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Final Resolution 2010: Matt Morgan vs Jeff Hardy(C): [WHC] [Mr. Anderson Referee]

Who will leave Final Resolution World Champion?

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Matt Morgan

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King Of The Ring
"The Blueprint" Matt Morgan vs. (c) Jeff Hardy of Immortal

Im surprised there hasn't been a thread made for this one yet. This one announced on the 11/10 version of Impact, and confirmed on TNA's website.

Two weeks ago on Impact, Matt Morgan defeated Beer Money and Douglas Williams in a 3 on 1 handicap match to earn another opportunity at Jeff Hardy and his World Heavyweight Championship at Final Resolution.

The following week, Ric Flair announced that he would be the special referee for this match. However, he made Morgan an offer; Defeat Flair on Impact that evening, and be able to pick his own referee. Lose, and the championship opportunity went with it.

Despite a referee bump, and interference from Fortune, Morgan was able to defeat Flair with assistance from Douglas Williams. As of last night's Impact, Morgan has yet to name the referee for the match. Douglas Williams has appealed to Morgan to be the referee, but Morgan has yet to commit. Morgan has noted that he wants an impartial referee who will call the match down the middle.

Thoughts on this match? Who will referee the biggest match of Morgan's career? Who wins?
Man... this is so predictable! Matt Morgan is going to select the same referee that made the mistake... so the referee can "redeem" himself. We already know he (the referee) is Bischoff's son... who at the end is going to screw Matt Morgan again... and it will be revealed that he (the referee) works for his father/part of Inmortals.
I'm extremely underwhelmed by this and a huge part of that is because Jeff Hardy has done virtually nothing to help build up any interest here. Jeff Hardy should be the center of the Immortal/Fortune alliance and the top heel in the company. Being a lackey, which is essentially what he is, strikes me as something out of character for wrestling's purported "Anti-Christ".

There's a special referee to be named right? I have a feeling that the ref, whomever that might be, will ultimately wind up screwing Morgan, so Hardy retains here. Morgan will pick someone that he feels can be trusted and "will call it right down the middle" and all that only to be betrayed.
This is another match I'm not looking forward to. Morgan VS Hardy at Turning Point was very bad. I didn't have a big problem with the referee situation, but the match itself was very bland and boring. Hardy will retain here. The Antichrist of Professional Wrestling will have a lengthy World Title reign, so he's not going to lose here. A lot of the focus on this match will be on the special guest referee. Everyone is going to want to see how he's going to call the match, and I have no doubt that some foul play will take place here.
An obvious Jeff Hardy win here, he's going to be holding onto the title for a long time. I can't see it being the best of matches based on their match from last time, but anyway I too can see the ref being someone who Morgan can trust but then the speacial ref screws Morgan to give Jeff the win.
The ref has to be Anderson, doesn't it? Who else could Morgan feel has been screwed more then Hardy thats not already on the card?

Regardless of who he picks, I don't see Morgan leaving with the title. The build to this match has been so....bad. Morgan has been feuding with seemingly everyone BUT Hardy. Shouldn't the match for your biggest title be focused on the two men actually fighting for it? That hasn't been the case here whatsoever, as Morgan has been fighting with his old stablemates, rather then Hardy in any way.

I see Anderson as Morgan's choice, but a classicly overbooked TNA match. Anderson gets bumped, and the original referee, who was supposed to be Flair, assists Hardy at downing Morgan and counting the 3. Im still just so underwhelmed at the build to this match.
This is just another "Feed Morgan to the wolves while Anderson heals match" This match will go one of two directions.

The first thing that I see happening is Morgan selecting Douglas Williams as his special guest referee. Morgan and Hardy have a back and forth for a good 15 minutes or so. Morgan goes for the pin and Douglas shows his loyalty to Flair and not count to three. This will result in some shitty ending where hardy his the "TWIST OF HATE" and steals the match.

The second Idea that I see happening is a Finger Poke of Doom 2.0. Morgan lays down for Hardy and Hardy retains. As much as I would hate for something like this to happen I wouldn't put it past Bischoff.

I really would love to see Morgan get the title run that he deserves but I don't see that starting at Final Resoulution
To me I think that the Most Logical Person to be the referee has to be Mr. Anderson it perfects sense for Anderson to be the Special Ref in this match Hardy concussed Anderson with the chair shot and what better to Keep Anderson involved since he can't wrestle then have him be the Ref to continue his Feud with Jeff Hardy. As for the Match I think that Hardy will obviously win here. I enjoyed the First the match between these two it wasn't a Great match but I thought it was Good and I think that this match will be better than their first match. Hardy wins with a Twist of Hate.
Why they had Anderson then Morgan selected to face Jeff for the title in the first place I will never understand. RVD was the one hurt most by Jeff's betrayal and I remember Bischoff did tell him he would get the next title shot after BFG, so Van Dam should've faced Jeff at Turning Point and should be facing him at Final Resolution, would've made more sense & better programming if it was RVD vs. Jeff. And it'd be a much better way for TNA to end their 2010 rather than this meaningless bore of a match. I guess Jeff vs. RVD will be saved for Lockdown though when LD competes with Wrestlemania 27 but I doubt it will help LD beat WM.

I can see the referee being either Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash or Matt Hardy. Kevin Nash because he's signed a new contract with TNA so I heard, I do predict he will turn heel and join NWO 2.0 if he's the ref but what else is new in TNA, turning heel is a 24/7 thing for them. If it's Matt or Angle, I can see this leading to Angle or Matt vs. Jeff at Genesis to start off 2011 in a big way for TNA.
Wow, not a single person here thinks Morgan will win? I have to say that I agree with the rest of those who voted. Morgan has done a fantastic job of being a last minute replacement for Anderson as the top face. That won't get him the win though because Hardy's reign has been great and it needs to last a LONG time. Hardy is on a roll and his reign should continue until a huge face has been built up to dethrone him. The match should close the show and I think it will be great. Morgan puts up a fight but Hardy walks out still the champ, continuing the best reign TNA has seen in a long time.

Jeff Hardy will retain the TNA World Championship.
Just like every other damn match on this card.. RVD/Rhino, Styles/Williams, it seems that one side has no real likely chance of winning and is just there to job to the other side so they can have a PPV and get it over with. Morgan has about the same chance of winning this match as he did last time, he's a replacement to job to Hardy for a while. Now, I wouldn't be surprised at all, because this is TNA, if there was some crazy (and stupid) SWERVE by Russo in this match. But, seeing as how that would make no sense it's very possible to happen. I'm still going with Hardy to win, as they continuously wait around for Kennedy to be able to wrestle again.
Just watched TNA iMPACT and morgan saves jackson james at the head of the show. In the next segment, james comes up and asks morgan to referee in his title match. I think I speak for everyone when I say in that situation that you'd just say thanks no put yourself in another precarious position.

Jackson has been involved with the immortal and fortune/resistance storyline since he debuted. And of course we all know what many do not, and what people like morgan in kayface seemingly do not which is that he isbischoff's son. That gives you the means for a screw job.

It also covers things that have happened in the past like the previous title match between morgan and hardy and the 3-count fiasco. All in all, knowing the way TNA works and trying to read some of the signs going into final resolution I'd bank on it.

What do you think?
I cannot in a million years see Hardy lose this one.

Why would TNA spend all that time building up the "They" angle and forming Immortal, making the new belt etc just to have Hardy lose at the next PPV? Wouldnt happen, especially to a challenger who has basically just been thrown into the mix. If it was Anderson wrestling then at least there would be a genuine feud with Hardy for the concussion incident.

I completely expect Immortal to interfere and help Hardy retain after Morgan gets the upper hand and Anderson slow counts Hardy. Jeff needs to hold the belt for a long time to make him a credible heel champion IMO, and losing here would make no sense at all.

Winner- The Anti-Christ of professional wrestling, Jeff Hardy
Before reading your second post, I assumed you knew that Anderson was already reffing the match. I figured you meant that Jackson would do a "run-in" toward the end of the match, filling in for Anderson because he would be "unable" (in whichever capacity) to finish calling the match...or, that he'd just come out and screw Morgan at some point behind Anderson's back.

I do believe that Morgan will get screwed again, I just can't see how they're going to do it. If they're not going to have Hardy win clean (I believe we're all thinking that Morgan isn't going to win this time either), there will probably be an outside force. I really hope TNA doesn't have Anderson join Immortal, that would be ridiculous.

I totally get what you're saying about Jackson, it's the old wrestling formula...face looks out for the other (little) face, only to have the little guy stab the face in the back. Jackson would be a decent candidate to screw Morgan, and join Immortal in the process. The nWo had their own ref, why not Immortal?
This might actually get moved anyways. I started the exact same thread a week ago only to find out they started the exact same discussion in the "Eric Bischoff's son is in TNA" thread.

I think the general concensus is that he will. This is a very good nWo clone and if they follow suit then the next Nick Patrick seems to be Jackson James. I mean, why would they continue to feature a referee otherwise? Even if it is Bischoff's son.
Before reading your second post, I assumed you knew that Anderson was already reffing the match. I figured you meant that Jackson would do a "run-in" toward the end of the match, filling in for Anderson because he would be "unable" (in whichever capacity) to finish calling the match...or, that he'd just come out and screw Morgan at some point behind Anderson's back.

I do believe that Morgan will get screwed again, I just can't see how they're going to do it. If they're not going to have Hardy win clean (I believe we're all thinking that Morgan isn't going to win this time either), there will probably be an outside force. I really hope TNA doesn't have Anderson join Immortal, that would be ridiculous.

I totally get what you're saying about Jackson, it's the old wrestling formula...face looks out for the other (little) face, only to have the little guy stab the face in the back. Jackson would be a decent candidate to screw Morgan, and join Immortal in the process. The nWo had their own ref, why not Immortal?
This is just another reason TNA has holes in it.....wouldn't you think it would be better served if Morgan DIDN'T ask JJ to ref his match, and when Anderson goes down (because c'mon, I think that's what's gonna happen), and JJ comes running out from the back, everyone will think "oh good---the calvary is here!", only to have JJ stiff him? :disappointed: Asking him in advance to ref the match already---ALREADY has people thinking swerve, and who would pay to see that? :confused: I swear....TNA is like the little juvenile delinquent brother that you try and help out and steer, only to have him continue to make bad choices :banghead:, until finally you show tough love.......and maybe tough love in this case would be for me to quit watching for a while (not that they would personally give a shit about the loss of my viewership), but I know you know what I mean. I don't see Anderson selling out ----and in order for him to keep face, (or save face), he'll either get distracted or take a dive or "run to the back after someone"......the possibilities are endless in that regards---with the whole JJ thing unfolding. I've really tried to be supportive of TNA because I think in some areas, it's heads and shoulders above everyone else.....but even I'm getting a little worn out of having the ability to ALREADY predict what's going to happen.....maybe I've been around the business too long :lmao:
This match sucks because if Anderson turns heel here, I've lost all confidence in TNA and I can totally see it coming. Anderson is the guy that needs to be front and center with Jeff Hardy right now and Matt Morgan needs to get a piece of Jeff Jarrett. Then move Joe to face AJ.

Honestly, this one will be a sleeper. There is not a chance in hell Morgan wins, and whats worse is that it's a WAY TO PREDICTABLE bullshit finish. Why TNA wants to go WWE 2 years ago and make their shows 100% predictable is beyond me. I now realize why I haven't watched TNA in 3 weeks..
I think anyone that says the story of this match is predictable is full of shit. Whoop-de-fuckin-do Jeff Hardy is likely to leave with the belt. So is every other champion that just recently got the belt. I hope people were not on the edge of their seats to see Lawler win last monday. Anyway, rant aside, what is interesting about this to me is just how this all transpires. It is interesting because everyone thinks they know what is going to happen but the kayfabe evidence is directly contradictory to it. So the dynamic here has me intrigued for what is often booked as a boring simple successful title defense.
Do you even watch TNA?
every PPV there is a swerve or a screwjob and every month someone changes alignment guarenteed.

Don't give a shit either way Jeff hardy is a loser and Matt Morgan is way overhyped, but wouldn't be at all suprised if Anderson screws Morgan

Doesn't even have to have a reason, hardly anything else they do has a valid reason, why change it now.

They've also listed Sting as being on the PPV huh? musta been a really old ad :) maybe he'll get involved
As I and many of us had expected Mr Anderson was named, or rather named himself the special referee for the match. Still I do not see any way in which Jeff Hardy can lose so early into his title reign. But I would be glad if TNA booked a surprise here.

I certainly hope the match is much better than what these two had at Turning Point. I think what will happen is that Mr Anderson will get knocked out during the course of this match and referee Jackson James, who is actually Eric Bischoff's son will come down to officiate the rest of the match and will end up screwing Morgan, turning heel and thereby aligning with Immortal. He will also be revealed as Eric's son at the next Impact, in my opinion.
First of all Anderson is not turning heel. They spent so much time working on the concussion angle to build a lot of heat between the two. Anyways if Matt Hardy was coming to TNA this would be the PPV to do it at. I would have him come out of the crowed and knock out Ken Anderson. This allows Jackson James to come down and make the 3 count for Jeff Hardy.

Now what this also does is it keeps the Hardy/Anderson feud going, but sidetracks Anderson so they can keep putting it off. Even if Matt Hardy doesn't show up someone comes down to knock Anderson out and sidetracks him trying to get the title. The goal is to extend the Hardy/Anderson feud.
jeff hardy in a partal squash. Matt's very talented, but he's not ready. Along with the fact that immortal wants to keep the title on jeff.
It is obvious that Jeff Hardy will retain the title. He's the face of TNA as champ and Immortal was built for him to become the champ. Most likely Morgan is gonna get screwed out the title because Immortal is essentially the new nWo and if you look back in history, the nWo did everything to keep the WCW Title on Hogan and it will be the same as somehow Hardy will retain. Seeing with what TNA does, whoever screws over Morgan wouldn't even be a surprise.
Good god. This is a total no brainer, Hardy wins. That that anyone will care as the feud has been poorly built. Hardy barely shows up. This is more bout Ken Anderson than Morgan, who played second fiddle to Ken whilst he did his goofy unbelievable promo.

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