G-Mod Guide


Excellence of Execution
How to do in-depth IP searches.
Mass-Moving/Pruning threads from individual forum and from ModCP.
Whether to soft or hard delete posts and threads
How to get to ModCP (User Profile or Mod Link)
How to use ModCP - Both User Search and Specific User Profile
How to Ban and Unban Users and when
How to change a User's Signature
Change Avatar
Edit Reputation
How to post Announcements and when
Don't use the "Moderate" options in ModCP
How to quick change Thread titles
In-Thread Moderation Tools (including Adding Poll)
Expectations of Global Moderators

1. Keep section clean - In my opinion, this is the #1 job of a section moderator, to make sure his or her section is free of spamming, flaming, or any other undesirable. It is your job as a moderator to keep your section looking as nice as possible. Additionally, please assist with proper capitalization on threads that need it. I'm not talking about changing thread titles, just adjusting capitalization.

2. Review every post in your section - Every time you log on, you need to review every post that has been made in your section since your last visit. This can easily be done by clicking the "New Post" link at the top of the forum, and just scrolling down the list of threads, and opening every thread that has a new post in your forum. Check each post in the thread (you can start from the last post made the last time you were online), and make sure every new post conforms to our rules. Additionally, for the time you remain logged on, continue to check any new post made in your section. I realize this will be more work for some than others, and if you think you need a partner for your section, please let me know.

3. Start and promote discussion in your section - This is very important as well. While there is no quota on threads you need to create, or posts you must make, as a moderator of a section, you should be active in the discussion part of your section. Regular posters should see you as a regular in the forum you moderate.

4. Be Pro-Active in Moderating - Being a moderator is not just about giving Infractions, sometimes the best moderating is done before posts get out of line. If necessary, issue notices within a thread, or at the start of a thread, for posters to understand exactly what the topic is, to stay on topic, not insult each other, or whatever needs to be done. There have been some moderators in the past who have used Infraction statistics to justify the quality of job they've done, and I don't believe in that. If you can keep your posters from breaking the rules, then you've done a good job.

5. Warn and Infract as needed, delete when just borderline - You should only need to Warn and Infract posts you are certain violate our rules. If there is a question in your mind if it should be Warned/Infracted, then you may either simply delete the post, or Report it so other members of Staff can look it over. Remember, our job is to encourage discussion, not discourage it.
The ModCP

As a Global Moderator, you will now have access to the Moderator Control Panel. It is from here you can do a few limited back-end tasks (by the way, back-end talks about tasks not done on the regular forums). First, I will discuss the three easiest ways to get to the Moderator Control Panel, and then I'll discuss a little what can be done there.

Ways to Access the ModCP - The first, and I think easiest way, to access the ModCP, is simply by typing in the URL. The URL is http://forums.wrestlezone.com/modcp23/ which is simply taking the forum home page, typing a slash and then modcp23 after it. Requires very little effort, and makes you feel intelligent that you can get there without clicking links. The second way to access the ModCP is by clicking the link at the very bottom of the forum that says "Mod". It'll say it in the bottom right hand corner, with a bunch of other links. A third way to do it is by clicking on visiting a user's profile. In the User's Profile, there will be a black bar towards the top of the page, underneath where their avatar is. In that black bar will be a link that says "User Options". Click there will get you into the ModCP as well.

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