Finally The Rock in a WWE Film.


Getting Noticed By Management
With the Rock's return I think it's only common sense that he will finally star in a WWE Film. I think with the Rock in a WWE FIlm the WWE Film will finally do good in the box office. He has shown is acting talents and everyone knows hes better than Cena, HHH, Big Show, Orton, Dibiase, kane. His film can put WWE Films on the map. WIth the Rock he can turn any WWE Film idea into a hit.

Any thoughts?
The Rock is the reason WWE Studios exists, WWE created it to co-produce on Scorpion King, The Rundown, & Walking Tall, and he was also featured pretty heavily in the Mania of Wrestlemania (the Documentary of WM19) which was solely produced by WWE studios, I think Rock has done more than enough to "put WWE studios on the map", seeing as how WWE wouldn't even have a films division if it wasn't for the Rock in the first place
Yea I know that but over the past few years the movies haven't done well in theaters. With him in a newer movie it could be even bigger.
Not likely, Rock has made more than his fair share of shit movies over the past seven years as well, where he's a better actor and bigger box office draw than anyone on the WWE roster at the moment he's still not big enough to single handily put WWE studios on the map, WWE needs to either stop wasting money by putting their movies in theaters, and just release them straight to DVD, or just close up shop on the films division altogether and go back to what they are known for, sports entertainment
Not likely, Rock has made more than his fair share of shit movies over the past seven years as well, where he's a better actor and bigger box office draw than anyone on the WWE roster at the moment he's still not big enough to single handily put WWE studios on the map, WWE needs to either stop wasting money by putting their movies in theaters, and just release them straight to DVD, or just close up shop on the films division altogether and go back to what they are known for, sports entertainment

I disagree with you. Yes the all the Rock's movie havne't been major but they were better then the other WWE Films. I don't think "closing up shop" is a good idea as DVD sales always do great with WWE films. I just feel the Rock can put a good movie in theaters that will draw money for WWE Films.
He has no reason to do it. People just don't stop do they?

We finally have him back, even if for a short time, and people aren't satisfied with it. Now, it's his responsibility to oversee every business venture WWE has???

Dammit... Just be glad he was in the ring last night!! Overall, it will not change anything, except the quality and ratings of every WWE Stage he steps foot on.
Going from Fast Five with Vin Diesel to WWE Studios movie?


That would be insanely ******ed. What would he gain? There would be no point. WWE Studios are focusing on guys actually with the company. The Rock might be back, but where have you seen a report he signed a contract?

WWE don't use non-contracted people as the leads in their movies.
I was impressed when i saw how many film projects Vince has the WWE involved in.
I also think that Vince has found a golded project that he knows the ROCK will knockout
the ball park & be a great Movie. I GARUNTEE IT.
Vince does have a man cruch on Rocky.
I'm not convinced that the movie would do well in the box office, even if the Rock was in it. The WWE now has a record going of making really crappy movies with its wanna-be actors. However, I do think if the Rock ever was interested it would be a great way of keeping him around. If he was able to work on the WWE Studios timeline, he would obviously be available for Raw on Monday Nights. Cena and Big Show have both filmed movies and stayed in the main event of their respective shows, so it's possible. However, I don't think the Rock wants to go back to making really terrible movies now that he's FINALLY been in a few worth watching. Seeing him aside Samuel L. Jackson was just pure bad ass, and that's not going to happen in a WWE Movie. It would also really tarnish his reputation in Hollywood, and it's already difficult enough to be taken seriously as a wrestling wanting to act.
Do you ppl want to see the rock staring in The chaperone 2. ahhh it is even more worst than the tooth fairy. Atleast the great one earned millions because of disney.

You ppl are nut

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