Freedoms House Show experience

Freedom 35

Kyle Orton Legend Killer
I went to that house show last night and the coliseum and that shit was a good show basically everyone was there and there were some good matches heres a breakdown.

I had great seats, on the floor right on the entrance ramp about 8 rows away from the ring and got high fives from HHH,HBK, and Jericho after their matches which was badass

Tony Chimel comes out and tells us the main event for the night is Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho for the WWE championship and we can choose the stipulation the optiions were no DQ, 2 out of 3 falls and a Street Fight and we could text our choices, I wanted 2 out of 3 falls but apparently no one else did and it ended up as a street fight.

here were the matches

Super Crazy d. Charlie Haas
Super Crazy was way over because of the largely hispanic crowd and due to the fact he was the first wrestler to come out. Haas did his mask shit which for some reason got him over, Super Crazt wins after an uninteresting match

Val Venis d. D.H. Smith
I missed most of this match I was in line to get a T shirt apparently DH was impressive I saw the finish Val Venis wins with a money shot highlight of the match was the guy ahead of me who yelled " where are the good wrestlers?" which I thought was quite funny

Mr. Kennedy d. William Regal
Regal came out and called us stupid for living in Wisconsin because its so cold. Kennedy comes out to huge cheers and says people in WIsconsin are th toughest mofos on the planet he wins a pretty boring match and gets huge cheers as he leaves

DX d. Cade and Murdoch
DX came out to the biggest pop Ive heard at a show Ive ever been to they did there whole pre match crap and used a fans camera to take pictures of themselves and fucked with Cade and Murdoch for a while, overall a solid match DX comes out on top and shakes just about every hand in the front rows including me which was extra cool they do that for about 5 minutes after the match and get huge cheers.


Beth Phoenix d. Mickie James
solid match good back and forth action Beth comes out on top with he finisher whatever its called.

Umaga d. Hardcore Holly?
when Umaga came out I figured hed face Jeff Hardy but they threw us a curveball and sent out Hardcore Holly they had a decent fast paced match Umaga wins and Holly leaves to decent cheers

Randy Orton d. Chris Jericho
this match was announced as a street fight Jericho comes out to big cheers and Orton to huge Boos good violent long match they do into the crowd for a while and Jericho starts taking pictures of Orton with different various fans cameras, the match heads back to the ring where Orton takes control and begins to bust out the weapons he hits Jericho with a cookie sheet, and chokes him with the mic Jericho then hits him with the mic then hits a lionsault. the fans are chanting for tables and Randy Orton delivers he sets one up in the corner and Jericho tries to whip him into it but Orton reverses it and whips Jericho into it he stumbles back and gets RKO'd for the win, after the match Orton tries to hit Jerico with the chair but he reverses it and hits a codebreaker with the chair. after the match Jericho thanks everyone for coming and says thats its only a matter of time until Madison is Jericho again then like DX shakes everyones hand including mine and the lights come back on and the shows over.

overall probably the best show ive been to since I went to an episode of Raw when Raw was good I got myself a new Triple H shirt so now I have the Grey and the Red one.

higlights of the night were getting HHH,HBK, and Jerichos handshakes and probably the really good match between Jericho and Randy Orton.

Best Pops
3.Mr Kennedy

Best Heat
1.Randy Orton
2.William Regal
3.Cade and Murdoch

good shit

Hahaaha thats awesome. Kennedy gettin practice for being a face, I bet that was fun as shit cheering for him. sounds like a damn fun show, and everyone put in effort. what did the set look like??
I loved cheering for Kennedy its just too bad Regal bored the shit out of me and kind of brought the match down. the show was hella fun and the best part was no Cena or Jeff Hardy the Cena chants came in after the Orton match but those marks were sent home feeling let down. the set up was just a basic house show set up and the arena was mostly full, full enough that theyll come back

overall a good night
Nah, ive never been to a house show, so im sayin, what does a house show set look like?

And who looked the best in the ring as far as actual wrestling? In my mind thats who are really the most truly skilled guys, are the ones who make it look the most real...
a house show set up is kind of like the old ECW set up where they used to come out of a fake brick wall, they enter kind of from the side and come out through a curtain down a ram thats basically a strip throught the crowd where they dont have seats, the spotlights in the arena shine on the wrestlers on their way to the ring, theres no screens or pyro but their music plays on the way to the ring and the ring setup is regular and the lights around the ring are basically the same lights they use on TV but smaller, I prefer house shows because you get lots of straight wrestling and no stupid filler shit

Kennedy impressed me with his mic work and seemed comfortable and alot better when hes not on TV and once he gets more confidence his mic work on TV will get alot better

DX and Cade and Murdoch impressed me with their match it was a good back and forth tag team match that entertained the fans alot and DX works a crowd better than anyone

Jericho and Orton really impressed me and put on a good, fast paced, physical match that kept the crowd on their feet from start to finish and was probably the best match Ive seen at a show and Ive seen some good ones.

and another guy tht impressed me was DH Smith he played his new heel role very well and in front of fans who didnt know much about him he drew great boos from them and worked a very good match with Val Venis

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