some feedback from you guys about what games really shaped your childhood. I think that we have all played games for a long time now and since it become a popular thing to do, generations upon generations of children have leapt at the opportunity to throw themselves into the ever-expanding world of games. I, for one, got my first game console when I was about 5 or so and since then, I have not looked back. I got a Sega Mage Drive with games like Alex The Kid, Sonic and Tails 2 and Indian Jones and just adored it. However, the game that I want to cover in this post is:


That’s right, Crazy, mother-fucking, Taxi.

This was a game that really started my love affair with driving games. Before that, I had played very little and wanted to play even less. However, a chance meeting with this game set up a world of fun and some of the nest gaming memories I have to date. I remember getting this game. My brother and I shared a Dreamcast and it was in the bedroom, that we both shared. We put out pocket money together for a couple of weeks and decided that we had to but another game. We finally salvaged enough to go and get a new game and we seen Crazy Taxi. I immediately did not want it. I saw House Of The Dead and crued my eyes out because “I got to pick the last one” and my big brother picked Crazy Taxi. For the longest time, I wouldn’t even touch the game. It sickened me that I did not get what I wanted and out of principal I decided not to play it. I mean, I am very lazy and it was already in.

Anyway, I must have played that game that day for 23 out of the 24 hours of that day, it was ridiculous. It opened up a gaming world that I quickly became embroiled in quickly. The game was so simple but was just genius at the same time. I can quite honestly say that Crazy Taxi is one of the best games I have ever played and I can guarantee that if I was to get the game now, I would play it so far before any of the recent additions to my gaming collection. The thing about it was that it was so simple, yet so efficient in garnering your interest. Mostly though, it was just heaps and heaps of fun and had me stuck to the screen for days upon days, months upon months.

I remember being on holiday in Cyprus last year and in my hotel, they had a Crazy Taxi arcade game. I looked at it and it looked back at me and we both knew it was a match made in Heaven. I swear to God that I spent about 70 Euros on that game and I spend eve more time on it than that. At one point, I played it at 2 o’clock in the morning for about an hour and a half. The only think that kept me from playing it more was that the manager came down and asked me to get off of it because people couldn’t sleep as they kept hearing The Offspring rattling through “All I Want” as I delivered customer upon customer to their destination.

An amazing game that I would gladly play forever. However, I am curious to see which games shaped your childhood and how you fell about them now.
Shining Force II: The Ancient Seal

Format; Sega Mega Drive/Genesis

Genre Tactical Role Playing Game

Release date UK October 1994

Plot (according to wiki); Shining Force II opens with a thief, Slade, stealing two jewels in an ancient shrine, thus setting in motion strange events leading to the resurrection of Zeon, the Devil King. When the king of Granseal, protector of the Tower of the Ancients, falls ill, Sir Astral and the game's leader, Bowie, investigate the opened tower with a small force called the Shining Force.

When an evil Gizmo escapes and possesses the king of a neighboring kingdom, Galam, Granseal's princess is kidnapped and the door to Arc Valley (home to Zeon and the greater devils) is opened. Arc Valley and the evil that resides there begins consuming Grans Island, causing Bowie and friends to flee their home.

When the true danger of the opened door is realized, Bowie and friends have to fight against the invading armies of Zeon to find the Holy Sword and the stolen jewels so they may once again reseal the Devil King in Arc Valley.

Why was it a staple of my gaming?

Despite being a Nintendo boy through and through, I did love my Sega Mega Drive, and one game I remember playing time and time and time again was Shining Force 2. Whilst I found the first one OK this game was something else. I first played it as a 9 year old kid and to be totally honest, this started me off on my path to
A) Becoming a hardcore gamer
B) To my love of RPG's

The character development was great, storyline was fantastic and it just had that special magic about it. A game I will recommend to everyone.

Crash Bandicoot 3

Are you kidding me? CB 3. The single focal point of my childhood.Anyone who would dismiss it as a kids game is obviously off their nut and has had a bad woompa fruit. This game evolved all of the aspects that we knew and loved from the first two games, but extended it in order to create an expansive game with many stages and environments, with a replayability level off the charts. Far better than that god damn Super Mario 64 that all my friends had raved about years before. Does Mario ride a motorbike in some levels? Does Peach ride a Tiger down the Great Wall? The answer is no.


Ignoring my gushing boyhood pride of finishing it, this was a great game. it was the final evolution for Crash on the PS1 before falling prey to some far lesser games, but this combined everything you could want in a platforming game, without succumbing to making it an open adventure game. they kept Crash as Crash, but they put him in a nice setting and gave him a bazooka.
I grew as a young boy on the SNES, mastering mario, MK, and street fighter games to the fullest but it wasnt until a few years later that a game came out and changed the way i play/look at games forever...

The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time
My mom and dad had always played the older zelda games for NES and SNES and i hated it. so when Ocarina of Time came out, they bought it for me and i was pissed. an older friend of mine at the time told me he liked the game which inspired me to pop it in....all i can say is that it changed my life forever! lol... i can honestly say i've beaten the game well over 50 times as i am about to beat it again for the gamecube. excellent game. and very deep for its era.
Holy crap... I hate this website. Day after day it reminds me of how old I really am...


When December of 1986 came around and I saw the small, giftwrapped box under the Christmas tree, I didn't know what to think. But then I tore it open to find...


Along with the Super Mario Bros game that came with the system, the Legend of Zelda was the first video game I ever owned. I was still excited because I was only the third person I knew that owned the holy grail of gaming at the time... the original Nintendo. At the time, I had never heard of the game since it was virtually unknown and the Nintendo system was owned by many people in town (as I explained earlier). But, I didn't care. I had a Nintendo... I ruled. So, I tore the box open and was blinded when I saw...


HOLY CRAP... it's gooooooooold!!! Every other cartridge that Nintendo offered was shit-colored grey but this one was SPECIAL. I couldn't wait to play it.


This is the screen that started one of the greatest series of games in history, in my opinion. Whenever I hear the theme song, see the screenshots, or play the game I think about that Christmas day when I ws a kid.

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