Fuck you hooters

Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
I've been thinking that if any of us guys want to get a job at hooters as a waiter they wont hire us because we are males.

Well that's FUCKED UP!! That is discrimination at it's worst!

So, for retaliation im thinking of starting my own business where I will only have male waiters. SO TAKE THAT HOOTERS!

Im going to make my own restaurant called peckers! Sure, it may turn into a gay bar but im still making a statement!

My restaurant will bring mothers and daughters together for family time.

So who else is willing to take a stand with me?
We can be like TNA trying to take down the wwe. :blush:
There are things you could do about it...

Fine then you go to hooters and when peckers becomes the biggest franchise and takes them out of business you will be begging to eat at a pecker restaurant
Never been in a hooters, some call it one step up from a strip club. That true?

BTW, Sorry Fuel Hooters has you beat. Selena Gomez loves Hooters.

Awful food. I like good looking women, but I won't pay for that food unless I'm being dragged there.
Not if your male and want to be a waiter there. This is why i need you to jump aboard the pecker train

You really want to be a waiter at Hooters?, so when you go to Hooters you want some guy dressed like these girls serving you?

Hooters is effin' disgusting. You get average-looking girls serving you horrible fucking food. Oh, and you can work at Hooters if you're male, you just can't work as a server.
Honestly never eaten at one, always heard it's just another place where a spend a shit load of money on very mediocre food, also always heard the girls that work there very rarely look like the ones on the commercials or site
There's a place in Florida I wanted to go to. It was called Kerr's Winghouse. Any word on the food quality there?

Because I can attest personally the girls were top notch.
There's a place in Florida I wanted to go to. It was called Kerr's Winghouse. Any word on the food quality there?

Because I can attest personally the girls were top notch.

Pics or GTFO Mr.Admin, but seriously Hooters ain't that great.

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