Flair and Shelley gone from TNA?

I used the words indy style match in the review. I'm a fan of the team and of those kind of matches when they're used infrequently so that probably explains me liking it.
I like Shelley alright but I hardly think his loss would be a big deal. He may possibly be more charismatic than Daniel Bryan but he doesn't have nearly the fanbase or any in-ring skills that translate well to WWE style. If WWE cares about a Cruiserweight division for more than 2 months I will be shocked. Aries probably took Shelley's spot and that seems like a smart move by TNA. Aries has a ton more potential than Shelley.
The guy for Gut Check this week I think is just as good as Shelley so though I love Shelley and dont wont to see him go it's not a big loss

I still have my doubts on if he'll end up joining TNA though, with him owning Pro Wrestling Guerrilla he has rejected offers in the past, why would he change his mind now? He still wrestles for the same promotions as he did when he rejected an offer in 2009.
I love how all the TNA marks(aside from IDR) are suddenly turning against Shelley. Pretty typical.
I like Shelley alright but I hardly think his loss would be a big deal. He may possibly be more charismatic than Daniel Bryan but he doesn't have nearly the fanbase or any in-ring skills that translate well to WWE style. If WWE cares about a Cruiserweight division for more than 2 months I will be shocked. Aries probably took Shelley's spot and that seems like a smart move by TNA. Aries has a ton more potential than Shelley.

Fully agree there.
Losing Shelley hurts TNA a bit. Not too much, since MCMG's kinda ran their course and Aries is better at being the face of the X-Division/cruiserweights.

Losing Flair is the best thing to happen to TNA. He never should have left WWE. Now he can come back, make sporadic appearances and do legend stuff.

Who gives a fuck. TNA is pack-jammed with talent. Their problem has never been about not having of it... it's been about utilizing them properly.
Vince should just sign Sabin too and bring the MCMG to WWE....

And Flair, if he returns to the 'E will probably end up managing his daughter if she eventually makes it to WWE TV.
Not to bothered about Flair that much.

I am weeping that Alex Shelley's leaving, I loved that guy, he could have been prominent in the X-Division/TV title picture. Heck he gave Austin Aries a great X-Division match a few months ago.
I think some people may be missing the point about a departing Alex Shelley, if in fact it is true. Because seeing Shelley leave TNA is not catastrophic by any means.

However, Neese left too. Morgan appears to be leaving. Flair appears to be going too. And seeing multiple departures in a short period of time could be the beginning of troubles for Impact Wrestling.

Personally, I thing Shelley leaving and coming to WWE would be awesome. He will hopefully bring Sabin and Velvet with him.

Of course, they have already taken steps to fill the void all of these departures. After all, they are bringing Brooke Hogan on board.

I don't believe Vince will allow Flair to be hammered drunk on television. That's the only negative I can see.

Food for thought:

Isn't it possible that Ric Flair has intentionally been causing trouble specifically with the intent that his behavior would allow him to leave? Basically, that he has been trying to get himself fired/released from TNA by acting poorly so he could go back to the WWE in some capacity? IE, the whole thing has been a sham by Flair, trying to force TNA's hand? Watch...As soon as he is back with the WWE, his behavior improves dramatically.
Shelley leaving does hurt the tag team division. However if my man sees greener pastures, let him get his bread. Its TNA's loss for sure, but they will survive with what they have.
This mass exodus thing is preposterous. Undercard guys wanting to be freed from the shackles of oppression to try their hand elsewhere is nothing to write home about. It's not like major names are defecting en masse. Hell, Aries just signed on for another year. This says more about Shelley's personal discontent than it does about the roster as a whole.

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