Former TNA Writer Claims Dolph Ziggler Headed to TNA When WWE Contract Expires

Ziggler is the type of talent TNA should be recruiting: Wrestlers with built in reputations who haven't broken through the glass ceiling that exists in WWE. Zack Ryder and John Morrison ought to join Ziggler in a refreshed TNA main event. If Ziggler were to go to TNA he should rename himself "The Natural" Nick Nemeth, I like that name a lot. I doubt TNA is going to ever turn around but getting Ziggler would be quite a boost.
Dolph Ziggler flops about 3x harder than anyone else, and truthfully, he looks kinda stupid doing it... but he's not an untalented guy. He may not be the main event guy that 5 year old Nick Nemeth wants him to be, but he deserves better than "Dolph Ziggler". For that reason, I wouldn't doubt that he's looking for greener pastures when his current deal expires.

TNA has a proven track record of better utilizing some of the talent that was otherwise wasted by the WWE, and Ziggler deserves to get a real opportunity to show what he can do. If he's even half as good as he says he is, he won't need much more than a chance to work and a name change to be a great add to the Impact locker room. His wrestling style will fit in better in a TNA ring and there's some good matchups to be made there.

I hope he does leave and I hope TNA gives him a chance to be taken a little more seriously. Just change the name and tone down the flopping just a smidge.
He's a good talent for TNA but with the status of the company up in the air is it really a good move going there. Are they losing their TV contract? Is Jarrett buying them? I would have to know where the company stands before signing with them, and if they go under I guess you have to go crawling back to Vince for a job. He can be lost in the shuffle in the WWE and still be a star or go to TNA and be a nobody since the viewing audience is so small.
So he's an over-seller, like Flair? If so, that's OK with me. That can actually be a good thing and add dramatic flare (all pun intended) to matches.

If this all comes to fruition, expect him to wrestle as Nic Nemeth, his real name. It's what happened with Drew Galloway (also real name) so I'd expect the same thing.
Ziggler can't help TNA though really, at least not in the "big name" free agent style way.

For one thing Ziggler is a WWE construct, he couldn't be known in TNA as that and nobody who isn't already fully aware of TNA is going to know who the hell Nick Nemeth is. He isn't a Kurt Angle who had so much history or a Jeff Hardy who had a rabid fanbase. He probably isn't even a Christian Cage who had his niche of supporters who followed him to TNA.

Would he improve the roster? Hell yes, he can tell a better story in the ring than 90% of the current roster, but that isn't going to be a quick boost that his likely wage demands could justify.
If TNA and GFW were to merge like as it seems to be heading in that direction, I could definitely see Dolph being utilized as a top star.

He seems like someone who could never become a consistent main eventer in WWE for whatever reason.
I like Ziggler a lot. He's not the second coming of Kurt Angle or anything, but he's not nearly as poor as his detractors claim him to be. He is, at the very least, a "pretty good".

He probably won't draw too many people to TNA, but he'll definitely add value to the product. His WHC-run was very entertaining and cut short by a concussion. That was the extent of his opportunity. That and getting fake poop poured on him by John Cena...

Sure, he has his drawbacks - he's not getting any younger, he has a bit of a mouth on him and he's also the kind of guy who thinks that wearing your hair in a French braid at Wrestlemania is a good idea. Having said that, he has the skills to get over in a big way if he'll be given the opportunity.

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