Five Finger Death Punch, Shadows Fall, Otep: Trifecta Of Metally Goodness


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
Again, while searching for bands to go and see this fall, I came across Five Finger Death Punch, headlining another tour. I had seen them previously, at Family Values '07, and also at MayhemFest '08, and on their previous headliner, with In This Moment and Bury Your Dead in support. They were all great shows, and they really know how to close out a show, and keep the energy going.

Then, I searched to see who was opening. To my surprise, none other than Shadows Fall. They may not be a national juggernaut along the lines of Pantera or Hatebreed, but any metal fan worth his salt knows this band, and knows what they can do. They're fucking brutal, and I have yet to see them live, so I was definitely excited.

Then, I scrolled a little further, and see that fucking Otep is the THIRD BAND on the bill! How the fuck? Otep, the same band that has practically headlined Ozzfest, and has opened the doors for millions of fans to metal? No way...I keep reading...Yes, it's definitely Otep. I was beyond excited at that point, and would have danced crazily had my son not been in the same room to laugh and point and tell everyone.

Is anyone else going to make it out for this tour? Anyone else think this bill is as killer as I do?
Dude....those bands are terrible!!!! 5FDP is just a poor man's Lamb of God....and even LoG arent great either. Otep is even worse. I have nothing against women in metal, but Otep is just a whiney bitch who thinks every male is out to "rape" not even joking, there is endless live videos on youtube of her yelling at males in the audience. If you want a GOOD female fronted band then go and check out IWRESTLEDABEARONCE, now THEY are something special. As for Shadows Fall, they used to be good. "The War Within" album is a masterpeice but that "Threads of Life" disc was some of the worst 'mall-core' ever created. I can't begin to see how 5FDP is HEADLINING over Shadows Fall though. The last time 5FDP made their way up here to Vancouver, Canada the were the first band on a four band bill that featured themselves opening with Divine Heresy (sucks), Chimaira(sucks) and All That Remains (reeeeaaallly sucks). Shadows Fall have been around for ages, I at least have to respect that.

Here are some bands worth checking out,
especially if you think Shadows Fall is "brutal" :

Between the Buried and Me
Vital Remains
NSL, that does indeed sound like a kickass show. Kinda wish I could make it out to one of the dates. Alas, I'm saving money to follow Kittie on their Ohio dates. Anyhoo, Good luck on going, holmes! Let us know how it is.:lol:
Dude Iwabo is a great band shes an awsome singer and a great person. If you want a band thats kind of technical like shadows fall go listen to Gojira, there the best music to come out of france in years. And FUCK 5fdp there shitty ass lead singer should of kept to playing fucking power tools instead of going mainstreem like he is now, and whoever said log isn't that good is a tool. Log is spearheading the american metal movement with Devildriver, Hatebreed and MachineHead right now So whatever lol
Dude....those bands are terrible!!!! 5FDP is just a poor man's Lamb of God....and even LoG arent great either.

Really? Lamb Of God? Terrible? :disappointed:

Already, I'm disinterested in anything you might have to say, but I'll read on.

Otep is even worse. I have nothing against women in metal, but Otep is just a whiney bitch who thinks every male is out to "rape" not even joking, there is endless live videos on youtube of her yelling at males in the audience.

I've seen them live, and she's amazing in person. As ar as her screaming at fans, I'm sure she's not the only female that has ever been confronted by a male fan during a show. It's the nature of the beast.

If you want a GOOD female fronted band then go and check out IWRESTLEDABEARONCE, now THEY are something special.

Considering the name, and your views on Lamb Of God, I'll pass...

As for Shadows Fall, they used to be good. "The War Within" album is a masterpeice but that "Threads of Life" disc was some of the worst 'mall-core' ever created.

"Mall-core"? Did you make that up? Shadows Falls has always been good, and is one of the premiere metal bands in the US right now.

I can't begin to see how 5FDP is HEADLINING over Shadows Fall though. The last time 5FDP made their way up here to Vancouver, Canada the were the first band on a four band bill that featured themselves opening with Divine Heresy (sucks), Chimaira(sucks) and All That Remains (reeeeaaallly sucks).

I've seen 5FDP 3 other times. Twice on festivals, and once headlining a show with In This Moment and Bury Your Dead. They're a great live band, and the crowd gets more into them than a lot of bands out there right now. As far as ATR "really suuuuucking", I'm starting to think your tastes are pretty borderline right now myself...

Shadows Fall have been around for ages, I at least have to respect that.

So has Cher, but no one respects that. Time has nothing to do with it. If a band is shit, they're shit. If a band is great, they're great.

Here are some bands worth checking out,
especially if you think Shadows Fall is "brutal" :

Between the Buried and Me
Vital Remains

BTBAM is an amazing band, and Nile is pretty good. Behemoth is fairly over-rated, and the rest are all a little "meh" for my tastes...

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