First RAW for me and my kids


Too Old
The last time I was at a WWE show live, I saw Macho Man versus Sergeant Slaughter. So, as you can tell, it's been a while.

My boys, ages 8 and 10, are going to their first ever wrestling show ever. We are attending the July 18th RAW at the Resch Center in Green Bay. In general, I want to make the experience the best I can for my kids, even though we are kind of in the nosebleed seats.

I could use any info or suggestions as to:
Do any events usually happen before a show like this? Are there any chances for autograph signings or the like? What are cool things to expect or take advantage of? What are some of the potential pains in the hind-end we might encounter? Thanks.
Usually there is . WWE is a big partner with K Mart so check your local K Mart and shopping centre websites and see if there is any info and as always you can check on for more information.

And I'm sure they will love the show just make sure you bring ear plugs as they are young and the music and pyro is extremely loud
Enjoy the show
Hope I helped :)
The last time I was at a WWE show live, I saw Macho Man versus Sergeant Slaughter. So, as you can tell, it's been a while.

My boys, ages 8 and 10, are going to their first ever wrestling show ever. We are attending the July 18th RAW at the Resch Center in Green Bay. In general, I want to make the experience the best I can for my kids, even though we are kind of in the nosebleed seats.

I could use any info or suggestions as to:
Do any events usually happen before a show like this? Are there any chances for autograph signings or the like? What are cool things to expect or take advantage of? What are some of the potential pains in the hind-end we might encounter? Thanks.

At Raw shows they usually have several dark matches before the show in order to get the fans excited and ready for the match. Seeing as this is your kids first RAW make sure they can be able to see those matches. As far as autograph signings go You could try sneaking into the parking lot and stopping the wrestlers before they can escape to their cars.

Also, this helped made my first WCW show a blast. Buy your kids some merchindise!... When I was 5 and saw my first WCW Nitro show in person I was so excited, and just before we were leaving my dad bought me a Sting T-Shirt from one of the sales booths. It made my day to say the least. The merch doesn't have to kill your wallet at $25-40 you could just simply buy them the generic T-Shirt and they should be fine.

Other than that have fun, don't get all IWC smart on them and start cheering on CM Punk when he is blasting John Cena with a chair...Unless your kids hate Cena, then you should be good.
Im not trying to make you feel old but things have changed alot. Your nosebleed seats are probably the closest you are going to get the wrestlers. You can go out to the parking lot were the wrestlers come in before the show but unless there doing some publicity stunt the chances of meeting and getting an autograph is slim. Other then the dark matches and Superstars that start at the time on your ticket nothing really happens before the show. I don't now if you watch TNA/Impact Wrestling but TNA house shows are the way to go for meeting the wrestlers and getting autographs plus they have alot of old WWE guys and let you actually get in the ring and take a photo with a wrestler at the end of the night. I have been to many live wrestling shows from both WWE and TNA and its seems A TNA event is better experience. It is still fun seeing a live show and you can still enjoy RAW with your kids but I wouldn't get there hopes up on meeting wrestlers.
I'm not familiar with the Green Bay area as I live in NY and have only been to live RAWs in NYC and Philly so I can't comment on the nosebleeds other than that's where the most boozing occurs for obvious reasons, just like any other live event. Not in the rowdy sense but just something to be aware of for your kids. As for autograph signings and what not, usually posts where the superstars will be in the event they have something like that at a local spot. For us in NY that usually means something like the Hard Rock Cafe in the afternoon before the show or something like that. That RAW is going to be really special due to the big happenings at the pay per view the night before so you and your kids are lucky and I hope you guys have fun. That said, since there is a PPV on the 17th, and it is in Chicago, I wouldn't get my hopes up about meeting any of the guys. Good luck though, enjoy!
Im not trying to make you feel old but things have changed alot. Your nosebleed seats are probably the closest you are going to get the wrestlers. You can go out to the parking lot were the wrestlers come in before the show but unless there doing some publicity stunt the chances of meeting and getting an autograph is slim. Other then the dark matches and Superstars that start at the time on your ticket nothing really happens before the show. I don't now if you watch TNA/Impact Wrestling but TNA house shows are the way to go for meeting the wrestlers and getting autographs plus they have alot of old WWE guys and let you actually get in the ring and take a photo with a wrestler at the end of the night. I have been to many live wrestling shows from both WWE and TNA and its seems A TNA event is better experience. It is still fun seeing a live show and you can still enjoy RAW with your kids but I wouldn't get there hopes up on meeting wrestlers.

Honestly how can you call this man old when you do not even speak proper English? Not trying to be an ass but that bothers me!

To the topic...........

Speaking English and telling you the truth... Yeah you may not get close to the SuperStars unless you see them in the parking lot but hey your kids will still have a great time because at house shows the faces usually win! so if your kids like Cena, Mysterio they will go home happy with their "favs" winning! I hope they also get a "John Hancock" from somebody
RkoMachine, dude are you serious ?! You're criticizing this person, whereas you haven't even understood the thread. It is a live RAW that is being talked about. Not a live house show. Get it ? Or is that too difficult.
I have taken my sister and my then exwife's brother to a few shows when they were younger so I kinda know what you are looking to do. First like others have said WWE has a section on their site that shows upcoming autograph signings. I would check it daily as things can come and go on there. When going to the show tell them you are seeing Disney on Ice or something. Then when they start seeing lots of people in wrestling shirts. Play dumb and tell them they must just like wrestling. It worked on them and on me and my brother when we were young. It adds more to the surprise. Also let them make a sign. Sure it won't get on tv. But the funnest time I had as a kid at an event was in the nose bleed section with my Bret Hart sign and my new Bret Hart shades. Which brings me to my next point. They have shirts at the live events you can only get they or atleast they did. Buy them one of those so if feels like they have something they can't get any place else. Also the programs have always been a big hit. If you feel like braving the storm you can try to track down what hotel they are staying at but that can get real packed. Never did the parking lot thing since the parking here is underground and they would just open the doors and cops would stop traffic so they could leave. Before hand go eat at someplace you guys don't go to a lot. For us it was always the Hardrock Cafe. Maybe tape the episode so they can watch it again when they get home. I always liked keeping a tape of the show I was at.

Eyeplugs is a good idea. If you are near the tron the fireworks can be loud. Also don't buy them some cotton candy or some other snack to munch on. Also be ready for a few lines. Atleast for the shows here buying merch can be a pain. Cause there are not any lines. People just crowd aroun, the people working do their best. Treat it like trying to get a drink in a busy bar. Know what you want and have your money ready. The less time you have to fight to give someone your money while being ass to dick to someone you don't know the better.

But overall I've never had anyone of the kids I've taken say they didn't like it. Buy them a gift. Let them have a sign and scream for who they like. And the fancy fun before hand dinner. Maybe take a camera. After my nice one crapped out I stopped caring about this but when I was little I would look at my shit pictures my grandpa took over and over.
In all honesty, the best advice I can give you is to take them to a house show at some point after the Raw show. House shows are MUCH more enjoyable than a Raw show. Sure, you don't get the fancy production, but the in ring work is so much better, the wrestlers play up the fans a lot more, etc.

As far as this Raw goes, buy them a souvenir and that's really about it. With it being a Raw, you're not likely to have autograph signings or anything like that. Get there early as they will show a dark match or two, and they'll sometimes have a dark match main-event after cameras go off the air, so don't get up and leave before you're sure the show is over. I went to a Raw in St. Louis, and people were leaving right after the main-event, but I wouldn't let my brother and sister go anywhere, because I knew something would happen after the show. Sure enough, the lights went out, heard a gong sound, and the Undertaker made his only appearance of the night. Pretty cool, and was missed by probably 10% of the paying audience because they were trying to beat the traffic.

I do know that TNA is much more fan friendly at their house shows than WWE is, so if you ever get a chance to get to a TNA house show, that's where you'll get a lot of the fan interaction that you seem to be looking for.
Im not trying to make you feel old but things have changed alot. Your nosebleed seats are probably the closest you are going to get the wrestlers. You can go out to the parking lot were the wrestlers come in before the show but unless there doing some publicity stunt the chances of meeting and getting an autograph is slim. Other then the dark matches and Superstars that start at the time on your ticket nothing really happens before the show. I don't now if you watch TNA/Impact Wrestling but TNA house shows are the way to go for meeting the wrestlers and getting autographs plus they have alot of old WWE guys and let you actually get in the ring and take a photo with a wrestler at the end of the night. I have been to many live wrestling shows from both WWE and TNA and its seems A TNA event is better experience. It is still fun seeing a live show and you can still enjoy RAW with your kids but I wouldn't get there hopes up on meeting wrestlers.

Ok , this is what u do man..first dont pay attention to this guy

second go their about two hours before the show starts or sometimes spend a day outside because just getting to see alot of the people entering the building is nice. I got jerry kings autograph before he went in. Jim Ross was walking with him but he just went in the building. John Cena doesnt give out autographs much but im sure he waves to alot of people and if he waves to your kids im sure that will make their day..another thing alot of people will do is grill out in the parking lot and make hamburgers and what not go and hang out with the wrestling trekies its fun.
after the show i get autographs alot as well. My friend got bastita's mic foley to sign his belt and lots of other wrestlers so ya you can get alot of autographs but you just have to be their before the show starts and when it ends.
Just make sure they enjoy the show alot of times if you bring a sign for a wrestler they will sign it.
Wow! I expected a few quick responses and got a flood of thoughtful and useful answers. Thank you.

I noticed a few people commented on the noise level. I was anticipating it being loud. I've been to Green Bay Blizzard arena football games at the Resch Center and they were pretty loud. I'm guessing a big production like RAW is going to hit an insane volume level. Outside the pyros and music maybe getting a little too loud for the eight-year-old at times, the way that volume builds in that place will probably will be a great thing for the kids, because the "pop" will seem really loud for the spots in the matches.

I was a little nervous about hitting RAW right after a PPV, because sometimes it feels more like a recap than its own show, but the build-up to MITB and the potential for weirdness at the PPV gives this RAW a potential to be memorable. My 8-year-old, who only cheers for heels, is praying that Punk wins the belt and that VKM waits until RAW to fire John Cena. I have a Little Jimmy who wants to see Cena get canned! Of course, he's also convinced that if Punk wins and then leaves with the belt, he can use his piggy bank money to buy the belt from Punk and therefore officially become the champion.
I was a little nervous about hitting RAW right after a PPV, because sometimes it feels more like a recap than its own show, but the build-up to MITB and the potential for weirdness at the PPV gives this RAW a potential to be memorable. My 8-year-old, who only cheers for heels, is praying that Punk wins the belt and that VKM waits until RAW to fire John Cena. I have a Little Jimmy who wants to see Cena get canned! Of course, he's also convinced that if Punk wins and then leaves with the belt, he can use his piggy bank money to buy the belt from Punk and therefore officially become the champion.

We need to make this angle happen. Somehow. :lmao:
have a Little Jimmy who wants to see Cena get canned! Of course, he's also convinced that if Punk wins and then leaves with the belt, he can use his piggy bank money to buy the belt from Punk and therefore officially become the champion.

hope he wins. always looking forward to surprise cash-ins by younger stars.
hope he wins. always looking forward to surprise cash-ins by younger stars.


But yeah, what everyone else said - Have fun, enjoy the show. I always try to get into it as much as possible and make as much noise as possible, even for the dark match and Superstars matches. Shows are way more fun if you make them fun.
I think it is awesome that you are spending this kind of time with your kids. All the things I loved as a kid and still appreciate today were things that my dad got involved in or took me to. My last WWF event was with my dad and headlined by Macho and Steamboat.

I just want my kids to get older so I can do similar things as well. Have a great time and tell them you used to date Kelly Kelly before you met their mother.
Actually, they know that I prefer redheads and think I went out with Lita. I don't know who gave them that idea!:suspic:

I feel lucky that I have kept many boyhood interests that allow me to spend time with the boys doing stuff we all enjoy together. I like video games, comics and superhero movies as well, so we have lots of common interests besides the sports I coach them in, which is good since sports have a different feel where they are expected to perform.

I had fun, and no kids, during the heyday of the Attitude Era, but have to admit that I am glad WWE has gone to the PG mode since it allows me to share it with them without editing it first. We still watch lots of Attitude stuff online and in videos, but I screen it for them. The eight-year-old does not like blood in his wrestling, and I am fine with not showing him any. I sometimes miss the edgier stuff on a personal level, but am hoping that the WWE manages to find its groove with the more kid-friendly shows. They still have a ways to go story-wise sometimes, but I think they can find the right mix with a little more time.
Do any events usually happen before a show like this?

Yeah...if it is RAW, expect some WWE Superstars matches and maybe a dark match. So one or two pre-show matches...some of those matches may be taped for the website but others may be for the live crowd only.

Are there any chances for autograph signings or the like?

Yeah...before or after the show by the parking lot where the superstars park. I can't guarantee anyone will actually stop to sign but some do and that would be your best chance I think.

What are cool things to expect or take advantage of?

Don't get distracted by the Titantron (big screen). It's okay to look at it once in awhile but spend most of the time looking at what's in front of you. You'd be surprised to see what little details you notice that you wouldn't have seen on TV. Also stay for the whole show. RAW doesn't really end when it ends on TV. When TV stops showing RAW, the show continues for at least 10 minutes more at the arena.

What are some of the potential pains in the hind-end we might encounter?

If you mean negative stuff about the show...getting out of the parking lot usually takes awhile. I can't think of anything else that might leave you disappointed...maybe the down-time during commercial breaks...that stuff is boring.

EDIT: Yeah those pyros are loud. I mean really it sounds like a bomb just exploded. I'm used to it now but it's really loud to someone experiencing it for the first time. The music isn't really that loud in my opinion.
I've been to about 6 shows at the Resch Center (believe it or not) since about 2001.

(I live in Wisconsin)

I was pretty young when I started seeing them, and at one point when I was younger the fireworks would actually get to a point of scaring me. Well we were like 3 rows from the stage and when you got pyro from Kane, Goldberg, Jericho, and Booker T.. it'll get to yah.. especially if your a kid.

I've grown out of that and the pyro is some of my favorite now, because it's pretty insane. Resch Center is fairly small.. you'll be able to see fine from wherever your sitting.

And uhh.. by the way.. I'll be going to that same show too.. and I'mma be mad angry if CM Punk doesn't walk down that ramp with the WWE Championship around his waist.

I remember last time when they had Donald Trump's commercial free Raw.. I went to the WWE press conference at the airport and everybody started chanting Kennedy at him.. since that was when Kennedy just got fired. And now were going to miss out on Punk?!?!? :(
hey folks i want to ask you if you want to meet superstars/divas at the parking lot when do you need to arrive. 2-3 hours before the show? Thank you for your answers and sorry to The crusher for using his thead.
hey folks i want to ask you if you want to meet superstars/divas at the parking lot when do you need to arrive. 2-3 hours before the show? Thank you for your answers and sorry to The crusher for using his thead.

I got alot out of this thread, and am grateful for it. Feel free to hijack it any way you feel like.
hey folks i want to ask you if you want to meet superstars/divas at the parking lot when do you need to arrive. 2-3 hours before the show? Thank you for your answers and sorry to The crusher for using his thead.

They get there really early I think. I think AFTER the show would be easier. I have gotten very close to Edge, Natalya, and Mike Choda after WWE shows. And I was able to see several others like Undertaker, Jim Ross, The Miz, Mark Henry, Randy Orton, and Sheamus from far away.
Well, we went and had a great time. Brought ear plugs for the kids and they didn't miss anything at all, but didn't get freaked by the pyro. Resch Center is not real big and explosions were loud. I hope Rey has some ear protection in that mask. He stands right on top of those side pyros.
Good night for me, quite a bit of wrestling from big spot guys like Rey, Kofi and evan bourne. Kids got to see guys they wanted to see, and my eight-year-old just went nuts when we got the HHH surprise.
Lots of Cena love in GB tonight. Plenty of haters, but hard not to cheer for him when Vince gives off so much heel heat. Throw in a TNA reference and the not so nice vote of sympathy "Look Vince, I know you had a rough day at work." In a good storytelling set-up Vince opened with "NO man is bigger than the WWE" speech and I knew he was going to get reminded of that later in the night. HHH played his part very well and Vince did to. Not sure if the "Thank you, Vince" chant was real clear on TV, but it kind of surprised me when it happened. I didn't get much chance to talk to the girl who sat next to my little boy, but she had read this thread, which was kind of cool. I wonder if her date was one of the guys who responded in the thread.
All-in-all a good show from the cheap seats. And 3 tickets and parking only ran me a total of $75, which really isn't that bad. A total of one trip to the bathroom from the kids during a three-hour show is one sure sign that they were into it all the way.
Yup it was a good show.

I was really surprised at how many Cena shirts there were.. I never remembered quite that many at the shows. Even a lot of Miz shirts...

Shame CM Punk didn't show up.. several chants for him throughout the evening... mainly during commercials.

LOL... my favorite moment was after the show at a gas station in Green Bay... where I saw Josh Matthews... I walked by him and said "MATTHEWSS!!!!", he looked at me and said "What's up man?!?"

End of story.

Vince must have a hard on for making history in Green Bay because one time they had the ECW burial which had Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, and Vince McMahon in the same ring. Another time they had the commercial free Donald Trump RAW. Now Vince basically gets killed off in Green Bay?

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