Fight at SD tapings?

JBL should take his own advice. You don't have to go back too far to see how much of a hypocrite he was when he said this to the Miz of all people.

JBL would flat out bury the Miz everytime Miz did anything, even when the WWE was trying to push him. Remember the draft episode of RAW when RAW earned two picks in a row, JBL said "take an ECW guy...take the Miz." Wow, why to speak of your supposed up and comer.

As for Morrison, I think he did the right thing, then went too far. I like Morrison a lot but once I read he shoved JBL, i thought, thats wrong. Even with the shove I still like that he stood his ground.

Also, if everyone is so concerned with making Punk look good, why is he wrestling a guy that gets squashed every week?
frankly being a veteran of the wwe gives JBL every right to include his opinion to the both of them on the way they were potrayed..i believe the majority of his anger was directed to the way they effected the was obvious that tazz and styles were getting annoyed by the constant noise morrison and miz were making...while yes they were entertaining it got to a point where u also wanted to hear commentary on the match as well...plain and simple these are rookies in a big mans league so why isnt JBL allowed to say anything when he's been there for a VERY long time....miz was SMART in this situation for apologizing frankly with the position miz is in and never holding a title if he were to act how morrison did i could see him being GREATLY punished...morrison fucked himself...he has got to be compeltely insane to disrespect a veteran of the business...even if he thought of standing up for himself he should have done it in a completely different fashion..foul language and a shove...if ecw wasnt in a bad way he might get severly punished esp with him being previously suspended just doesnt look good....we all know politics is a big issue within a huge corporation like wwe...frankly i dnt believe morrison won any new fans backstage acting like a dick
Have not yet seen the match between MNM(Miz n' Morrison) and MVP/Hardy, but the commentary on ECW was actually pretty funny. I believe Miz or Morrison, I forget which one, refered to the other as a Tella-tubby. That along with some other one liners was pretty funny. It seemed as if Joey Styles and Tazz were getting upset with the pair at times, but so what. I have no problem with JBL doing what he did. You hear all the time about the young guys having no respect for the business. So if the only way for them to gain respect is for a veteran to get in their ass when they do something deemed as disrespectful, then I'm all for it. In the end it will give us all a better product to watch.

Regardless of what really happened, this incident has people talking about ECW. The WWE should feed off of this and turn it into some type of angle that ends with JBL's return to the ring...or was that the plan from the start???
Was this a work or a shoot??? Hmmm....
To be honest...i myself would not take what JBL did to well. He and Holly both remind me of that bully from school that felt they could push you around becouse they were bigger or older than you? If its not ok for a kid to do that in the play ground or at school than why is it ok for JBL to do it. Lets be adults here. As a school teacher all I can say is that JBL is not setting a good example here since the message he is sending is. Its ok to bully and talk down on someone just becouse they messed up and simply becouse you are a veteran(older or bigger). I remember during the tribute show to Benoit(before they found out the details) HHH mentioned on Benoit had some words with a younger wrestler whom had disrespected HBK and how Benoit made this young wrestler do 1000 or so sit ups or something like that, but also how Benoit did that sit ups right along with him. Now an act like that is leadership and will earn you respect. What JBL and Holly do will do nothing more than make you hated. But thats just my opinion
i was cracking up to and i didn't realize the bad commentary to. hope no one gets fired or what ever over this incident because Morrison and miz are rising stars but i still like Eliajh Burke better than all of them except for CM punk.
i was cracking up to and i didn't realize the bad commentary to.

The commantary was really bad which I specifically noticed, however it wasnt the insults of Punk that I thought were bad it was how they would just ramble on about a hat and do a bad job at even that. As much as I really like John Morrison he sounds like a kid on the mic and showed that on Tuesday. And as for Miz, well sometimes he cuts a decent promo but lets be honest he probably shouldnt even have a job anyways so really those two doing commentary was a poor booking decision and some blame should be given to whoever booked them to be on commentary.

I honestly dont think anyone will be fired because of this because they have really high hopes for John Morrison, and its said that there are alot of people who feel hes the next Shawn Micheals, and you cant let young talent like that get away even with the problems Morrisons had its too much to lose. however I think we could possibly see a de-push for him, but knowing Vince he'll probably give him the title back at SS who knows these days anyway.
i liked their commentary to be honest, admittedly it went for a bit too long but io thought htey did a pretty good job in trading insults and building a feud. as for them insulting punk, big deal? they're heels they're supposed to give the faces crap, and JBL does it every week as well so i dont know what he was on about.

as for them apologising for their in-ring performance, if everyone who wrestled a poor match had to say sorry, 95% of the roster would be apologising to each other. i'd have told him to fuck off as well.
I didn't see the match, but we've all heard how JBL can be behind the scenes. Sounds like JBL had a point, BUT it wasn't his place to confront them. JBL, like BOB HOLLY, likes to bully the rookies....ENOUGH SAID!!!

JESUS CHRIST!!! Has NO ONE heard of the Wrestler's Court? All right, children, gather 'round, it's time for one of Uncle Edgefan's stories.

The Wrestler's Court is an unofficial yet nonetheless respected and honored forum in the WWE locker room. The court is held as a way of policing the wrestlers and making sure that they do not violate the traditions laid down by the company. The Court can call out any wrestler for inappropriate behavior backstage or in the ring. Although WWE Management usually deals with these sort of things themselves, Vince McMahon himself honors most of the decisions made by the court. Punishment for violations usually range from pranks to paying for other wrestlers' expenses, although there is alot of documented incidents of physical punishment. Basically, children, the Court is alot like the administrators of this forum, maintaining the rules and doling out punishments for those who break the rules. The current variation of The Wrestler's Court can be dated back to the early 1990's, although it is safe to say that this method of policing workers has been around for quite some time.
The known administrators of the "forum", are The Undertaker, JBL, and Hardcore Holly. Holly is rather seen as the policeman of the court, calling out the wrestlers on their actions, as well as dealing out some of the harsher punishments appointed by the Court. JBL is the prosecutor, making the case against the wrestlers to the judge, who is the Undertaker. Randy Savage has confirmed that The Undertaker has been the judge of Wrestler's Court since Savage's days in the WWE, and that when he was in WWE, Brian Adams was the prosecutor. The Court also tends to haze or "rib" many of the rookies in the locker room. Wrestlers who have been called to Wrestler's Court or punished/hazed by members of the court include The Hardy Boys, Edge, Chris Masters, Rene Dupree, and Brock Lesnar, although that infamous incident backfired on Hardcore Holly. The hazing by The Wrestler's Court has reportedly led to the releases and terminations of former rookies Palmer Cannon and The Dicks. In fact, according to rumors, The Dicks' departure from WWE was due to the implosion of the tag team. Allegedlly, Chad Dick was constantly complaining about the ribs from the Wrestler's Court. James Dick felt that he was endangering both of their jobs. An altercation took place, with James reportedly knocking out Chad.

The point of this story, children, is that JBL's treatment of Morrison and the Miz is something the locker room has been doing since seemingly forever. It is completely normal for the veterans to call out the younger guys when they get too big for themselves and it affects the quality of the product. Basically, let the big kids sort these things out themselves, it's their way of doing things. Now, I missed ECW and I didn't read the smackdown spoilers yet from Smackdown this week, so I can't personally testify as to how bad it was, but based on what I've seen from those two in the past, it doesn't surprise me that they fucked up bad. CM Punk is the top guy in ECW, and Matt and MVP are in the fued of the year right now. Miz and Morrison just made all three of those guys look like chumps, from the sound of it. How would you react if your tag team title reign just ended in a terrible fashion?
Thanks for the lesson Edgefan I honestly didn't know about this though i did know the wrestlers sorted things out amongst themselves at times.

I personnaly found the commentary to be hilarious, though 'The Miztake' was totally outwitted and cut-down by Morrison the entire time!

In Punk's defence however it did take away from what was a particularly gd match with Noble. It wasn't so much the commentary although, it was the fact the cameramen kept focusing on the 2 instead of the match and Tazz continuiosly acted as if Morrison and 'The Miztake' weren't there, attempting to return focus to the match. Respect to Tazz for tryin but all it did was further take away from the match as he needs Joeys participation to complete his commentary.

If this leads to the firing 'The Miztake' (who was a mistake) so be it I don't really care (though I would never wish someone's livelyhood to end he is just terrible, on a par with 'The Khali'). However alongside CM Punk, Morrison is most certainly the future of Wrestling. Having said this a positive outcome of this situation without the firing of anyone would be kicking 'The Miztake' out of contention & allowing Punk to retain for another while (further cementing his future position in the company as-well-as strengthening the title's history) before putting the belt back on Morrison.:headbanger:
The thing you have to remember and really look at is JBL was mad at them because they made Matt and MVP look bad and they attacked CM Punks Wrestling ability NOT his character they could have attacked his character all day but going after his ability to wrestle is a no no the ironic thing is he is one of the few champions who can wrestle and is good on the mic i give morrison credit he can put on a good match but the man needs to work on his mic skills a lot Bobby lashley is better on the mic than he is @,@.
I know wrestling is like nothing else on the planet, but hear me out.

I get kind of tired of hearing about the influence veterans have backstage. I mean, this is a business, and in a business you have to have bosses and workers. I am a worker at my job. I haven't climbed any corporate ladder, and while I have received raises and some level of authority, I am not the boss. JBL, Taker or HHH should NOT have any type of authority over other wrestlers WHILE THEY ARE WRESTLERS THEMSELVES. That should be taboo. Unless someone retires and then gets a job backstage, this shouldn't happen.

Now, if Vince appoints a veteran to oversee things backstage, that is different. Here again, I don't know how it works in WWE, as I am not employed there.

JBL, from what I have read, surmised and gathered from the internet, has, in the past, shown himself to be nosy and a bully. This is a man who doesn't even HAVE to be working. I admire his passion, especially for his country, but if he felt something was done wrong, he should have reported it to his SUPERIORS. If the Undertaker is a lockeroom general of some sort, then that's who he should have went to. Or, he should have contacted the McMahons to voice his displeasure. He should NOT be starting arguments and fights among his co-workers. It shows bad taste, low class, and an obvious nose-in-the-air-I'm-better-than-you-because-I-can-work-the-market attitude.

As someone who manages 3 computer techs under me, I would NEVER cause strife among my workers, and if I hade a problem, would talk to the person in private, away from everyone else, and fix the problem. If I couldn't, I'd report to my manager and have HIM handle it.

JBL, unless I have the politics wrong, was out of line, and should not have done what he did.
So having watched Smackdown tonight, I have to say I still whole-heartedly stand by what I previously said in this thread. JBL has no right to talk, whatsoever. I tried to keep track of how many times JBL was actually talking about the match and I couldn't take it anymore because I would go two matches without a single finger to count on. The closest thing he would come to calling the match sometimes would be to say "I hate that about Mysterio" or "That's why I like Kennedy." That's HARDLY calling the match, meanwhile Michael Cole has to keep reminding him that the match is going on, saying "but what about that hurricarana from the top rope?" and everything, almost like he's saying "hey, but what about the match going on in front of us, John?"

The other argument he had was that they made Hardy and MVP look bad in their match. You mean the fact that they won the match that they were booked to win? Or how they spent the first whole section of the first match getting their asses handed to them by both MVP and Hardy? Oh, I guess you mean the seemingly legitimate ending where Hardy had his leg worked on for a long enough time that it would make sense that he tapped out? I guess JBL is of the train of thought that no match should end unless there's a run-in or an illegal object used. Last I heard, submission was perfectly acceptable...and on top of that, you can't even say they shouldn't have had Hardy tap out to a move that wasn't a finisher because its HARDY'S choice to tap when he wants to. If he felt he wanted a more grandiose ending, he'd have said or done something to break the hold, then go for something else and get pinned or submit.

Despite the fact that I'm not impressed in anything JBL's done in his career, I'd be perfectly willing to side with him if I saw that he had any argument whatsoever. But from his hypocritical viewpoints and everything, it just sounds like JBL was PMSing that day.
While I understand marketing, wouldn't this being called a 'fight' be sensationalizing what actually happened? No punches were thrown and a vet was throwing down with the rookies. If ECW wasn't so thin, Morrison would be part of the job squad, same as Miz, or still in the tag team world.
The tag title match was actually good I think, for some odd reason it had the look and feel of a classic tag match, i mean there was actually some holds and a legitamate focus to the match. I'm not a miz fan but I think it was one of his better performances. Also they did a very good job selling the knee which set up for the attack by MVP which highlighted the show and reaffirmed the rivalry that smackdown's upper-mid card has been relying on for months. JBL I think missed the boat here but I might have missed something in the match that was a no-no in the business I'm not in. I really kinda want to see if Miz and Morrison can have a successful title reign because they seem to be able to put together some tag moves like they did a few months back when they tagged against punk and mahoney. Overall I think this whole thing can rejuvenate two title pictures I felt were beginning to stall
I was reserving judgement on the Commentary ability of Miz and Morrison until I had seen ECW, So now that I have it is time for me to comment. As has been said they drew focus away from a good match, that showed what the WWE should do with Jamie Noble for one. They talked more about a Hat than the match that they had a Survivor Series and when they did they ran down the others that were participating in it and Jamie Noble as well, If you read Lance Storms blog on the promo delivery Morrison and Miz both ignored what are the main tenants of being on the stick, you do not run someone so far into the ground that it defeats the purpose of promoting the match as You either make the victory look unimportant or you end up looking worse for it if you lose. They both did it and JBL was right to talk to them about it as even though JBL gets off topic he puts over people while being on Commentary. I do also applaud Tazz for trying to get the focus back onto the match as it went too far off topic for colour commentators even guest ones to go.
There commentary wasnt bad, it just wasnt very good, but thats cos neither is a born talker, well Miz is, but not in a good way, tbh i think ECW is ruining CM Punk, not any commentary, they need to get away from the idea right now and get him on Smackdown or Raw. As for the ring work with MVP&Matt i didnt see the entire match, but the first ending looked very bad, they won with a chop block?!? But Morrison normally has average matches at worst, i think he's a great ring performer so i dont see how JBL could have taken it as bad enough to talk to them about it. Also i dont really think it was JBL's place to do it, yes he loves the business, yes he's a veteran, but i think the only people who have the right to majorly call wrestlers out on their performances are management... and maybe Undertaker... Just my opinion.
I have no clue about how good or bad the commentary was. I recorded it, & would likely go back & check after all this to see, if too many more people assume it ruined the match.

However, the part of this discussion I'm focusing on, is J.B.L.'s attitude backstage as well as John Morrison's decision to stand up for himself.

This reminds me of Booker T., standing up for himself & (I think) punching Batista. However, the difference is.. through W.W.E.'s eyes.. they may not see Morrison as keepable, which in turn could toss him in hot water for what he did.

I love Morrison & he's mainly the only reason I tune into E.C.W. -- As a whole, they're getting better, but he's the main star to me. However, J.B.L. doesn't need the W.W.E. & Mr. McMahon loves that about him, that he became successful outside of that company. And with all that, look at the nazi remark J.B.L. made once upon a time.. W.W.E. bailed him out.. so I can't see them siding away from J.B.L. if it came to releasing Morrison. Hopefully it won't..

But perhaps thats also why Morrison has seemingly been removed from the Heavyweight Championship picture as well?

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