Freddy or Jason

Fire Marshall Bill

Let me show ya somethin!!!
After seeing the Alien or Predator thread I had to do this. I looked back months and I'm actually surprised I didn't see it.

The thread is pretty self explanatory, but this is about the originals. No remakes included. I'm also leaving out Freddy vs Jason. I want this to compare the original series vs each other.

Freddy - A child murderer in his life. Grew up as a "son of 100 maniacs," due to his nun of a mother being raped in a mental institution. Lived with foster parents who were abusive. An outcast in school who was made fun of most of the time. Eventually killed (burned to death) by the parents of the children he killed after being let off from a technicality in court. From then on he gained the ability to get to kids through their dreams. If you die in your dream, you die in real life.

Jason - A badly disfigured child of a mother at Camp Crystal Lake. Made fun of constantly for his disfigurement. Eventually drowns due to some of the camp counselors having sex and not paying attention to him. His mother swore revenge and started killing the counselors until she is eventually killed by one of them. Jason repeatedly rises from the dead to kill anyone who returns to the camp, in particular the ones who drink, do drugs and have sex.

So which one do you prefer?

Me, there's no debate for me. Not only is Freddy's backstory way more interesting, but so is his power to return through dreams. It makes him able to do so many cool things in the movies. It made for many cool death scenes like the geyser bed in the first one. Also that feeling of any time someone goes to sleep as soon as they pass through a door or a window you knew they were in trouble because, whether it showed or not, they had just passed into Freddy's house. Now I won't deny they started getting a little too strange with some of the things in the later ones, but what horror series doesn't have bad movies? Now for me also it's not only the story, but Freddy himself. Robert Englund did such an awesome job playing that character. And for anyone who's seen all of them you can see his develpment in the character as well. In the first 2 they were going for just straight horror, but in the 3rd and on they started making him funny. It added to his character IMO because not only was he able to creep you out with his dreams and scare you, but he could also make you laugh sometimes too. Just look at one of his more classic lines/scenes: "Welcome to primetime, bitch!"

Anyways, those are my thoughts. What are yours?
both have their pros and cons.

I hapen to like Freddy (from movies 1-4) better than I do Jason. Freddy always found interesting ways to kill people. "Welcome to prime time" an "what a rush" were awesome lines and great ways to off people.

Jason while always using an assorted variety of gardening an bladed weapons was kind of bland. I always kind of hoped he would find a nice M16 or AK-47 to play with. He was mildly intelligent he could have had a lot of fun with either one.

regardless of the stupid Freddy VS Jason movie you would never see the two of them in actual combat. Jason is a zombie he doesn't sleep.

Sigh Hollywood
jason. hes doing this because he got teased when he was a kid and other kids tryed to drown him(something like that), but freddy just does it for fun. (i think)
Freddy, by a mile. A psychopathic serial killer back from the dead who can taunt you, mock you, and generally laugh at you before killing you is much more fun than a slow, prodding mute. Freddy has personality, Jason does not. Jason is just a mindless killer...Freddy has a certain panache.
I've always considered Jason to be a second rate villain. Nowhere near the league of Michael Myers or Freddy, but above that Phantasm dude, the Leprechaun and Pumpkin head.

I'd put Jason on the same level as Chucky & Pinhead. It's another case of people thinking certain characters are on the same level because they share a film. Predators aren't in the same league as Aliens and Jason isn't in the same league as Freddy.
Jason all the way for me. While Freddy is the more well-developed character and the part requires alot more ability in an actor than just being a huge body, Jason much like Michael Myers was always more frightening to me because he was simple, and straight to the point. No talking, no jokes, no magical powers, no he's just a braindead mongoloid hellbent on chopping you into little pieces with a machete if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. I grew up on horror films, specifically the Halloween, F13th, and Nightmare franchises, so the pecking order for me will always be Myers first, Jason second, and Freddy third.

It also helps that I dressed up as Jason basically every Halloween as a kid, in part due to always waiting to the last minute and not being creative enough to be anything else. One year I had broken my leg pretty badly and went out in a wheelchair with Jason mask and all, probably the first and last sighting of the rare wheelchair Jason. Good times.

Oh sorry, went off on a tangent. Jason > Freddy in my book.
Freddy, his movies where more interesting to me. Also, that Freddy was always played by the same actor was cool. You could tell, very slightly, that Jason was not always the same character. Not that big a deal for Jason, though. Dream Warriors was my favorite in the series... Freddy just scared me more, as well.
Jason all the way. I like Freddy, but i've sat through maybe, 4 of the NOES movies, whereas I've seen EVERY Friday the 13th.

There's just something about Freddy that doesn't do it for me personally. I'm not interested in catchy one liners from my fictional psychopaths so his amusing qualities didn't really click for me.

And where are we getting this idea that Jason was just a machete weilding freak? In Friday the 13th part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (makes me laugh just thinking about it) he decapitates one guy with a single punch, spear guns two lovers, and even rams a seething hot rock through one guys stomach.

And in Jason X, there's that awesome scene where he rises from the coroners table after being brought aboard the ship, and pushes the coroners face into the liquid nitrogen, freezing her head entirely, and then he just rams her face into the side of the table and 3/4 of her head shatters into a billion bloody iced pieces. Class-ic!

And then later, he comes across 2 half naked girls in sleeping bags. The camera turns away, the camera turns back, and he's trapped them both in their respective sleeping bags, and bashes one of them to death with the other one. Now that's some fine killing.

But the problem is, none of these horror characters would last 2 seconds against Pinhead from Hellraiser. Not Myers, not Krueger, not Vorhees, not Chucky, NONE of them, and you know why? Because the only way to defeat Pinhead is to work out how to use the puzzle box that unleashes them.... oh shit, what are they called? Cenobites? And it's not like he's going to give you 10 minutes to sit there and have a think about how to use the puzzle box to defeat him, and before you can say 'what the fuck do i do with this?' you'll have a thousand odd hooks on chains appear out of the blue and 'tear your soul apart'.

Freddy can only kill you in your dreams. Otherwise he's just a guy with the fancy glove on his hand.

Jason and Mike Myers are both a bitch to put down, but the point is, they go down, even if only for a while.

Pinhead, well, you've got roughly about 3 seconds to work out how to use an ancient rubix cube that can summon demons. Best of luck!

So yeah, ultimately Pinhead's the best, but out of Freddy and Jason, i'd go with Jason.
The ones I consider as the best are Michael Myers, Freddy and a bit of Leatherface...

So you know who I pick...Freddy over Jason...I have enjoyed all of Freddies movies while on the other end, Jason's movies haven't really stood out for me...
Jason. He's more intimidating than Freddy is, he's hard beat in a fight whereas if you punched Freddy or hit him with a weapon or anything, he would just fall all over the place like a normal human being. Jason would chase you around throughout the whole film 24/7 whereas Freddy only stalks everynight in your dreams, Jason makes a hockey mask look scary, Freddy is a cowboy Dennis The Menace, doesnt look menacing or anything and Jason's face is much uglier than Freddy's yet he drowned and Freddy got burned alive, how can you not prefer Jason over Freddy, he's the ultimate monster slasher while Freddy is just a burnt guy with supernatural powers.
Jason- he's far ahead of Freddy. If you want a suprising scary ass movie, Friday the 13th is the movie you want. You want a movie that may be a bit creepy but also funny, the Nightmare movies are what you want. To me, Jasons background is more believable and mysterious. Freddy haunts people's dreams, and gets his "powers" from peoples fear toward him. Not very believable in my opinion. Jason by a lot.
as far as believability goes, ummm dream demon and zombie soooo... yeah, Love Englund as Freddy but he has absolutely nothing on Jason, Jason didn't have any words but when the right guy was playing him (Kane) he didn't need any words his body movements were scary as shit and Jason said a lot more with silence (imo) than Freddy ever did flappin his gums (some nice one liners tho) plus Jason has what I like to consider the heavyweight belt of psychopaths, MOST KILLS (and a dog jus for emphasis) and Freddy has some creative kills yeah but he controls a realm, Jason controls one too, the REAL one, and he gets pretty creative with what he has to work with, Sleeping bag against a tree till ya dead, a punch through the body of Horseshack (welcome back kotter) with his heart on the other side, eyeballs poppin out of heads, snappin people in half like twigs, did I mention he killed a dog? Yeah, Jason easily
My all time favorite would have to be Michael Myers, but Jason would be second. I was a huge Jason fan growing up. I watched the entire series whether it was censored or uncensored on late night cable. I could never get into Freddy. Freddy seems like a weaker character to me. It would be easier to get away from Freddy then it would Jason. Freddy only goes after you in your dreams. Jason goes after you 24/7. You can drown Jason, burn him, and even try to decapitate him, but he never stops killing. All you have to do with Freddy is set him on fire or pull him out of a dream.
Comedic Boogeyman vs. Stoic Zombie.....gotta go with the zombie.

Jason has killed more people, I believe he has came back more than any other monster movie villain (besides Drac), and he has never uttered a single word through his 30 or so years in the movies. That's true horror power.

Not only that, but what's scarier- dying by the hands of a garden tool or by a Nintendo Power Glove? Keep in mind Jason was never meant to be funny (if you don't count Jason X...).

I love Freddy, but the reason I love him is because he's funny. Not because he is scary. I love Jason because he's meant to scare the shit out of you, and without jokes.

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