Future Batman Film Villains

Ok, where to start......

Don't expect to see either Croc or Deadshot, because both villains were already used in the 'Gotham Knight' animated shorts they did to bridge the gap between BB and TDK.

Clayface, Dr Phosphorus, Poison Ivy, Mr Freeze, Man-Bat or anyone else who goes through a massive transformation to become something else isn't going to be used either.

Poison Ivy is maybe the only exception. If you think about the travesty that was 'Batman and Robin' Ivy was portrayed to an acceptable degree in that movie. Ok so she was as camp and cartoonish as the rest, but she wasn't bringing plants to life every other second (in fact, i'm sure she only does it twice in the whole film), she simply used her sexuality and poisoned kiss, which is really all you'd need....... would that be enough to have her as the main villain however? Nope.

Ra's and Two-Face are both dead so they're out of the picture, and introducing the rest of Ra's family is sooooooo unlikely to ever happen. His son, White Ghost was only created a few months ago and is dead already, and Nyssa hasn't cropped up in aaaaaaggges. I personally wouldn't even call them Bat villains, but rather, further layers to the characters of Ra's and Talia. Anyway, if Nolan didn't see fit to have Ra's as the leader of the League of Assassins and felt the need to make up something completely different, then i doubt he's going to delve into the al Ghul family tree do you?

I don't think they'd use Scarecrow a third time (forth if you count Gotham Knights) unless for a filler role like in TDK.

Joker could easily be recast. Those who know enough about the character know he's constantly changing his M.O., his appearance, event the nature of his psychosis chnages every time he and Bats square off, but you're average movie goer wouldn't accept that most likely, so a re-emerged Joker isn't going to happen unless it's unused footage from TDK. That means Harley's out too.

Can't have Hush because there's no real need and wouldn't make sense for Wayne's oldest friend to just appear and know everything about his alter ego, nor Jason Todd because if there's no Robins, you can't have one get killed, be ressurrected and get pissed that Bats didn't avenge him can you?

So, really that doesn't leave many of Bats rogue gallery left does it?

Scarface/Ventriloquist, Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman, Bane, Mad Hatter, Black Mask, Hugo Strange, Firefly, Zsaz (again, was used in BB) or Rupert Thorne. Out of those 11, 2 of them are nobodies (Firefly and Zsaz), another 2 are ridiculously tame (Catwoman and Penguin), another 2 are simply mob bosses, one of which would need another villain doing the dirty work for him anyway (Thorne) and the other is sooooo sick and twisted (Black Mask) that without any collatoral damage left to work with in Nolan's Gotham now that Dawes is dead, it just wouldn't be the same.

Plus with Black Mask, they'd have to do another 2 1/2 hour movie to establish Roman Sionis' hatred of Batman and Bruce Wayne, then have the fire that burns his face and THEN he can become a mob boss with a hard on for cutting up faces. Since that's very similar to the Dent story in TDK, i don't think they'd do that again either.

Catwoman imo isn't even a fuckin' villain so forget her. She's be the eye candy for that particular movie.

Bane would be good so long as they don't follow the muscle bound idiot theme that everyone else immediately goes for. He is a master criminal that has deduced Bat's real identity before he's even met the guy. Again, without doing another long epic movie, i don't think they'd do him justice.

For me, i'd use either Riddler or Hugo Strange as the main villain, having figured out who Batman is and blackmailing him or using that information to his advantage and either Scarface or Hatter join them to get Batman, or use them just to kill them later. I.E. Riddler sets up an elaborate scheme involving a funfair or something luring BAts to a final showdown otherwise he'll tell the world that Batman and Wayne are one and the same, and Scarface comes along with some goons to back Riddler up, intending to kill Nygma once he's offed the Bat anyway. That's what i'd do anyway.....
Croc or Deadshot, because both villains were already used in the 'Gotham Knight' animated shorts they did to bridge the gap between BB and TDK.

Gotham Knight was mostly just to build up the stories surrounding Batman, and the people's view of him. That's why each kid had a different view of Croc. I'm pretty sure if they wanted to use him as a serious villain, they would. Since he's the biggest name in the Rogues Gallery, outside of the usual suspects, I'm pretty sure Croc, or at least Waylon Jones, will make an appearance.
And NSL... what have you seen Zoe Saldana in that would make you think she'd make a good Selina Kyle/Catwoman?

I've thought about this some more, and have come up with a pretty good reason why she has the ability to work as Catwoman, while not having anything of note to fit her in the role. It's a bit of a reach, but it's not completely "out there".

What did Heath Ledger ever do to, to make people think he fit as The Joker? Yes, he's had serious roles, but nothing nearly as dark as this. His darkest role before this was in 10 Things I Hate About You. I know this doesn't mean it would work for everyone, but at least Zoe could have a shot.

Also, I saw Brick today, finally. Gordon-Levitt is definitely a good choice to play Joker.
I like the idea of Bane for a future movie, but I would have them do it kinda like they did in the animated series, use that as the base of of the story

obvisouly their would have to be some changes made, but the basic idea of Bane being hired to kill the Bat, and having guys like Croc involved could make for a good movie, they should end it with Batman getting crippled though

I'd also think bring in Talia al Ghul could make for an interesting movie, depending on how they use her
I like the idea of Bane for a future movie, but I would have them do it kinda like they did in the animated series, use that as the base of of the story

obvisouly their would have to be some changes made, but the basic idea of Bane being hired to kill the Bat, and having guys like Croc involved could make for a good movie, they should end it with Batman getting crippled though

I like your idea. Having a few villains appear as the Rogues Gallery would make for a great film, and would definitely attract some older fans, like us, who are sick of seeing the same 3 guys over and over again. Bringing in Bane as a hired hand to kill Batman is a bit much, because we've already seen that with Joker. He could be a "leader" of sorts, or even just someone in the group. I'd definitely end it with Batman getting his back broken, and then use the following movie as a type of sequel. Show him recovering while the Rogues are taking over Gotham, and then he goes on a spree of locking them all up, as a new villain makes his name known...The Riddler.

This could lead into my previous idea, of having Riddler and Joker trying to out-do each other :scratchchin:

I'd also think bring in Talia al Ghul could make for an interesting movie, depending on how they use her

How they use her would make a big difference in the series. Sure, they could cast a hot Hollywood upstart, and get tons of 13 yr old boys in love with the movie, but it wouldn't necessarily be good.
Now lets begin with the fact the Joker reappearing is dead issue. Nolan will not show that disrespect after the movie Ledger made. so end that talk already. for me it will be one of twp people. either it will be the Penguein god forbid that as the Villain lead. or it will be the Riddler. The Riddler if done dark like the joker could be great. it woul make his character real again as a threat. My surprise for you people would be that do not be so sure Harvey Dent is dead. I know they killed him off with the funeral and all but he could be recasted as a surprise that throws a real swereve into the plot. Or you could even wait till the end and reintorduce him with the Riddler as he would need help and that could be the Clliffhanger for the sequel.
Now lets begin with the fact the Joker reappearing is dead issue. Nolan will not show that disrespect after the movie Ledger made. so end that talk already.

Nolan would, and will. Making the movie is about the money, and Joker is a draw. And, you can't have Joker alive in a Batman universe, without being somewhere in the picture. He doesn't just get caught, and go away.

for me it will be one of twp people. either it will be the Penguein god forbid that as the Villain lead.

Nolan has said many times, that the Penguin will not be appearing. I'm sure that if he changed his mind, it wouldn't be the Penguin we've seen in most Batman media, but a mob-boss, or corporate America Penguin. Possibly as a challenger to Wayne Enterprises.

or it will be the Riddler. The Riddler if done dark like the joker could be great. it woul make his character real again as a threat.

I'm pretty sure that The Riddler would be dark, as would any villain that comes into this series. I've always viewed The Riddler as a threat, and so should everyone else. Even back when west was portraying the dark knight, The Riddler was his top threat outside of the Joker.

My surprise for you people would be that do not be so sure Harvey Dent is dead.

He is. Nolan has said this in multiple interviews.

I know they killed him off with the funeral and all but he could be recasted as a surprise that throws a real swereve into the plot. Or you could even wait till the end and reintorduce him with the Riddler as he would need help and that could be the Clliffhanger for the sequel.

The fake funeral would be a choice if he were alive. It would be the best way to make sure he's 100%, and try to get him back on the right side of the law, to fight against the mobs and criminals.
Here's another casting choice. I've already done this for Harley, and will stick by my ideas for those. I also stated my choice for Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, and for The Joker. Now's my time to name the choices for The Riddler.

First, Ewen Bremner. Who?


He's tall and lanky, just like everyone else that has played the role, and can be humorous when he needs to be. He's also played a semi-serious role in Black Hawk Down, and Pearl Harbor. I think he's a pretty good actor, and would be a good choice for The Riddler. His face, with the half mask over it, would be pretty wicked for the role, as would his smile, and voice.

Second, Tim Roth. For those who have been living under a rock:


He's one of the most under-rated actors out there, and is naturally funny. This would be a big help for the role, and just like Ewen, has the face for the part, as well as the voice and smile. He's a little shorter than most of the past Riddlers, but that wouldn't be a big deal.
Cat-women sucks and nobody wants her in the film. The Riddler needs to be somebody well known not somebody we are not use to seeing in a major picture. Its hard to say who but Jim Carrey was awful for this role. yeah he is funny but he was to funny to be taken serious to me. Dark means dark you saw what Nolan did with the Joker as oppose to the 1980's version. he can really turn this character into something great. Roth is not a bad choice as i can see him as the riddler. Cat women tough is stupid and is eye candy like said before. Harley Quinn would be great but you would need a new Joker for that and that is just a bumer altogether.
Cat-women sucks and nobody wants her in the film.

Whether you want her there, or not...She's bound to appear. I hope they don't use her as a straight up villain, but in the role she's supposed to play, which is a little good, a little bad.

The Riddler needs to be somebody well known not somebody we are not use to seeing in a major picture.

How known was Cillian Murphy, when he was cast as Scarecrow? Being well known has nothing to do with it. It's not like Maggie Gyllenhaal, or whoever it was that played Maroni are A-list.

Its hard to say who but Jim Carrey was awful for this role. yeah he is funny but he was to funny to be taken serious to me. Dark means dark you saw what Nolan did with the Joker as oppose to the 1980's version. he can really turn this character into something great. Roth is not a bad choice as i can see him as the riddler.

It wasn't Jim Carrey's fault that Riddler sucked balls in that movie. There wasn't much going right in there, and he just happened to step in it.

Cat women tough is stupid and is eye candy like said before. Harley Quinn would be great but you would need a new Joker for that and that is just a bumer altogether.

Before I get into Harley, let me say this. I do not want Poison Ivy to reappear. I was never a big fan, and don't think there's a way to make her a serious threat in the current realm of Gotham.

But, to include Harley, you don't have to have a new Joker/ You could just bring her in as Ivy's accomplice, and just write the backstory in the script, as to how she ended up there. It could be interesting to watch, but I'm not a big enough fan of Ivy's to consider it a possibility.
NSL said:
I don't know if they'll revisit the vigilante Batman angle, especially after having Joker kill the leader of Citizens For Batman, Brian Douglass.

Sorry, what I wrote was confusing. I reread it, and was confused myself. Mask of the Phantasm had a new vigilante chasing after a mob boss first, then ultimately Joker. Batman spent the entire movie chasing after her and trying to stop her before she killed Joker. He wanted Joker in Arkham..blah, blah, blah. It would work even better now that Batman is on the run from the police, as he should be.

supersayaindude said:
Now lets begin with the fact the Joker reappearing is dead issue. Nolan will not show that disrespect after the movie Ledger made. so end that talk already.

I would argue that it's not disrespect at all. Joker's character is known to have a multiple upon multiple personality. I reference the graphic novel Arkham Asylum. A psychiatrist in the novel says that Joker shows a tendency to change his psychology on the fly, to the state he thinks fits the moment. Or is the most fun. Joker's crazy like that. Lulz.

for me it will be one of twp people. either it will be the Penguein god forbid that as the Villain lead. or it will be the Riddler. The Riddler if done dark like the joker could be great. it woul make his character real again as a threat.

The Riddler has always been seen as a threat. I don't know when he wasn't. Those shitty movies after Batman Returns don't count. They aren't in the picture anymore if Burton's aren't. Nolan's Gotham is a new Gotham.

My surprise for you people would be that do not be so sure Harvey Dent is dead. I know they killed him off with the funeral and all but he could be recasted as a surprise that throws a real swereve into the plot. Or you could even wait till the end and reintorduce him with the Riddler as he would need help and that could be the Clliffhanger for the sequel.

That doesn't make any sense at all. The Two-Face popping back up after he was buried? There are no Lazarus Pits, there are no ways for him to be reincarnated. Recasting him wouldn't do a thing but make that entire movie shit, because everyone knows he should be dead.

Cat-women sucks and nobody wants her in the film.

Who's no one? You? Good thing you aren't writing the script, or you would miss an awesome chance to introduce another woman in Bruce Wayne's life, AND introduce an excellent villain.

The Riddler needs to be somebody well known not somebody we are not use to seeing in a major picture. Its hard to say who but Jim Carrey was awful for this role. yeah he is funny but he was to funny to be taken serious to me. Dark means dark you saw what Nolan did with the Joker as oppose to the 1980's version.

I agree that the new characters need to be dark. Only because Nolan's Gotham is darker, like the graphic novels. Burton's take was more of a mix of comic book and dark, so you get Nicholson's Joker. That worked. Don't be hating on Nicholson Joker. It rocked. He gassed an entire parade route of people with his Joker Gas. Come on now.

Roth is not a bad choice as i can see him as the riddler.

I agree! Roth was awesome in Pulp Fiction, and decent at the very least in any other I've seen him in. Roth would take Riddler to school.

Cat women tough is stupid and is eye candy like said before.

No, she's a woman killed by her boss, Max Shreck, who becomes a villain obsessed with cats. Not only that, but her alter-ego has a fling with Batman, while fighting him to the death every night. It works if you don't get caught up in Halley Berry's Catwoman.
If Riddler can be obsessed with puzzles, and Two-Face can be obsessed with chance, Catwoman can be obsessed with cats as long as she kicks some ass and is crazy. Which she does.

Harley Quinn would be great but you would need a new Joker for that and that is just a bumer altogether.

Get over your hang-up about Joker. Please. Joker will be recast, and it won't be a slap in the face to Ledger. Not only because it's explained within the character, but also because Ledger knew the business. He knew that the story doesn't stop for anyone. Ledger would spin in his grave if he knew Nolan didn't take the story as far as he could on Ledger's account.

And NSL, I loved Roth as a choice for Riddler. I dunno why, but I would love the actor who is playing Doctor Who right now for a Batman villain. Not Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant. I'm a Doctor Who mark though, so disregard if you can't help me think of a fit for him.
I've thought of someone for riddler and I know that many will disaggree but my choice is none other than Dane Cook. Now yes he is mainly a comedy guy, but his role in Mr. Brooks proved that he is capable of playing a dark character. He also will have that funny side that needs to be with the Riddler.
Here's another casting choice. I've already done this for Harley, and will stick by my ideas for those. I also stated my choice for Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, and for The Joker. Now's my time to name the choices for The Riddler.

First, Ewen Bremner. Who?


He's tall and lanky, just like everyone else that has played the role, and can be humorous when he needs to be. He's also played a semi-serious role in Black Hawk Down, and Pearl Harbor. I think he's a pretty good actor, and would be a good choice for The Riddler. His face, with the half mask over it, would be pretty wicked for the role, as would his smile, and voice.

Second, Tim Roth. For those who have been living under a rock:


He's one of the most under-rated actors out there, and is naturally funny. This would be a big help for the role, and just like Ewen, has the face for the part, as well as the voice and smile. He's a little shorter than most of the past Riddlers, but that wouldn't be a big deal.

I have two casting ideas for The Riddler.



Walton Goggin & Ted Danson. Although they'd never give such a large part to two TV actors. But I don't see why they wouldn't work for a Batman TV show. You could do more with that than you ever could with a film. Both look creepy enough to pull it off.
No, she's a woman killed by her boss, Max Shreck, who becomes a villain obsessed with cats. Not only that, but her alter-ego has a fling with Batman, while fighting him to the death every night. It works if you don't get caught up in Halley Berry's Catwoman.
If Riddler can be obsessed with puzzles, and Two-Face can be obsessed with chance, Catwoman can be obsessed with cats as long as she kicks some ass and is crazy. Which she does.

You do know that that applies to Batman Returns, and Batman Returns only right? Selina Kyle has 2 main origins. The first is that she's a socialite who steals for kicks and the second was that she was a prostitute that stole to survive, and may even be the illigitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone. She's also not really a villain. More often than not she helps Batman and they've saved each others lives countless times. Max Shrek is a character invented for Burton's film and nothing else.

Since Nolan's sticking fairly close to the books, don't expect her to fall from any windows and be licked back to health by her *****es.
I have two casting ideas for The Riddler.



Walton Goggin & Ted Danson. Although they'd never give such a large part to two TV actors. But I don't see why they wouldn't work for a Batman TV show. You could do more with that than you ever could with a film. Both look creepy enough to pull it off.

I've never seen the first guy (that I know of), but he has a good look for the role. He's funny enough to make the role interesting, but I don't think he's all that great of an actor. He's also a little big for the role. He'd have to shed more than a few pounds to fit the role.
You do know that that applies to Batman Returns, and Batman Returns only right? Selina Kyle has 2 main origins. The first is that she's a socialite who steals for kicks and the second was that she was a prostitute that stole to survive, and may even be the illigitimate daughter of Carmine Falcone. She's also not really a villain. More often than not she helps Batman and they've saved each others lives countless times. Max Shrek is a character invented for Burton's film and nothing else.

Since Nolan's sticking fairly close to the books, don't expect her to fall from any windows and be licked back to health by her *****es.

Right, right. It was really late, and I grabbed for the first origin story I remembered. Which looks shaky when I just got done saying the other Batman movies don't really apply. But, enough excuses.

It would make no sense at all for Nolan to go Burton's route. He should go more the prostitute route, where she spends her time protecting that one kid and stealing from people to survive. I forget, i think i read it in Batman: Year One.

But one thing I do remember is that she flips between the two. She'll help Batman but also turn around and do whatever the fuck she wants. I could be incredibly wrong, considering I haven't read anything with Catwoman in quite a few months.
I don't want to be "That guy" who rains on everyones parade. And I swear I'm not making this up.

Christopher Nolan wants catwoman in the next film...and he wants Cher to play her.

Now onto my thoughts on the Batman films of the future.

- Joker will be recast. However I don't think it will be in the next movie.
- William Fitchner would make a decent Riddler. But I have also heard that they are looking into Johnny Deep. Which I think he could also pull off.
- As for the Penguin Everyone things Phillip Seymour Hoffman would make a good penguin, but I think Paul Giamatti.

-In the current Batman comics now, The Penguin and Two Face are in a war against each other trying to 'one-up' the competion in each other and be the ultimate "bad guy" of Gotham. I think this would be a good idea for the 3rd movie. But since two-face is "dead" Maybe it would be The Riddler vs Penguin.

-Bane is one of the ultimate Batman villians. He is super strong and super SMART! (unlike how he was portrayed in the last film) . After all he did break batman's back and leave him paralysed. He released all of the villians from Arkham Asylum and batman fought them all. Once batman was weakened, Bane came in and broke his back. (This could be batman 4)

-Batman 5: Batman then had to find a 'replacement' but that Batman was too much of a viglante and Batman had to come back and fight the new batman.

-Finally, you can bring back the Joker for Batman 6 if you want. Enough time would have past to keep the "how could they Heath Ledger" critics to a minimum.
My money is on the villains in the next film being The Riddler and The Penguin. I am more certain of The Riddler as opposed to The Penguin, but I think The Penguin will be in it, as well.

Now, before I have people whining and crying making all the false claims about Penguin, I'd like to respond to some of those that I've been hearing:

Nolan has said many times, that the Penguin will not be appearing. I'm sure that if he changed his mind, it wouldn't be the Penguin we've seen in most Batman media, but a mob-boss, or corporate America Penguin. Possibly as a challenger to Wayne Enterprises.

My Answer: Actually, no he hasn't stated that, at all. I have never seen Nolan state that he would never put Penguin in a film. That is an erroneous claim made most likely from people who themselves, simply don't want Penguin in the film, therefore misquote Nolan's soundbites, when he commented on the possibility of the character appearing.

I never once heard him state that he would never put him in the film. He did state that he would be "more excited to put Phillip Seymour Hoffman in one of his films than Penguin." And then he added that "putting Penguin in the film would be tricky". Neither one of those two quotes stated that he would "never put him in one of his films".

Besides any of that, one needs to keep in mind that it really isn't Nolan's decision. Nolan may have input, but if Warner Brothers tells him that they want Penguin in the film, then Penguin will be in the film.

It's also important to note that Penguin is essentially Batman's second most famous villain, behind only The Joker. So again, it would make sense to put him in this film.

And I agree, if he does go in, and I think he will, he will be given a massive make-over. Probably the only trick umbrella anyone would see would be a gun or a knife, if that even. Nolan could opt to keep it simply a trademark for the character, and not even make use of the umbrella as a weapon, at all.

2) "But Nolan said when he started the franchise, that he wants his films to only feature ones that have not been in Batman films before."

My Answer: "Both Joker and Two Face say "Hello"."

3) "But Nolan is going for realistic villains in his universe."

My Answer: "Yeah, and Penguin is actually one of the easiest villains to place in the Nolan universe. He's human. He has no powers or sci-fi characteristics. He's realistic. All he essentially is, is a short mob boss. Very easy and very doable.

And I'd further like to add that Nolan is a fan of Phillip Seymour Hoffman's work and did say that he would be excited to have him in one of his films. I can't think of a better villainous role for him then Penguin.

I think putting Penguin in the film and the challenge of refining his character would prove to be a good challenge for Nolan, and I'd personally like to see what he would do with the character.

So those are the two that my money is on. In order to keep interest up, especially after Ledger's work in the second one and the attention it attracted, the franchise is going to need two names that are familiar to the general public. And I think those two are The Penguin and The Riddler.
I'd be curious to see how it'd be done in the wake of how Ra's was handled in the first movie, but I don't think Talia being brought in as the new leading lady and a supporting villain is out of the question. A common theory, but one I'd definately be curious about the execution of.

As for major villains, I'd love to see Riddler, with more focus on the quirks and personality disorders of the man rather than too much focus on his humor. I think Riddler is a great character that can make a stellar transition into the dark world Nolan has created.

Call me crazy as well, but I wouldn't mind seeing Mr. Freeze if they told the character in similar fashion to the Heart of Ice episode of Batman: TAS. That kind of tragic character would match up very well with Bale's Batman, me thinks.
Very good Lord Sidious only problem is You would have to make him way darker then the Joker was. People think the Penguin was a joke to the comics and screen. so it would be a great challenge for Nolan. although The Riddler would be the easy call. Nolan may want to get more creative. only time will tell.
I agree with Sidious about the penguin, but as cool as it would be I really don't think they will go there yet. I think it's set up somewhat for Telia. Look, she out to finish what her Father started. The Bat is a criminal, so have Telia come in and start slowly destroying the city. Then that allows the Bat to come back... then again they could do that with any villain.

My money is on the Riddler, I think if done right he can awesome. Just anything better than Jim Carrey's performance. This in my mind would be the best way to go, and then bring in penguin in the 4 movie.
I know that this does not pertain to the next Batman villian, but I thought it would still be fitting.

No Batman 3 for Nolan

No Batman 3 for Nolan?
Report claims threequel not a given for the director.
by Jim Vejvoda

June 16, 2009 - Although the conventional wisdom has been that Christopher Nolan would be back to direct Batman 3 after helming his next film, Inception, the rumor mill now suggests that Nolan's involvement with the sequel to The Dark Knight might not be a given after all.

A trusted industry source for Batman-on-Film claims that it is going to take a herculean effort on the part of Warner Bros. to sell Nolan on doing a third Bat-film, confirming an old rumor that the studio has indeed compiled a short list of replacement candidates. So why is Nolan reportedly iffy on directing the film?

"The death of Heath Ledger in January of 2008 rocked Mr. Nolan hard. So hard that Chris was convinced that TDK was going to be it for him and Batman on film," according to BoF's source, adding that the Joker was envisioned as the villain in the third film.

The source also informed the site that BoF is "correct in reporting that (Nolan) is developing story ideas with [Jonathan Nolan] and David Goyer, but it will be until AT LEAST 2012 before we see the Caped Crusader back [in theaters]. And that is only an EARLY ESTIMATE at best right now. They are even saying it might not be until 2013."

BoF's source went so far as to say that, as of now, there is no story for Batman 3.
Call me crazy as well, but I wouldn't mind seeing Mr. Freeze if they told the character in similar fashion to the Heart of Ice episode of Batman: TAS. That kind of tragic character would match up very well with Bale's Batman, me thinks.

I actually second you on this, in which I would absolutely love to see Mr. Freeze done the right way in a Nolan film. Although, for the obvious reasons, I have my doubts we would ever see him, unless a new director takes over the franchise and the studio goes in a different direction.

He is definitely a stretch for a character in these types of films, but at the same time, can have an awesome story attached to him.

Mr. Freeze is one of my absolute favorite Batman villains of all time. I don't know why, but I have always found him fascinating. He is a completely different character compared to the other villains, complete with far different motivations for what he does. The way to go about him is the way first introduced in Batman TAS. He needs to be stripped of any and all emotion, and be stoic and monotone from start to finish ... with perhaps only one moment when he begins to break, where he actually gives a very slight hint of emotion to show the audience.

Although, I would make his story even more tragic than the cartoon (and prior film) with his wife actually dying from the experiment, with him simply Hell-Bent on making the entire city pay for his tragedy ... with Batman serving as more of an annoyance to him and his plans, more so than him actively seeking out Batman as a nemesis (like Joker).

My pick to play a character who is void of all emotions is none other than someone who has had a similar role in the past. Hugo Weaving, who played Agent Smith in the Matrix. I can definitely picture him with the glasses covering the eyes, and see him in the refrigeration suit. Plus, he has the perfect stoic voice for the character.

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