Final Words on the Religion/Homosexuality Debate

So.....rather than not saying anything at all about what I had written....

Did you or did you not state that homosexuality is wrong and you personally do not approve? Do you or do you not think they are going to burn in hell for their lifestyle and you believe they should? That's it. Just answer those questions and this could all be over.
So.....rather than not saying anything at all about what I had written....

Did you or did you not state that homosexuality is wrong and you personally do not approve? Do you or do you not think they are going to burn in hell for their lifestyle and you believe they should? That's it. Just answer those questions and this could all be over.

I stated this clearly in the first post. Go look.
Then how are you not hateful of gays? You wouldn't want somebody you love or even just like to burn in eternal damnation right? Therefor you hate them. If you're going to be hateful towards people all least be open about it, don't be a coward and hide behind the faith arguement.

Two of the WORST posts I've ever seen, on any forum

Second time I've been clumped with Armbar, what an honor, you tease.

You failed, repeatedly, to not only defend your stance with anything else besides that the Bible and the work of bigoted men such as yourself is reason enough to deny rights to a group of people. Please continue to cry about it, it brings me such joy.

How am i crying about it?

You're too ignorant to believe there's a side other than yours, ironically (or not) something you were whining about earlier.

This is just funny- those were horrible posts.

Yes, by saying I don't hate people, and everyone has the potential for Heaven, I CLEARLY wish for them to burn in Hell forever, and am very hateful at that.

You said that homosexuality is wrong you stupid fuck. That means you have a fucking prejudice against them. Are you purposely trying to sound like an ignorant moron? And I'm not saying that because of your opposing views, I'm saying it because you are a fucking hypocrite. I'm done with you. Stop trying to hide your fucking prejudice behind your religion.
You're too ignorant to believe there's a side other than yours, ironically (or not) something you were whining about earlier.

Ah, but you were asked to base your response on reality, and give a valid reason for why LGBTs can't marry legally. You failed to. Repeatedly. I'm glad you have God, but that's not basis for denying rights. If that were the case, there wouldn't be much of those things called rights for plenty of other groups of people.

I don't care whether you are ok with homosexuality or not. But your beliefs are not a suitable legal basis to discriminate. That's not being ignorant that your side exists, it's called expecting you to provide real conversation instead of using a book to oppress others.

And yes, you are crying about it. I would cry to if I had been bent over and raped up the brown eye all day long. And yes, it's funny; it's damn funny.

Oh, and Kurt Warner is a chump.
1. Twist, from what I gather, you think that all non-hetero people will go to hell unless they ask for forgiveness. What you are asking them to do is say that they sinned, and thus you believe that Homosexuality is wrong. This is where your argument comes from. You may not hate them in on Earth, but you do hate them, because you won't accept them into heaven, without admitting something that is beyond their control.

2. I never once in this thread said that Favre is better then Warner. I just said you were ridiculed for it.

3. Armbar and Jose's posts weren't shit. Armbar's was actually a very good rebuttal of your point, and Jose's was also a good post. You just didn't agree.

4. You should REALLY just stop talking (typing). The more you talk, the more you are coming off as a bigot, and you may soon (if you aren't already) get to the point of no return, when you will never be able to repair your image. Just abandon this thread and go to another section (like the Sports Stadium, or WWE, or anything that won't get you ridiculed).
Its not a difficult concept gents. I believe homosexuality is immoral, and have said so 1000x in the last 3 days. I believe all men are destined for Hell the moment they willingly sin. Why should I keep having to repeat it? I don't believe its natural. we are re-hashing things over and over again. Your points cant be too legit if you have to surround them with profanity and insults. If I had replaced murder with something like rape, I would've been accused for saying its equivalent. It's a unique situation. Get over it. If you have to search posts for minor, easily understandable errors, then no, you aren't making a good point.

I'm not sorry for not being easily brainwashed. I have strong beliefs. If you don't like them, I don't care. I do not hate anyone, which is a VERY ignorant insult to throw at anyone to begin with.

I don't care if three ignorant people hold a grudge against me, really. I started this thread and the same ignorant people fit the same criteria I laid out in post #1. I find it humorous from here on out. If you don't like me, you obviously have issues. I'll never meet any of you. We may pass at a sporting event and never know it, it doesn't matter. Its the internet, not real life. Take a good look at yourselves.
The very fact that you believe homosexuality is immoral is exactly what makes you a homophobe. Don't worry, you're just like millions of other insecure people who blindly fear what they don't understand. You won't stand out much.

Keep playing the religion card to cover up your prejudices. It's rather humorous.
The very fact that you believe homosexuality is immoral is exactly what makes you a homophobe. Don't worry, you're just like millions of other insecure people who blindly fear what they don't understand. You won't stand out much.

Keep playing the religion card to cover up your prejudices. It's rather humorous.

Keep being ignorant to opposing viewpoints, while accusing others of the same thing. Its a great trait that will get you far in life.
Keep being ignorant to opposing viewpoints, while accusing others of the same thing. Its a great trait that will get you far in life.

And here you are, again, as you so often do, exposing your homophobia. The very fact that you think homosexuality is a "viewpoint" is more than just laughable, it's downright offensive.

Keep playing the religious defense card. It holds no weight. Unless you'd care to show me where it was that Jesus said that humans were infallible? Pretty sure you won't find that though. No, in fact I'm pretty sure you'll just find story after story in the bible about the mistakes that men made in opposition to God.

God didn't write the bible. A handful of men who lived thousands of years before you and believed the world was flat and whose idea of medical surgery was hacking off limbs with a rock did. And you think these men were incapable of being incorrect? Even when science has shown us again and again that many of the things in the bible are not only impossible, but downright fantasy? But yes...clearly they couldn't make a mistake. It's not as though they lived in a completely different (and extremely bigoted) time than we currently do. Oh wait...

Yeah, believe what you'd like. A nazi can believe whatever he likes as well. I reserve the right to laugh/pity you for your closed-mindedness and your inability to evolve with the rest of the human species. Oh wait, shit, did I just bring up evolution? You probably don't believe in that viewpoint either, do you?

Move along kid. Continuing in this thread will only dig you deeper and deeper into the hole of suck you've dug for yourself.

There goes the other cliche argument, acting like I think I'm perfect. Far from it. I'm dropping it, you obviously aren't. There are better things to do with this time than go in circles about something we won't agree about. (Of course now, this will be responded to with "He conceded because he's weak. Thats what hateful people do.")

Whatever. I'm done. Have a nice night/day (depending on your location)
Well that was a rather poor rebuttal, especially considering I never said that you think your perfect, or really even implied it. I guess we can add poor reading comprehension skills along with homophobia on your list of assets. What I actually said was that to believe that every word in the bible is 100% truth and that the men who wrote it absolutely 100% could not be wrong about anything is beyond foolish, it's actually comedic. That you base your opinion of millions and millions of people you've never met based on a book written thousands of years ago by men that science and history have shown us again and again and again were simply flat-out incorrect about many things is what makes you so sad really.

You can concede if you'd like, or we can continue. You've made a fool of yourself up and down this forum repeatedly over the past few days, so I mean, it's not like you could really hurt your rep any more.
Unless you'd care to show me where it was that Jesus said that humans were infallible?

You said this prior to questioning the truth of the Bible, so my response was valid.

God inspired the Bible. If you are doing nothing more than sitting here trying to insult my faith then you are as hateful and insulting as anyone else.

So the Bible is somehow degraded because the lack of medical experience back then? That's just stupid. Nobody discovered the earth was flat at that time? Then nothing back then could be true, obviously.

Mentally evolving does require you to lower your standards because its the popular thing to do. Learning new things doesn't require accepting everything as fact.
I don't need to pick on you to do that. The monthly WZF "No Girls Allowed" Ancient Roman Orgy sorts such things out for me. And the LDs are a hoot.
So I schooled you and now X is going to as well. I'm starting to think that humiliation is some sort of sexual turn on for you.
So I schooled you and now X is going to as well. I'm starting to think that humiliation is some sort of sexual turn on for you.

You never schooled me. You kept repeating what I said, asking me if I said it, quoting me acknowledging it, and tried to change what I meant each and every time.

If you have to say you schooled someone, you probably didn't.

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