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Final Resolution: Who will Morgan choose?

Who will Matt Morgan choose as referee for Final Resolution

  • Mr. Anderson

  • Douglas Williams

  • Kurt Angle

  • Dixie Carter

  • Other

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King Of The Ring
Last night on Impact, Matt Morgan put his title shot on the line against Ric Flair. If Morgan lost, he went to the back of the line. However, if Morgan won, he got to pick the referee for his title match with Jeff Hardy at Final Resolution.

Despite a ref bump and interference from Fourtune, Matt Morgan secured his title shot after Douglas Williams was turned on by Fourtune, only to assist Morgan in clearing the ring, allowing Morgan to hit the Carbon Footprint on Flair, securing the title shot. It also gave him the right to pick the referee for the match.

The question is: Who will Morgan choose? Justify the answer.
The obvious choice for this is Anderson. He is a future opponent for Hardy and currently is in position to be the face and voice to oppose Immortal.

With his concussion, this means he can stay out of the ring for another month and avoid serious ME level talent. Working his way back slowly will be best for Anderson and would also benefit the future storyline. His World Title victory will be epic when it happens - a slow burner is exactly the best way to deal with it and may end up being beneficial for all involved.
Well Shattered Dreams would say Matt Hardy, so Matt could fued with Jeff.

There are roughly four people that come to my mind. Mr Anderson, RVD, Kurt Angle and drum roll please...

Dixie Carter.

Reason being each one of these people have been screwed by Hardy in some way. Anderson and Angle at the Bound For Glory match. RVD because he thought Hardy was a friend and Dixie Carter because she lost her company.

My most likely pick is Carter though, because if the world title ends up on Morgan there's a way for her to come back to TNA and help run an opposing faction against Immortal.
Only a blind person can't see the referee will be Doug Williams. By the way expect the double cross will Williams gives a dirty win to Hardy. Sit back and relax because this one is very predictable.
Only a blind person can't see the referee will be Doug Williams. By the way expect the double cross will Williams gives a dirty win to Hardy. Sit back and relax because this one is very predictable.

I must be blind then, because I agree with Numbers. I think Anderson is the logical choice. Who did Morgan stick his neck out for, and take his place in the chain match vs Jeff Jarrett? Anderson. Whose place did Morgan take in the main event at Turning Point? Anderson.

Williams is going to be feuding with Fourtune, in my mind, and eventually AJ Styles for the TV title. I think he may join with Morgan to tag against Fourtune, but Williams beef is with Fourtune, not with Jeff Hardy. Anderson does have that beef with Hardy.

Originally Posted by Alex-A
Dixie Carter.

I like the idea, but I think it's too early for her to come back. I think her return needs to be built slowly, and saved for something big. This would certainly be very intriguing, but I dont see it happening.
We're all forgetting one key fact here. Vince Russo is in charge of booking. That means there's going to be a really stupid booking decision. So, what's the in ring name of that one referee from Turning Point? You know, the one that botched the last title match. The one that's actually Eric Bischoff's son? Yeah, Morgan will pick him. There will be a screwjob, and Immortal will have their very own corrupt referee.
Well with talks of matt wanting in TNA i could see it being him. But odds are it is Mr. Anderson coming back to start a fued with Jeff.
I gotta go with Anderson myself, somehow, Hardy is going to win, just not sure how, But Anderson will rekindle the feud as soon as Hardy Vs Morgan finishes.
My pick: Mr. Anderson

Now before I give my reasoning, let me give my opinion on why I think some of the others won't be Morgan's choice.

Kurt Angle - Of all of the choices, not including Anderson, Angle would make the most sense. He was screwed over by Hardy and the rest of Immortal at BFG, and no doubt is seeking to gain redemption by winning the title eventually. However, after seeing Impact recently it seems as though TNA is having Kurt go after Jarrett to build off their feud/heat. Which is a shame, because even though Kurt is older, he's still too good in the ring to be stuck facing Jarrett.

Dixie Carter - I actually shuddered when I heard someone even bring up the possibility that she would be involved in this. If this were to actually be the case, I would officially lose all hope (the little bit I actually still have) in TNA.

Douglas Williams - This is my #2 choice for the match, simply for the fact that who I picked makes so much more sense. To be honest, I wouldn't get upset if it was Williams, but something tells me it's not him.

Now for my pick Mr. Anderson:

As of late he's been a part, not major but still a part, of this storyline of Morgan turning on Fortune. It was Anderson that Morgan was voicing his opinion for because of the whole concussion thing, and it was Anderson that Morgan defended against Bischoff. All signs are pointing to Anderson either appearing the week before the PPV or at the PPV and being named the referee.
Anderson is the logical choice. Morgan was IMO worked in after Anderson was not cleared to preform. So my bet is he will actually ask to be the special ref. But something will happen before the match so he can't. Probably won't let him because of medical resons so EBs son will be the ref. Wasn't there heat between EB and his son a few weeks ago and Morgan took up for him. Morgan gets screwed, just my opinion.
people its gunna be doug Williams its so blatantly obvious cmon he helps morgan and morgan will be grateful and will choose him and be screwed over by doug willams cmon tna makes shit way to obvious and for the record i like tna and wwe but tna is making it really hard
I'm smelling a stupid swerve... Anybody notice how weak that douglas williams face turn was? Seemed like he was barely making impact on them.

I'm thinking he picks Williams and Williams swerves him.
I'm thinking Williams will be the ref, he's definately the obvious choice because of what took place on Impact. It could lead to a possible swerve and Williams turn on Morgan and give Hardy the win, but is it too soon for a swerve involving Fortune and Williams? Anyway I'm thinking that Morgan will pick Williams to be ref because Williams has sort of joined Morgan and turned on Fortune.
I think its going to be Mr Anderson. He is as hot as any face as ever been in TNA and so TNA are going to find a way to keep him on television even if he is not wrestling so that he does not lose his heat. Plus there is really no other choice. Kurt Angle is more involved in a storyline with Jarrett rather than with Hardy. Williams turned because he had problems with Fourtune rather than Jeff. Dixie is more pissed at Bischoff than Hardy.

The thing is I do not see Hardy losing to Morgan at Final Resolution. So I'm guessing there will probably be a referee bump( whoever the referee is) and then Eric Bischoff's son( the guy who was referee at the ME of Turning Point) will come out as a replacement and screw Morgan out of the title.
I dont think it will be Anderson. He had that concussion and I dont think he will be on TV for a while. Plus whats the point of bringing him out to be the ref for one match then, POOF, gone for the rest of the year.
I think the best bet would be Angle.
He's currently feuding with Immortal member Jeff Jarrett.
Since his face turn after the Mafia he has been big on the young stars, especially Styles, Joe, and Morgan
And since he is "retired" after the title match he could come back as a ref now and go against Immortal and Fortune
To all the people who think it will be MR.Anderson, answer me this, if it is him doesnt this mean he will screw hardy, and Morgan becomes champion.
To me personally i dont see anyone outside of immortal, scrap that i dont see anyone beating jeff hardy for a while.
So my question is if it is Anderson how will Hardy win?

P.S i think it will be the obvious choice doug williams, and he will double cross matt morgan.
Simply "Phenominal" V2;2616797 said:
To all the people who think it will be MR.Anderson, answer me this, if it is him doesnt this mean he will screw hardy, and Morgan becomes champion.
To me personally i dont see anyone outside of immortal, scrap that i dont see anyone beating jeff hardy for a while.
So my question is if it is Anderson how will Hardy win?

P.S i think it will be the obvious choice doug williams, and he will double cross matt morgan.

Ill answer, its like the Cena angle-it brings intrigue to the exact same main event we saw the month before. It asks alot of questions, then allows the storyline to play out with good tv. That's far better then having someone from Fourtune or Immortal referee the match with an obvious bias.

Will Anderson be an unbiased referee? Will Morgan and Anderson make a "gentleman's agreement" before the match that he'll ensure Morgan leaves with the belt, as long as he gets the first shot? Or will Morgan pick Anderson, only for Anderson to get jumped in the back beforehand, rendering him incapable of refereeing?

In the end, I see the latter scenario playing out. Bischoff will come out and gloat, noting that Anderson "couldn't make it", so he's picked an "unbiased" referee, bringing out Flair. Hardy will be unable to overcome Morgan, despite fast counts from Flair. Anderson will charge the ring at the end of the match, attempting to take out Flair, Bischoff, and co. He'll miss with say a chairshot(only fitting), and drill Morgan, and Hardy will cover him for the 3 count.

The other thing Anderson that could happen could be Anderson being the one wanting to take the title off of Hardy himself, and despite Morgan sticking up for him, he'll screw him over anyway, wanting to be the one to put the screws to Hardy himself.
Its just like what WWE is doing with CM Punk. When you have a guy that good at what he does and have the oppertunity for him to return to a non-wrestling role at any point then you will snap it up at first sight. This means if they have the potential to bring in Anderson anywhere they will do it. He's close to recovery now so he ought to be able to perform this role adequately well and even more importantly it's only going to propell and enhance the current anderson character even more.

There is no reason for it not to be anderson, anderson is the best thing going in TNA so who else I ask you? Why would you have it be anyone else anyway, best choice by a mile, unless you want to push williams as a face and I dont really see why you should.

I'm smelling a stupid swerve... Anybody notice how weak that douglas williams face turn was? Seemed like he was barely making impact on them.

I'm thinking he picks Williams and Williams swerves him.

You cant really judge it that way. Hardy was apparently part of immortals in storyline terms whilst he got thrown through a table by abyss. Obviously that is only because th actual descision for it to be hardy was much later, but I wouldn't count your chickens....
I think that Anderson makes the most sense here. With Anderson being injured and able to Wrestle what better way to keep Anderson In the Storyline then making him the Special Guest Ref. The other option could be Williams since he got kicked out of Fortune and has helped Morgan so he would make sense too. I think it will be Anderson to continue his feud with Jeff Hardy.

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