Five Nights at the Wyatt's


Behold my diction
Your eyes slowly open as your alarm blares on with an infectious sequence of noises. Glancing over; you see that you're thirty minutes past when you could have comfortably began preparations for your new job. In a frustrated haste you rush through your hygenial routine and rush to your car as the sun begins to become absorbed by the western horizon. You're tired, bewildered and thoroughly annoyed with yourself.

You're relieved to find that you remembered to preset your phone's gps to direct you to the WWE Performance Center where you'll be their newest night watchman. You start your car seamlessly and begin on your way to what will surely be an easy career in the security field.

Suddenly; your phone rings, causing you to instinctively tap the red "x" as you've always been a stickler for safety while driving. You look to see that you just denied a call from Vince McMahon, and frantically juggle accessing your phone's missed call roster while peeking through your windshield to suddenly swerve back into place in your lane. You find the missed call, and dial Vince McMahon.


You: Mr. McMahon, I'm so sorry I...

Vince: HA HA HA!! Just kidding, what can I do for you?

You: I saw that you had called and...

Vince: Due to a court order; I am now required to grant fair warning to future night watchmen of the WWE Performance Center. I trust that you're aware that you're replacing a person who died on the job.

You: I heard about that. Heart attack, right?

Vince: Stroke, but really it was the shock that did the job.

You: Shock?

Vince: Look kid, the performance center is open to our talent at all hours. We don't deny any of them access, which means that certain members of our talent roster tend to show up unannounced and go a little off the deep end.

You: Who goes off the deep end?

Vince: We're sports entertainment kid. We need our talent to do anything they can to stay in character when the cameras are rolling. We employ a guy named Windham Rotuna, but he likes to go by Bray Wyatt.

You: I love that guy. Will I get to meet him?

Vince: Slow your roll kid. Windham prepares for his role in some strange ways; he actually hasn't slept in three years.

You: What about the guys working with him?

Vince: They're not as bad, when they're being influenced by Windham. They are however, completely enthralled with Bray Wyatt and will compulsively follow all of his commands.

You: I'm pulling up to the performance center now. Anything else I should know about?

Vince: Whatever you do, and I mean whatever you do, don't ever r.....

Just as you're parking your car next to the only other car in the entire parking lot; you look down to see that the call became disconnected, and instinctively attempt to disconnect your seat belt. You look down startled to see that you never put your seat belt on.

You: I'm just having one of those days I guess.

You exit and make your way to the performance center, the front door is opened for you by William Regal.

You: Good Morning Sir!

William: Morning? Maybe in England.

Entering the performance center for the first time, you stare in awe of its pristine condition.

William: It's a beautiful facility, isn't it?

You: I'll say. My cell phone isn't picking anything up out here.

William: That's this facility for you, Mr. McMahon doesn't want any secrets being leaked to the dirt sheets.

You: How am I supposed to call if I need help?

William: There are phones for that; just dial 9-8-6-1 to dial out, that includes emergency numbers.

You: That's good to know. One more thing I was told that if I see Bray Wyatt that I should never..

Turning to look, you see that William Regal had made haste to leave. You imagine that he started his retreat immediately after you uttered the name "Bray Wyatt". You lock the front door while taking a long sigh to settle your nervous physical state, and you slowly pace through the performance center to get your bearings.

You take an hour to recognize that there is an emergency exit at the rear of the building, fire alarms are located next to the entrance and the emergency exit with a fire extinguisher next to each alarm, and each side of the facility has three windows which can't be opened normally.

You decide that it's time to explore the second story to this facility, when you hear the familiar sound of a plastic cup tumbling along the hard floor as though it had fallen. The last rays of sunlight are disappearing below the horizon now, causing you to need a few more seconds to decide what to do next.

What will you do?

Option #1: Explore the second floor undeterred.

Option #2: Examine what made that sound.

Option #3: (Your own option, make it a good one)
Option #3. I would relinquish the job and run away. Too spooky. Life comes first.

Hope someone from the WWE creative sees this.
I'm going for option 1. He's a security guard. Surely he should be having a look at what's causing the noise?
I'm going for option 1. He's a security guard. Surely he should be having a look at what's causing the noise?

(Best explanation, this one wins.)

You eye a stairway to the second level, and note that a faint light is flicking on and off in a hallway on the second level. However; the sound from a distant room on the first level haunts your senses and you find yourself stepping toward the source of the sound before truly making up your mind.

You trek through a large room with a fully erected ring looming in the middle to make your way to a small room where the sound had surely originated. Darkness in certain areas has set in faster than your eyes could adjust, only faint emergency lighting offers you any kind of visibility.

You slide one arm through the cracked doorway and happen to locate a light switch, though flipping the switch up provides no light after all. You cautiously push the door until it's fully open, and stare until the contents of the room manifest.

There's a countertop against the wall of the room, a sheep's mask painted black is set next to a sheep's mask painted white on top of the counter. On the floor is a small plastic cup which had apparently sparked your curiosity.

You lean down to pick up the cup...

A large rat shrieks and launches from the cup just as soon as you begin to move it from its position on the floor. You're a bit shaken, but more confused by this occurrence. Standing up you feel a large warm hand place itself on your shoulder. A deep, calm voice speaks:

Voice: Hey, don't turn around.

You quickly turn around to see the chest of a large man, which reacts to a sigh emitted from within its diaphragm. You look up to see the smiling face of Braun Strowman.

You: Braun Strowman?

Braun: Did Todd scare you?

You: Not really. Why didn't you want me to turn around?

Braun: Now Todd is loose, and I wanted you to look for where he might have gone.

You: Can we step into the training area? I'm feeling a little claustrophobic here.

Braun: Yeah, it's a shame about Todd though.

Braun steps back and casually walks to the ring in the middle of the large room to sit on the apron. You choose to stand six feet from where he sits.

You: Know where I can get a flashlight?

Braun: The last guy left one. He has an office on the second floor, door should say "maintenance" on the front.

You: Are you here to train?

Braun: You can say that. I usually just spend time with Todd.

You: Where's your friends?

Braun: Oh they're just...

Braun stops mid-sentence, his usual dopey expression turns to one of grave seriousness. He looks as though he's eyeing something in the distance behind you. You give a confused look and slowly turn to look through the faint lighting behind you.

A tall man stands at a separate doorway you haven't yet explored past, the words "Boiler Room" are written on the door. The man wears a pair of drab blue jeans and a hoody pulled over his face. The man slams his fist twice against the door.

Braun suddenly leaps up to his feet with a terrified look on his face, he shakes his head twice as if to deny a non-verbal accusation that had been made.

You step back with raised eyebrows and ponder the scene before you.

You: Can I help you?!

Braun quickly puts his hands on your shoulders.

Braun: No no no no no no. Luke isn't the kind of guy you challenge like that.

You: That's Luke Harper?

Luke: BRAUN!!

Braun: Just... just stay up here and find Todd for me. I have things to do, important things. You need to keep Todd from..


Braun rushes to meet Luke; upon reaching Luke, you see Luke slam Braun's forehead into the metal door creating an echo throughout the room. Braun apologizes profusely while his footsteps audibly descend a stairway as Luke stomps past him, the door creaks before slamming shut so hard that the floor vibrates slightly.

What will you do?

Option #1: Try to locate Todd

Option #2: Explore the second floor, starting with the maintenance room

Option #3: Explore the boiler room

Option #4: (Your own option, make it good)
I'll take Option #2 again, this time because I'm really needing the flashlight to get around this place.

(Good thinking)

You weigh your options at this point and realize that nothing good can come of wandering through a poorly lit building. As you make your way to the lobby where a stairway can be accessed, you pass the door to the boiler room. Horrified shrieks can be heard, likely from Braun Strowman.

You: The life of a pro-wrestler.

You arrive at the stairway and as you ascend you're bothered by the sight of flickering light hitting the wall of the hallway at the top of the stairs. After reaching the top of the stairs, you see a door on the right side of the hallway which is slightly open. The word "maintenance" is stenciled on a glass window on the door, an invasive blue light flicks on and off from inside.

You slowly open the door, to see an old fashioned box tv on top of two stacked milk crates. The tv only displays harsh static every split second before returning to darkness once more. Frustrated; you walk into the room and hit the side of the tv, which causes the tv to display static without flickering.

You: At least the room has light now.

Looking around, you see a small metal desk with two drawers attached at one side. You pull the top drawer, and it requires a few attempts to force open. Inside the drawer is a large metal flashlight and two d-cell batteries. You pick up the flashlight; while noticing that it's too light to possibly possess batteries, you find a post-it note wrapped around its base.

You peel the note off the flashlight and whisper its message to yourself.

You: They can hear you, they can see you. Become what they fear, dial 98619.

Shrugging your shoulders, you throw the note away and unscrew the flashlight's battery pocket. After opening the flashlight; small spiders fall out of the flashlight and onto the floor, they scurry throughout the room to find shelter. You shake a few off your arm and brush a few off your pant leg.

You pick up the two batteries and make certain to insert them correctly before closing the flashlight and successfully clicking it on to reveal a vibrant beam of intense light from its bulb. Knowing that you won't be needing the light from the tv now, you press the power button. The tv remains on.

The tv flickers once more before becoming steady again, only this time the face of Luke Harper can be seen through the overbearing static.

Luke: The strong do what they will, the weak do what they must. You must come to the boiler room now.

You kick the plug for the tv, which thankfully causes the screen and subsequently the room itself to become dark. On a hunch, you decide to check the bottom drawer. The bottom drawer of the desk opens much more smoothly, utilizing the flashlight you can see that inside is a mask you recognize as being that of former wrestler Mankind. You pocket the mask and ponder what your next move should be.

What will you do?

Option #1: Continue exploring the second floor

Option #2: Search for possible roof access

Option #3: Return to the first floor and search for Todd

Option #4: Go to the boiler room as instructed

Option #5: (Your own option, make it good)

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