Former WWE Wrestlers who threw it all away


Getting Noticed By Management
There is nothing sad to see the stars of the past today and see how badly they screwed up their careers. The one that stands out the most in my mind would have to be Jake The Snake Roberts.

He used to be the greatest promo guy there was in the 80's in that he could always have a consistently good interview and send chills down your spine while never raising his voice. Guys like Raven idolized the man for what he once was but to see him now or even 9-10 years ago is shocking.

Firstly the guy looks like a god damn train wreck, he almost did serious jail time many times for back child support and it is well documented that alcohol and drugs ruined it all for him and proof of this would be his appearance at the Legends of Wrestling ppv in 2000.
In this one he does his backstage interview looking piss drunk and totally scaring the hell out of the interviewer. Its actually hilarious but sad in the same respect. THe interviewer looks like he is gonna pass out from his breath and the beer farts
Here is his walk to the ring to face Jim The Anvil Neidhart. Note the fact that Jake can hardly keep his eyes open then mysteriously leaves and goes to the back then reemerges looking geeked out of his gord! LOL
I dont know how they didn't get sued after ol Jake jacked off with the snake then made out with it in this one
A VERY pissed off Neidhart has had enough and beats the living hell out of the Snake with two chairs at once.

God the guy looks pathetic....anyone else have a take on Jake Roberts or another former WWE wrestler who blew it all.

It looks like Randy Orton will be joining the list soon he'll be showing up on Indy shows weighing 400 lbs and shit a year from now talking jibberish

I don't think Orton will go the way of Roberts in the sense that I can't see Orton becoming addicted to painkillers. I see him ruining his career from just doing stupid, stupid things like he is already.

Two that stand out majorly in my eyes have always been Lex Luger and The Ultimate Warrior. Two of the biggest names in the business in the 80s and 90s, respectively. Both were put over by some of the biggest names in the business. Both showed immense potential. And both had a short time on the top before they flushed it all away. Warrior quickly became a joke after he left the WWE and attempted to return at WM12. I won't even get into his match with Hogan at Halloween Havoc, can you say worst.match.ever?

Luger though is the prime case to me. The guy went from one of the biggest stars to being the biggest joke in the history of this biz. I mean, did you see his promo in some random indy league where he spent about five minutes trying to beat up a T-shirt? Sad, sad stuff.

Steroids and painkillers will fuck your life up much faster then any injury in the biz, and Luger and Roberts are the prime examples of this.
I agree some of the obvious are Warrior, Roberts, and Luger. I think though that one main thing to remember about these guys' however is that they made it to the top. At least they were there. There is always the other side of the train which is where you really don't want to be. The biggest flub in wrestling history in my opinion would be Marty Jennety. Here is a guy who had a hell of alot of talent and when the Rockers split was poised to take a nice little cozy mid to top-card face spot. Anyone want to throw out the number of times this man was fired by WWE???? haha. I just think anyone who screws up that many times as some real issues. We all saw him in his last stint, the dude could still go. It just makes you do you mess up so many opportunities??? There are a hell of alot of good, solid wrestlers out there who were never hired by WWE and this guy blows like 7 or 8 shots at it.
Another one, Ahmed Johnson. Haha. I don't think anyone has ever went from Fab to Flab as quickly as that guy did. He was well on his way to becoming a big time player...not that he should have been however. We probably lucked out on that one.
A Guy Who held 3 WWE Titles in 2 years a Guy who had it all the look the charisma and the wrestling he could wrestl Benoit and angle all the way and then he diceded that he had done it all in the wrestling bussnes which is not true he could have been as big as Austin HHH and The Rock you know who I am talking about Brock Lesnar
A Guy Who held 3 WWE Titles in 2 years a Guy who had it all the look the charisma and the wrestling he could wrestl Benoit and angle all the way and then he diceded that he had done it all in the wrestling bussnes which is not true he could have been as big as Austin HHH and The Rock you know who I am talking about Brock Lesnar

Learn how to type with proper grammar, -_-


As big of a fan I was of Brock Lesnar, he stand out in my mind the most. He held the WWE Title 3 times, and has beaten a lot of the top names in the biz. Hogan, Rock, Flair, Angle, Big Show, Undertaker, just to name a few. The guy was as strong as an ox, and was so over with the fans as both a face and heel. Then he goes and decides "Hey, I want to play football!", and screws us fans out of a great wrestler to watch every week.

Since then, he's had a failed NFL "career", a brief stint in Japan, and now he thinks he is good enough to do martial arts???... How could you leave a company like WWE, with the shit load of money he was earning, and with the whole package of what makes a superstar who they are?... I just don't see the logic in that.

Guys like Luger and Jake were good wrestlers when they were in their primes respectivley, but you look at them now, they're all jokes. It really opens up your eyes to see what poor decisions, drugs, alcohol, and steriods can do to your life, and yourself, if you ask me.
I have to agree With xfearbefore. Lex Luger screwed up his career so bad I don't think we will ever see him in the ring again. He used way to many steroids and it just killed his career.

The Ultimate Warrior is another example of ego gone wrong. He thought he was god's gift to wrestling. All he was and ever will be is a jacked up guy who could never wrestle and gave the weirdest promos on the planet.

Scott Hall. This to me is sad. He was a great performer but he let drinking take over his life. He says he has stopped drinking but once he says that he starts up again. I myself feel really bad about Scott Hall and wish he would get his life on track. He needs to kick the habit and make it a win for THE GOOD GUYS

Jake Roberts. Sad Story. Nuff' said
There are many sad stories in wrestlinga bout guys that did it all, and a lot of good names have been mentioned, but for me, without a doubt, it's Brock Lesnar.

This guy had it all, the look, the attitude, and the smarts to absolutly dominate this business for the next decade, and he threw it all away because of his ego. I won't say it's the NFL, Brock was pissed because he had to drop the title to Eddie Guerrero, and in hindsight, I can't say I blame him.

You pay the man and bill the man as the guy to take you into the future, and the reports were after WM20, he was going to be jobbing to the New Deadman Undertaker for several months. Now why in the hell would you do this with Lesnar??? I think Brock smelled the shit before it hit and took off.

Without question, Brock Lesnar is the guy that pissed it all away. He was the most dominate wrestler of 2002 - 2003, and he was just a rookie. Smarks were impressed iwth the guy. Hell, I was marking out by the time King of the Ring 02 came along, he was that damn good.

Bottomline: If Brock Lesnar was still around, John Cena would be a nonfactor in the world of wrestling. John Cena is the Ultimate Warrior to the Brock Lesnar Hulk Hogan. Cena was created to be the Anti-Lesnar. You had the Bad ass giant wrestler and purist in Brock Lesnar with the F-5, and then you had his antithesis in Cena who was a brawler, rapping, FUer. Without Lesnar, there would be no John Cena. If Lesnar was still around, we would probably be talking about a man possessing a world title for 3.5 out of the last 5 years, and possibly into his 5th or 6th title reign, tha'ts how good he was.
I'm from minnesota and had the pleasure of talking to Brock in person and I hate to tell you but he soesn't have much of an ego. He is an extremely nice person. He left wrestling because he wanted to see what else he was good at, if anything. He will be the first to tell you his football experiment was a big mistake, but he is happy he tried.

As for who threw the most away you would almost have to say the Warrior. He was sent to be the biggest star in the company, set to replace Hogan who had been the most dominant force in the company. Not even after beating Hogan at Wrestlemania did he realize what the company did for him. Instead of us talking about him being one of the greatest ever, we are talking about him in a forum titled Former WWE Wrestlers Who Threw It All Away.
Most recently it has got to be Randy Orton. He has messed up way too many times and WWE giving him another chance amazes me because if it was a mid card or lower mid card or something and they messed up as much as Orton has in his career they would of been fired by now. Another guy that pops into my head is Marty Jannety. WWE brought him back not too long ago( a year or two) and he played an important role in the Mcmahon and HBK feud but he screwed up the next night by getting drunk at a bar. Ultimate Warrior is also on top of my last. He had the ultimate push beating so many great wrestlers in such short times. His longest match had to be at least 30 minutes or so. He beat Triple H in about less than a minute in a wrestlemania match. Someone who would become a future main eventer and then he goes and literally sticks up Vince Mcmahon. Vince should of never paid the son of a bitch and changed the main event up. Thats when Vince cared about his fans and always delivered a meaningful main event.

Goldberg and Brock Lesnar should also be named. Though they wanted to do other things both of them could of continued on a career of success in WWE. Lesnar wanted to do MMA or Football I think and I dont remember why Goldberg left. Brock would of gained more since he was much younger and wouldnt of been put through hell with all those court dates. Thats all I can think of now.
Intensity is right about Brock Lesnar, he was set to be a HUGE star and the future of the WWE basically.
Then he pissed it all away because he thought he could do anything, what a loser.

Orton could end up being washed up and no good if he keeps being a dickead.
Although some people say he should have some more time to grow up....
What is he like 26? He should be grown up by now.
I have to agree about all the names mentioned before except Lesnar. I mean, sure, he walked away. But he's hardly a washed up has been struggling to get by. Let's face it, if he hadn't burned bridges with Vince, he could probably walk into the WWE right now and still be a top performer. Roberts, Warrior, and Jannety couldn't do that. Don't tell me it's because they're older because Flair is still doing pretty good. Brock didn't throw it all away like these guys. He just walked away, probably sooner than he should have. But there is a world of difference between throwing it away and walking away.

I'll add another name to the list. Brutus Beefcake. He was always my favorite in the 80's. Where is he now? Last I heard he got arrested while working a toll booth for leaving a line of cocaine on the counter that was mistaken for anthrax. Sure, Beefcake was never a top name. But he was a good mid-carder. I think he really started to lose it after that boating accident that messed up his face.
Lesnar was boring. His whole look was that of a regular guy (someone who looked like an older brother) just all Jacked up on steroids. The WWF (WWE sounds so bad) is now known for bringing in guys who have no charisma and no energy but just are ridiculously tall and strong. Batista, he's another one who is so boring but so large and big.

The Ultimate Warrior people are saying blew it because of his ego. He deserved to! His character was that of a superhero to kids! He was unstoppable! Kicking out of finishers...he looked like he came right out of a comic book, he was so electrifying. Sure he couldn't wrestle too well, but nobody really could in that era. You can't compare someone from that era to someone from this era. This era is all about the wrestling match and nothing else. Back in the day it was the whole scene that made it. The build up. The characters. That is what made it great. Now they are trying to make it just about the match. It's boring. If I wanted to watch it just for the match I certainly wouldn't watch something with a predetermined outcome. With a build up and suspense? Sure. The Ultimate Warrior did nothing wrong. He created a character (despite what Vince McMahon says, he created it) and had expectations for that character. It worked out. When Vince wanted to have his character job to other characters in a terrible way...the Ultimate Warrior refused. I would have to. It's that simple.

As for Scott Hall and Jake Roberts, these guys were incredible. It's a shame what happened to them but I am thankful in my lifetime just to have the memories of watching them perform in the past. The same way in which I am thankful to have seen Mr Perfect before he died. Thank the lord for DVDs!!!

Now if they could only release old Saturday Night Main Event seasons on DVD....

I don't think we can go too far without at least bringing up Sean Waltman. He was given a great entry to the business with the upset over Scott Hall...I remember where I was and what I was doing that night. His ensuing title runs in WCW and time with Dx really made me feel he was going to be a top mid-card talent. His attitude has made it almost impossible to get back.

Sid Vicious also makes my list. He was so green and had multiple chances to improve his style, but relied so much on his size and power to make things happen. He wound up a joke, a laughing stock, and his rep never recovered fully from the Arn Anderson incident. The other one I have to give honorable mention to is Chris Kanyon.

I don't think Randy Orton is going to fall into that category because someone, for some reason, will pick him back up, set him straight, and he will be WWE champ again. Actually, it is another pure-bred star on RAW whom I feel will make this list in 3 years, and that is Carlito. World of talent, great on the mic, just doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. Jeff Hardy ALMOST did it to himself - thank god he (with some credit to Matt) pulled him out of that trap.
The Ultimate Warrior people are saying blew it because of his ego. He deserved to! His character was that of a superhero to kids! He was unstoppable! Kicking out of finishers...he looked like he came right out of a comic book, he was so electrifying.
Jim Helwig was and is a self-serving prick with zero respect for the business. He milked it like a cash cow and didn't give a two-bit $hit about the history of the business or refining his craft so that he wasn't a major league embarrassment in the ring or on the mic. He did blow it because of his ego. Kicking out of everyone's finisher all the time was reserved for Hogan and was already done to death. That's why the company stumbled when they handed Warrior the ball and had to have Hogan come back in to revive his played-out routine. Plus, Helwig's friggin' crazy. Anyone who actually changes their name to Warrior Warrior doesn't have all their dogs barking.
Sure he couldn't wrestle too well, but nobody really could in that era. You can't compare someone from that era to someone from this era.
Actually, plenty of people could wrestle well in that era. Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, The Bulldogs, The Rock and Roll Express, etc. etc. etc. etc. Yes, we can compare people in each era. The difference is that Vince booked circus freaks and gimmicks over the credible wrestlers in those days just like he does now. Warrior definitely doesn't fall into the credible wrestler line.
This era is all about the wrestling match and nothing else. Back in the day it was the whole scene that made it. The build up. The characters. That is what made it great. Now they are trying to make it just about the match. It's boring.
Are you actually watching the $hit that's on these days? Khali has nothing to do with wrestling. Neither does Umaga, Lashley, Cena, or Batista, for that matter. You have the assessment of the business ass-backwards. If anything, the gimmicks and characters are being pushed to death, while the wrestling has suffered. Notice the fans reactions from today compared to yesteryear? The gimmicks and scripting are sharper and light years ahead of what went down in the late eighties. However, the in-ring product is a joke now on average at present, so the backbone of the show is limp. Remember the depth of the WWF tag division in those days? The Intercontinental Title division? Those were what satisfied the actual wrestling interest most of the time. If it wasn't for Macho Man winning his title at Wrestlemania IV, we'd probably have never seen a decent wrestler wear the WWF belt through the entire decade. It would've just been Hogan pointing his finger and flexing up his bloated, roid-supported titties at the audience.
If I wanted to watch it just for the match I certainly wouldn't watch something with a predetermined outcome. With a build up and suspense? Sure. The Ultimate Warrior did nothing wrong. He created a character (despite what Vince McMahon says, he created it) and had expectations for that character. It worked out. When Vince wanted to have his character job to other characters in a terrible way...the Ultimate Warrior refused. I would have to. It's that simple.
The only thing Warrior DID do wrong was not shoring up his game and not being willing to do the job to anyone else, EVER. Out of his entire career I could easily count all of his passable matches and not even have to switch hands. Hell, as an intro feud, they fed him ANDRE THE GIANT! He still managed to screw that up. Out of he and his wrestling school partner, The Stinger, Warrior obviously learned dick about the business because he sucked just as bad going out as he did coming in. Don't get me wrong, though, because I don't like Vince McMahon in this situation, either. Because he sucks, too, and was dumb enough to saddle his hopes on a phony like Helwig in the first place. He helped build that monster, so it was only fitting that it would come back to bite him in the ass three times. However, wrestling in those days was so predictable I could call a five-move spot in advance at a moments notice and pick out who was going to win at every Wrestlemania in the main event, with the exception being 6. Not to come off like this is a tirade or anything, but are you serious with this stuff? Really? Are you?
As for who I'd choose? Luger. He pissed away a predetermined and well-laid program as the new goldenboy babyface in the WWF circa 1994. Then, after having his second chance at life in WCW, he pissed that away, too (albeit with a little help from that c*cksucker Hogan and his polliticking). Then, by the time he was getting a third chance with the Millionaire's Club angle, he'd pounded too many steroids to even move worth a damn in the ring and his ability to work was completely compromised. THEN, he ends up a pill-popping freak who ends up in a house with an expired Miss Elizabeth and winds up having his jail booking shapshot put on the internet for all to see. THEN, he rebounds by recording the greatest accidentally funny promo of all time for an indy fed. What a rollercoaster.

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