Former Moderator C.M. has passed away.

I have never really interacted with C.M, it's always a shame when someone passes away, rest in peace brother.
Very tragic.

He was one of the first people I noticed on here and once I started doing the whole WZPC thing all the time, I started interacting with him slightly. I even spoke with him a time or two on messengers...

Even though I didn't know him that well, this is a huge loss for his family as well as our WZ Forums family. And his work on the forums will never be forgotten. He was all business when it came to moderating. In looking back at some things in the Board Room, lots and lots of infractions/warnings came from CM. And I may be wrong, but he might have been the only person given a G-Mod position simply so he wouldn't have to go to another G-Mod or Admin to get a post deleted in another part of the forum.

He'll be greatly missed...just know that now, he has peace.
This is really sad news.

I always enjoyed C.M's posts.

He gave me an infraction a couple years back, but was cool about it.

You will be missed.
Very shitty and sad news. Like others have said, he was a guy that busted his ass behind the scenes and took on some pretty thankless jobs. He modded like crazy and that WZPC was his baby. From someone that tried to run one of those things, let me tell you, it took up a lot of time.

I remember Norcal and I busting his balls hardcore one time for posting like crazy over a few day span in the wrestling section. He was very easy to get along with. Terrible news, condolences to the family.
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C.M was very approachable during his time as mod, cool guy and never said a bad word about anyone, or had anything said against him.

Rest In Peace my brother your journey on this planet has been cut short, youve gone to a better place now.
I didn't get the chance to interact with C.M., but I did read his posts every now and then, and he did seem like a good guy and a cool person.

This is tragic, and my condolences are with his family.

Wow. I've never even met the guy, i joined here after he died, and even I was a little saddened by this.

To know he was younger than I, and likely still in the prime of his life... It really brings a harsh reality to one's mortality.
Never really knew the guy or talked to him on the forums, however, death is never a good thing. R.I.P. C.M., hope you find peace in heaven.
I'm sorry to his family to hear about this. Chris and I didn't always have the best relationship but it was at a time that I was more childish than anything. but as time went on I guess we had more of a mutual respect. It is a shame that I didn't have more common courtesy to have been more mature to start with. CM was a good person who as HBK-Alcoholic said didn't have a bad word against him.

R.I.P Chris "CM"
I didn't know Chris but with all the comments posted about him it is obvious that he was a great human being and my thoughts and prayers will be with his family in the coming days.

R.I.P Chris.
Man, this feels weird. I can only repeat what others have already said, CM was genuinely one of the few people on the forum who no one had a bad word to say about. Top mod, top bloke.
This is truly a tragic event. I didn't really know Chris all that well except for the bits and pieces of personal information that he revealed about himself on the forums. He was a diligent worker whose contributions to the site extended far beyond moderation.

He was a witty debator when he wanted to be, and he had been running the WZPC for years if memory serves me right.

RIP you will be missed.
I wish I would have known CM better. I think I saw him on here every now and then over a year ago. I don't think anyone had one bad thing to say about him. R.I.P CM.
I am honestly at a loss for words. I knew CM had his demons but from all of the posts I ever read from him, I could tell he was a great guy and he sure will be missed by not only his loved ones but those who got a chance to talk to him or get to know him here. CM, you're in a better, much more peaceful place now. R.I.P.
I am in utter shock and disbelief... I've been gone for about 7 months, and I NEVER would have imagined I would come back to something like this. Very sad, indeed...

CM was a badass dude that I had no shortage of fun talking to. The debates, the jokes, the randomness... I mean...he handed me 3 of my earliest infractions and still called it cool with me...

CM, May you rest in peace and know that you are going to be missed by many... Many that you may not have ever met, but considered you amongst one of the coolest people to ever grace their lives. I am one of those people. Talk to you again someday, buddy.

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