Foley Leaving Smackdown!?


Someone please make Cena go away...
Am I the only one that feels dismayed by the news that because Vince was being such an ass to him over the headsets, that Mick Foley may leave the WWE???

Since he took over from the Coach he has been one of the best things on Smackdown!, especially with J.R since the Draft. And last weeks Cutting Edge was just fantastic, some of the best WWE TV in a very, VERY, long time and just shows how good he is on the mic.

I truly hope he doesn't go because it would be a big loss to the supposedly A show, akin to when JBL took off the headset and decided to wrestle again. I can't think of anyone who will take over from Foley right at this point, but who ever does if he leaves will have one heck of an act to follow, considering that he was beginning to build up a solid rapport with JR that got better every week.

I hope Foley doesn't leave, JR and Mick are just starting to work good together on SmackDown, but if Foley leaves than JR got shafted once again in a span of two months. Vince is taking Mick for granted if he keeps yelling in his ear, like reports said Mick could quit whenever he wants after SummerSlam if he isn't having any fun because he is financially balanced. If Foley does quit than my biggest guess of who is going to replace him is Tazz because ECW is taped on the same night as SmackDown, so they might just have them(JR and Tazz) do both shows from now on.
if foley did leave then it would be a big loss
ever since jr got drafted 2 smackdown i never used 2 watch sd but ive been watchin since he got drafted an i must admit i was a bit in the middle if jr was gonna fit straight into the smackdown hot seat but him an foley have made it watchable.

i have always been a keen admirer of scott hudsons commentary ever since wcw and when he commentated with arn anderson on the 1st wcw match ever to take place on raw when wwf bought wcw an i thought he did a gud job aswel on that raw.

mike tenay an don west r just jim ross wannabes who get hysterical by anything
Vince McMahon...he'll be himself, I guess. I think Mick Foley has done a fantastic job as color commentator for SmackDown ever since he got the job, and has greatly augmented the show. I cannot blame Foley for wanting to quit after this sort of treatment, but I really hope he does not. Jeez, McMahon. I think I have a couple of nephews with more of a sense of moral decency than him.
Foley has done a great job, no doubt about that, but with his WWE status in limbo, they decided to take a shot with Matt Striker as Foley was "selling his injuries". And with the amount of positive feedback the WWE seems to be getting with Striker's move to the announcer's desk, one has to wonder if the WWE's hand has been forced. There's no sense in catering to Foley when Tazz is more than capable of handling Smackdown again, and Striker is definitely suited for the ECW broadcast.

It definitely sucks that Foley's probably going to be gone, but he has more than enough money where he can send his kids to school and live comfortably for the rest of his life. His WWE career in ring has set him up very nicely, as has his book sales. Foley was in a position to do commentary, because he wanted some involvement in the business, and it would be fun for him to do it every week. That fun for him ended due to the rumors of Vince yelling at him through the headset. I even find that to be a little dubious. If there's something Vince didn't like, he can always have it fixed in post-production.

It should be interesting to see how things go, but I don't think Foley's making a return to the broadcast position.
You know before this thread, I had already forgotten that Coach used to commentate Smackdown before Foley? Anyway, Foley & JR were making a great combination, the two clicked and it was fun listening to them. However, I am a bit surrpised that Foley is contemplating leaving and though the WWE could have other solid prospects i.e Matt Striker. I still would prefer Foley in that commentating positon, I think Vince just needs to lay off him a bit. As Foley probably only tried commentating for something new, fun and exciting, if you eliminate the fun part, he has no reason to stay. And is perfectly stable financially if he wants to leave. Thus I hope WWE realizes that Foley doesn't need them but rather they need him.
The Foley-Edge promo on SD was gold. I hope this is not the end of another Foley return. I could see him getting involved at SS in the HIAC and then leaving. Meanwhile Striker and Grisham were not bad on ECW. Striker is really articulate and has a lot of wrestling history knowledge from the sounds of it and was great. Foley should stay on Smackdown. Tazz and JR would be bah..Tazz isn't that good or bad. I wish Tazz would become more edgier. If he brought that edgy original ECW style character to his commentary it could be good. They need some more heel announcers imho, not over the top but maybe like a Paul Heyman did when he was with JR.
While Foley leaving SD! is a bad thing, it isn't the worst. While he was good at commentating, he didn't seem a natural. He seemed nervous a few times, like he didn't belong there.

He is replaceable though. Tazz should go back to SD! He is bloody funny (remember the draft battle royal.."we need some kids!"), and it would be nice for him to go to a bigger brand where his talent can be appreciated.
if vince is so pissed off with the announcers an yelling down the headset or changing the announce team on all 3 shows.

then why doesnt vince bring back vince mcmahon the commentator who used 2 commentate with jr an the king back in the mid 90s

instead off bringing back the mr mcmahon character even though the mr mcmahon character has been round for 10 years or so
I really hope Mick Foley doesn't leave Smackdown. I loved his commentary and he really did make Smackdown feel fresh and interesting. Sure he wasn't a natural, but he improved greatly in a very short amount of time. He was a lot better than what Coach was in my opinion. He also worked well with Jim Ross in my opinion. Vince made a bad decision by screaming into Foley's ear while he was commentating. I thought he did a great job at commentating but Vince obviously thought otherwize. Mick Foley cut an awesome promo with Edge last week. It really did made me remember how great Mick was on the mic. He just showed so much emotion and he said the words like he really meant them.

I really hope he doesn't leave. I don't think Vince really realises how valuable he is to the company. But I do think Foley will leave unfortunately as he certainly doesn't need the money and he doesn't need to be yelled at. Tazz will replace him on Smackdown if he does leave, but I prefer Mick Foley's commentating than hearing Tazz commentate. He is certainly loved by the fans and hopefully he listens to them by staying as the commentator for Smackdown alongside J.R.
I don't want to see Tazz get a two-hour spot again if Foley leaves. I could barely stand him tonight. EVERY SINGLE PERSON that comes out, he says the exact same thing: "You know, JR, I really like this guy, I'm a big fan of _____". That is, of course, if he isn't stuttering too much to get any of the words out at all lol.

Foley is fresh and actually good at the job. I'd hate to see him leave just because Vince is too overpowering. Someone (I forget who, sorry) said in another thread a line that really sums it up to me: "I hope that Vince realizes he needs Foley, but Foley doesn't need him".
Foley would have to be one of my all time favorites, he just makes his character so believable, a lesson a lot of todays stars could learn. The promo with edge made a lot of my mates realise that foley is a god on the mic but sadly I see his role in this as a sign he is leaving, Vince wants to get everything out of foley before he leaves, I see him as speciall guest referee and being thrown through the cell ala No Way Out w/ HHH and thus ending his run with WWE. If edge is the one who puts him through, Mick would have once again put edge over insanely.
Foley's commentary with JR actually made me watch SD again, after a long hiatus due to Cole's crappiness. Him and JR have gelled really well in their short time together and Foley asking for his release would be a cold blow to the mid section for SD fans. Foley showed in his Edge promo that he can still talk a great game so I hope Vince lays off him on the headset.

Tazz is the obvious replacement should this happen, and I'm sure him and JR will do a fine job but they will miss the Foley factor. TG will continue on ECW with hopefully Matt Striker who is gold, Jerry, gold! on the mic. (Seinfeld reference) I mean he's doing nothing on Raw what with the comedy jobber berth being filled by Santino and he did a great job last week.
Mic needs to retire, I can personally ask nothing more of that man, hes been in the buisness forever, hes given 100%, Hes put a hell of a show on for me multiple times, his books have entertained me, Hes a legend... hes earned my doubt...
I think it REALLY sucks that Mick has become unhappy on Smackdown. I really, really enjoyed the promo he did with Edge on the Cutting Edge. It really brought back some great Mick Foley memories. It is Mick's life, ane he can do what he wants, (and I do have to admit, I do love Tazz on commentary.) but it really sucks to see the Hardcore Legend walk away from the company he's called home for most of his career. I really wish he wouldn't do it:( Altho, it looks like he's already taken his leave:( :( And I REALLY hope he doesn't go to TNA!!! I don't like TNA, they can:suckit: But whatever his decision, I'll always have many fond memories of Mick and his legendary WWE career.
oh what..... this is the first ive heard about this. (im not a smackdown regular watcher) but ive grown up loving Foley. i cant believe he might be leaving, hes a true legand in the WWE. i hope he stays, but from the sounds of things i dont think he will.
what a bummer. :(
I don't get this business about TNA tainting or even spoiling Foley's legacy.... noone watches it, so noone cares at all.

It's sad to see him go from WWE, he was decent on commentary, and his legacy added that bit more to his commentary, I enjoy Tazz though, funny guy ;).
i think foley will come back after the devastation from Edge in the "cutting edge" a few weeks ago on Friday Night Smackdown , Foley is good for Commentary and i want him inside the ring near JR, Two old men of this wrestling history..

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