First match/piece of wrestling you ever saw?

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mine was earlie 90's it was WCW PPV and all i remember is The Giant gets hit with a guitar, and he laid face down in the ring and someone pulled his tights down revealing his ass...i guess it was after a match cuz there was a bunch of peeps in the ring
Mine was in the 80's - Hillbilly Jim vs JYD (I think?)

I was about 8 and it made me think Hillbilly Jim was the coolest redneck ever...
1993, The Undertaker vs. Bam Bam Bigelow. I was 13 years old.

I thought The Undertaker was the coolest thing I ever saw. A guy that could take a crazy amount of punishment and not even look hurt, could move so quickly, and wore all black. He didn't look like a typical wrestler with the short tights; his outfit looked like something you could wear in public. I followed every Superstars and RAW since that point hoping to see him wrestle again. I even started looking back and watched his old-school matches against Hogan, the Warrior, and Snuka.

From that point until 1995 I never saw him lose a match except the casket match against Yokozuna, and it took 10 guys to beat him enough so that he wouldn't come out of a casket. I've been a wrestling junkie ever seen.

Funny enough, when Taker "disappeared" after the Royal Rumble '94, I discovered WCW Saturday Night on TBS and started watching that too, and was happy to find two Black wrestlers who also didn't wear the short tights, and were a successful tag team as opposed to the usual jobbers like Virgil and Koko B. Ware.
It was 6 years ago, I was watching TV and they were showing some old matches. The first one I watched was The Rock vs Hulk Hogan at wrestlemania... I was really hooked and have been a Rock fan since
a Saturday Night Wrestling match i think back in 1983 or 1984 it was a tag match involving Mr Fuji and 2 others vs i can't remember :p
i forget but it wasn't long b4 Hogan beat the Iron Sheik for his 1st WWF title.

after that it's sort of a blur til WrestleMania 1 then nothing i can remember til October when we got WWF Saturday Night Main Event on a saturday morning 2 weeks out of sync and the first match was Mr Fuji against Ricky Steamboat in a Martial Arts match which ironically almost got WWF kicked off TV when Mr Fuji hanged Ricky Steamboat with his black belt. Hahaha sound familiar to something Daniel Bryan did recently :p

horrid back then then programming on Australian TV after WrestleMania 3 was 6 months out of date and then bugger all programming except the occasional Saturday Morning show and Hulk Hogan's rock'n wrestling cartoon+PPV's and Colliseum Home Video producations on VHS (3 months out of date) til Raw started :(

Didn't see any WCW programming other then some old NWA/AWA on VHS til WWF started to lose people to what had become WCW and one of the first matches was a new up and comer Terra Ryzing battling some jobber by the name of Keith Cole. and who was that new up and comer???? the soon to become Hunter Hearst Helmsley aka Triple H. so that was in 1994
The first match that I can remember watching that left an impact on me was Randy Savage vs Tito Santana (c) for the Intercontinental Championship. I know I had watched wrestling before that match, but can't remember any of them, but this match stuck with me. It was the first time I saw someone pull a weapon out of their trunks and not only used it but won the match with it. I couldn't believe Savage wasn't disqualified, I couldn't believe the referee didn't see it, and I couldn't believe that Miss Elizabeth was still with the jerk after he cheated to win!
The first match that I can remember watching that left an impact on me was Randy Savage vs Tito Santana (c) for the Intercontinental Championship. I know I had watched wrestling before that match, but can't remember any of them, but this match stuck with me. It was the first time I saw someone pull a weapon out of their trunks and not only used it but won the match with it. I couldn't believe Savage wasn't disqualified, I couldn't believe the referee didn't see it, and I couldn't believe that Miss Elizabeth was still with the jerk after he cheated to win!

LOL that was a standard thought back then and still continues.
How the hell did the ref not see that
Use to drive me to frenzy when the ref would miss obvious things, then again i still believed it was somewhat real back then. aaa the joys of youth :)
I remember the wrestling explosion circa 1984-85, but WWE bored me, even though I was only about 10 at the time, it was so cartoonish, and the matches were so boring, watching lugs like King Kong Bundy lumber around for 5 minutes waiting to get slammed by Hogan and pinned.

When I got hooked I was surfing channels in June 86 and stopped on TBS. There I saw two young guys, long hair, jeans, T-shirts, seemed cool, arguing with what looked like an older guy, sharp dressed, like a GQ cover or a republican business exec, with lots of gold, a giant belt, bigger than anything I'd ever seen in boxing or WWE. I stopped and listened as the young guys, mostly the blond one, criticized the suit and tie guy for turning on the fans. Then the suit, in a loud, bold, arrogant manner, proceeds to insult the young guys, tells them the fans are lucky they have him, and kids like them will never have the money, gold, etc that he has.

The kicker was when the suit pulled a training bra from his sport coat and gave it to the blond kid, telling him that "the big girls" he parties with don't need these but the "teeny boppers" that the blond likes could probably use it. The blond kid took the sunglases off the suits face, stomped them to bits, and when the suit slapped him the blond proceeded to beat the living @#$% out of him.

That was The Rock & Roll Express vs Ric Flair on WCW Sat Nite, and from that point on I was watching wrestling every Sat.
The first match that I can remember watching that left an impact on me was Randy Savage vs Tito Santana (c) for the Intercontinental Championship. I know I had watched wrestling before that match, but can't remember any of them, but this match stuck with me. It was the first time I saw someone pull a weapon out of their trunks and not only used it but won the match with it. I couldn't believe Savage wasn't disqualified, I couldn't believe the referee didn't see it, and I couldn't believe that Miss Elizabeth was still with the jerk after he cheated to win!

I saw that match too, funny thing is I saw the exact same ending in a Tully Blanchard vs Dusty Rhodes match on TV about two weeks earlier LOL, that would have been back in 1986 I think
First match I ever saw was in 1967 when Chief Wahoo McDaniel wrestled some jobber in Savannah Mo. First TV match was 1969 when Cowboy Bob Kelly wrestled Medic number 1. No cable, 10 o clock on Sat night on an outside attenae. Guess I am telling my age. back then, wrestling in a VFW Hall was like wrestling in MSG. LOL

Wow, can I relate to that . . . my first was in 1976 (6 years old), we had just moved to town and my dad worked at a place that also rented the American Legion building. He took me to the show that night while he did some business. His best friend had ringside seats and I got to sit on his lap during the last match, a battle royal with a bag of money on a pole. Bill Dundee won (Robert Gipson, later of the Rock 'n Roll Express was thrown out and hit me). The next day I watched Memphis Wrestling for the first time on WMCTV5. I can't tell you how many times over the years I went to the American Legion building to watch Jerry Lawler, Jerry Jarret, Jos LeDuc, Dundee, Eddie Gilbert, the Moondogs, Koko Ware, Bobby Eaton, the Fabulous Ones and the list goes on. The good old "territory" days . . .
I guess I'm older than most here. I remember watching wrestling in black and white TV with my Dad before cable. Johnny Valentine, Buddy Rodgers and Angelo Mosca are the names I remember.
I remember my father taking me to wrestling events when I was like, 6 years old, but I became a mark when I got home from the fireworks one night and saw Jeff Hardy versus The Undertaker in a ladder match.
The first time I ever remember watching wrestling was with my cousin sometime in the 80s on a Saturday morning. Then I started buying those rubber action figures(which are now worth a lot) and playing with those for awhile. For some reason I stopped watching wrestling from the late 80s until 1991 when another family member got me back into it. I still like to watch footage of the old stuff, but I haven't watched anything current since the last Summerslam. Right now I only like ROH.
I really don't know because I've been watching wrestling since I was born (literally).

My first memory was actually a wrestling match and it was a scaffold battle royal from the 70's (I think Bill Dundee won it). My dad was a diehard wrestling fan while I was growing up, we used to watch all the events and PPV's that happened and he also had a substantial collection of old wrestling tapes of the 60's and 70's. I'm guessing the reason I remember this was because it was a scaffold match and it was interesting seeing such a spectacle at such a young age. I barely remember the match, just images really, I just remember Bill Dundee and it was a scaffold battle royal because there was like 20 people on the scaffold and the way to win was not only to throw your opponent off the scaffold you also had to throw them over the top rope to the floor so if you fell off, you could still climb up and win it.

Anyways that was my first memory of it.
I only got into wrestling cause some kids(not true fans, as they hate it now) I knew always played WWE sharades & I asked them about it. Now, I know a ton about wrestling. From Hulk Hogan's golden years & WCW with Sting & Flair in the 80's, to the WWF New Generation & WCW snagging Hogan, to the Monday Night Wars, then the Lesnar Era up to today. I'm a pretty informed wrestling fan. However, my first 3 matches(these might reaveal something about my age & such) were Undertaker vs. Randy Orton on SD in 2005(when Bob Orton brought the fake Taker), MNM vs. Rey & Batista(when Mark Henry attacked Batista in the cage), then the WHC Battle Royal with Kurt Angle winning the title. I only watched SD at the time, so my John Cena was Kurt Angle. It was pretty devistating for me to find out that he went to TNA, but then I just became an Undertaker fan, & I was pretty fine after that. Never had the same passion for wrestling since Kurt Angle left until CM Punk won at MITB.
3 1\2 years ago , January 14 2008. Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton for the intercontinental championship on raw. Orton knees hardy in the balls straight away then hardy fought back and jumped of the scaffolding. Amazing I thought they were both dead. I've a hardy fan since btw.
My first memory of watching wrestling was seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin throw Kurt Angle's gold medals down a river. I remember I was about 8 years old I was going through all the channels when I stopped to see Kurt Angle having a beer bash with The Rock I found it interesting so I decided to keep it. Then when Rock left and in came Austin on the titantron insulting Kurt Angle before throwing his gold medals down the river. I was so entertained and intrigued by it that I kept watching the show to see the fallout of this. But as I watched I became a big fan of the product. I became a big fan of The Rock, Edge, and my favorite wrestler of all time Kurt Angle. I even got my parents to order Unforgiven 2001 which my dad sat down and watched it with me and oddly enough he was entertained by it too. Of course it wasn't long before he told me that it wasn't real. I was still a big fan though.

I took a hiatus from following wrestling in 2008(I only watched some stuff like the Y2J/HBK feud and the Hardy/Orton feud) but started watching again in 2009. And that's when I actually found out about the IWC.
My first exposure to wrestling was when I was at a video store when I was 3 and I rented a tape. On this tape was Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon in a ladder match at Summerslam. Watching these two men almost fly around the ring and doing amazing moves with ladders really caught my attention and ever since then I've been hooked on wrestling. That match holds a special place in my heart and I will rewatch it frequently.
I had seen it before, but I remember vividly the match and where I was when I got hooked.

Sting/Flair vs Anderson/Pillman Halloween havoc 1995. Flair is "attacked" before the match, Sting goes in alone, puts up a fight, Flair comes out, turns on Sting. They made me care so much for sting and he was so good at selling and such a good babyface that I flipped shit when Flair turned on him.
In my early early days of pre-wrestling fandom, I saw little snippets of the WWF and Stampede. I remember seeing early footage of Randy Savage's heel turn against Hulk Hogan, an entrance by The Rockers, and a Genius prelim match on Superstars (being the opinionated lad that I was, I immediately voiced my belief that he looked like Jesus Christ, prompting strange stares from everyone in the room).

The first match I witnessed as a serious fan was a bout on Superstars in which Tito Santana wrestled, and of course defeated, a nameless jobber. This was in October 1989. I remember being confused at the time because, although the announcer had referred to him as Tito, Jesse Ventura kept calling him "Chico.":lmao:
My dad used to take me over to his friends house and they would watch WWE PPVs, I was about 5 or 6, I can't even remember most of it. All I remember is being so scared of The Undertaker. lol
I cant remember for sure the first piece of wrestling i saw. from memory i remember itv(uk channel) having some wcw show in the early 90's, and the only person who still sticks in my mind was Vader. i have visions of him destroying all and sundry put in his path.

I didnt have sky, only terrestrial. so there was no wwf for me. until my dad's friend cottoned on to the fact i loved my wrestling, and decided to record the wwf shows for me. for some reason, there was alot of the classics on those tapes. roddy piper promos, jimmy snuka flying from the top of the cage. i was spoilt. i was hooked.

I will always remember the first wrestling video bought for me though. i cant remember the ppv, nor any other matches, but i remember the ultimate warrior vs the undertaker. i was a massive warrior fan(yeah, i know. but we were all kids once.) The match im sure, ended in d/q, with UW fighting his way out of the body bag. I went nuts, my hero (the nutcase in face paint) had warded off the seemingly unstoppable phenom. Does anyone have a clue what ppv that was? as id love to re-find that if possible.

Pretty cool, jogging my mind and remembering all this. ive got so much coming back to me, would love to write and write about them. but, ive bored you enough. great thread btw.
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