

Shawn Michaels ❤
Over the next few months I'm going to be watching and reviewing every episode of Friends. I'll do a season, then have a break, then do the next. Everyone should join in - review them with me, tell me how wrong I am, give me your favourite quotes!

The Pilot

Season 1, Episode 1

The first episode in what turned out to be an amazing series in my opinion. The first thing that I notice in this episode, despite knowing its 10 years old, is that the clothes they’re wearing are hilarious. This basis of this is, simply, to set up the characters. And damn the episode does it well.

Rachel runs out on Barry at the altar, moving in with Monica which starts everything. Ross is moving in on his own due to his wife being a lesbian, Joey is sleeping with every woman he can find, and Monica sleeps with Paul the Wine guy after he uses the line “I haven’t been able to perform...sexually’ since he left his ex. Joey’s reaction to learning Monica fell for the line cracks me up every time.

One thing I really love about this episode is how they set up Rachel/Ross so early. I mean, they’re not really together until the end of Season 10, yet Ross is contemplating asking her on a date already. It seems so inevitable, and when it doesn’t happen immediately, it adds to our longing of them to get together throughout the series’.

This is the episode which started my obsession with Chandler Bing. Sarcasm is great and damn he knows how to use it, so he quickly took my favourite character award. Joey looks great in the tight shirts, but I spend half the episode wishing he’d cut his hair! Rachel and Monica are intriguing. Ross is interesting, he complains a lot, but who wouldn’t? (Well, okay, some guys probably wouldn’t mind their wife fancying women). Phoebe is the only character I don’t really like at first. She’s a little odd, and while I come to love her for that in later seasons, it’s just weird in this one.

Favourite Quotes:

Ross: I’m honestly not sure if I’m hungry or horny.
Chandler: Stay out of my freezer.
-Chandlers quick reply made me LOL, and it does every time I watch it.

Ross: I think the word we’re looking for here is...anyway.
-A line I have used SO often in real life. I love it

Rating: 6/10

Overall a good show, only getting a 6 because they increase in quality as they go on. Very entertaining.
Ah great idea Becca, seems you have too much time on your hand :p Friends is a great sitcom, everyone's seen it and it's pretty entertaining. The first episode was pretty decent for a pilot, usually pilots aren't too exciting, but this one really grounded the series.
I feel like I've actually watched this episode of friends. The quotes made me quite laugh. I loved the whole "I'm not sure if I'm hungry or Horny" Great job Becca. It made me laugh thats really what I needed. :)

By the way, Friends is it really as good as you say it is? I've never actually picked it up and watched it, because I've heard its very soap oprahish, and overrated. So, maybe you can direct me to some of the better episodes? Please?
By the way, Friends is it really as good as you say it is? I've never actually picked it up and watched it, because I've heard its very soap oprahish, and overrated. So, maybe you can direct me to some of the better episodes? Please?

Friends is one of the best American sitcoms ever made. Well, one of the best that has ever been shown here. While the quality of the seasons was kind of inconsistent and the finale was a little disappointing, it still has some of the funniest moments in TV history.
The best episode would have to be "The One with the Embryos" but it's one of those episodes where you have to be familiar with the characters...
I didn't ever love the Pilot. I felt it lacked humour, but I suppose they had to spend time developing the characters so everything else took the backseat. We did learn right off the bat the personality traits of everyone, and considering these took very little changes from start to finish it was a worthy start. I'd give it a 5/10, because it did a good job of introducing everyone but not much else. This is an awesome idea, Becca. Friends is my favourite show ever and I've seen every episode at least once, so I'll definitely join in.
This is an awesome, if ambitious, thread. Friends was my all time favorite sit-com until I discovered How I Met Your Mother recently (which I may take your cue and review that one). This was a great start to the series, and really established the characters quite well.

Great job!
I've just finished watching it and I admit it was a great start. Phoebe cleansing Ross's aura was one of the numerous reasons I thought without her, the show wouldn't have lasted as long as it did. Joey's hairstyle just didn't seem right for him but the sleeveless shirts were awesome. Chandler dancing was the funniest moment of the episode for me.

Grade: 7/10

Favorite Quotes
Ross: "This was Carol's favorite beer. She always drank it out of the can. I should have known."

Joey: "I got a date with Andrea, Angela, Andrea. Oh man."
Chandler: "Andrea's the screamer, Angela has cats."
Joey: "Thanks. It's Julie. I'm outta here."
The one with the Sonogram at the end
Season 1, Episode 2

Ross’ lesbian wife is pregnant with his child, and planning to raise the baby with her lesbian lover. His clear discomfort with the situation is hilarious for anyone watching, especially playing with the instrument that “Opens my cervix” according to Carol. His reaction to the doctor being female is also subtly funny. However, there’s a really nice moment where Ross sees the baby for the first time on the sonogram.

Rachel is preparing to give Barry his engagement ring back, but loses it in Monica’s lasagne, which Joey, Chandler and Phoebe have to find it. Joey’s reaction to Monica simply looking through the bottom of the glass is priceless. But nothing beats Rachel finding out Barry went on their honeymoon with her Maid of Honour.

One of my favourite parts of this episode is Monica’s parents showing just how much they prefer Ross to her. Her preparations for their arrival are always great, and we begin to see the OCD Monica we come to love throughout the series. I love their mother finding out about Ross’ gay wife, yet blaming Monica.

Favourite quotes:

Chandler: And now I wish I was dead.

Rachel: If you get married and have kids I just hope they have his hairline and your old nose.

Rating: 6/10

Overall, again it was a great episode. I absolutely love how Friends have almost every episode title begin with “The one..”
The second episode wasn't funny to me as the first episode but I don't think it wasn't meant to. I loved how Monica's OCD took over and that episode had the beginning of a legend known as "Ugly Naked Guy." The show was basically centered around Ross and Monica but the others played their parts too. I never liked how the parents seemed to hold a high regard for Ross and not Monica, but that happens in most families and I thought they captured it well.

Grade: 6.5/10

Favorite Quote
Joey: "What we supposed to be seeing here?"
Chandler: "I don't know but I think it's about to attack the Enterprise."
Phoebe: "You know if you tilt your head to the left and relax your eyes, it kind of looks like an old potato."
Good thread Becca.

I love the series too and those first 2 episodes were great in grounding the series for what it eventually becomes.

I loved the pilot and I like you became totally infactuated with Chandler and never saw any of the others as funny as him. He is the Chandler we know and love right from the get go.
Classic Friends is always the most memorable. I always prefer watching those right up to Ross' Wedding. After that, they do get hit and miss. Great thread Becca!

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