F'N Sick of this crap!




I am so sick of this fuckin' King Booker gimmick!!! He sucks and doesn't deserve that World Title!!! He beat Batista because of interference, AGAIN! Sharmell attacked him at GAB and he won by DQ and now Booker beat him because Finlay hit him with his shalliegh.
What ever happened to Finlay supposed to turn face? Booker T sucks and can only win if somebody helps him. I AM SO FRUSTRATED WITH THIS STUPID ASS GIMMICK! It just pisses me off. I have said it once and I'll say it again, titles should ALWAYS change hands on a DQ.
Oy!! Okay, Booker T is heel- so of course he's going to win the title back by cheating! It generates the heel heat, so to speak. Booker T is one of the best wrestlers in the WWE, just watch some of his old matches. Like I've said before- don't judge a wrestler on if they win or lose or cheat in a match- because that's all predetermined, judge the actual moves and talent they had in the match.

On a side note, I'm glad Booker T is still World Champion, he deserves it much more than that talentless Batista.

Flames Out
Well I can see where your coming from that it generates Heel Heat because it obviously works on me! LOL, but seriously, I have cooled down ssince I put this thread up and he dosn't suck as an athlete but I think Batista should be champ. I'm tired of countless DQ's and cheating.
sabu24 said:

I am so sick of this fuckin' King Booker gimmick!!! He sucks and doesn't deserve that World Title!!! He beat Batista because of interference, AGAIN! Sharmell attacked him at GAB and he won by DQ and now Booker beat him because Finlay hit him with his shalliegh.
What ever happened to Finlay supposed to turn face? Booker T sucks and can only win if somebody helps him. I AM SO FRUSTRATED WITH THIS STUPID ASS GIMMICK! It just pisses me off. I have said it once and I'll say it again, titles should ALWAYS change hands on a DQ.
This is getting ridiculous. Seriously what do you think theres a Spoiler Forum for? If you haven't figured that out that, it's to discuss current spoilers/rumors going on. I personally don't care that you posted a spoiler, but it ruins it for others. The only thing that got to me was the fact that you can see the Spoilers Forum in the WWE Forum, yet you still decided to post this in the main WWE Forum. Go here if you want to discuss your problems with things relating to Spoilers/Rumors. http://www.forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=26
Don't worry, a mod will move it if they see it.

Anyways, I'm really glad that Batista isn't champion. Just like Cena, I don't think he deserves another World Title shot.

Flames Out
kapp said:
This is getting ridiculous. Seriously what do you think theres a Spoiler Forum for? If you haven't figured that out that, it's to discuss current spoilers/rumors going on. I personally don't care that you posted a spoiler, but it ruins it for others. The only thing that got to me was the fact that you can see the Spoilers Forum in the WWE Forum, yet you still decided to post this in the main WWE Forum. Go here if you want to discuss your problems with things relating to Spoilers/Rumors. http://www.forums.wrestlezone.com/forumdisplay.php?f=26

Whoops, sorry about that. I didn't think that it was for discussing I just thought it was for posting the spoilers. Besides, I was just mentioning it, my topic really wasn't leaning towards that. My bad.

Anyway, Cena will probably lose the TLC match against Edge because Smackdown could really use a wrestler of Cena's caliber. They're pretty low on good talent.
Lol... Everyone is copying my > thing...

But as for King Booker goes... There keepin the title on a heel because there saving it for Cena... No Mercy = King Booker vs Cena (World Title) .... Batista vs Finlay... Watch...
sabu24 said:

I am so sick of this fuckin' King Booker gimmick!!! He sucks and doesn't deserve that World Title!!! He beat Batista because of interference, AGAIN! Sharmell attacked him at GAB and he won by DQ and now Booker beat him because Finlay hit him with his shalliegh.
What ever happened to Finlay supposed to turn face? Booker T sucks and can only win if somebody helps him. I AM SO FRUSTRATED WITH THIS STUPID ASS GIMMICK! It just pisses me off. I have said it once and I'll say it again, titles should ALWAYS change hands on a DQ.

i hate people who say people cant win without help

heels cheat so what do you expect

when booker was a babyface he won all kinds of matches by himself so please shut up booker is one of the best wrestlers in the business
I wouldve thought more people would realise by now the King Booker/Batista thing is going to drag through Survivor Series much like how the Angle/Guerrero storyline did in 2004
PauLwaLL50 said:
Lol... Everyone is copying my > thing... ...

In a sense you're copying it from the many posters who have been doing it for years, even if you weren't aware of it :)

I'm moved this for obvious reasons. Thanks for understanding Sabu. Othrs get pissed if someone tells them it's the wrong forum.

With that being said...back on topic.
sabu24 said:
I have said it once and I'll say it again, titles should ALWAYS change hands on a DQ.

Then you could just have one of your friends come down and hit you in the head with a chair and you'd be the new champ.
If a match ends in DQ the title shouldn't change hands. But I think wwe books far too many DQ finishes. That's bad especially for main event matches.
PauLwaLL50 said:
Lol... Everyone is copying my > thing...
Considering I have no idea who you are I doubt I'm copying you. But dont worry, I totally invented the 'LOL' thingy back in the 70's so I feel your pain.
what ever happened to king booker vs. that dragon guy that you guys were all talking about a few weeks ago??
This is the main reason I don't watch Smackdown! anymore. They have some good stars, but no good storylines. The match between Batista and Booker T. was a flop at SummerSlam. One of the biggest PPV's of the year, and it was ruined by most of the matches. Booker T. is a better wrestler than they're letting him do in the ring. If he was on Raw, you'd see great matches with him. That's the main reason I hate Smackdown! They're storylines suck!
both edge and booker t are looking like *****es without the fucking hair....they both have a bitch on their side that keeps winning the damn matches for them. i fucking hate this shit. let them go on their own........sheesh!!
When people say "He Needs Help To Win" ...thats Scripted..I agree with everyone here saying Booker is a complex wrestler and among the elite activated roster..
Although I feel it is Corny listening to a Black Man try to sound like an English Man when he says "King Bookah"
booker t is great and cheating is all scripted the only part that pisses me off is how dumb the refs are and how weak they are charles robinson really makes it look like he is the worst ref out there

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