Foley Frustrated; Expected to Leave TNA when Deal is Up?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Mick Foley recently did an interview with Geek Week Live in which he appeared to have voiced a number of frustrations with TNA and his role in the company to date.

"That will expire in eight or nine months. The chances of that relationship continuing are probably not that good. Once you have Hulk Hogan as the face of your company, there's no need for me. And one of the challenges they have on their show, and I understand completely, is there's only so much room for the non-wrestling talker every week, and I had a lot of time to do that for a year and a half.

I don't know if wrestling is going to play a role at all. Who knows? Part of my life will always be involved in wrestling. I don't see myself at the Motor City Comic Con or doing many indys."

The entire interview can be viewed here:

Part 1

Part 2


Thoughts on Foley's comments? Concerns?
I dont think he needs to be frustrated with how his time in TNA has gone. He has been the world champion for god's sake, and he can barely move now. Maybe his usefulness in the company is coming to an end as he is very broken down and isnt playing a character in a position of authority so he is probably right in saying that there is only so much a non-wrestling non-manager can do.

I think Foley would be welcomed back in the WWE in a non-wrestling role no problem. I know he doesnt want to do commentary after Vince yelling in his ear constantly wasnt his idea of a fun job, but I think there would be something for him at WWE. Maybe something in the creative department, or as a backstage agent or something like that. I dont have any interest in seeing Foley wrestle again, hes past it but he is a well liked and well respected guy and I would like to see him involved in helping the next generation of wrestlers with their promos and characters, we all know Mick is a genious on the mic.

Maybe he could do something with Tough Enough, as he knows better than most the sacrifices needed in becoming a wrestler. He travelled the world many times, wrestled in many different countries, slept in a car while training, and put his body through hell for the business. So I think he would be great in the role on Tough Enough, maybe alongside Bret Hart who would be a perfect trainer on the show.
Nah, I don't sense any hostility towards TNA. I think Foley understands that it's time for the Young Gunners to step up and Hogan and Bischoff are already pushing that. Plus, like he said, they already have three pretty dominant non-wrestlers on the roster (Flair, Bischoff, Hogan), they don't absolutely need him.

I could see him returning before his deal expires, maybe to further a feud with Bischoff since they have past heat, but I'm sure he'll be back in the E in 9 months. If anything to finally get that spot in the Hall.
i appreciate Mick's honesty. always have. and yet, he is able to be honest without burning every bridge he's ever walked across and he's able to be honest without also throwing a bunch of people under the bus. it's a rare and admirable quality in any industry.

Mick has some valid points. there isn't much room in today's wrestling industry for non-wrestling, non-manager roles. but that doesn't mean there isn't room.

for starters, i think it's about time that we started seeing managers again. they'd be a tremendous asset to those talents that have the ring work and characters that are good, but not the charisma or mic skills to sell their stuff. Mick is great at mic work and has loads of charisma and might know the way to sell a story and tell ring psychology as good as anybody in wrestling. so there's a place for him in that manner.

also, he could do broadcasting. maybe he wouldn't want to do it in the WWE because of his past experience. but i've been reading (i know i can't believe everything i read) that the WWE is changing some of its policies and procedures on broadcasting in part due to CM Punk's time at the table. so maybe Mick would be better off at the table now than before. maybe. but then again, even if not, couldn't Mick be an announcer at TNA? i think he'd do great there. he loves the product, the company and the people, plus he has the knowledge and the skills.

also, i'm thinking that he could easily fill the role of an agent, trainer, scout, recruiter, mentor, etc, backstage and on-screen. he could do Tough Enough or nXt, or he could just do the same as the above but be strictly behind the scenes. for the WWE or for TNA. i'm guessing he'd be welcomed at either place.

i'll admit that his body is not what it used to be. it's not hard to see why. there are few that have sacrificed as much and as physically as he did in his career. and he had a long career to boot. let's not forget that his age also plays a factor in all this. nobody his age that has been doing what he's been doing is gonna be considered in the prime. so i'm not dogging on his physicality. it's just what it is. but body aside, this guy still has a great mind and voice for the business. any company would be lucky to have him working for them, on screen or behind the scenes.

the smartest company will be the one that sees his assets and knows that his rewards far outweigh the risks and that he would be a valuable addition to the paid staff.

personally, i'd love to see him come back to the WWE, but that's primarily because i want to see him in the HOF. he's earned his spot without a doubt. and he did it all while not being the typical "it" guy. he didn't have the look. he just had the desire and the skills. gotta give props to a guy that did what he did against the odds.
He probally just feels there isnt much for him to do in TNA at this point. In my opinion, his time there hasnt been too memorable. He could commentate, which I found him to be entertaining and good at during his brief stint doing it in WWE, but there doesnt seem to be any changes on the TNA anouncing horizon...His in-ring career is over. Maybe he wants back in WWE. Only he knows. He seems done with TNA or his situation there to be more precise. The following could work for him in either company I guess. He could manage someone, but does he want to? He could be a road agent, part of creative, or a bunch of other backstage roles which I feel he would be best suited to do and most productive at, at this point if he wants to stay around the biz. The Tough enough idea doesnt sound too shabby. Established stars like him and Bret might increase awareness/viewership/and just be help ful to the contestants/wrestlers/hopefuls. He does deserve a spot in the HOF at some point. As far as him returning to an onscreen role, eh....I dont know if he has alot to offer anymore in that department...
I think he just needs to bow out finally. I literally just read all four of his books one after another. I enjoyed each one less than the one before, and became less supportive of him continuing to be a performer. Doctors have told him he has bone fragments floating around freely in his body and they could paralyze him if they end up in the wrong place, so he needs to think about his family and take care of himself.

And yeah, as far as being just a backstage character, TNA certainly has enough of those, and as he said, some are much bigger names in the business than he ever was, so where does that leave him?

The guy had a great career and he needs to accept it. Even in his most recent book, he still wonders about if he has one great match left in him. I don't think so. He's too beat up.
considering how great of a writer he is, he should start going down a different career path and write more. i have always loved his books.

never in a million years could i look at him and think he is as intelligent as he is.
I liked what Foley had to say. He didnt come across as bitter or angry, rather just honest. I think Foley brought up some legitimate concerns regarding the chain of command within TNA as well, and his uncertainty regarding his role. He's well respected enough that he's one of those guys that can say things in the media and not look like he's stabbing the company he works for in the back.

It seems that Foley genuinely cares about TNA, as he had a number of excellent ideas for what might work going forward. Foley's a smart guy that could fulfill virtually any role, and I could see him back in WWE, to be honest, in 2012 for a short stint for a Hall of Fame Induction. But he raised legitimate concerns he has. He stated them well without coming across as bitter or angry, or as if he deserves the spotlight. A good interview.
I personally am happy for this, I've been waiting for Foley to leave TNA & return to WWE for some time now. His last few months in TNA have been a bore. I think he could've been exciting again if he was in a feud with the Hulkster which finally leads to a match between the two legends but TNA are too stuck up to come up with anything new & just repeat the same old shit we've seen before. Foley will be fresh & interesting again in WWE. Maybe he could be the Anonymous Raw GM and could have some interesting programmes with Nexus, CM Punk and I would love to see him in some segments with Santino, the segments between the two would be hilarious.
Foley is still good on the mic, but not so much in the ring. If he's keen to go back to WWE, or if he stays in TNA, why not make him the mouthpiece for a talent that doesn't have the verbal skils? In WWE, I can think of quite a few, for example people like Drew McIntyre and Sheamus who, while still a little green, show promise somewhat, apart from their promos. Or in TNA, maybe he could sit in on the commentary team, make it a three-man? I know he had problems with the WWE commentary system, but surely without Vinnie Mac screaming in his ear, he could do a good job?

Just as long as he realises his ring days are over,I still can't get over when he won the TNA world title and claimed he'd hold it for years, that actually made me cringe so much I shedded a layer of skin...
The guy thinks TNA doesn't need him anymore. There's nothing wrong with that.

As for him back in the WWE. Guys like Angle have said they aren't ever coming back so it would be nice to see at least one popular guy go back. I don't care what he does, but it would be great to hear his music again.
One guy said it best... He is amazing writer, and could do so much with it. So, i'm thinking.... Behind the scenes lead writer for one of the shows. Or just write more books. He is quite interesting when he writes.

I wouldn't mind seeing Mick Foley write and book a few angles though. He has had all three of the great promoters in the industry. He knew how to do a lot with very little. So, why not let him have a shot. He might be brilliant at it.

But, he needs to stay out of that ring, and do something besides wrestling. He is a very smart guy, and knows how to work the industry. He might be the behind the scenes guy a promotion needs. Or one of the greatest writers for our generation.
I don't necessarily think that TNA needs Foley and, truth be told, Foley never really needed TNA in the first place. It was a different atmosphere and company for Foley and I think the main reason he's stayed as long as he has was that, at least up until most of this year, he was simply having fun.

He acknowledges that his role in TNA has dwindled and that he's just not all that wild about some of the stuff happening right now. He didn't come across as angry or bitter, just someone stating his opinion on certain goings on within the company and how he ultimately views his overall role within TNA at this point.

I have little doubt that Foley would be welcomed back in the WWE and will wind up in the WWE Hall of Fame eventually. He might be asked to wrestle on occassion to help put over a few guys here and there.
If he's keen to go back to WWE, or if he stays in TNA, why not make him the mouthpiece for a talent that doesn't have the verbal skils? In WWE, I can think of quite a few, for example people like Drew McIntyre and Sheamus who, while still a little green, show promise somewhat, apart from their promos.

I think this is an awesome idea, especially if it was Sheamus. I would like to see them as a dysfunctional duo, with Mick obsessed with ending Taker's streak using a young talent because he's too banged up these days. They could touch on all the Mankind/Taker wars in the past and how Taker is the jewel in the WWE crown, whereas Mick was relegated to the "minor leagues" despite being at Taker's level at one time. They could do "training" promos with a bitter, resentful Mick preparing Sheamus by putting him through loads of brutal regimes and stuff like that. I would really love to see Sheamus dethrone Taker one way or another, but I doubt WWE will let him get beat at WM so it's hardly worth hoping for. However, Mick could always pop up again in time for the next WM with a new star who needs a good rub, ready to try again to end the streak. Although this really depends if Taker could make WM and how many he can last for.

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