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Former WWE Champions Who Will NEVER Be Champion Again?

Who will NEVER be World Champion again?

  • Undertaker

  • HHH

  • Big Show

  • Kane

  • Rey Mysterio

  • CM Punk

  • John Cena

  • Randy Orton

  • The Great Khali

  • Sheamus

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Jack Swagger

  • Edge

  • The Miz

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There's alot of current veterans on the WWE roster who have reached the top of the mountain numerous times and will never again be WWE or World Heavyweight Champion before they retire & also alot of former WWE or World Heavywieight Champions currently on the roster who will never reach the top again such as..

Big Show
Rey Mysterio
CM Punk
John Cena
Randy Orton
The Great Khali
Dolph Ziggler (Yes, It's in the records)
Jack Swagger
The Miz

These are all the people on the WWE Roster (excluding HOF & Legends) who have been WWE or World Heavyweight Champion.

What people on this list will never again be WWE or World Heavyweight Champion?

Feel free to go through each separately..
Though World Title reigns may not happen again for guys like Triple H, Undertaker, Big Show, and Kane as they are getting older, I can definately say The Great Khali will never be World Champ again as he barely has TV time and is at this point relegated to low card status.
Easiest choice to make for me. The one former world champion (who is lucky that gets to be a title of his) to never win back a big gold belt has to be The Great Khali. He is arguably the most foolish world champion the WWE has put the belt on in the last five years. Not to mention ever since he lost the title he has fallen down into the depths of low-card eternity which is probably the spot on the roster he should have had since his debut due to his utter lack of in ring skills.

People like Sheamus and Swagger may have won their belts quickly for shock value with little to even no build up but these guys have the talent to work their way back up with a traditional build to get to another world title victory. I truly believe that those reigns weren't the last for those two indivduals. Not to mention The Miz's first title reign came after a long two year build up of his character and a two year process of getting over on his own after his tag team with Morrison finished and it's stronger than Sheamus and Swagger's reigns as champion. So I definitely see him having a few reigns added to his belt as well.

Again The Great Khali was a joke of a champion and his title reign would have never happened if Edge didn't get injured and I guess he was the only heel around to feud with Batista so they had to give it someone. Khali was joke then and he's an even bigger joke now, I don't even see Khali winning a mid-card title ever let alone a world championship.
yea its kind of one sided. i would like to see the votes w/o khali. My second pick would be HHH. I think he is done in his career. Since he sayin it.
The Great Khali is living on borrowed time. His legs will go any month now, and I don't think anybody will care one bit. But I personally can't see two other listed people getting runs.

Kane I think might have had his last ride in the light as Champion. It didn't even go THAT well. He held it for a while but he didn't have much of anything to come from it, he's back to being mid-card and the one match he always dominated in, the Royal Rumble, he sucked.

And also, although I'm sure people will think different, Jack Swagger. Unless he seriously grows a personality and stops trying to be Kurt Angle then I can't see him being a World Champion anytime soon. He has talent, a bit of charisma and he's timidly being pushed in his role as Cole's "coach", but he isn't doing anything worthy of being a Champion.
ndertaker - Doesn't have it in his body to run with the belt again.
HHH - If he retires at Mania then no chance, otherwise it's possible.
Big Show - I doubt it, but it's a possibility.
Kane - I bet he'll have it one more time. He did a superb job with it last time.
Rey Mysterio - He'll probably have it again, but I'd rather he didn't.
CM Punk - Should be champion sooner rather than later.
John Cena - Will probably win at Mania.
Randy Orton - Will obviously have the title again, but probably not this year.
The Great Khali - Why did he ever have the title in the first place?
Sheamus - He'll probably be champion again before the end of the year...I hope.
Dolph Ziggler - He'll be a multiple time champion in the coming years.
Jack Swagger - He'll be a star in a couple of years, that's a fact.
Edge - He probably has 2+ reigns left in him.
The Miz - Obviously.
jack swagger wins this vote easily. biggest blunder in WWE history? i will never forget the sound of 70,000 people GROANING, not cheering or booing, when he won the MITB at WM. it was bad. then his title reign was just garbage.

khali, while just as terrible as he is, he is at least a giant. thats believable. i doubt he will ever be champ again, but i see jack swagger as having less of a chance.

i also dont think the miz will be champion again either, at least not on raw. i see him losing to cena at WM, going back to upper midcard, and then getting traded to smackdown. he can probably dominate more believably over there anyways.
Unfortunately for my favoritism, the Undertaker is too old, and too close to the end of his career for another title reign.

So is Rey Mysterio as far as I'm concerned. Kane's been given his workhorse title run, and I don't think he's likely to get it again. Khali is never going to touch a World Title again, and I think he will eventually be future endevored.

Big Show is an odd case. I can't help, but think he'll be World Champion sometime in the next two years. He's a pretty popular face, and no matter where he is, he's a believable World Champion. Edge is also a maybe- he's close to retirement too, but he's also the current face of Smackdown. He's likely to be champ again soon.

Everyone else on the list will almost certainly be World Champion again sometime in the future.
Rey will never be champ again. Never should have been either!

Why shouldn't he never be champion again? Please explain this to me because not only is he a great draw and merchandise selling machine but he is one of very few wrestler in the WWE who wrestle a good match with just about anyone and every year his matches are up for candidates for MOTY. For the huge star that he is I'm shocked he hasn't held it more than twice. The guy has proven his worth over and over again and he is practically SmackDown's top draw. He hasn't held the belt as much as he should have but he has deserved the reigns he has gotten if not more so. Again I welcome you to explain why he shouldn't be a top champion on SmackDown.
This is kind of a stupid poll when you include The Great Khali. I don't understand why that's an option.

Obviously he will never hold one again. He was going over clean on the Undertaker, sure, but that was 2007. His one title reign was on the fly and it was absolutely terrible. Now he's hosting WWE American Idol and kissing fat chicks from the crowd. When was the last time he beat anyone relevant clean? His career is already too screwed to come back as a dominate champion again.
The words you speak are true. But to be fair I had to include him since he is one of the few current WWE Superstars who have been World Champion.

I expected everyone to mention him then pick one other which alot have done very well

Well in that case I have to go with the Undertaker.

It's been known that he's slowing down...a lot. And now rumors are that he'll only be around for Wrestlemania. A match a year. That would most definitely put him out of anything to do with the title, unless it's his retirement year. Along with all of these other guys dominating Smackdown now, I really can't see him holding a world title ever again.
just like everyone else.... the great khali! he should have never had it in the first place! i mean his in ring skills are terrible!! and i dont think big show will have another reign but i will wait and see!
Besides Khali I truely believe that Undertaker will never hold a world title agian. From the sound of it he barely makes it to WrestleMania each year. So just imagining the stress from having to hold a title would probably do him in for good but if they want to keep him around long enough for 20-0 then they'll just keep him on the easy no championhip schedule.
Undertaker- he could hold the title again. I would never say never about the deadman.

Triple H- Triple H has done it all and has held the world title so many times, but I would not say that he is finished. He could win the world title again someday.

The Big Show- I doubt that he ever holds a world title ever again.

Kane- I doubt that he ever holds a world title again but it is possible that he could.

Rey Mysterio- It is always possible that Mysterio could win the title again. He is a huge star and everyone loves him and he could be awarded the title in the future.

CM Punk- I hope that he holds the title again someday. He makes a great champion.

John Cena- Everyone knows that he will hold the title several times before his career ends.

Randy Orton- I expect him to hold the title several times in his career.

The Great Khali- There is no way that he will ever hold a world title again. He sucks.

Sheamus- I hope that he holds the world title many times in his career. I cannot see him not holding the title again.

Dolph Ziggler- He had better hold the world title in the future.

Jack Swagger- I would not be surprised if the WWE do not give Swagger another world title. I think he deserves another title run though.

Edge- Edge is awesome and I bet that he holds the title again in the future.

The Miz- He has become a huge star and he will definitely hold the world title again.
Undertaker - He will have another title run most likly in the next year.
HHH - I don't see him being champ anymore, but he might due to politics
Big Show - I could see it happen, but only if he turns heel
Kane - Could run with it again seeing how good he did it last time
Rey Mysterio - Will most likly be champ again if Smackdown's main event starts sucking again.
CM Punk - Will be champ sooner rather then later
John Cena - Will be champ at Mania
Randy Orton - Will win it again this year most likly
The Great Khali - Never should have won it in the first place
Sheamus - Will be champ again it 2011
Dolph Ziggler - Future Multi-time world champion.
Jack Swagger - Will be it again down the line.
Edge - Has at least one reign left in him.
The Miz - Hopefully now but probably.
I don't see khali as champ again.... It was hard to put him against someone who the wwe universe can see as "the guy to beat kahli" his promo skills beyond weak. And his ring skills are a joke. Another world title reign I don't see is undertaker. His body is too old.... As for triple h, John cena, Randy Orton and possibly edge, could break Rics record of 16. As for swagger, dolph, miz, and sheamus there still pretty young in there careers I see alot more titles in there future.... Cm punk, Rey. Show and Kane. Yes maybe 1 or 2 more
I'm going to have to go with Undertaker, HHH, Rey Mysterio, and Kane. All of them except Khali are about to retire. Edge is about to retire but I see him having one more title run.

I wouldn't be surprised if Khali got another short title run. He's HUGE in India. It'd be good for marketing towards them. But his time has probably come.

I also think Big Show has one more in him. He's really good in 1v1 feuds, and can work as both heel and face. Just don't put him in another 3 or 4-way because nobody will care about him.

I will have to say anyone on that list could become WWE or World heavyweight champion again. However, in my opinion there is only one person who comes to mind.. Eddie Guerrero will NEVER become a champion again. :D and that amazes me

You make me sick.
Taker - I don't see why he couldn't have another reign like his most recent one, where he more or less only turns up for the PPV defences.

HHH - If he doesn't retire, then probably yes he will. HEll, even if he does retire i wouldn't put it past him not to come back a couple fo years later and win the belt from someone, just like Vince did in 1999. Speaking of Vince, he should be on this list too (lol).

Big Show - I could definitely see him winning it again. Show hasn't been champion since 2006 in ECW, and if we're talking about titles that mean something, he hasn't been since 2002! I could easily see Show getting the same sort of run Kane just had, as sort of a reward for all his hard work.

Kane - Sadly no. While i thought his title reign was fairly good, most people have shit on it relentlessly, so no i don't see them giving Kane another run.

Rey Mysterio - Should never have been champ to begin with.

CM Punk - Should be champion NOW, but yes i see Punk as being at the forefront of the title picture in the next 5-10 years, unless something goes truly wrong for him i.e. career ending injury.

John Cena - Of course he will, no doubt about it. I'd be literally shocked if he gets beaten by Miz at WM.

Randy Orton - Again, definitely, even if just to fill a gap when others get hurt a la Edge or Khali in '07.

Khali - Definitely not. The guy's used as a novelty act and just to get easy ratings in India. Santino has a better chance of being champion than he does.

Ziggler - Based on the facts that A) His one title reign was a give away one with no match to crown him champion, B) the strength of his performances in the last 6 months and C) the fact that he just got moved back to Raw, the 'A' brand, i'd say it's a safe bet that Ziggler will get another title run.

Sheamus - Again, don't see why not. Can't understand the direction they're going with him currently, but he got 2 title reigns out of literally nowhere and did well with them, so why not try giving him a reign with a proper build to it next time?

Swagger - Again, much like Sheamus, i see no reason why he couldn't get another title run, but he'll have to do a LOT of work to get them to consider him as a potential champion again.

Edge - If he must have another reign, then yeah, i guess he will.

Miz - Definitely. This is the one i'm most certain of. If Meth Hardy can get 2 title runs and barely even be on TV when he's champion, then the promo wizard that Miz is, should be at the top of the list for 'New World Champions'.
My pick is a toss-up. First, I'd say Undertaker. Why? Simple. He doesn't want the belt and only works a part-time schedule anymore. To put the belt on him now would expose his declining skills more than anything else. It certainly wouldn't accomplish anything from a storyline perspective. He can't even stay healthy enough for long enough to work a quality championship program anymore and it's obvious WWE doesn't intend to use him to elevate the young guys. That much is evident by the fact that WWE axed Barrett from Taker's WM program even though Taker had hand-picked Barrett for this year's WM program.

And finally... The Great Kali! Is further explanation really necessary?
Basically locks to have the title again at some point: Punk, Orton, Cena, Miz, Sheamus and HHH. Nothing controversial here except HHH. I put him here because at the very least he is going to have a title run at some point in his Vince McMahon character. Quite honestly I am not sure I am buying into him retiring anytime soon. Since he will be around he will win it at some point.

Strong probability of having it again: Edge, Ziggler. Edge might be winding down his career but on smackdown they just do not have many other options.

Undertaker- leaning towards no because I think he is the one that is about to retire but it wouldn't surprise me if they begged him into staying and put the title on him at some point
Big Show- I doubt it but something like Kane just had is certainly plausible
Kane- almost want to say yes because of the lack of other options
Rey Mysterio- certainly could see him getting another run if they re-sign him which they will
Jack Swagger-wouldn't shock me if he never got another one but I suspect he will at some point but not anytime soon
as soon as I saw the title of this thread, Jack Swagger came to mind immediately. Not to knock his ability in the ring, I just don't think the WWE will make him the face of the company again, seeing as how his last run was pretty anticlimactic.
But I also certainly agree that Khali will never be champ again. That was such a mistake, it wasn't even funny. Maybe if he could move around the ring like Big Show, Kane, or Undertaker, his run as champ would have been a bit more credible, however, since an entire Khali match consisted of him taking a few steps, and them chopping his opponent in the head to win, I don't see a repeat run for the him.
Undertaker - Body can't hold up to another run.
HHH - There's always a chance for him but the way he's been talking lately makes me think he has no desire which is a shame since he's so close to surpassing Ric Flair.
Big Show - Kinda doubtful seeing as his last singles championship run was with the now defunct ECW championship.
Kane - I HOPE there's at least one more run left for him. His last run was really good and well-deserved!
Rey Mysterio - I seriously doubt he has any more championship runs left in him with the WWE grooming both Del Rio and Sin Cara/Mystico to take over as Hispanic stars.
CM Punk - Probably the best heel on the Raw brand at the moment. I can't see him not eventually getting another championship run.
John Cena - The biggest no-brainer on the list. The face of the company. The modern-day Hulk Hogan WILL have MANY more world title runs! Will probably surpass Ric Flair by the end of his career.
Randy Orton - Probably not for a while but DEFINITELY a lot of runs left for him. Too much talent not to!
The Great Khali - Never should've held the title to begin with. A prime example of shitty booking.
Sheamus - Didn't deserve the first 2 runs he had. Should be bumped down to the IC or US championship before he gets another World title run.
Dolph Ziggler - I'm sure he will receive the torch from Edge as he retires giving him multiple title reigns.
Jack Swagger - I think he turned everyone sour on him being champion with his 1st title run but I'm sure he'll have several more throughout his career.
Edge - I would like to see him with a couple more runs before he retires but he appears to be taking the HHH approach to his latter years and shying away from the title.
The Miz - No doubt he'll have more title runs although I hope they will be better than the one he is currently in because I don't think he has lived up to his hype in any way, shape or form.
Wouldn't be surprised if he got one more run. Although he doesn't really need it anymore.

Again I wouldn't be surprised if he had it again. Still think he'll break Flair's record. Especially with Flair now being in TNA.

Big Show
Kind of person who might get one if injuries etc leave them needing a transitional champ.

Like Big Show might get another if they're needing someone to carry it for a bit. Although I feel he might have got his final run.

Rey Mysterio
Doubt he'll have another one. Probably past that stage and his retirement seems more and more imminent.

CM Punk
Without a shadow of a doubt he'll get one.

John Cena
Of course.

Randy Orton
Of course.

The Great Khali
Never in a million years.

I hope so. He's got a lot of years left in him. Not sure where he's going at the moment. His career seems to have gone backwards. World Champ to King of the Ring to Mid carder.

Dolph Ziggler (Yes, It's in the records)
Very talented would expect him to get a few more. Seems to be on to big things.

Jack Swagger
Young enough he'll maybe have another chance. He needs something soon though, being Michael Coles trainer isn't that.

Probably. He's a reliable champ who can be used for it.

The Miz
Vince's new golden boy so I reckon he'll have a fair few more in the next few years.
Wow, quite a hodgepoge of people on that list. Let's take off a few right now and say they have a good shot of being champ again: HHH, C.M. Punk, John Cena (sadly, but of course), Randy Orton, Edge & The Miz. That leaves Kane, The Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Dolph Ziggler (wow, I can't even remember him being champ), Sheamus, Jack Swagger, The Great Khali & The Undertaker as the remaining people.

I say The Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Rey & Sheamus has an outside chance, with The Undertaker having the lesser of the chances. Reason being is that The Undertaker doesn't wrestle a full schelude anymore and so therefore he doesn't really have a need to have the belt. Kane, well, he's never really been an impressive champion, and this last run will probably be his last. Big Show is pretty much better as a heel champion and since his character is now a face (probably for good), then he's more than likely never gonna win a title. Sheamus is such an oddity because he was this monster heel last summer and now he's pretty much on the downside. If this were the NCAA selection board, I'd say he's apart of the last four out. Rey doesn't seem to want to stick around past a certain date, so I doubt they'd give him the belt to make him stay.

So out of all the others remaining, my pick of someone who will NEVER see the light of day as a future champ again is The Great Khali. It still boggles the mind how someone like Roddy Piper or Owen Hart could have NEVER won the WWE (or World) title and yet someone like Khali actually has his name listed next to some of the all-time greats. This isn't even a Tommy Rich type of win, this is far worse than that. That someone of such limited skills in every department known to man could actually have worn that belt (or any belt for that matter) is tragic. I hope he never, ever, ever wins another title of any measure as long as he works for WWE, and even after he's gone I pray he doesn't then too. SMH at that one!
Great Khali should never have stepped into the wrestling ring in the first place.:banghead: The fact that he had i world title run is Russoesque. Even if Khali was in TNA right now i don't think Russo would book him to be champion.

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