GAB: Mark Henry vs. Tommy Dreamer


SmackDown! is MY Show
Mark Henry vs. Tommy Dreamer

Whoa! Mark Henery and Tommy Dreamer both appearing on a PPV...something tells me the end is near! Now back to the subject at hand, I have to say since this isnt for the title, it kinda makes me think that Dreamer will get the win here. I know Henry has Atlas on his side and well...Dreamer has Delaney, but Henry has no real feud on ECW expect for Dreamer right now and a Dreamer win could lead to a title match at SummerSlam in a Extreme Rules match. Though a loss for Henry could damage him, but its Henry so no one really cares. A loss or a win doesnt affect Dreamer, but since its a non-title match I can see Dreamer win just to get squashed at Summerslam in a Extreme Rules match for the ECW Championship by Henry. It could both ways really as all this looks like is a filler match and instead of a basic filler match, the WWE should just have made it for the ECW Championship, I mean what harm would that cause? None I think.
Well, while I have to agree with you that it should be for the championship, I'm pretty sure that would guarantee that Henry would win it. As soon as I saw this match was made, I couldn't help but led out a mental groan (yes, mental. It wasn't even worth wasting the air). Other than the three matches I've said I may be interested in from the GAB, this adds yet another match that gives me a bathroom break, or a snack break. I can't even see this being a long match.

While I do agree with A.J. that this match COULD go either way, the pure fact that it's Dreamer just gives me an incredible feeling that he just simply won't win, belt on the line or not. It would seem useless to have Dreamer win in a non-title match simply to lose later in an Extreme Rules match (which you'd imagine an Original would win) for the title. I see this as a one-time filler match, not really much of a feud.

My prediction: Henry wins, but at some point maybe Delaney will distract Henry, Dreamer will try a roll-up from behind, and end up being squashed by Henry, literally. I guess sitting on a wrestler's head can count as a cover...
This is just a filler match while they have nothing planned for Henry to do. Thusly, Henry walks out as the champ no matter what the stipulation.

Dreamer seems to be the first feud most people get when they become ECW champion because he's someone that can challenge for no reason, get squashed, and move on to the next person he jobs to. What's amazing though is that after all of his jobbing, Dreamer is STILL in contention to win the ECW title hahaha.

The way I see things going, I'm glad Henry was able to become champ, but none of us really expect him to be an entertaining (or long-running) champion, and although I think both of them are overrated (not to say Henry's a better alternative) I think Finlay or Matt Hardy is going to be the Summerslam match for Henry. They might be priming Hardy to lose his US title to Shelton (gets it back on Smackdown, gives Shelton a title to run with) but I could just as easily see Finlay as ECW champion.

The more likely of the two in terms of a feud would be Hardy, I'd say, but they would definitely pull the old "Hornswoggle runs around, distracts Henry, and Finlay hits him over the head with a shillelagh to win the title" scenario. I'd rather see Finlay as ECW champion than to see Finlay/Hornswoggle as tag team champions over Morrison and Miz.

Either way, Henry wins at GAB, loses at Summerslam.
Well, I think Mark Henry will squash Tommy Dreamer once more. Mark is FINALLY getting the push he deserves. Tommy is on his way out, and so is his pertner Colin Delaney. I'd Say Mark Henry wins this match. And hopefully they won't fued for long.
Can it be confirmed or denied that this will or won't be for the E.C.W. Championship? Its listed on just like the World Heavyweight and W.W.E. titles are listed. Saying *insert Championship name* *insert Champion* vs. *insert opponent*. So who's to say this is or isn't a Championship match?

Now before it gets thrown out there, I'm sure a lot of people are going to say.. "Does it even matter, its Mark Henry versus Tommy Dreamer". Well, the answer is yes, it matters a lot. If its a Championship match of course Henry is going to win. However, if its a non-title match then there is a slight chance Dreamer could pick up the victory, be it through Disqualification or otherwise.

Honestly, I doubt the W.W.E. would allow its newly made E.C.W. Heavyweight Champion job to Tommy Dreamer, in his first p.p.v. match since winning the title. So with that said, I expect this match to be nothing more than a quick filler in which Dreamer might hit one or two signature moves, but in the end its still said that "no one can stop the dominating force" of Mark Henry.
This seems like a pointless match. If it isnt for the title whats the point of having it. Looking at the match up its clearly obvious who will win. when was the last time tommy Dreamer one a match let alone against a Champion. at the same time, There is that slight chance that Tommy is getting a push. But would the WWE really have the ECW champion lose his first PPV match. Im thinkin Mark henry to win this if he is defending the title or Tommy to maybe just maybe pull out a surprising win if its just a normal match up. i wouldnt be surprised if it ends in DQ personally. as it would be the only way possible tommy could win.
Like already stated. This is complete filler, I don't see Tommy Dreamer going over Mark Henry at all. It will probably a glorified squash match, but I would love to see Tommy get some offense in and give Henry a run for his money. If the WWE really wants to "shake" things up a bit, they should have Tommy go over and win the title. I know it wouldnt make much sense, but it would get people talking. Seems to be a boring match though to be honest.
Oh no please kill me now. This match is guaranteed to be crap but I can only hope they keep it under 7 minutes. I see Henry squashing Dreamer again. This will lead to Dreamer somehow earning a title match at Summerslam in an Extreme Rules match. He will earn a title match in the next 3 episodes of ECW somehow.

This match is guaranteed to be a squash, mark my words. I am not looking forward to this at all.
A poor first match for Henry. Face it, he's not going to get the biggest of pops. And it's been a good two years since the ECW brand, and Dreamer with it, had any momentum. This will be a bathroom break for everybody. I actually think some sort of gauntlet would have been better. He doesn't need to get into a feud with Finlay or Matt Hardy until Summer Slam. Until then, for this PPV only, he could just squash some nobodies. Of which Dreamer could be one. Or bring in The Boogeyman for a couple of weeks. Or for once WWE can not bother with a with putting the title on PPV. Henry, The Miz & Morrison vs. Dreamer, Finlay & Hornswoggle would have been perfectly fine.
it is for the title? there was an article on wrestlezone not long ago with the headline "Two Title Matches Added To WWE Great American Bash PPV" so i guess you didnt read it carefully?

anyway its not a hard match to guess and, as much as i would like to see an original with the belt i dont think dreamer will win...
Proof that ECW has no current direction. They probably want Matt Hardy to be the man at some point and are just saving it for the right time. The problem is, there is no one else to challenge Henry. The end result, this match. A low midcard jobber vs the sudden champion, boring.

I don't see why the couldn't have done a tag team or just given Hardy the match. ECW is full of young heels, so a face champ is needed and Hardy is the most over. This match will not only look ugly, but its between two guys the fans care nothing about.
Why on earth wouldnt they make this extreme rules??? What the FUCK are MARK HENRY and fat TOMMY DREAMER going to give us for our money on a sunday night instead of a teusday night?? And why would u ever belive in a thousand years that Dreamer had a chance without weapons?? It may have a half way chance of being even the least bit of intriguing were in no rules. At this time its certainley not. And its painfully obvious this is nothing but to put Henry over in a more heel heat way, with what little face sympathy is left for Dreamer getting crushed.
Why on earth wouldnt they make this extreme rules??? What the FUCK are MARK HENRY and fat TOMMY DREAMER going to give us for our money on a sunday night instead of a teusday night?? And why would u ever belive in a thousand years that Dreamer had a chance without weapons?? It may have a half way chance of being even the least bit of intriguing were in no rules. At this time its certainley not. And its painfully obvious this is nothing but to put Henry over in a more heel heat way, with what little face sympathy is left for Dreamer getting crushed.

I wouldn't be surprised for this match to end up being extreme rules, they might just be waiting for ecw to announce it. If not then just a total squash match for henry, and a fucking boring one at that.

Why not just put super crazy in the match, he would probably get more pop the dreamer and henry combined!! I mean shit, atleast super crazy used to be able to wrestle.

With such a weak roster I don't know why they dont bring back some more extreme rules matches, I say go back to having most if not all ecw title matches being extreme rules!!!
Not overly excited for this match. I think Henry will either win or get disqualified by using a weapon or interference from Atlas. If it is a DQ finish, I see this going to another PPV to give Dreamer another chance. I can't see Henry losing the belt already.
Theyre definitely just setting Henry up to lose the title at SummerSlam. Face it, Henry is not a long term champ. Hell, he'll probably get injured within another month or two. He'll probably just squash Dreamer at GAB, and then get into a feud with Hardy or Finlay (Finlay is more likely I think at the moment) because theyre not doing anything at the moment, and then lose the title at SS. Who really cares anyway? Half of the contenders for this title have been/are jobbers.
Tommy Dreamer is in the match because GAB is at Nassau Coliseum and us New Yorkers love the guy.

I was at the Royal Rumble and when he came out MSG erupted in what I feel was honestly one of the largets pops of the night.

And I fully expect the same to happen at GAB, I know I'm marking out when his music hits.

Will he win? No, he never wins. But we'll see a strong start, a couple of signature moves, maybe even a chair shot if we're lucky. Colin Delaney will most likely be involved to try and get a cheap pop.
This being tommy dreamer its probably going to end in a squash by Mark Henry. Hopefully this will take dreamer out of the picture because i fully expect a new opponent maybe finley or matt hardy to step up and challenge henry at summerslam
Well considering that Dreamer hit Henry with a frying pan i could see this match becoming extreme rules. You never know, Dreamer might win. If dreamer wins, he would lose it very quickly and if Henry wins it won't be too long before he loses it to Matt Hardy or Finlay. Hell, since they're giving Dreamer an ECW Title shot, they might as well give one to Colin or Hornswoggle.
This will probably be a squash. Like Kane over Chavo at WM 24. Or Colin Delaney could interfere and knock Henry out with his finisher lol.
Seriously, there is no chance that dreamer will win or even look strong unless they make it extreme rules. I think Henry will win with some interference from Tony Atlas, leading to an extreme rules match at SummerSlam
Thisd match is for the title from my knowledge of what's happening. Anyway, regardless I am predicting a Mark Henry win, and even possible squash match.

Why, because on ECW Tommy Dreamer got some offence on Henry, and Henry didn't return anything. That is my evidence, along with the fact Dreamer doesn't need the belt, and Mark has Tony Atlas to help him out.

Basically a squash for a Mark win.
This match doesn't even deserve to be on PPV both of these clowns are horrible to watch this is the match to open the PPV in my opionion anything after that would be a disservice to the fans but Mark Henry will win; and Hardy loses US title to go to feud with Henry in the future
Both men are good on the mic. Tony Atlas's contributions could be good too.
I see a DQ finish with an extreme rules rematch at SummerSlam. Mark Henry is a good ECW Champion but at the moment Tommy Dreamr appears to be the only decent challenger for him. I don't see him having any chemistry in the ring with Matt Hardy.
This match is going to be a terrible, 5 minute match thats probably going to suck the life out of the live crowd. Will we hear boring chants, most definitely. I honestly see that the only reason this match is happening is to give Henry some credibility. For months and month(pretty much since Henry's dominating victory over Kane at which ppv that was) Henry has been fodder for the top talent. Wrestlers such as Cena, HHH, Taker, have just used Henry as a 'warm up' for whatever challenge they had before them. Now Henry is the ecw champion. He needs to go out and show that he is at least capable enough. What better way then to put him in his first title defense against Dreamer, probably the only wrestler on ecw that can make other wrestlers look so good in his defeats. Once Henry dominates and win's this match, what will be next. I can possibly see Henry defending his title against the Big Show(unless he starts feuding with Edge). But since I see the Edge/HHH feud going till at least Summerslam, then it is definitely probably for Henry/Show at Summerslam. In that case, it won't seem inevitable that Show will win. So this match is pretty much just a setup for Henry's future matches, plain and simple.
:lmao: This match screams "SQUASH!". Holy Crap this will be terrible. We'll see a pathetic attempt by Colin Delaney to help out Dreamer, but he'll fail miserably. Couldn't the WWE at least made this Extreme Rules!? So that Dreamer may have had a chance of not being squashed.

Basically this match means that Matt Hardy will be losing the US title, as the ECW title scene is fucked up. So, I see Mark Henry v. Matt Hardy for the title at Summerslam. And a total squash tonight.
Other than the affection most people (me included) hold for Dreamer for being an ECW Original (and his storylines, matches and bumps were far better back then, than the crap we have now), does anyone really enjoy Tommy Dreamer matches any more?

Hell, even at the relaunch it was the RVD and Sabu show.

Henry will squash Dreamer unless we get Extreme Rules at the last minute. I honestly feel Henry could be molded into a decent big man, if he learns big man moves, Vader style. But Dreamer is looking down the barrel. He needs to either move on, or be given a gimmick on ECW, along the lines of every week he comes to the ring, and a draft style lottery comes up, and he takes on that person in extreme rules. (Could be used to bring big names to ECW with credibility) to take on the Innovator of Violence in his match

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