Fight at SD tapings?


Dark Match Winner
Did anyone else enjoy this last night? The i found their back and forth banter pretty funny, it was almost on bar with JBL making fun of Michael Cole on the announce table. Morrison's one liners knocking Miz, and Miz firing back were Gold. Even Kung Fu Jesus was awesome, it came out of nowheres. I know alot of you are gonna say that it ruined the match, or detracted from it... but personally, i enjoyed hte match so much more becuase of it

A fight broke out backstage last night in Wichita, Kansas after SmackDown! was taped. After the show was over, JBL gathered a number of WWE superstars together, including John Morrison, The Miz, MVP, CM Punk, and Matt Hardy.

JBL berated Miz and Morrison for their color commentary work on ECW. JBL was furious that the two made Punk look bad with their commentary. They were heels and were supposed to criticize Punk in a heel way, but JBL felt they went too far with it. JBL then yelled at them for their ring work during their match with MVP & Matt Hardy. JBL told Miz & Morrizon to apologize to Punk, MVP & Hardy for making all 3 of them look bad.

The Miz apologized, but Morrison told JBL “F*ck you, it's none of your business”. He then said he would apologize to Punk, Hardy & MVP, but not because JBL told him to.

The confrontation went back and forth until Morrison shoved JBL. Several agents broke up the dispute before it got further than a shove.

What are everybodies thoughts on this IF it is in fact true. Obviously JBL has a lot of bargaining power with Vince at the moment and he is WWE's best announcer but I can't help but think that he's wrong on this one. Now I haven't seen the match in question or heard Miz & Morrison on commontary yet but it seems ridiculous and almost like a spoilt brat crying. Also, only Matt is a veteran as Punk & MVP are still learning the ropes (in WWE that is).
Still, when your in the ring your job is to make your opponents look good. I think JBL is right on this(on the commentary thing). They did go too far, imo. Besides if JBL blew this out of proportions why would Miz apologize that quickly. JBL may have pull with Vince, but it seems to me he did this b/c he loves the business! After all JBL doesn't really need wrestling, he is a self made millionaire.
I think Morrison & Miz's commentary was effective. There heels and thats what they did, make punk look bad. I really dont think JBL should have gotten involved. I really hope Morrison doesnt get fired from this because he is a rising star. And as for y The Miz qucikly aplogize its probably because there has been many reports how JBL hates him and Miz probably is scared of being fired. All in all I hope nobody gets fired from this(maybe Miz?? no??)
what jbl says isnt true i watched this edition of ecw(it was very good) and they cracked me up and i didnt even notice any bad commentary miz and morrison stayed in character i hope vince doesnt suspends of fires morrison
JBL had every right to call out Miz and Morrison. These two a$$holes didnt even concentrate on the match, all they did was bitch at each other, they didnt even acknowledge there was a friggin match going on. I know they two are ment to be heel and everything, but what one of them shoulda done was got behind Jamie Noble, not argue back and forth like two housewives.
JBL had every right to call out Miz and Morrison. These two a$$holes didnt even concentrate on the match, all they did was bitch at each other, they didnt even acknowledge there was a friggin match going on. I know they two are ment to be heel and everything, but what one of them shoulda done was got behind Jamie Noble, not argue back and forth like two housewives.

They were building their feud. There was no need for them to comment on the match. Just each other and CM Punk. They did an awesome job. I really enjoied their work last night.

As for JBL he is a fucking bully. Always has been. If something doesn't go the way he wants it to he bitches. He had no right to step in on any of this. If a true veteran like the Undertaker (who is the SD! Locker room leader) would of pulled them to the side and said something, totally different story. But JBL can fuck off far as I am concerned. JBL was a champ for the exact reason Heyman said at the orginal ONS "Cause Triple H didn't want to work Tuesday Nights". Miz was quick to appoligize cause I will gurantee JBL was in his face and he was too much of a puss to tall him to fuck off.

Hats off to Morrison though for tell him "Fuck you. This is none of your business". He appoligized but under his own terms, not cause of some prick who had his panties in a bunch.
I understand that Miz and Morrison were building up their rivalry, but damn were they annoying! I got the feeling that Tazz was actually getting annoyed with their bickering. I thought it was just too much, and it was distracting. And not in a good way.
Actually this thread was up first. ;) Also I believe he was asking about what people thought about their commentary and mentioned nothing about punk ass JBL.
The Undertaker had nothing to do with it either, JBL is now an actual commentater and he knows how it should be done because he is an excellent play by play commentater. I thought in the WWE you are ment to respect the ones who have made wrestling what it is today, and what gives John Morrison the right to tell JBL to say "Fuck you". Morrison has just been done for about 5 different types of steriods and pain medication and hes telling one of the guys who has been in the WWE the longest where to go, what an idiot.

They two just distracted me from the match, Styles and Tazz were trying to get it through their heads that they were not doing their job properly, and they continued to go on about that stupid hat.
JBL is now an actual commentater and he knows how it should be done because he is an excellent play by play commentater.

So cause he is a colour commentater it gives him the right to pull guys to the side and belittle them? I believe not. That is the job of the Road Agents and Locker Room Leaders, which the WWE has pleanty of. Please tell me I'm wrong cause I have grown-up inside of the business.

JBL can express his opinion to them, but has no reason or right to belittle them or demand they make appoligize. I mentioned the Undertaker's name, because he is looked as the Smackdown!/ECW Locker Room Leader by Mr. McMahon. So if something was needed to be said Undertaker or one of the Road Agents would of said something to them.

Oh and on a side note, I am good friends with Sean Coulthart, better known to you people as Michael Cole. He is great friend's with JBL and even still will say he will put his nose in places it doesn't really belong in.
I personally loved having them ringside for that match. The match itself was nothing special and we'd seen it last week on Smackdown, so it wasn't like they were distracting us from WM12's Iron Man Match or something. Plus, you guys have to remember, there are three types of commentators: 1) The by the books guy ala JR, Cole, and Styles, who call the match rooting for the face, act excited by everything, and try to be technical about identifying moves on the spot and such. 2) The color commentator, ala Lawler, JBL, and Tazz, who add personality to the mix and tend to be the one that's a little more controversial, sometimes siding with the heels. 3) The special ringside addition who is there to talk about their current situation and feud, not say "hey look, a bodyslam, I do that sometimes".

Morrison and Miz were actually entertaining, which is odd for me to say about Miz since I don't like him that much lol. Once you reach that certain part of a match with Punk where he knees you in the face, you know exactly what's coming up with the bulldog and the GTS, so its not like it went off the charts odd on us and we missed out.

As far as the match on Smackdown goes, well, I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know what they did or didn't do.

JBL, though, is stepping outside of his bounds. Sure, if Morrison or Miz were trying to become color commentators, I could see him having the authority to criticize. But even then, should they listen to JBL, when he doesn't call matches? Most of JBL's commentary is saying something about Michael Cole rather than the match. "You're an idiot, why do you ask questions like that, blah blah blah" has nothing to do with the match. A little now and then is good but I swear, I could probably edit JBL's commentary about the actual match down to 1/4 of the time he's allotted.

Morrison didn't do the right thing by pushing JBL, but the Miz didn't even stand up for himself it seems. Hopefully, neither of them are punished for this, because even though I don't like the Miz, he's been improving lately. Morrison, especially, has been someone who I'm starting to like more and more every time I see him perform, and last night he was hilarious on the commentary. "Imagine if Jesus knew kung fu. That's me." Come on, you can't say that isn't some good heel stuff there lol.
We dont know how far JBL went though, I mean I see what your saying about Taker being the lockeroom leader and all, but I think this was a commentater thing. The two were so damn distracting Styles and Tazz had to get them to concentrate on the match. A prime example of good wrestlers who can do a great job at commentating are Cade and Murdoch. While they were commentating they were putting over Londrick and The Highlanders I think it was, and I just think that Miz and Morrison should of shown more respect to the damn good match that CM Punk and Jamie Noble had.
We need the full story first. Vince McMahon and staff are the producers of the show and consistenly talks to the commentators during the show. If this was a problem, then I'm sure the staff told them to cut out their bickering and focus more on the match. In fact correct me if im wrong, but didnt Joey Styles once say in an interview that the way the wwe wants their commentators to talk more about feuds and storylines then the actual match that is going on? I don't know it all sounds fishy. IF it was true, then Morrison should have known better and should not have talked to JBL in that matter. You don't have to love the guy, but you have to respect him.
If this is true, then I don't think JBL should have gotten into their business. I'm sure that if Miz and Morrison really messed it up, they would've known and apologized. There's no need to cause an arugement about it, especially when you're not involved.

Another thing, JBL should take his own advice- all he does during the Diva's matches on SD is talk about how good they look. When does he EVER comment on the actual match?

Flames Out
A prime example of good wrestlers who can do a great job at commentating are Cade and Murdoch. While they were commentating they were putting over Londrick and The Highlanders I think it was, and I just think that Miz and Morrison should of shown more respect to the damn good match that CM Punk and Jamie Noble had.

That's because Cade & Murdoch are doing this "we're good guys" gimmick. That's why they 'put over' London & Kendrick but also acknowledged The Highlanders. That's why when a face is normally at ringside they hardly ever say a word on commontary they just sit there and smile at the heel in the ring they are feuding with.
I think he should have given them advice rather than shouting at them. JBL is an excellent commentatot. He puts the wrestlers over, which you're supposed to do. He's the only one in WWE who does. And if Miz & Morrison were burying Punk, then it's up to Vince to have it out with them. But JBL by all means should give them advice and point out what they did wrong. Having not heard it I can't say what it was like. But it sounds like Morrison & Miz were more concerned with making themselves look better.

Bradshaw would kill Morrison in a fight by the way.
- To update on the backstage fight between JBL and John Morrison after this week's SmackDown tapings, those who are close to the situation say JBL was basically just standing up for performers he felt had gone out of their way to make The Miz and John Morrison look good, only for the two to not hold up their end by doing the same thing and make everyone who was involved look bad going into a pay-per-view.

Now I feel that JBL is having a bit of a biased feeling since Miz/Morrison are ECW wrestlers, and that they didn't make SD! stars "look good." While that has yet to be seen, I loved their commentary in the Punk/Noble match. If JBL wanted to actually do the right thing, he would have just tried to talk to them, not come out like he's a Commentary God (he's already claimed to be a wrestling god) screaming and bitching at something that was actually pretty good.

Calling the match is usually for the 2 regular color commentators, whenever a special guest comes down to do color commentary, they rarely talk about the match, mainly the feuds they're in and themselves. Also, since the wrestler they're feuding with is usually in the match they do commentary for, of course they're gonna cut him down...they're feuding, you're not gonna talk about the guy you're feuding with in a manner which he is better than you, you'd rather put the guy below you. None of their comments were really anywhere out of the ordinary, and I enjoyed them at ringside.

JBL, like Eternal Dragon should REALLY take his own advice though. Half his comments are insults to Michael Cole, I'd say about 1/4 are actually focused in the direction of the match, while the other 1/4 is something you usually don't wanna hear. So, um...what exactly was JBL bitching about? Cause I'm pretty sure he does it on a weekly basis, EVERY WEEK.
I'm not sure where I stand on this one. It's a tough one to call.

One part of me says that JBL was right to belittle Morrison and Miz. It is, however you look at it, a part of the business. If the veterans feel as though someone has been disrespected they will get in the faces of the guilty parties. And on top of that, we all know that JBL loves to play the 'I'm the veteran, your the rookie who couldn't hold my jock strap' role.

On the other hand, I think that it would have been better for JBL to alert the locker room leader (ala The Undertaker) and inform him of the misdemenor so that he could sort it out in a more private and controlled environment.

I guess this is just one of those 'learning curves' for The Miz and John Morrison.
I think JBL sticking his nose in, if it is in fact true, is a bit pathetic. For a start the whole Miz and Morrison at ring side was quite entertaining, and made the match a little bit more enjoyable, and to be honest I am sure they where sent out to argue, they wouldn't have put them both at ring side to chat about the match and get along, the constant arguing was all in character and i am sure they where told to do it. They didn't take anything away from the match, they didn't speak about Punk's skills in a negative manner either...
And for JBL to start something over it is incredibly hypocritical, he and Cole often have little arguements, as do Tazz and styles, and so do JR and King, its what makes wrestling commentating interesting. If what they did where so wrong, let someone who actually has the right to tell them to apologise.
I think that JBL knows what Miz and Morrison were supposed to be doing. I didn't see the match, but what I'm wondering is if Miz and Morrison were supposed to be aiming at one thing, but hitting another. If that's the case then JBL being the vet. that he is has the right I think to step in and tell them they messed up. Also while commentating, yes commentators argue back and forth, but it always seems that when there are wrestlers involved in the commentating, they pretty much have the right to say whatever and the regular commentators argue it very little on the show. Like I said I didn't see the match, but if the case is Miz and Morrison went overboard, I think JBL would know it and that's probably why he called them out like he did.
JBL didn't have the right, just because he has been there for a long time doesn't mean he has the right to talk down to two younger guys. They knew by putting them there they would argue between themselves, and if you actually listen Styles and Tazz fuel the arguement by asking them both questions, like who would you rather pin etc... It's all a load of bollocks...
You are all missing the main point the Mix apologized right away and even tho Morrison had some choice words for JBL first he then apologized as well now why would he do that if he was completly in the right that makes no sense to me someone please explain that to me. Someone who has been in as long as JBL has the right to say what he wants if it is right or not. And if he is completly in the wrong the right thing to do isnt to try and start a fight right there maybe i am wrong but...
I didn't see the match, but we've all heard how JBL can be behind the scenes. Sounds like JBL had a point, BUT it wasn't his place to confront them. JBL, like BOB HOLLY, likes to bully the rookies....ENOUGH SAID!!!
the commentary for this match was pretty funny but at the same time i could definitly see why JBL would be pissed at what they did during the match. they pretty paid the match no mind despite taz n styles continually trying to get them to focus on what was going on in the ring.

nonetheless it was entertaining.

miz:you lost to a hat last week
morrison: did you get a free can of soup with this hat?

JBL would kill them both tho (in commentating and in a real life fight). but lets just hope their match at ss is as entertaining as their commentary was. and finally jamie noble getting some exposure. its about time. he n punk had a great match.

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