First Debate Begins Now

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Due to the problems of getting everyone in here at a certain time, this will be under the format of the candidates will come in, respond to the question and once all of them have (or once a reasonable amount of time has passed) I'll put up the next one. Here are a few rules:

There will be two or so questions at a time. Once a new question has been posted, the debate on the previous questions is over, period.

Anyone posting in here other than myself or the three candidates or Sly will get their post deleted and if they post again, they'll be warned and/or infracted for spamming. It's about these three and that's it.

Some questions will be serious, some won't be, some will be about wrestling and some won't be.

Before we get to the first topic, let's hear a little bit from each candidate about what spot they're running for and why they should be the choice. This is NOT about why the others shouldn't get the job. That will come later.
I am running for a Wrestling section mod spot. While it may come as a shock to some that I didn't pick the Video Games section, that section still comes into play within my vision, I will get back to that in a moment.

The vast majority of my posts have come from the WWE section and I am in there on a daily basis. Since I am already in there daily as it is, I would be an asset to the section as a mod by forming a team with Jack-Hammer to tackle the task of generating discussion. It would make his workload lighter, especially during the busiest time of the wrestling year, Wrestlemania season. I would also be available to assist Nick and Nate as needed with maintaining the section.

Yes, a team is already in place with Jack-Hammer starting threads while Nick and Nate maintain, but something is missing. Somebody needs to be actively involved with the posters by debating with them and helping guide the discussion so that it stays on topic. That is where I come in. It is no secret that I love to post and generate discussion whether it be by debating or starting threads. Plus, with the addition of a 4th member to the WWE stable in myself that could open up the opportunity for me to take over the tasks of anyone currently a mod in there who might wish to change sections in the future.

Everyone knows I spend time on our forum each day. I would therefore be available to moderate every single day. I would also be readily available to provide answers or advice to any poster who needs it both in the "ask a staff member" thread and in PM's. My section would take priority over things like posting or repping, which brings me to my next point.

The non-wrestling non-spam sections are currently the weakest link of the forum, with a grand total of 3 sections that are without a mod. I have kept the video games section alive during its time without a mod on multiple occassions. I promised to keep it active until it receives the attention it deserves. Dave, Doc, and Lee all stepped down. Most of the current staff members do not ever post in there. Since I, on the other hand, DO post there frequently, I would be more than willing to look after it as best I can alongside my mod duties. I plan to keep an eye on it and still post new threads there alongside my mod duties. Lee did that when he was G-Mod and I plan to do the same as WWE mod. If I had further time on my hands I would help out in the Movies & TV section too. The staff is a team and if I get elected to join the team then I will volunteer to help out where needed. I can even check the forum during my breaks at work to do a little extra modding.

Basically, in non-word fort form, I am running for WWE mod and will be available to not only help posters who need it but also volunteer my services to other sections such as Video Games, Movies, or wherever I might be needed on that particular day.
Hello, I'm Coco The Monkey.

Hold for applause.

I'm your friendly neighbourhood spam aficionado with a PhD in re-watching Hollywood Homicide on DVD and a Masters in finding my friends' interpretive dance performances to be wildly hilarious. But what you might not know about me is that I'm also the most obvious choice for a moderator this side of klunderbunker. Now I know some of you are rolling your eyes and dismissing that fact because I fiendishly spend most of my time on WrestleZone in the spam sections.

Hold for shrieks of horror from 1950s housewives.

I know, I know. Discussing things in a concise, laid back format isn't serious posting. Lord knows that when I'm just shooting the shit with my buddies, there has been many a time when an overwhelming guilt comes over me about how I could be doing something useful with my time. Like participating in an organized debate society. Or going up to a group of strangers with a prepared statement and trying to generate discussion among them. I guess not doing those things makes me kind of a bad guy and puts my qualifications as a moderator in question. But let's pretend for just one second that spam discussion is as good as all other discussion on this forum. Let's pretend that lots of little posts can lead to big thoughts and big discussions. Well acknowledging that, shouldn't sections dedicated to spam discussion have their own mod to uphold the rules?

Hold for sombre nodding in agreement and/or wild cheering. Throw shirt to handsome child in second row if you're feeling it.

Well there are some here who are going to argue that nobody needs to be appointed specifically to uphold the rules of the spam section. I've heard many times from those opposed to my goals that there are no rules here and that barely anything happens here that the G-mods are incapable of regulating on their own. And in that logic is a fundamental misunderstanding of the potential for naughtiness in the spam sections. There are still rules prohibiting spoilers, flaming, porn, advertising, and so forth. I've been told twice in as many days from guys on the mod team that there's stuff they can see that needs cleaning up in the spam sections. Unfortunately, they'd have to wait for a G-mod to get online. Isn't that a sad story?

Hold for uncontrollable weeping the likes of which hasn't been seen since Kim Jong-il's funeral. A light breeze is making your nipples a little hard. Should have kept your shirt on.

Yes, the spam sections deserve a dedicated mod-presence just like any other section on this site. If the Hall of Fame gets its own mod, then surely we can assign some proper manpower to a neglected section of this forum that people actually care about. And acknowledging that, it's clear that I'm the hero spam deserves.

Hold for the group of pregnant ladies in the first row to give birth simultaneously.

Mazel tov, ladies. Yes, me. Why? Because I'm the best damn spam poster on the site. Because a bad boy like me knows the rules inside and out. And because I have overwhelming support on the mod team. Just ask jmt225. Just ask xfearbefore. Just ask JGlass. Just ask Nate. Just ask Big Nick Dudley. Just ask It's Damn Real. And look at the former mods who have given me their seal of approval: Uncle Sam, Doc, tdigle, Guysenberg. Hell, when I laid out my qualifications to D-Man, I'm pretty sure I saw him pitch a pant-tent. Why am I telling you all this? Because the mod team is a team.

You know why Sidious flopped? It wasn't because he wasn't a hard worker. And in this case, he didn't flop because Alex Wright decided to put on some pants. No, he flopped because he didn't fit in with the team. Because he wasn't respected. And even though I'm known for being a bit of a dissenter, it's clear that I know how to illicit the respect of those cut from the same mod-worthy cloth as myself. No other man in this election can say the same of himself and there are certainly few on the entire board who would be able to fit into that team while remaining true to their convictions. Me? No false-modesty: I'm capable of doing just that.

Cheque, please.
Last one to the party, aww shucks. Anyway, you all know who I am by now, but here's my little spiel:

I'm gunning to be the next WWE Moderator. Yeah, there are already 3 others, but I'd be a solid addition to that team. I'm not going to run on the platform of "driving discussion," because everybody and their mother knows that with or without guys like Jack-Hammer, the section would live on. I'm looking to take care of the section and make an impact behind the scenes.

I love WWE, I love posting about WWE, and I love being able to help out however I can. I wouldn't be in this contest if I didn't think I could help, if I didn't think I was right for the job. Not only am I active in the section, but I have an excellent understanding of the rules. I'm a fine fit for the job. I also think that I have an excellent grasp of what a moderator should be. You have to be a fine balance of a lot of things -- you have to take all the abuse that will come with a bold name, you have to be willing to help, you have to know how to keep your section clean, etc. While I may not flaunt who I rep or if I help posters regularly, I've done more than enough of that myself. I'm not going to be a strict hand who abuses his power, but I won't be a pushover, either. As a moderator, you cannot let people walk on you, but you must understand their concerns. I can do that.

For a very long time now, I've felt myself fit to be on staff, I've wanted to grab the brass ring. I've posted all over this forum, but I always had a passion for WWE. When I first came around here, I joined one of the factions, the Smackdown B-Team. I used that as motivation to post in WWE. I kept on broadening my posts out, ranging to different sections, at one point posting thread upon thread in the Old School section, but regardless of that, I always came back to WWE. I've seen what the WWE section can become if neglected for even one second and I'm more than willing to change that. I've said it from day one: I want the spot because I think I can help. Period.

I can't predict how this election will turn out, but I know I have my supporters -- current guys on staff, former moderators, regulars, whoever -- and I'm confident in my stance. I'm this close to winning and I hope you guys can get/stay behind me.
Question #2: Why should the other candidates not get someone's vote?

Question #3: What do you think a mod's job is to do? As in, what should a mod do on a regular (not necessarily daily) basis?
Question #2: Why should the other candidates not get someone's vote?

Why shouldn't my opponents get your vote? Because they're not me, the far-and-away best choice. But if you're looking for me to take some direct shots at them, I'm more than willing to oblige. Consider the gloves off.

Let's start with Dagger. That thing I mentioned in my opening post about respect among the staff being vital? Well he's a joke among our current crop of decision-makers. In all fairness, Doc was also a joke when get got bumped up to staff. But he earned his stripes and, more importantly, wasn't as prone to rage as Dagger is. As such, using the example of Doc as precedent for Dagger's potential appointment to staff is kind of ludicrous. I prefer comparing Dagger to Sidious. Remember when Dagger raged-out when people mocked his video game? I do. Pure Sid. You think he's going to take any less mocking once he's part of the staff? Darn tootin' you don't. Mods and civilians alike are going to force him to switch to stronger blood-pressure medication. Those who care about the site wouldn't want to put WrestleZone through the embarassment of another Sidious. Those who care about Dagger wouldn't want to put him and his wife through the health woes. As a matter of fact, I encourage Dagger's wife to vote in the coming election for this very reason.

I'm sure that right about now, some of you would like to reply to this thread and tell me that Dagger can change. Well let me save you the trouble of asking: He can't. He's incapable. Have you seen how he's posted and carried himself on here for years in spite of all the constructive feedback he's received? He's more set in his ways than Milenko. And he's like this in real life too. Remember when his boss was “sabotaging his work performance”? He's not the kind of guy who's willing to take responsibility for anything. When he fails as a mod or is admonished in any form by his superiors, it will be their fault.

If you're looking for a little less amateur psychoanalysis and a little more analysis of one's qualities as a potential WWE section mod, look no further than this shining example of your average Dagger post:

I disagree with this idea. It sounds too much like how they already push bigger guys. We need something different. It is so boring to see the same old push each time. Rumors have been floating around of Skip returning as Ryback, a character who is (kayfabe) from the future. He could still destroy people like he did in Nexus but would need to get on the mic in order to help his character get over. As long as his cowboy antics from NXT do not return then he should do fine on the mic. His promos during Nexus were ok and he can only improve. Even if he does not return as Ryback then he should still do promos because the idea of another "monster" push without promos just adds to my fast forward button's usefulness.
Ordinary in every way, right? He does this in most threads and has done so for years. He's not really interested in discussion. WrestleZone serves as more of a diary for him. Which is fine coming from somebody like Jack-Hammer who's able to tackle an issue from multiple angles, but Dagger isn't that guy. As such, it comes off as dime-a-dozen e-birdcage liner. He doesn't really generate discussion, which he claims is a goal of his and one of his strong-suits as a poster. He's not shown himself to be of above-average skill when putting his back into something (as evidenced by Division Blade). He's not going to add anything to the WWE section that Nate, Nick, and Jack-Hammer don't already. If anyone would like to point out one reason to vote for Dagger beyond loyalty to the ABC Party, I'd love to hear it. Rohan is more qualified to be a mod at this point. At least he's level-headed.

As for Crock, don't make me laugh. A better choice than Dagger by a country mile, but you're fooling yourself if you believe his intentions to be pure. For all his cliché-riddled talk about brass rings and passion and helping out, I don't think he's really thought this through. Look at his opening argument: Zero mention of a demonstrable need for his services, zero mention of the impact he plans to make behind the scenes, zero mention of how he thinks he can help out, not even a solid anecdote about one of these posters he's supposedly helped out. How about some substance? I haven't see anything that empty since the last time I accidentally looked in Newt Gingrich's eyes. I'm sure Crock is going to fire back with a tonne of examples about how I'm totally wrong and fabricate a need for his continued existence, but you can see in his opening post that all he really wants is the glory. Which is cool. I like glory as much as anyone. But I also see that my glory will fill a void that needs filling in a section I frankly dominate.

Want further proof of Crock's motivations? Look at his WZCW character. He uses his real name, Sam Smith. Smith used to be a lawyer, just like Crock wants to be. Smith played football, just like Crock. Crock's so interested in thrusting himself to glory that he neglected to come up with an interesting character and just writes for an idealized version of himself. How self-involved can a guy be? Crock worships no God higher than himself. Nice fellow, but it's true. He might love the forum, but nothing comes above him getting that bold name and feeling like one of the cool kids.

Any questions?

Question #3: What do you think a mod's job is to do? As in, what should a mod do on a regular (not necessarily daily) basis?
What should a mod do regularly? Shower. Put on clean underwear. Brush his teeth. I say “his” because there are no female moderators. Oh, and he should keep his section clean. As clean as he would his keep his body or his teeth or his underwear. Nobody respects a mod with skid-marks in his tighty-whities or Cheetos residue on his fingers. Mmm, Cheetos... Wait, what were we talking about? I forget. Anyway, I've been told there are other mods whose job it is to “drive discussion,” but I don't believe there should be. Sam raised me better than that. He even taught me to wash behind my ears.
Question #2: Why should the other candidates not get someone's vote?

I'm going to start off with Dagger. Personally, I've never had any problems with him, but that doesn't mean I think he's a very good choice for the mod spot. I mean, not only is he getting blasted by many people involved in this election, but moderators (people who he would have to work with) are blasting him as well. I'll quote what Tasty said, which utterly surprised me, as it's out of character:

Not read any of this bar the first 5 posts, but I can tell you the answer to the question. In all the time I've been on these forums I have bad mouthed two posters in any capacity. I do not take the forum home with me. I am not bothered about the TM scandals, Sidious being self-important or the fact that I've basically been totally ignored by the new crop of posters. Seriously my rep goes back to October! I generally just get on with it and don't really get affected by the people on here. The first person I badmouthed was Monkey, because he epitomised the cliquey nature of the forums when I got here. I called him a cunt for specifically that, once, possibly in the board room, and that was that. I have said all this so that you know that I don't speak down of people for no reason.

The second is Dagger Dias, in this post.

Dagger Dias does not deserve to be a mod for the following practical reasons, in this order:

1) None of the mods like him

2) Very few posters like him

3) He is a terrible poster. Quantity over quality is an understatement. There isn't enough megabytes in the world to store the amount of Dagger Dias posts you'd need to find the insight in 1 paragraph of a Gelgarin post.

But these things are all overcomable. Ferbian was guilty of 3, Sidious of 2, and TM of 1, and all did a reasonable job.

So why no to Dagger?

Because he is a snivelling cunt who will do anything to get the mod spot. He has reported posts of people supporting him. He has constantly bothered fellow mods with PMs begging for tips. When Lee posted an obvious joke about "how to become moderator", he followed it verbatim. He made a shit game, then got offended when he asked for criticism and got it. If everyone thinks you're a tool, it's because you're a tool.

These are reasons not to vote for him, but it's not my reason. My reason is when he sent a PM to a moderator, behind the backs of myself, the admins and everyone else asking for my spot, while I was still doing it, because he didn't feel I was doing the job. Regardless of the fact I was moving house at the time. Regardless of the fact that I had obviously informed the admins of this. Regardless of the fact that he is dog shit at posting.

My question to you is how could you work alongside someone who has deliberately gone behind your back? I am not going to resign if he wins, I shouldn't have to, but I can't see how it will make for a pleasant board room. And when you get an unpleasant board room, you end up with trigger happy mods trying to make an impression. I've been here and seen it all before.

If you vote for Dagger Dias, you might end up banned. Both because he will stab the people who voted for him in the back, and because it will create unrest in the board room, which leads to more bannings.

If it was a choice between Dagger Dias and DEADMANSNUMBA1FAN, then you still shouldn't vote for him, but it isn't, it's a choice between some people who have earned their chance, and someone who will step on anyone to get theirs.

As I said, it's completely out of character for Tasty, but that's pretty telling. He's just not a good candidate at all. The term "Daggering" a post exists, you'll never hear about "Slying" a post, "JGlassing" a post, or "Crocking" a post, though, will you? Quantity over quality seems to be the creed that he goes by around here -- then he tries to make it seem as if that makes him any more worthy than anybody else for a position. Look here, if I didn't give a shit about what I was trying to say, I'd probably have that many posts too. Non-spam is something I put effort and thought into, but he seems to just post the minimum so that it gets by. Posting machine =/= good.

I'd also like to point out that he's now running for the WWE mod spot. I find this laughable because he's not even the best candidate for the job in this election. I somehow came to terms with people voting for him to be a Video Games and Technology mod, even though I felt Muffin Top Merkley was better, but when I learned he was gunning for the WWE spot, I couldn't believe it. I'm certainly not the only one.

Some people think this is unnecessary Dagger hate, but it's people wanting this election to count for something. I have never seen such a unanimously negative response to one poster in my time here, barring trolls or Sidious. I don't blame anybody for speaking up either. Dagger is a wanna-mod with no understanding of the rules, as is evidenced by the string of reported posts with no broken rules. He's only gotten this far because he was willing to rep people to get here, I mean, there's nothing against the rules with that, but there are many people who are utterly disgusted that he got this far.

As for Coco, I've said it throughout this thing that I respect the approach he took. He went outside the box, willingly going for a spam mod spot. He's creative and witty, all the respect in the world for that... He's not perfect though. He's left WZCW multiple times, not on good terms, either (in the middle of a major push). For that, I doubt his commitment. I just don't know how badly Coco wants this -- It could all be one big joke to him.

On top of that, as much as I respect his approach, is there need for a spam mod? I can't concretely say that there is or isn't, but I know there's more need for a WWE mod (that's not to say the current WWE team isn't doing a nice job).

In this type of a competition, you need to vote for who is the best potential moderator out of the bunch. Yeah, Dagger has the largest following (due to rep, most likely), although he has lost some members of his party, it seems, and Coco has a large one in his own right, but this election is going to be close. Every vote matters and I can only hope that the right choice is made. Coco for Spam mod? Dagger for WWE mod? Crock for WWE mod? Which one makes the most sense? I'd argue that I certainly make the most sense.

Question #3: What do you think a mod's job is to do? As in, what should a mod do on a regular (not necessarily daily) basis?

A mod has to be committed to his section and to his job. You have to go through and keep your section in good shape. It's not all about deleting posts and moving threads, but rather, making your section run as well as it can. I mean, you do have to go through and read all the threads, no doubt, to make sure there's no spam, but you also have to be able to give suggestions and so on. As moderator, if a poster is struggling with the rules, maybe you have to shoot him a quick PM to try to help and other side of that, you have to be able to deal with questions/abuse on your own. It makes you a target, but it also makes you an example of sorts. Newer posters will look for help from you and you have to be able to do that, but you cannot allow yourself to be manipulated.

Being a moderator is a job and a responsibility. You have to be ready for that. As a moderator, I would regularly keep up with my section, making sure the best discussions possible are going on and not being hindered by spam, I would be helping posters, and I would bring commitment to my job, most importantly. I wouldn't be going for this if I couldn't help out. I truly believe I have what it takes to do the best job possible. I'm not going to give empty promises of "driving discussion," because that's not who I will be as a moderator. I'm always going to be an active poster, but the section will run with or without me, my job will be to make it run as smoothly as possible. As a moderator, you have to have balance and knowledge, it's part of the job. You have to be able to deal with it all -- I can do that.
Let's start off with Coco.

Coco should not be a mod because he is in this for the wrong reasons. He is running for a section that does not need moderation. The spam zone has the shortest list of rules and therefore would be the easiest to mod, as over half the staff didn't already spend most of their time in there. They can infract posts that have anything against the tiny miniscule list of rules for The Bar Room together. Also, he constantly stirs drama. Coco will only end up stirring up more drama in The Board Room because he loves to mess with people. Inevitably, he will cause problems with other staff members just to give himself something to laugh at. He cannot be trusted. A mod needs to be trustworthy, and I know that the higher up's would agree with me here. This is about getting the job done, not getting a bold username displayed with your posts. Finally, he has been obsessed during this campaign with the support he claims to have from Mods, G-mods, and former Mods. That's well and good, but the opinions of newcomers matter and newer regulars matter just as much as the opinions of the veterans and spammers. A lot of them do NOT want Coco to win due to the drama he causes and a lack of trust in him.

Crock is just as bad. Sure, he wants to clean up the WWE section and maybe even throw out a few new threads, but then what's he going to do? Head straight back into the spam zone to join the latest discussion on what posters "suck", and other boring garbage that doesn't matter. He also comes across as someone who will do anything it takes to be seen as "cool". So, much like Coco we have someone who is prone to cause drama, or add to it just so other posters will like him or rep him. He makes promises only when they benefit HIM personally. You cannot count on, or trust, Crock. Once again, that's NOT what being a mod is about.

The bottom line is this.... Neither one of them can be trusted. They are both in this for the glory. When it comes down to it the forum members need to vote for someone who not only can get the job done but also WANTS to volunteer their services in any way needed.

Now then, what IS a mod's job? How should a mod act? I'm glad KB asked this. By now I'm sure many of you have seen JGlass' thread.

In that thread, Tastycles shared a story regarding myself from earlier this year. I want to respond to Tastycles' accusation because it ties in with my answer to the question. As the saying goes, there are two sides to every story.

These are reasons not to vote for him, but it's not my reason. My reason is when he sent a PM to a moderator, behind the backs of myself, the admins and everyone else asking for my spot, while I was still doing it, because he didn't feel I was doing the job. Regardless of the fact I was moving house at the time. Regardless of the fact that I had obviously informed the admins of this. Regardless of the fact that he is dog shit at posting.

Ok, here we go. This is WRONG. For one, Tasty should have discussed this issue with me in private. Also, that's not even what happened. I would be more than happy to shed some light on what REALLY happened.

Ferbian had just resigned. I sent a message to a Mod (name withheld) asking if he might need some help in his section now. He told me everything is under control but to try asking (other Mod name withheld) if he needs help instead since he was r unning a whole section by himself. So I did and was told to ask KB or Sly about it but that he would endorse me within the Board Room. I was contacted again by the first mod I spoke with (name withheld) who informed me that I should inquire about General Wrestling instead. So I asked Sly and KB if any further help was needed, and they said not right now. Both of the mods I had spoken to, as well as a third(name withheld), told me to start by reporting posts. This is the part that JGlass has brought up several times. Yes, I made a mistake that day and the next by reporting too much. I am man enough to admit it. It only lasted a couple of days until a fourth mod (name withheld) told me one of my reports was wrong, and D-Man (not withheld since he himself brought it up in another thread) told me I should stop, and I did.

If you vote for Dagger Dias, you might end up banned. Both because he will stab the people who voted for him in the back, and because it will create unrest in the board room, which leads to more bannings.

These accusations disgust me. Coco and The Crock will just be more of the same if you elect them. Deliberately posting lies about someone that they don't even know, just because it's the "cool" thing to do. Personal matters need to be dealt with in private messages. Not by creating drama in The Bar Room. That is NOT how a moderator should behave like.

So how SHOULD a moderator act and what tasks does that entail? Simple. A mod should keep traffic coming to his section. By POSTING. Debating with those who they disagree with or to further a well brought up point. Coming up with new topics. Keeping the section clean. Being actively involved with the posters by discussing things with them or even offering them advice within emails. Repping for those who help provide good discussion. Someone who will be willing to help out in other sections rather than hunt for spam in each thread then head straight to The Bar Room to insult others. There are unmodded sections that need to be looked after as well. Video Games being one of them. I personally plan to look after it alongside my WWE mod duties. I have kept the section alive this long when many of its regulars have either resigned from the staff such as Dave, Lee, or Doc; and/or stopped posting there. Someone who is kind, friendly, intelligent, passionate about their section's subject matter, trustworthy, approachable, willing to lend a helping hand whether that be to HELP new posters (not insult them or post the message in a public thread) or volunteer to help look after other sections.

A mod should be willing to take rookies under their wing. I have helped out a number of people. Hamler, JWGunslinger, and Notorious718 are just a small handful of guys I took under my wing as a mentor to help them become the posters you know them as today.

Last but certainly not least.... when it comes to dealing with spammers who try to cause drama or posters who are angry about infractions.... I believe in taking an approach similar to customer service at my store. Fighting back with angry customers comes back on me in the end. I maintain a professional attitude and let them know what the rules are. Then I help them with whatever might require assistance. As for drama, one needs to deal with it appropriately within the context of the rules. Drama between Mods should stay in the Board Room. Drama with posters should be dealt with in a respectful way as much as possible.

In closing, Mods need to be friendly, smart, passionate, available, dependable, and trustworthy. I provide all of the above, while Coco and Crock come up short in all of these areas.
Crock is just as bad. Sure, he wants to clean up the WWE section and maybe even throw out a few new threads, but then what's he going to do? Head straight back into the spam zone to join the latest discussion on what posters "suck", and other boring garbage that doesn't matter. He also comes across as someone who will do anything it takes to be seen as "cool". So, much like Coco we have someone who is prone to cause drama, or add to it just so other posters will like him or rep him. He makes promises only when they benefit HIM personally. You cannot count on, or trust, Crock. Once again, that's NOT what being a mod is about.


Oh my God, let me run to all the other mods in the spam zone and tell them they're not doing their job right. So what if I go to the spam zone? Some of the best discussion on here go on in there and even if we're trash talking a poster, why does it matter? I'm going to trash talk a guy like Ryan86, alongside staff and regulars alike, I won't make a thread on a guy like Rayne who posts awesome stuff.

Not only are you talking out of your ass, but you're literally making me laugh. Go into the spam zone and see what we normally talk about. We talk about life, video games, sports, you name it. Don't paint the spam zones as something negative, don't even try.

These accusations disgust me. Coco and The Crock will just be more of the same if you elect them. Deliberately posting lies about someone that they don't even know, just because it's the "cool" thing to do. Personal matters need to be dealt with in private messages. Not by creating drama in The Bar Room. That is NOT how a moderator should behave like.

Anything goes in the Bar Room, champ.

So how SHOULD a moderator act and what tasks does that entail? Simple. A mod should keep traffic coming to his section. By POSTING. Debating with those who they disagree with or to further a well brought up point. Coming up with new topics. Keeping the section clean. Being actively involved with the posters by discussing things with them or even offering them advice within emails. Repping for those who help provide good discussion. Someone who will be willing to help out in other sections rather than hunt for spam in each thread then head straight to The Bar Room to insult others. There are unmodded sections that need to be looked after as well. Video Games being one of them. I personally plan to look after it alongside my WWE mod duties. I have kept the section alive this long when many of its regulars have either resigned from the staff such as Dave, Lee, or Doc; and/or stopped posting there. Someone who is kind, friendly, intelligent, passionate about their section's subject matter, trustworthy, approachable, willing to lend a helping hand whether that be to HELP new posters (not insult them or post the message in a public thread) or volunteer to help look after other sections.

So, you actually think if you didn't post in the WWE section that there wouldn't be as much traffic? Please, spare me that trash. Oh, and I picked out some of the last few threads you've made, in order to point out that you're not the master of generating discussion you think you are:

Color me impressed.

In closing, Mods need to be friendly, smart, passionate, available, dependable, and trustworthy. I provide all of the above, while Coco and Crock come up short in all of these areas.

Question #4: What is your own biggest flaw?

Question #5: What are some of your favorite moments/matches/wrestlers of all time? This can be single word/phrase answers if you would prefer or can be detailed.
Question #4: What is your own biggest flaw?

I can be a bit of a try-hard sometimes. There's a line between enthusiasm and annoyance, I've acknowledged it and tried to cut down on it. It may rub people the wrong and I understand that too. It's not out of poor intentions though, it's not like I go around and try to do it. Recently I feel like I haven't had that problem much as, like I said, I've tried to get rid of it. I enjoy the forum quite a bit, so I think it's worth that effort.

I'm not perfect, but I don't pretend I am either.

Question #5: What are some of your favorite moments/matches/wrestlers of all time? This can be single word/phrase answers if you would prefer or can be detailed.

Oh, wow. My favorite matches range from Owen/Bret at WrestleMania X, to Steamboat/Savage at WrestleMania 3, to TLC at SummerSlam 2000, to my very favorite... Austin/Hart at WrestleMania 13. I mean, every one of those matches had something about it that "hooked" me. Owen vs Bret is probably the best opening match of all time. They were brilliant at the wrestling aspect of it, but the psychology is what really draws you in. The sibling rivalry, the tension, the two different philosophies brought into the match; pure gold. Steamboat vs Savage is a match that I often consider to be near the top and it's a match I would probably show to someone who is just getting into wrestling. It tells a story and the in-ring work is spectacular. I still watch it, and even knowing the finish, I still give out a little cheer when Steamboat gets the small package. It's a timeless classic. Then we have the spectacular TLC match at SummerSlam 2000. This was a special, special match -- the first ever TLC match. I love it just because is was chock full of action and I remember watching this long ago and just being enthralled by how willing these men were to put their bodies on the line, how much they were willing to give for the fans. The atmosphere of the whole match was electric, there was something about it, and I've always been fond of the match. Finally, we're on to Austin vs Hart. The famous "double turn." It was an awesome match, No-DQ Submission Match, it's what made me truly love Steve Austin. The image of Steve Austin not wanting to give up, it's one of the most lasting images I'll ever have of professional wrestling. It was the match that solidified Steve Austin, hell, he calls it his favorite match ever. Great stuff in that match, in all of those, in fact.

My favorite moments? I have a few, Mankind winning the WWF Championship will always be near the top of that list. Mick Foley put butts in those seats, no doubt. Foley did what nobody ever thought he would do, he followed his dream and became WWF Champion. It's a moving moment. Not just that, but the crowd pop -- for him winning and Stone Cold arriving -- is incredible. It's unlike anything else in wrestling. I have a more recent "favorite" moment too, The Rock's return. The Rock is one of my all time favorite wrestlers, a childhood hero of sorts, and it just seemed so unlikely for him to ever return. I remember being so excited for Raw, just waiting for him to come out. I vividly remember D-Man popping into the LD and saying something along the lines of, "It won't be The Rock, come on people." Then seconds after that, a woman stepped out of the limo and it seemed like all hope was lost. When the lights went out, you could tell something special was going to happen, and when I heard his theme hit, I jumped into the air and cheered like a lunatic. I rarely outwardly cheer while watching wrestling on TV, but this got a reaction out of me like nothing else had in a long time. Then there's Hogan slamming Andre, Hogan joining the nWo, Michaels super kicking Jannetty through the window, classic stuff.

My favorite wrestler of all time is probably Shawn Michaels, but Rock, Austin, and Cena are all close. Ever since HBK's retirement, I've started to truly appreciate how good he was. Don't get me wrong, he was prick in his earlier days, but he was great at what he did. I think he was at his best when he returned from his back injury though. His matches with Jericho, Angle, and 'Taker are some of the best matches of the decade. On top of that, he got the PWI Match of the Year 11 times ('93 to '96 and '04 to '10). He was a once in a lifetime talent, a smaller guy who made it big. His matches drew you in, his promos entertained you, the man was brilliant. Watching his send-off was a bittersweet moment for me, knowing I'd never see him wrestle again, but I was appreciative of what he did. Then you have Rock, Austin, and Cena, who are also once in a lifetime talents. These guys are all special and they all offer something special to the viewer, which is why they drew me in.
Question #4: What is your own biggest flaw?
My biggest weakness is that I don't suck dick. I know a lot of people on here seem to like Dagger's proclivity for using ******io to encourage little boys new posters to stay active on the board, but I just don't swing that way. I don't reward mediocrity with blowjobs. Heck, I don't even reward greatness with blowjobs. Some people might think that makes me kind of abrasive, and that assessment probably isn't too far off. But whereas Dagger will blow you one minute and then fuck you in your ass when your back is turned, I'm a straight-shooter. You know what you're getting with me and my aim is usually dead on. I'm not going to butter anything up for you. I'm Mr. Meat & Potatos. Sure, there was that one time I sucked a popsicle like it was a penis just to see if I was any good at it. I was pretty satisfied with my skill level considering I was novice and I ended up getting a little aroused by the experience, but really: I don't put penises in my mouth.

Question #5: What are some of your favorite moments/matches/wrestlers of all time? This can be single word/phrase answers if you would prefer or can be detailed.
This is a tough question to answer because my preferences on these things are never in stasis for too long. I can tell you that for years, RVD was far-and-away my favourite wrestler. Just recently, CM Punk dethroned RVD and became number one. But aside from that obvious one and two, I do my best not to rank wrestlers and I'm the same way with matches. What I will say is that I like keeping my eyes on the future. I'm not one who can go and rewatch the same matches again and again, so discussions about great WrestleMania matches or the same handful of Steamboat-Flair classics tend to bore me to tears. I'm always up for what's next. My favourite match is probably the next great one I see. Yeah, corny. Well, you asked.
My biggest flaw? Honestly, the fact that I sometimes have a hard time trying new things, which translates to my forum life as well. I'm very loyal to brands, hobbies, and other things that I enjoy, but over time, I've have become better at trying new things. I've become open to different genres of games, music, and movies, and it's benefited my forum life as well. People claim I'm quantity over quality, but I consider it broadening my horizons. I let myself get involved, sometimes too much, with talking about the things I am passionate about. For example, my fandom for things like Final Fantasy or WWE started out with me trying something that was new to me. Sometimes, I still struggle in this area, but I attempt to try new things anyway and post about them, even if I'm not the biggest authority on that particular topic. I feel like I've improved dramatically in my post quality, but there's always room for further improvement. With trying new things, I've become more active in all sections regarding my posting. It's a challenge, one I've yet to perfect, but it's a challenge I'm enjoying.

As for my favorite matches, moments, and wrestlers of all time? That's a great question. It reminds me of the time I went to Wrestlemania 25. I've been watching WWE for over 20 years, but part of my fandom had been feeling incomplete for years. Until Wrestlemania 25, I'd never attended a WWE show in person before. Getting to see our favorite wrestlers in person is an tremendously different experience than watching Raw, or ordering a PPV. As a child, I could never convince my parents to buy tickets for me. During college I had stashed away enough money to attend Wrestlemania 25, and sat in the VIP seating only a couple of rows away from the ring itself. With the high price of tickets and being unemployed at the time, it did a number on my wallet, but there was nothing I'd rather have used that money for.

Being there was a surreal experience, one I'll carry with me for the rest of my life. I was so amazed by the experience that it wasn't until John Morrison's music hit for the opening match that it finally hit me. I was really there! I was at Wrestlemania with 70,000 other fans, and John Morrison was only several feet away from me as he was coming to the ring!

What followed was a PPV event that most people have pretty mixed feelings about. Having watched the DVD of it several times I think incredibly high of the show, which in some ways can be directly related to being there. This was one of the best nights of my life though. I got to see many of my WWE heroes from childhood in person, wrestling as if they were performing just for me. I also got to see Stone Cold get inducted to the Hall of Fame, one of my all-time favorites growing up.

Further, My favorite match of all time took place that night. Of course, I'm referring to the epic Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker match. Everything about it was perfect, and being there to see the actual match take place was something I will never forget. The entrances were amazing with Michaels doing a Holy parody of Undertaker for his entrance where he wore white and came down from "heaven" on a tall lift. Taker rose up from "hell" and his entrance in person was bone chilling. Attending Wrestlemania is something if possible every fan should experience at least once. The match saw both guys hit virually every move in their arsenal and Michaels came very close to ending the streak. It was amazing and I loved every minute of it, as I truly felt apart of this epic moment.

When asked about my favorite wrestlers, there are two who quickly come to mind. John Cena and Shawn Michaels. HBK had a career that was nothing short of legendary. He started off in a tag team with Marty Jannetty in The Rockers. When they split up following the famous Barbershop heel turn, Michaels set the standard for splitting up a tag team into the star (Michaels) and the other guy (Jannetty). He had multiple runs in the DX faction with Triple H, to this day one my all-time favorite faction. He also changed others personal perceptions of him, and became quite unselfish in putting over some of today's top wrestlers, such as John Cena and Orton. HBK constantly stole the show with whomever he worked with, my my personal favorite being his feud with Chris Jericho in 2008. The feud embodied everything that makes a feud great. Awesome promos, show stealing matches at multiple PPV events, and even a Ladder match for the World Championship at the end. It lasted for many months and kept me wanting more the entire time. His retirement saddend me, but he went out in the best way possible. Stealing the show one last time with Undertaker at Wrestlemania in a match that will go down as one of the best in pro wrestling history.

Then we have John Cena. A lot of people hate on him for his current persona but I have enjoyed every moment of his run in WWE. His "Never give up" attitude is very inspirational for people needing a hero figure. Every year I look forward to his unique Wrestlemania entrances. The clone army and crashing through the glass in the mustang were the two best. Cena is one of a kind and whether you like the guy or hate him, he generates strong reactions from every crowd. He never gave up and achieved his dream of becoming a multi time WWE Champion. Whether it be his rapper persona, his current gimmick, or even if a heel turn is in Cena's future, he will always be my favorite wrestler.
Question #6: Each candidate respond to the statement about themselves:

1. Coco is a troll that will make a mockery of the forums.

2. Dagger is a whiny man that has no basic intelligence and therefore an idiot.

3. Crock has tried to become a mod multiple times and has basically begged for it on occasion.

Once everyone has posted responses, you can comment on those responses, but not before.
3. Crock has tried to become a mod multiple times and has basically begged for it on occasion.

Well, I was given advice and told to express my interest, so that's what I tried to do. I never tried to hide that I wanted it, but it was never my intention to come close to begging. My intent was to say, "Hey, if you ever need help, then feel free to look my way." I can see why that might have seemed desperate or annoying now, but I was just trying a different approach. It wasn't something I constantly did though, but looking back at it, I probably shouldn't have ever done it. You never want to come off as desperate.

I just have passion for the forum and for posting in general, so I feel like a mod spot would be a great way for me to help. That's why I entered this competition and why I'm in it now, I want this. If I don't get elected, it won't be a huge blow, but it would be an awesome thing if I did. Hell, if I never get modded, I'll still happily come on here. It's just a matter of me feeling like I could help, if needed.
1. Coco is a troll that will make a mockery of the forums.
If I'm a troll, I'm small fish compared to our gracious overlord Slyfox. The man is the troll of trolls. Many of his opinions are expressed strongly and in the most divisive manner possible in order to evoke a response from the masses. And that generates oodles of activity for the forum. I don't believe that a moderator needs to generate discussion, but if I did I'd want that discussion-generating moderator to be a master troll cut from the same cloth as our resident Matt Damon-loving admin. So let's pretend for a moment I am a troll: So what? Slyfox joined the mod team as a divisive Cena-loving douche who nobody really cared for. Has he made a mockery of the forum?

Now look at the opponent of mine who subscribes to the mindset outlined in your statement, KB. Dagger thinks he's up to the task of generating discussion, but wouldn't you rather have a troll doing that job? His threads are normally light in responses because they're pretty soft in the emotion department, and that's something he fails to comprehend. On the other hand, look at the activity ryan86 brought to the WWE section. If that guy could have kept his act together when it came to adhering to the rules, he'd be a real keeper for generating discussion. Because trolling works. Slyfox > ryan86 >>>>>>>>>> Dagger.
So I have been accused of being a whiny idiot and now have the task of responding to said statement.

I imagine the whining part is in reference to my reactions to what Mozz said about my game or when I backed out of the Video Games tournament after people began being excessively rude in their responses to me in there. Then there's my response to Monkey calling me a (prejudiced remark withheld) in the Bar. I strongly dislike rudeness. Do I realize that posters will be less than pleased with me infracting them? Of course I am aware of that. Rules have to be enforced. If someone breaks the rules, they need to be punished. Period.

As for anyone who claims I am unintelligent, they could not be further from the truth. A ridiculous hate crusade against me is going on with over 500 posts at this point within multiple threads. If I truly were an "idiot" then I would have plunged head-first into each thread and angrily posted responses to each negative post in there. That would not only cause more drama, but it would be setting a bad example. I stayed out of those threads to prove a point. Giving in to those insults will not make them go away. On the contrary, it will make them come back with something worse.

I know that mods get criticised daily. It happens. I have been a member of this forum for over 3 years. In that time I have kept my issues with others to a minimum and in private. If I have a problem with someone, I contact them in private rather than calling them out in public. Causing drama is not acceptable behavior and the example I intend to lead by is ignoring haters unless someone informs me of a completely uncalled for comment, which is when I will stand up for myself. Not a meltdown, but politely letting the individual know the truth. It can be done in public such as the spam zone if necessary.

Yes, I got my feelings hurt by people on here before. Big deal. Life goes on. I still post on here and enjoy doing so. Nothing is ever going to change that.
I imagine the whining part is in reference to my reactions to what Mozz said about my game or when I backed out of the Video Games tournament after people began being excessively rude in their responses to me in there. Then there's my response to Monkey calling me a (prejudiced remark withheld) in the Bar. I strongly dislike rudeness. Do I realize that posters will be less than pleased with me infracting them? Of course I am aware of that. Rules have to be enforced. If someone breaks the rules, they need to be punished. Period.
That precedent you set for yourself in the video game tournament seems to suggest that when excessive rudeness breaks out in response to your moderating, you'll abandon the team. Your decision to bury your head in the sand in response to any negative thing said about you during this election seems to support that line of thinking.

As for anyone who claims I am unintelligent, they could not be further from the truth. A ridiculous hate crusade against me is going on with over 500 posts at this point within multiple threads. If I truly were an "idiot" then I would have plunged head-first into each thread and angrily posted responses to each negative post in there. That would not only cause more drama, but it would be setting a bad example. I stayed out of those threads to prove a point. Giving in to those insults will not make them go away. On the contrary, it will make them come back with something worse.
I think using this as the basis of your intelligence proves just how unintelligent you are. Let's pretend for a second that the reason you're avoiding those hate threads isn't because you have no answer to the accusations being levelled at you and that after about five posts in there you'd likely be sitting in the corner wearing a dunce hat, weeping uncontrollably while everyone correctly wonders exactly how long you were deprived of oxygen at birth. Let's pretend that's not what's at play here. Let's say staying out of those threads was the right move (it's not; just more proof that you'd be a mod who buries his head in the sand when things don't go his way). Let's talk about your post quality independent of this election. Let's talk about your reputation for quantity over quality. Let's talk about how you were laughed out of the video game tournament because what you think constitutes logical argument is the posting equivalent of a down syndrome chimp finger painting with his faeces. What says you of the REAL questions about your intelligence?

I know that mods get criticised daily. It happens. I have been a member of this forum for over 3 years. In that time I have kept my issues with others to a minimum and in private. If I have a problem with someone, I contact them in private rather than calling them out in public. Causing drama is not acceptable behavior and the example I intend to lead by is ignoring haters unless someone informs me of a completely uncalled for comment, which is when I will stand up for myself. Not a meltdown, but politely letting the individual know the truth. It can be done in public such as the spam zone if necessary.
And yet while you play nice like this to everyone's face and are willing to pretend everything's honky-dory in public, Tasty (a guy not known for burying anybody) insists you lied to each person on this board when you countered his assertion about you trying to get him sacked. So that makes you a LIAR and a TWO-FACED SHIT-STIRRER on top of being a COWARD WHO WANTS TO STICK HIS HEAD IN THE SAND. You don't even need to have a meltdown at this point to seal the deal on you not being mod material.

Way to go, brain surgeon.
That precedent you set for yourself in the video game tournament seems to suggest that when excessive rudeness breaks out in response to your moderating, you'll abandon the team. Your decision to bury your head in the sand in response to any negative thing said about you during this election seems to support that line of thinking.

I can assure you that I am a team player. If I win this election and join the mod team then I do not plan on backing out anytime soon. The only thing that ever could would be if real life issues happen that prevent me from being able to complete my mod duties properly. My job and my family take priority over the forum. However, with no job or family related crises currently eating up the time I will spend moderating, I can safely say I would be a part of the team for a very long time. Cricitism and rudeness will not cause me to quit. That is a promise. Once I go bold, I'm staying.

With that being said.... The rest of your post proves exactly why KB had you answer the accusation behind your behavior in this round's question. If you become mod this is the same behavior that not only the posters you interact with, but also the rest of the staff, will be forced to deal with. Your priority is insulting people. That's all you ever do! You don't care about improving the forum. You can't be trusted. You just want a bold username and the power to infract the people you insult. The only backstabber and deceiver here is YOU.
I can assure you that I am a team player. If I win this election and join the mod team then I do not plan on backing out anytime soon. The only thing that ever could would be if real life issues happen that prevent me from being able to complete my mod duties properly. My job and my family take priority over the forum. However, with no job or family related crises currently eating up the time I will spend moderating, I can safely say I would be a part of the team for a very long time. Cricitism and rudeness will not cause me to quit. That is a promise. Once I go bold, I'm staying.
And maybe once you go bold, you'll want an underline too. You know, real life has taken D-Man away from the forums in the past and it looks like his ability to check the forums during work is soon going to be limited. Sounds like an opening for you to move on up, champ. Maybe you'll be PMing KB to see if your services are needed at a G-mod level once you've decided D-Man has outlived his usefulness, just like you tried to throw Tasty under the bus. Sounds like a recipe for the kind of two-faced drama I alluded to in my last post. You may think you'll stay bold, but with instincts deep down in the fibre of your being to do exactly what I just outlined, you're just not destined for a long stay in the Board Room. You can't be trusted to play nice with the other mods. And worse than that, you can't be trusted to be honest with them.

With that being said.... The rest of your post proves exactly why KB had you answer the accusation behind your behavior in this round's question. If you become mod this is the same behavior that not only the posters you interact with, but also the rest of the staff, will be forced to deal with. Your priority is insulting people. That's all you ever do! You don't care about improving the forum. You can't be trusted. You just want a bold username and the power to infract the people you insult. The only backstabber and deceiver here is YOU.
Well that's all well and good, schnookums. But you've responded to almost none of the legitimate criticism I laid out about you. And contrary to popular belief, criticizing your character and qualifications =/= trolling. If it did, all you guys who keep speaking ill about my motivations would be trolls too. Are you a troll, Dagger?

Anyhow, what makes anyone think I'm likely to infract those I dislike? With the number of arguments I get into on here, I've shown time and time again that I know how to stand up for myself and take my medicine as well as anyone on this board. You, on the other hand, have shown an unhealthy habit of bottling all of your anger up and dealing with things privately. Why should anyone tolerate your proclivity for privacy? When did we stop expecting transparency around here? I've been nothing but open, jolly on the spot, and on the level this whole election, proving what kind of man I am. The guy who's too scared to go out and speak to the masses is going to accuse me to being untrustworthy? Fucking laughable, home-slice. If you were really the man of the people you believe yourself to be, if you really had nothing to hide, you wouldn't be avoiding the questions and the people asking them. Your behaviour over this entire election process has been HIGHLY suspicious. You clearly don't want to be on the record about anything at this point because you know how easy it will be to expose the sleaze you truly are underneath this façade.

As for the question of what the rest of the staff will be forced to deal with should I win (and I hate to bring this up again), I have more staff support than any other candidate in this election. If they really had any problems with my attitude, how do you explain that away?
And maybe once you go bold, you'll want an underline too. You know, real life has taken D-Man away from the forums in the past and it looks like his ability to check the forums during work is soon going to be limited. Sounds like an opening for you to move on up, champ. Maybe you'll be PMing KB to see if your services are needed at a G-mod level once you've decided D-Man has outlived his usefulness, just like you tried to throw Tasty under the bus. Sounds like a recipe for the kind of two-faced drama I alluded to in my last post. You may think you'll stay bold, but with instincts deep down in the fibre of your being to do exactly what I just outlined, you're just not destined for a long stay in the Board Room. You can't be trusted to play nice with the other mods. And worse than that, you can't be trusted to be honest with them.

Asking for a recommendation if someone is stepping down and blatantly trying to get someone fired are two entirely different animals. I never tried to get Tasty fired. I simply asked a friend for a favor and was curious if Tasty was stepping down. Get your facts straight next time.

As for G-Mod status? I won't even THINK about that until I have earned it. As in serving on staff as a regular mod for a significant amount of time, and doing a good enough job to earn the right to move up. It's like getting promoted at a real job. You don't become full-time, let alone a manager, by begging for it. You start off part-time and earn your way up the ladder. My run as mod will be no different.

On another note, D-Man will NEVER outlive his usefulness. I feel the same way about the rest of the staff. They are all part of the team for a reason, otherwise they would not have been allowed on in the first place.

And contrary to popular belief, criticizing your character and qualifications =/= trolling. If it did, all you guys who keep speaking ill about my motivations would be trolls too.

I was referring to your actions in countless other threads. You have done nothing to prove that reputation wrong.

Are you a troll, Dagger?

Hardly. Trolls hijack threads to derail the topic of discussion and/or insult other posters just for their own entertainment. That sounds an awful lot more like you, bro.

Anyhow, what makes anyone think I'm likely to infract those I dislike?

Simple. You cannot be trusted and would likely abuse your powers for your own enjoyment. You have given no reason for anyone to think otherwise.

You, on the other hand, have shown an unhealthy habit of bottling all of your anger up and dealing with things privately. Why should anyone tolerate your proclivity for privacy? When did we stop expecting transparency around here? I've been nothing but open, jolly on the spot, and on the level this whole election, proving what kind of man I am. The guy who's too scared to go out and speak to the masses is going to accuse me to being untrustworthy? Fucking laughable, home-slice.

Dealing with things in private is how it SHOULD be done. It is more respectful and more professional. Singling people out in a hate thread for the whole forum to see is only done by those trying to compensate for things they don't have in real life. Just sayin'. As for proving what kind of man you are? You are absolutely right that you have. You're as deceitful and manipulative as they come and I'm not falling for it. I, on the other hand, actually want to bring about positive results for this forum unlike certain other people who only cause drama or chaos. Looking at YOU, pal.

As for the question of what the rest of the staff will be forced to deal with should I win (and I hate to bring this up again), I have more staff support than any other candidate in this election. If they really had any problems with my attitude, how do you explain that away?

Staff support may be an asset to your campaign, but the mod team make up a very small percent of the forum. There's thousands of members and each of their votes count under the same weight as someone like JGlass. Every single vote counts in the end, therefore bragging about all this support you claim to have from the mods is not going to win you this election.
Asking for a recommendation if someone is stepping down and blatantly trying to get someone fired are two entirely different animals. I never tried to get Tasty fired. I simply asked a friend for a favor and was curious if Tasty was stepping down. Get your facts straight next time.
I've checked my facts with Tastycles. I'm more likely to believe him than you. You've got self-interest tainting your words. Tasty, on the other hand, isn't known to be a vindictive person. His credibly vastly outweighs your own.

As for G-Mod status? I won't even THINK about that until I have earned it. As in serving on staff as a regular mod for a significant amount of time, and doing a good enough job to earn the right to move up. It's like getting promoted at a real job. You don't become full-time, let alone a manager, by begging for it. You start off part-time and earn your way up the ladder. My run as mod will be no different.
Sure, you say that now. To everyone's face.

On another note, D-Man will NEVER outlive his usefulness. I feel the same way about the rest of the staff. They are all part of the team for a reason, otherwise they would not have been allowed on in the first place.
Yeah, he will outlive his usefulness. Just like IC25 saw that he had outlived his usefulness. Just like NorCal saw that he had outlived his usefulness. Every dog has his day, and to say otherwise means you're unrealistic or you're slobbing knob. Which is it?

Anyhow, the issue here isn't whether or not D-Man will reach a time when his services aren't needed on staff. He will and that's that. The issue is that your nature makes me think the day will come when you'll go behind his back and try to push him off that cliff before his time is up.

I was referring to your actions in countless other threads.
Slyfox gets personal with people constantly. Do you think he abuses his power?

Hardly. Trolls hijack threads to derail the topic of discussion and/or insult other posters just for their own entertainment. That sounds an awful lot more like you, bro.
Sounds more like Slyfox, really. Have you seen how that guy rolls in CM Punk threads? Mah boi be trolling all the way to the bank, dawg.

Simple. You cannot be trusted and would likely abuse your powers for your own enjoyment. You have given no reason for anyone to think otherwise.
IC25 once banned me as part of a practical joke. D-Man once banned Zeven just because he wanted to. Slyfox uses his powers to stir up drama constantly, case and point being this competition. Great mods thrive on drama. If anything, my alleged proclivity for "trolling" is going to be an asset when my name is bold.

Dealing with things in private is how it SHOULD be done. It is more respectful and more professional. Singling people out in a hate thread for the whole forum to see is only done by those trying to compensate for things they don't have in real life. Just sayin'.
That's nice. You still look like you're trying to hide something by not addressing the concerns of the electorate. Being a spineless bitch isn't an asset in real life. Just sayin'.

As for proving what kind of man you are? You are absolutely right that you have. You're as deceitful and manipulative as they come and I'm not falling for it.
My mistake thinking someone with the IQ of a fucking lima bean would fall for logic and reason.

I, on the other hand, actually want to bring about positive results for this forum unlike certain other people who only cause drama or chaos. Looking at YOU, pal.
The only truly positive result is activity brought about by adherence to the rules. Only one of us actually bring this to the forum.

You're welcome, WrestleZone.

Staff support may be an asset to your campaign, but the mod team make up a very small percent of the forum.
Not the issue, proving once again that you can't follow a fucking conversation even if you're actually participating in it, dullard. Let me rewind this bitch for you so that you can catch up. You said that the staff would be forced to deal with my behaviour. My response was that the staff doesn't see my behaviour as the damning issue you do, so what's the problem? Marginalizing the staff's influence in this election process is beside the point. Why are you speaking about some alleged drama that would to take place if I make staff when the reality is that I'm cool with most of those people?

There's thousands of members and each of their votes count under the same weight as someone like JGlass. Every single vote counts in the end, therefore bragging about all this support you claim to have from the mods is not going to win you this election.
I didn't brag, but since you bring it up it sure is interesting how the most informed members in matters regarding this forum's administration are on my side of the debate and vehemently against you. Seems the people who know what makes a great staff member aren't in love with the idea of working alongside a functionally ******ed toilet brush (yes, that WAS a knock at your hair).
Question #7: If elected, what will be the entertainment at your election party?

Question #8: If you could change one rule on the forums, what would it be?

Question #9: What should Norcal/IC/D-Man name the eventual love child they somehow all father?
Question #7: If elected, what will be the entertainment at your election party?

John Morrison takes independent bookings nowadays, so I guess he'd be a sure shot.

Question #8: If you could change one rule on the forums, what would it be?

Uhhh... The thread starting rule, I guess? Make it a little more, like 25 posts or something, just to keep idiots from running up their post count and posting random threads.

Question #9: What should Norcal/IC/D-Man name the eventual love child they somehow all father?

Dagger Dias.
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