Future H.O.F.ers part 1: Mil Mascaras


5-time XBPW Heavyweight Champion
This is a new series of threads that I am starting, this being the first in the series. My topic is about wrestlers who I think should be in the WWE Hall of Fame. My first is Mil Mascaras. He didn't compete much in the WWE, but made appearances back in the WWF days. He feuded with Superstar Billy Graham, competed in the 1997 Royal Rumble, appeared in WCW & defeated Manny Fernandez in 2002, when he was 60 years old. He is still competing, but not often as he is semi-retired. His brother is Dos Caras & his nephew is Alberto Del Rio (aka Dos Caras Jr.). A few career highlights of his are as follows (note, these are only few of many):

- NWA WCWA World Tag Team Champion with Jeff Jarrett
- All Japan Pro Wrestling PWF United States Heavyweight Champion
- ALLL World Heavyweight Champion
- 3-time NWA Americas Heavyweight Champion
- WWA Americas Heavyweight Champion
- NWA Hall of Fame
- WWA World Heavyweight Champion

He is known as the most well-known & recognized luchadore in history, with a career spanning over 4 decades. With his popularity & achievements however come some controversy. Multiple wrestlers have publicly complained of Mascaras' unwillingness to sell moves and put opponents over. One of the most vocal critics is Mick Foley who, in his book Have a Nice Day!, complained about Mascaras' refusal to sell moves in their match. In his book, A Lion's Tale, Chris Jericho describes the stories of Mascaras' large ego and states that, if anything, "The tales were toning it down." In a 2007 shoot interview, "Superstar" Billy Graham confirmed that during his series of matches with Mascaras, Mascaras was unwilling to sell properly.

Now, my persoanl opinion is that I believe he should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame, as I've watched many of his matches & I am a fan of his, with multiple reasons why. But my opinion doesn't matter here, but yours are what I'm asking for. My questions are as follows:

- Do you think he should be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? If so, why? If not, why?
- Who do you think would induct him?
- What class (year) do you think he would be inducted into?
NOPE, he wore a mask, he's not real. If you wear a mask you are a cartoon character...even his name is about a mask. Who cares about him? Who? The correct answer is only you.

p.s. did you know he wore a mask
The Poster above is obviously smoking crack because that would make the majority of wrestling stars cartoons. An Yes Many people care about it because he is the reason you see cruiser weights in wrestling.

Mil was the first Masked Man to fight in Madison Square Garden for the Heavyweight Belt. Vince Mc Mahon Sr personally brought him because he was such a huge star. Also not mentioned above is that Mil was a very famous movie star. YEARS BEFORE THE ROCK, HOGAN AND STONE COLD.

Mil did it First. He combined the grace of a luchadore with the strong style of Japan plus he was great in the traditional america style.

Mil was a huge star in the territories because it was an honor if he showed up in your promotion. I know because the fans in Mid Atlanta Championship wrestling wrote many letters trying to get Mil in the Carolinas.

His style has influenced so many wrestlers in so many countries that he is should have been in the HOF years ago. As Big as Andre the Giant and Hogan were to wrestling. Mil had that same effect in Latin America and Japan. You can do a quick search of his matches and see how many times he main evented without any real allegiance to a certain promotion. He was definitely in the vain of Abdullah the butcher. His own man that knew how to draw money.

So unlike the crack smoker above me. Mil gave cruiserweights / high flyers a voice on screen. What would wrestling be without them ? WCW needed them to get the ratings up to start the show . TNA was built on the X Division. ROH has a very small cruiser weight roster [ with a few exceptions ] and WWE uses smaller guys to this day.

MIL Was the Man !
Yes I think he should for a variety of reasons, but most notably bringing Lucha Liebre (sic) wrestling to the forefront and of course being a pioneer. I was watching one of the older Monday Night Raws on WWE On Demand (well when I say older I mean 1996) and they showed him doing commentary with the infamous Spanish Announce Team. I said to myself, hey, isn't he in the Hall of Fame? Apparently he's not, but that says a lot about why he should be. If you assume he is, he should be.

Now, although I don't like Rey Mysterio, I think he should induct him since he inspired many just like Rey and Rey is very popular across the board, just not with me. I think he's a sure bet in the near future. Keeping my fingers crossed...
Hands down he should be in the Hall of Fame. He is the most recognizable wrestler from Mexico for decades. Absolute legend (not that that matters to Vince..see Bruno). Rey would be a great inductor for Mil Mascaras and a sound tribute to masked wrestlers. And as I have said if Koko is in...
In terms of wrestling stars in Mexico, I don't believe anyone has ever truly been a bigger star than Mil Mascaras. It's true that he hasn't won dozens of major championships like some other great luchadores but that hasn't stopped him from becoming a huge star. Whenever you hear about luchadores being in movies, having their own television shows & specials or having their own comic books; they can thank Mil Mascaras because he did it first. Just on what he's meant to wrestling in Mexico, Mascaras should wind up in the WWE Hall of Fame at some point, if he wants to be part of it that is.

Aside from that, it's a good business decision for the WWE to try and induct a lucha libre legend like Mil Mascaras. After all, the WWE's hispanic audience is growing in countries like Mexico especially, Alberto Del Rio is going to be WWE Champion at least until WWE finishes their upcoming tour in Mexico which will feature epises of both Raw & SmackDown!.
Mil Mascaras is one of the most recognized figures in the history of pro wrestling, and the original Megastar. He was the guy who set the bar for what a wrestler should be. The character, the presentation, the movies and the exposure. He did it all before the likes of Hulk Hogan, John Cena and such did. He's what WWE wants. But no, he shouldn't be in the WWE Hall of Fame. Why? WWE seems to be the only Hall Of Fame that inducts people that never worked for their field. It might seem like a sign of recogition, but it's also seems like a sign of displacement. Why is a guy who never set foot in WWE getting more recognition than guys who have given their life for the company?

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