FIFA World Cup Round 1: Brazil vs North Korea

Do you think if north korea score a goal they will publicize it on the tv over there as a 1-0 win? Even if it is a 10-1 defeat? I do
I'm not watching the game but I am listening to a translation from Korean radio.

I can't believe that North Korea are 3-0 up within 15 minutes! Especially when they are playing a team of giants who are at least 7 feet. Also, can you believe that a North Korean player was struck by lightning and then Kim Jon Il came into the stadium on white horse and is playing the rest of the match himself!?

The Koreans don't look like too much of a push over so far. Good set up at the back, plenty of pressure on the ball and a decent outlet for the pressure in Pak and Jong up front. Doesn't look like being too easy for the Brazilians, although one goal and it could quickly become a massacre
So much for that Vuvuzela filter, ESPN/ABC.

My girlfriend just said, speaking of the Vuvu's: "Those things could cut diamonds".

Seriously, North Korea is doing much better than expected here. Seems like Brazil's gone for an aggro push, but it isn't working yet. Stats on possession?
True Barbarosa, I don't see him breaking the bank to get him.

What was that? Korea actually had a chance to get in there and make a shot at the goal, ended up on the midfield again..

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