Forum News - JJ Dillon Interview


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Ok everyone, listen up, I have some cool news. I just received a response from JJ Dillon, and he has agreed to be interviewed by me for the forums. I will be conducting the interview by phone, though I have to set a date / time with him.

In this thread, please make suggestions as to questions you'd like me to ask JJ Dillon on this interview. I cannot promise that all of the questions will be asked. I will pick some of the best and use what I can in the time frame. Needless to say, since I just finished his book, I will be writing a bunch of questions from there as well.

I plan on conducting a "word association" portion as well, so if you'd like a particular word association done, let me know that as well.

This is another big victory for the marketing of this forum.
I'm glad he said yes, it should be great for the forums.

As far as questions:

Most fond memories he has during his time as manager/wrestler?

Most fond memories from the Horsemen?

What wrestlers would he have liked to be bigger than they were?

Does he still keep up with todays product? If so, what does he think of it?

What is he up to these days?

That's just a few that come to my head at the moment.
This is my reaction to this thread:

How the Four Horsemen have affected wrestling as a whole, and if stables such as DX and the nWo would have been even a thought if not for the Horsemen.
How the Four Horsemen have affected wrestling as a whole, and if stables such as DX and the nWo would have been even a thought if not for the Horsemen.

^^^ this and also

How was Rick Flair in real life? was he the partier he was as his character suggests or was he completely different?
I'm willing to bet I'll be able to answer half these questions for you all based on what I read in his book.

Well then fine. My question isn't good enough for the almighty IC25 to ask. [/sarcasm] :p I don't know if it is or not, but I'll go with another.

How does he think the internet affects the professional wrestling industry today? Also a follow up to that, does he think companies can figure out how to utilize the internet for more beneficial ways in the coming years, instead of looking at them as only for spoilers and smarks to come and discuss things.

Something like that anyway.
How do you feel about the current state of professional wrestling, and what do you think the future looks like as TNA continues to spice up their product while WWE maintains their status quo?
Did you prefer being part of the more intimate feel of the territories or the big time feel of WCW?
Well, if this were a Chris Fitzpatrick interview that would be great. :)

Ask his if the unsteady booking/ownership situation in NWA/WCW in the early days was a contributing factor in Flair's longterm success. I mean, would a consistent vision of the future of the company led to more turnover on top.
Back when you worked with Chris Jericho during his conspiracy angle, did you ever believe that he'd ever become the star that he is today?

If Vince McMahon ever asked you to return to the WWE in a backstage capacity, would you accept?
Back when you worked with Chris Jericho during his conspiracy angle, did you ever believe that he'd ever become the star that he is today?

Brilliant question.

If Vince McMahon ever asked you to return to the WWE in a backstage capacity, would you accept?

In the final chapter of his book he said he would not, but I plan to ask if that's changed since the book went to print prior to his appearance for Ric Flair's retirement.
This might have been in the book.

Why wrestling? What is it that makes him keep coming back to this business that is more or less considered a joke by a vast majority of the population? A man of his intelligence could certainly do so many things, yet thankfully he chose wrestling. Why? What is so appealing about it?
This is a great coup for the forums, IC. Well done!

My question is:

What does he think the future of the wrestling business will look like and does he think that the WWE's strategy of marketing to a younger audience is fair on the fans?

Much obliged, IC.

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