GAB: Michelle McCool vs. Natalya


SmackDown! is MY Show

Diva's Championship Match
Michelle McCool vs. Natalya

Well its official that at the Great American Bash we will see Natalya vs. Michelle McCool for the glamorous Diva's championship. I have to admit that I am not really interested in this match, though does give me time to go to the bathroom and fill up on refreshments for the rest of the PPV. I think Natalya would be better suited on the RAW side as she is a much better wrestler than McCool, but she is stuck on Smackdown. I hope Natalya wins as Smackdown has so many face divas that it would out so much better, but I wouldn't be surprised to see McCool win and have a feud with Natalya. Kinda reminds me of TNA and what they did with Gail in rewarding their long standing diva and then a month or two later give it to the more dominant diva in Kong. So I am picking the upset in McCool to win the gold but prolly dropping it at Summerslam or Unforgiven,
I'm so confused with exactly what it is the W.W.E. is trying to accomplish with this Championship. Is it a secondary Women's Championship for the stand alone brand? Is it a mocking Championship, meant to only make fun of the Knockout's of T.N.A.? Is it a Championship that'll join the European, Hardcore and Light Heavyweight Championships within the span of two years or less??

Its definately starting almost as strong as it could with having Natalya against Michelle McCool. But the fact is, when you look at the Smackdown roster for female wrestlers, the buck stops at these two, then Victoria and possibly Cherry. Outside of that we're stuck with Maria and Maryse, and if there are any others.. then they suck so badly that I don't even recall them off the top of my head.

The fact is, I foresee this match being a classic similar to what Owen Hart v. The British Bulldog was for the European Championship. But in the same respect, I see the title becoming pointless much like the European title did when Naked Mideon held it. Of course I think I'd be wishful thinking to hope one of the divas would take on that gimmick. :lmao: It'd definately be a Championship I'd care to see rather quickly if one did. (Well, except the bigger divas I suppose)
As much as I think the belt would LOOK better on Michelle (as I don't find Natalya attractive at all), I'd much rather see Natalya be the champion. Several reasons...

1) Natalya as champ can defend it against Michelle, Maria, Cherry, and Taryn when she starts wrestling. Michelle would have Natalya, Victoria, and Maryse (the worst of the bunch).

2) Mickie is a face and Raw's champ, so we don't need another face women's champ.

3) Its always nice to see someone in the Hart family with a title...even if Natalya does look butch enough that she could probably beat D.H. Smith in a fight haha.

As far as the match goes, it should be good for a women's division matchup, as Will's pointed out that these two are the best on the brand, but I severely doubt we'll be calling it Match of the Year or anything lol.
This match will be a complete bore. Michelle is a complete tool in the ring. Although I think she is hot she doesn't need to be competing in the ring. Natalya is talented however, so she might be able to carry Michelle to a passable match. I have a feeling that Michelle will win this, as the Diva title seems completely suited for her. It looks like something she would wear. I honestly couldn't care less about this match.
Pointless championship as I personally think there should only be 1 womens title in the WWE. I can't believe they got rid of the Cruiserweight Title for this shit. Anyway I am predicting Natalya to actually win the title which will unfortunately lead to a rematch at Summerslam. I personally think McCool is slightly underrated but she doesn't deserve to win this match, Natalya does. The match will be decent but not memorable.

Natalya wins via Sharpshooter.
As i have said once before. I dont see the point in this Match they are saying that it will = the Womens Championship on raw. There is only about 5 decent women wrestlers so that means that almost half of them are Champions. I think that even though WWE has been grooming Michelle Mccool to become Champion status over the last year, I think Natalyia will win this She was the first person to be Chosen to compete in the first match for it, I think that even though it doesnt mean anything at the moment putting the Belt on Natalyia will be the best thing to do. Let Natalyia win it now then in a couple of weeks let Michelle win it from her if thats who the WWE wants it on. I Give this belt two years at the most before it either gets retired or it just gets forgotten about.
I hope Natalya wins this match because she is clearly the better wrestler and therefore better suited for it, but then again I can see them putting it on McCool and having Natalya taking it later on. The match itself won't be atrocious, but Natalya is definitely going to have to carry McCool through it.
Natalya will win. Or should win. When you debut a new title it should always go to a heel. And most of the time it does. That way you've instantly got a feud with the new heel champion, and the closest face contender. The other way round and you've got a heel chasing the title. Only TNA thinks this works.
Natalya should win since there are much more feud options for her (though all of them are crappy). Plus, Natalya is clearly the better wrestler and she comes from the legendary Hart family. If WWE really wants this girly-girl title to be credible, they should have Natalya crowned as the first champion.
Natalya should definately win. But really there is only 3 decent women wrestlers on smackdown, so i don't know what they are going to do with the title after this. I think that in a few months the Women's Champ and the Diva's Champ will fued, and they will have a ladder match to decide an undisputed women's champ.
This match will be a complete bore. Michelle is a complete tool in the ring. Although I think she is hot she doesn't need to be competing in the ring. Natalya is talented however, so she might be able to carry Michelle to a passable match. I have a feeling that Michelle will win this, as the Diva title seems completely suited for her. It looks like something she would wear. I honestly couldn't care less about this match.

simpsons_fanatic742 said:
I hope Natalya wins this match because she is clearly the better wrestler and therefore better suited for it, but then again I can see them putting it on McCool and having Natalya taking it later on. The match itself won't be atrocious, but Natalya is definitely going to have to carry McCool through it.

I have heard it enough..... Michelle McCool is not a bad wrestler. Her matches are pretty damn entertaining, and she is actually a good women wrestler. People are dissing her for the sake of dissing her here. Her matches are pretty damn good, she is an entertaining and enthusistic in her work as well.

Ok, I think these 2 will actually put on a really good match, because they are good workers and have technical skills. I am torn on who will win. This week on SD! Michelle McCool attacked Natalya and Natalya was partly taken down, but after that Natalya squashed Cherry in the match winning with a Sharpshooter. Although most are saying Natalya will win, I think the McCool will come out on top winning with the Brazilian Heel Lock.
I have no idea why people are complaining about this match. Both of these divas are very talented. Natalya is very talented, as are the other Hart's, but Michelle McCool is just as talented. These are Smackdown's top two diva's, and I find it fitting that they are the ones the will get the title rolling. In my opinion, Natalya should win, as it would be better to have a heel champion. And with Natalya as champ there are plenty more challengers. So people don't bitch, because it's not like it's Maryse v. Maria.
Michelle McCool is absolute shite. She only gets the push because of one of two reasons. She's sucked the Dead Mans dick or I hear she's very popular backstage so she's sucked everyones dick. There's no reason to push her. She's not talented, she's not terribly charismatic, and she's almost ask skinny (and orange) as Shawn Michaels.
Ugh, I can't believe McCool won and by submission too. Oh well, that Barbie belt looks better on her. Move Natalya to RAW please.

It looks like the Divas title will live up to its name. I just read the article on and it says "After beating the odds, Michelle has established herself as the top Diva on Friday nights. But now that she has reached the top of the mountain, she can rest assured that the Sexiest Woman on Television will be coming to knock her off her throne." I hope to god that's not Maria.

This title is obviously not going to be a credible title after all. I see lots of Bra & Panties and Pillow fight championship matches in the future. I wonder what this means for Victoria and Natalya, SD's only two talented Divas.
Must be nice for McCool...I bet she's glad she's fucking the right guy right now!

Sad that someone who was practically raised in this business loses to someone who said "Ooh, win $250 000 and become a WWE Diva....wait...what's a WWE Diva??". PLEASE!!

It's quite sad really....they try to push these Diva Search bimbos and the real hard workers get left in the lurch! Poor poor poor Victoria!
this was an abomination. fucking terrible. Just like that damn belt. Not even Nattie looked good here, and Mcool had about 90 hundred botches. WHAT the fuck. Pretty much a waste of space, and time. Couldve had the RAW Divas do something half decent. Or at least let Nattie get the W. Its always better to establish a new title on a heel. One that can work. Bad idea, shit belt, shit match, shit finish. Just shit.
I watched about 2 minutes of this match before being so appalled I couldn't handle it. This whole match, the whole concept of it pisses me off. For a start, McCool is so awful it's painful to watch. And listen to. Seriously, what the hell were those noises? It was like NorCal had just joined the match and was fucking her. Absolutely awful.

And the Divas title. The division is baely strong enough for one belt, yet now they have 2?! And the fact it'scalled a Divas championship, and McCool won it, just seems like they don't even want it to be for wrestling talent, but rather who has the biggest boobs or the blondest hair. The whole match just made me cringe.
I agree this match was terrible it almost wrecked the whole PPV, the noises they was making wanted me to pull my hair out. Michelle Mccol isnt a good wrestler at all atleast Natalyia can wrestle and makes it interesting but i am now going to be so scared to watch smackdown just becouse McCool has a title and we will be seeing more of her. We already see her enough. Oh and good on you WWE for showing us just how Importantthe title is by having Jericho come out ant ending her celebration so short. When i was watching it i though OMG Jericho after months of promising has finally "saved" us from something. I still think they should of put the belt on natalyia becouse as NorCal said its alot better to put it on a Heel first. to give it some credability and make it white hot.

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