Former Moderator C.M. has passed away.

There are very few people who haven't secretly or not-so-secretly rubbed me up the wrong way at some point on the forum. CM was one of those guys. We shared time on staff together and, I've got to say, he never came across as anything but a great guy - hard-working, productive and humble. I only wish I'd got to know him better.

He will be missed.
CM was truly one of the greatest people. Whether it was posting, being a mod, or just a guy to shoot the shit with. It sucks. He has given me my one and only infraction that wasn't a warning and for that I will be sure to cherish it. I know this is an internet forum, but you learn a lot about the guys/gals that you interact with here. Now while CM and I didn't really talk it is still heartbreaking not only to lose a great poster, but to lose a great human being as well. You will be missed my friend. And to his family stay strong as you know he is there with you in spirit through whatever tough times will come up throughout your life. RIP CM.
I never expected to read something as tragic as this on WZ. I don't know C.M., but THIS thread shows how missed he will be. R.I.P C.M.
CM gave me my first warning. We never really interacted much, but the few times we did he was always really nice. Just wow. RIP Chris.
I really hope that this is just some kind of troll and he's okay. I didn't really know him very well but he had some great post. I believe he gave me a warning when I was a spam happy poster. If this really is true then RIP Man :(
Didn't know him, but a loss is still a big loss considering that this guy was loved by most, if not all of you. He seemed like a real role model for all posters as described and probably in real life as well. Seems like he was a genuinely nice guy too.

I may of never even talked to him but i have seen his posts and seen he was a nice guy i hope his family is well and wont have to go through this again any time soon. Rest In Peace C.M
A god damn tragedy. I was really close with CM for a few years, we used to talk constantly on MSN about everything from music to love, he used to always come to me seeking advice on his personal life and I always felt a connection to the kid almost like I was trying to help guide him away from some of the stupid mistakes I myself had made at his age that I saw him going towards.

All you need to know about CM is that he was a damn good man who cared very deeply about those he loved as well as this forum which was a big part of his life for a short while. One of the oldest kind of "in-jokes" among staff for years now has been that no one was more efficient and quick to clean up these forums than CM, I believe he still holds the record for most posts deleted/infractions handed out in a 24 hour period. As Will once said, CM was more reliable than the economy he was so efficient as a moderator.

Alot of our newer users probably won't know him very well if at all, but he was one of the guys that helped mold this place into what it is today. He was a damn good guy that I feel privileged to have known and I only wish I had reached out to him more over the past few months, I should have tried to do something, anything to try and make sure this didn't happen, but you can't turn back time unfortunately.

Details are being kept private on how he passed as per the request of his brother, so please respect those wishes.

Rest in Peace CM, you were a great guy.
Don't think I ever met CM, but I've heard a lot of good things about him. Quite sad, seeing as he was probably very young.
I don't know much about him aside from what I saw him do here so I'll go with that. He did more here than just about anyone else, ranging from warnings/infractions to deleting posts and moving threads and things such as those. He's the epitome of someone that did stuff behind the scenes that keep this place running like it did. Damn shame indeed.
Like a good number of the others, I never particularly knew C.M. However, from what I have read from this thread, one can only imagine that C.M. was a hard worker and a great man...both on the forums...and outside of them too...

My condolences to his family. Rest in peace, C.M.
I never had to opportunity to speak to him personally, but I remember when I lurked how good of a poster he was, and he was a pretty great guy from what i've read. Rest in Peace man, terrible loss.
In all honesty, I didn't know him well, and I can assume vice-versa, which in retrospect was a shame (at least from my pov). That said, I always respected him, enjoyed his posts, and as with all mods/staff etc. appreciated all the obvious and not so obvious hard work he put in on these boards. From what I pieced together through his posts, personal and otherwise, however great he was here on WZF—and he was great—simply paled in comparison to who he was outside these virtual forum walls. For what it's worth he'll be sorely missed, his legacy and widespread contributions forever appreciated, and kept in my thoughts/prayers.
I'm shocked, really. Good guy, encouraged me a lot when I started posting here regularly. RIP.
I'm noob on this forum so I didn't actually ever speak to him but from what you guys are saying he was an awesome guy and will be missed, R.I.P
C.M. was epic. He was short with words and heavy with getting stuff done. When I was modding, he always had all of the sections cleaned up, making the job for rest of staff that much easier.

Good memories.
We didn't talk much but when we did he always treated me with respect & kindness. Never met him but I will honestly miss him.


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