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Finlay Fired from WWE; Worth Bringing in as Backstage Asset?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
If you haven't read it by now, Dave "Fit" Finlay, who's been working backstage in WWE as an agent/producer was reportedly fired due to an incident that occured at a recent WWE house show event where The Miz was scripted to interrupt the National Anthem at a show where the National Guard were reportedly in attendance. Due to the fact that the NG are a major WWE sponsor, Finlay was "made the scapegoat" and tossed.

Now I realize not a lot of folks know much about him in terms of what he's really capable of doing backstage, but as an agent this seems like a no-brainer, no? Finlay has a tremendous reputation as a wrestling veteran, and while I can't speak to his abilities as an actual producer, if he was working with WWE as one he sure as hell isn't some flunky.

Note: I am not advocating bringing him in as a wrestler by any means. TNA have enough veterans on their roster to fit that bill as it is. This would be purely as a backstage man/agent/producer.

Thoughts? Concerns?
Actually, if they brought him in as a manager/wrestler/agent, that wouldn't be so bad. He still had some energy left in the tank when he last wrestled on Smackdown, was doing pretty well in the battle royal before he was chucked over the rope. Has, not a legend status, but a pretty good status.

Honestly, I see him as more of a fit for Ring of Honor though. Finlay was never really an "entertainer", more of a wrestler.
Without knowing the details of how he performed as a producer for the WWE, it's really tough to make a call on what he could bring to TNA. I eagerly await the people in this thread who try to fluff their smark cred by talking about what he's done and what he could do for TNA, but there are maybe two or three people that visit this board who have that information, and they don't post.

Without being very familiar with TNA's backstage culture, you can't even really comment on what a "Dave Finlay figure" could bring to TNA. It does appear chaotic and disorganized (still wondering who let Jeff Hardy out of his trailer), and Finlay appears to have thrived in the strict culture of the WWE. I don't think he'd be doing the same work, either; in terms of wrestling ability, the TNA Knockouts in general are light years ahead of the WWE Divas. The issue with the TNA Knockouts Division isn't talent, it's promotion, and there's not much a road agent could do about that.

So, long story short, who knows. Is Finlay falling on the sword for the WWE, under a non-public agreement that he'll be brought back in a few months? Has the WWE been looking to release him, but wanted a reason? There are far too many variables in this equation to make much sense of it.
Actually, if they brought him in as a manager/wrestler/agent, that wouldn't be so bad. He still had some energy left in the tank when he last wrestled on Smackdown, was doing pretty well in the battle royal before he was chucked over the rope. Has, not a legend status, but a pretty good status.

Honestly, I see him as more of a fit for Ring of Honor though. Finlay was never really an "entertainer", more of a wrestler.

Eh, I get the sense he'd come in as another Tommy Dreamer if that were the case, which is what I'd love to avoid if possible. Dreamer was an OK signing, but he's spent entirely too much time on television since, and his physique and his actual wrestling addition has been kinda crappy.

Finlay is in far better shape (most likely), and a small feud here or there probably wouldn't hurt much, but TNA isn't really in any place to be hiring more veterans right now. They already struggle with shaking the graveyard mentality as it is — as a backstage guy I'd be fine with it, just like I was with Al Snow, Savio Vega, D-Lo Brown, etc.
Dave Finlay would be a great Employee for TNA to bring in in some sort of Producer/Backstage Worker as hes a well respected veteran with all these years of experience under his notch. TNA would have to be run by some money grubbing performer from the 80's or some over confident business man or a booker who books things like he took a hit of PCP before writing things to pass this man up.

That said; I'm getting a Deja Vu feeling about this situation. It reminds me too much of Brian Danielson being fired for choking an easily replaceable ring announcer with his necktie. I get the feeling WWE officials fired Finlay not because they wanted to but because they "had" to. I can see him back in the E soon enough, however I do feel he can do so much good running the house that Jarrett built.
I would hate to see him on screen, TNA already has enough older guys like Flair, Bischoff, Hogan ect. on screen, not that I don't like seeing Flair and Bischoff I mean their very entertaining guys. I just think they don't have enough air time for another on air personality. But backstage he could be helpfull
Like IDR already mentioned, I don't necessarily want to see Finlay as an active wrestler for TNA...but the idea of him working behind the scenes seems like a good one.

I really don't know anything about Finlay's producing skills, in fact I didn't even know he was working for the WWE in that capacity until today (upon reading the article that said he was fired). I can only speculate on Finlay's producing skills, but I'd imagine that he'd be quite good at it. The guy's been in the business since the mid-70s, right (I only read that today too, lol!)? ...so he's gotta know his stuff. I imagine Finlay to be the kind of guy who would be great at getting things like timing down for the show, for some reason I see him as being a "perfectionist-type" (again, I have no knowledge of this...just the kind of guy he seems to be).

TNA currently employs Al Snow and D'Lo Brown in this same kind of a role, as far as I know. I can't imagine that Finlay would do any worse than those guys do. I thought Finlay was great in the ring (from what I've seen of him in WWE, and WCW on television), but never seemed like a great wrestling "character". He might not do too great with storylines, but I suppose that's not what TNA would hypothetically be hiring him to do. I think he can tell a great story in the ring, and be an asset to TNA in helping the younger guys do just that. I could also see him at the curtain, helping the guys get "pumped up" before they go out to the ring! Haha! If I was in charge of hiring in TNA, I'd be jumping all over this. A guy with that much time in the business (with the wealth of knowledge he must have acquired over the years) can't be a bad hire.
All I know about his backstage work as an agent. Is that he mainly worked with the Divas. He has been praised for turning the Diva division around in the early 2000's. I'm sure he would be an asset to TNA. He has been in the wrestling business for a very long time. He could really help the younger guys or maybe even the Knockouts develop their skills. However I think there's a good chance he'll be rehired by the WWE. It sounds something like the same situation that Daniel Bryan was in. Bryan got fired because people complained about the choking incident. Then he was brought back two months later. We'll have to wait and see if WWE doesn't bring him back. I wouldn't be surprised to see him join TNA.
Im all for someone coming into the backstage area. That is where TNA is hurting right now and having an extra person throwing around ideas is not going to hurt. Whether or not the backstage heavyweights (Bischoff/Russo) will listen is another story.

I think having Final would be great, hes a pure wrestler and never was much of a showman. He got in the ring and got things done, whereas Bischoff and Russo are (and I use this term lightly) entertainers. So having someone who can come in and really influence the core wrestling would be a huge plus.
Eh, I get the sense he'd come in as another Tommy Dreamer if that were the case, which is what I'd love to avoid if possible. Dreamer was an OK signing, but he's spent entirely too much time on television since, and his physique and his actual wrestling addition has been kinda crappy.

Finlay is in far better shape (most likely), and a small feud here or there probably wouldn't hurt much, but TNA isn't really in any place to be hiring more veterans right now. They already struggle with shaking the graveyard mentality as it is — as a backstage guy I'd be fine with it, just like I was with Al Snow, Savio Vega, D-Lo Brown, etc.

Dreamer was built as a "big" signing too in TNA, but fell very flat after all the EV2 stuff.

Thing is, when Finlay stopped wrestling every report said it was because he was told to, not because he wanted to, but they saw him as too old for television. He might still want to wrestle, and seeing as he hasnt done so, from what I know since the tour of Ireland he could have that passion to go at it again, hard.

If Finlay goes to TNA I'd watch his debut, and after, just cause I respect him. And because he's Irish :blush:
From what I understand he trained a number of performers including Trish Stratus. He was dedicated and focused on doing quality work with any job they gave him. So if WWE is really serious about getting rid of him, it's a stupid move on their part, imo, and a great loss. If he is through with WWE, ROH or TNA would be wise to pick him up. His experience in the business and his wanting to stay behind the scenes instead of being in the spotlight, could be a great asset to any promotion. I actually liked him as a wrestler, to be honest. I liked his rugged style, it was actual more entertaining than the somersaulting no psychology style that we're burdened with right now. So in any capacity, I'd like to see him working again.
Could be a good back stage signing for TNA as he has been good for Smackdown, just as long as he stays back stage, the only way I'de like to see him on tv is maybe as a manager for London Brawling,( I know he's Irish and they're not) cause he could help get them over as a tough tagteam, and I would like to start seeing managers make a come back, besides just Flair.

One major benifit of him being back stage could be anytime Russo comes up with something that is pure bullshit and tries to push it through Finlay could choke the shit out of him.

Plus he can work with wrestlers like Rob Terry, Crimson, Gunner and murphy and help develope them so they are better in the ring.
Maybe Finlay can help in the knockout's division like he has in training the girl in the diva's division. It would be great to have a seasoned veteran as an agent backstage. Wrestlers can learn a lot from Finlay. I do think that this situation in WWE will blow over and he will eventually go back, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in TNA, but can TNA afford anyone right now?
Finlay would be a valuable addition to any wrestling company. When I read about the house show where Miz interrupted the National Anthem, I was surprised...that is a taboo. I'm sad to hear he was fired over that...it was a mistake to be sure, but sad that anyone got fired over it, much less a guy like Finlay who has been a solid hand for years. Not an excuse, but being that he is from Northern Ireland, perhaps the level of meaning of the US National Anthem wasn't as obvious to him as it might have been, especially in front of the National Guard. He has been here for at least 15 years though, I believe...so he really should know that using the Anthem for cheap heat isn't a good idea. I don't even know if that was his decision, but it's a shame no matter what. I don't think he'll want for work, I'm sure he will catch on somewhere, and given some time, will probably wind up back with WWE.
TNA should definitely capitalize on this enormous blunder by the WWE. Finaly would make a fantastic contribution to the backstage management crew in TNA, a locker room leader and organizer, and, in my opinion, an occasional on-air talent. I actually wouldn’t mind seeing the Belfast Brawler get a last run as TV champ and then put over a younger, worthy talent. I honestly find this whole scenario stranger than fiction, I thought I lived in a country that prided itself on being the apache of democracy where dissent was crucial to what it means to be an American citizen. When did I go into a time warp and end up in 1940?
I like to see some of these guys, these good veteran guys, open up more wrestling schools. Maybe developmental promotions. The business needs it.

It's a shame Fit Finlay was let go, and almost any company could use him. I think he would do more good at EVOLVE wrestling, Dragon Gate, and ROH. Not so much TNA, because they have plenty of agents and producers working there.

The other guys could use him, because he can help develop some good young talent for the wrestling world. ROH could have the next big thing, and with Finlay's knowledge, he could help them get a bright star that has only been used with ROH.
I don't think Finlay is a fit for TNA or ROH. Really, this guy shouldn't be wrestling, except as a fill in on house shows or in dark matches. I don't know how much of a role Finlay had in the booking/producing/agent aspects of WWE product, but the last several years have been a downward spiral with only the occasional nugget of hope.

What Finlay is good at is the training of wrestlers. For that his abilities would be better utilized in places like FCW, OVW and various wrestling schools. He could train the next generation of wrestlers more effectively there.
Finley has not been an active wrestler (who of the few people deserving of the tag in WWE and perhaps a reason he was moved backstage) for what seem at least like years, so any deal to bring him in to TNA as a wrestler would be pointless, they also have too many dinosaurs getting air time as it is.

Finley has worked relative magic with god-awful talent in the Divas division and at best indifference from management. Although it is unfortunate to see him go when Kong has just been signed and Phoenix is finally healthy. With the (relative) depth of talent in KO division in TNA he could in theory work wonders. That is in theory at least.

What would keep Finley from doing his job to his best ability and what will likely prevent him from being hired in the first place is the same thing that would make hiring Paul Heyman, JR or Jim Cornette pointless - and that is the total control and incompetance at management and creative level in TNA. Finley has a record as a good booker, although that term is probably mis-informative about his role in WWE. In corporate wrestling, that's WWE and TNA, you can't have an effective booker because it's run a combo of idiot writers and dictatorial management. (TNA more of the former, WWE the latter).

If you cleared out Russo, his hencemen writers, Jeff Jarrett, Bitchoff, Hogan and got Carter Snr to take over control from Dixie, then Finley, Snow, Cornette etc might have a chance. As it is, it's pointless.

As a previous post pointed out, Finley would be best suited to ROH or to take a step down and work with one of regional companies where he could probably work a minor miracle. But the TNA cheque, however large, if it came should be refused. It was a stupid way to get fired, but if he sticks clear of corporate 'wrestling' he could do very well.
Big Dave Finlay is bummed right now, and won't make any rash decisions. He has been wrestling since age 14 as a pro in Ireland. His son is the 4th generation Dave Finlay wrestler, and planning on following his dad's footsteps into the pro wrestling after he graduates from high school. Dave's dad was a great pro wrestler in Europe and is still the coach of the N. Ireland Olympic wrestling team. (I suspect Big Dave will be coaching and training way into his 70s like his dad.) I understand that sometimes in Show Biz, "heads gotta roll", but I promise you there is nobody more dedicated to the sport of wrestling.... making it a shame how he has been treated over this situation. Dave and his wife, have helped more people, in and out of the ring, than the public will ever know. For that I am truly grateful.
I think he could be a big asset for tna in a backstage capacity. IMO tna should bring in anyone from backstage in wwe who has alot of experience in the business and isn't a former actor or children's show writer. they really could use the professionalism in the locker room and backstage that a veteran presence like finley would provide.
Finlay made a mistake, suspend him. Fire him for this act, is going too fucking far. It was the most absurd overreaction, I could imagine. If TNA can have Rick Flair can wrestle, and Jeff Hardy (with all his problems can work), I see no reason why Finlay can't work a match.
I don't think he will sign with TNA Wrestling I guess in under a month period he will return to World Wrestling Entertainment. He made a mistake, WWE fired him. Just like Daniel Bryan I don't think that Finlay will go anywhere else, they have probably sign something with him to guarantee he wouldn't compete or sign for another big company.

If TNA Wrestling would benefit from him as a backstage asset? I don't think so. Finlay has been responsible for the womens division in the past decade on the WWE. Did he do a great job? Nop. I think that even TNA's work has been better on that aspect.

Could Finlay be a wrestler? I don't think he needs to and TNA doesn't need him to do it, so it all leads to him be a backstage guy, if he isn't working on the women's division I actually don't know what they could do with him...
Don't publicize it but yes, he would be a big asset. He's a booker who knows this industry. I'm one of the most patriotic people in the world but Finlay realizes Miz get's as much heat as Antarctica and interrupting the anthem does that. It was a beautiful idea to make people HATE the Miz which is where they want him to be.

As far as TNA, I'd bring him in as a TOP booker and let him work his magic. Tommy Dreamer is a nice guy but as far as a booker, eh. What's the harm in bringing him in and letting him run the show and see what happens. What's the worst that can happen? Can't be any worse than the shit they put on the TV now.

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