Feuds you would have loved to have seen?

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Big Ol' Buckta AIDS

Pre-Show Stalwart
It's always great to think back and what could have been. Ill go first . After the Invasion angle was done NWO stormed onto the WWE scene, How great would it have been to to have D generation X feud with the NWO? Two sides of the Kliq facing off between each other, Xpac having to pick a side, and who knows what else. Whatever, i thought it would have been great.

What are some feuds you guys would have liked to see
HBK/Rock - Imagine the promos, would be solid gold.

HHH/Rude - Both in WCW around 94 when HHH broke in the business, both had good physiques perhaps a battle of bodys.

Hogan/Jake "The Snake" - The immortal one vs. The mind manipulator woulda been a golden feud, shame they never capitialized on this one.
Benoit vs Owen Hart. That would have blown everyones mind. The technical and Highflying would have been awesome. Or Eddy and Owen.
Sting/HBK - And I mean spiked blond hair Sting vs. The edgier HBK when DX started. The matches that would spawn from this would have told a great story. Some of the best matches I remember growing up were the epic, super long Flair/Sting feuds. I think this would have been no different.
Bret Hart Vs Chris Jericho

There could have been a chance that this feud could have happened but Jericho was not as big as a star enough to feud with Bret when he was in WCW. Wrestling aside, the promos from both these guys would have been terrific. They are also both Canadian Wrestling Legends in their own rights. I'd love to see some kind of interaction between these two as Bret is coming in for the next 3-4 months in WWE.
Eddie/HBK - I'm sure this would've happened in 2006 had Eddie not have passed away. It's a dream match I always think about and I'm sure it's one Shawn thinks about as well. RIP EDDIE!
Some feuds I, as a fan, would like to have seen:

1) CM Punk vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin- The Straightedge Superstar vs. The Texas Rattlesnake. The preacher of straightedge lifestyle against the man who promotes the drinking of alcohol in his daily life. This would have been an interesting contrast which, if I was booking the feud, would have to include Austin giving CM Punk a beer bath, which would help elevate the feud to the next level. I think it would have definitely put a few butts in the seats.

2) Goldust (1995-96) vs. John Cena- Imagine the mind games that Goldust could play with someone like John Cena. Cena's had two or three movies now... Who's the big movie fan in WWE? What about Goldust playing the mind games like he played with Razor, Piper, and others on Cena? That would have been a "funny" storyline and it would have produced a couple decent matches.

3) Jake The Snake Roberts vs. The Ultimate Warrior- It's a shame this feud never happened. After all the vignettes and all of the hype, Warrior just disappears and Jake's left to just torture Macho Man. A Roberts-Warrior feud would have been great to watch, even if they delayed it until after he finished feuding with Savage.
The Rock vs. HBK- That would just be flawless. The promos would be sick, and the matches would be even better.
A 2004-05 BabyFace verison of Eddie Guerrero vs A Mid-2006 Heel Shawn Michaels
I'm 100% positive this would have been an excting fued with amazing promos,and classic matches!..Sadly it diden't happen..Rest In Peace Eddie Guerrero..

Another one I would have loved to see is a The Rock vs Shawn Michaels.With the same reasons as the Guerrero/HBK one and it doesn't matter who plays the BabyFace or the Heel..it would still have had been a classic just like the Eddie Guerrero/HBK would have been.
The Rock vs John Cena is the Dream Match of tha Century!!! Tha fans reactions to both of them during their fued would be freakin awesome!!! Well, I dont think that these NEW WWE fans deserve to even be treated with this match because they ALL SUCK!!!!!!
rob van dam vs shawn micheals i think this match would be great fued everyone loves rvd and hbk the matches would be the best ever rvd can go and hbk can still put on a great match i think this math can headline wrestlemania `

rob van dam vs cm punk this would be epic the biggest dopehead in wwe ever vs the straight edge superstar this match would be a dream come true the match would be great

dx vs brothers of destruction i would love to see this shawn and undertaker hook up one more time but with partners it can make it more personal and give you a great match imagine the mnd games dx messing with bod and the mind games bod can play on dx it would be great

rvd and sabu vs the hardys this match would be a great high flying tag team match we love and want back

i can go and go forever
Bret Hart/Kurt Angle. That's like a Wrestlemania main event type of match right there. The two best technical wrestlers ever (Benoit also for he had not died)

Christian/Edge. I think there's still hope for this feud. Edge puts on great matches and so does Christian. Great feud imo.

Jericho/Undertaker. Damn, Jericho's at his peak right now and Undertaker is always at his peak. The storyline would be great, Jericho with his extreme cockiness and Undertaker playing his mind tricks. A Wrestlemania type of match for these two legends.

John Morrison/HBK. I hope at Wrestlemania 27, these two will square off in a career threatening match in a ladder match. HBK should give back to the company and put over Morrison as the future of the WWE.

Morrison/Punk. Both futures of the WWE. These two put on great matches every time they step into the ring. Hope we see kind of a Rock/Austin type of timeless matches. But as we all know, we'll never see talent like Rock/Austin again.
The Rock vs Shawn Michaels is my biggest dream match to never happen


-Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan
-Chyna vs Beth Phoenix (i know they werent around at the same time)
-Bret "The Hitman" Hart vs Kurt Angle
-Stone Cold and Triple H vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan and "The Macho Man" Randy Savage (The Power Trip vs The Mega Powers)
-The Undertaker vs Sting
-DX vs nWo (HHH & HBK vs Hall & Nash) or HBK, HHH, X-Pac vs Hogan, Nash & Hall)
-Beth Phoenix vs Natalya (i personally wanna see this feud spark off already)
-The Big Show vs Andre The Giant (my only dream feud that never couldve happened but I wouldve liked to have seen anyway, hell, i'm throwing it in)

other than this, I must say I would really like to see some father son feuds:

The Rock vs Rocky Johnson
Randy Orton vs Cowbow Bob Orton
Cody Rhodes vs Dusty Rhodes (really i'd like to see Cody vs Goldust or just have the three of them in one)
Ted DiBiase Sr vs Ted DiBiase Jr
And any other father/son combo

I think these have potential just like Vince vs Shane if done right. I mean Vince even feuded with Stephanie and that worked well. So I think that some blood feuds could really work right now as far as feuds go being personal and not over a title. The WWE should use that whole type of feud again

Why not
There are several id love to see but ill narrow it to my top 3:

Kurt Angle/Bret Hart- woulda been absolute classic wrestling, each an every match

Sting/Hbk- possible showstealer on any card. this potential fued alone is the reason i was really really disappointed sting never came w/ the initial invasion.

Goldberg/Taker- why this never came down when he was in wwe ill never understand. coulda been a HUGE draw & an unbelieveable fued.
One feud that never really materialized,mainly due to injury on one's part was..Undertaker/Sid,I'm talking about back when Sid debuted in WWE(F) in mid '91.Sure they had a match or two here and there..and even headlined WM13.
BUT..IMO....they could've done so much more with those two at that time.
by the time they got to them in WM13...it lacked the luster of what could've been about 4-5 years earlier
HBK vs Umaga. I think this match would have been great for Umaga, had it have happened. Shame it won't thought.

Bret Hart vs Edge. These guys would be great together
i would have loved to have seen a peoples champion vs peoples champion match, DDP vs The Rock. When i started watching wrestling age 12 in late 97 my favourite wrestler was DDP. Match would have been awesome.
Another one i always wanted to see was The undertaker vs Sting (the sting when he exiled himself and was a lone man) 96-97.
Edge vs. Randy Orton

I know this has in away happened, but i'd like to see it escalate to something like Hbk vs. Chris Jericho, or Randy Orton vs. Triple H. Two of the Top heels of the buisness go toe 2 toe.

This could've happened back before Rated Rko, or After they broke up. Or before Edge was Injured, if he would have gone to Raw in the draft, he could fued with orton, fighting for being the title of The brands biggest heel. Chris Jericho might get involved too, but they can brush him aside. Edge can take out both members of Legacy, and then have a final battle with Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. Whether to bring a championship into this fued is questionable, but I wouldn't suggest it, have Chris Jericho in the title picture instead or something.

Or, Edge can return from his injury as a face, going to raw (and act like the fued with jericho never happened, wwe has done things like this in the past.) And get in a fued with orton in a face vs. heel fued. This time have the title involve it, to hype up the rivalry, and end with a main event match at wrestlemania with Edge winning. This doesn't have to last long, if edge returns winning the royal rumble, and orton say wins the wwe title in a triple threat match againts sheamus, and john cena (that'd actulley be good anyways, edge or not.) Have Edge choose orton, and get into a fued there, maybe edge apolgizing to vickie, and then vickie accepts, the hug, edge gets Rko'd, Vickie gets punched, then punted. Further building heat it the rivalry. But edge going to raw is the best choice, since vickie is on smackdown anyways, unless the want to escalate that fued.

But Edge vs. Orton could have, or can still be a fued of the year canidate. excpecially the heel vs. heel one.
The Undertaker (Ministry 98/99 era) VS. Sting (Crow 97/98 era)

Just imagine the promos for this, the mind games. Then theres the matchs, imagine these two in a Hell in a Cell? or a Buried Alive match? Maybe even throw Paul Bearer in their, in Takers corner.

Kurt Angle (02/03 era) VS. Bret Hart (95/96 era)

Two of the best pure wrestlers ever to step into a ring. As ashe draven said, this would be "classic wrestling" at its best. Put these two in a 60 minute iron man match and alot of people would be happy.

The Rock (00/01 era) VS. John Cena (03/04 era)

Probably the most likely match that would ever happen in this list, just needs Vince to pay up The Rock a MASSIVE paycheck. Just the stare-down/confrontation between these two could electrify any crowd. The matches themselves wouldn't be as up to par with Angle/Hart (wrestling wise), but the intensity/crowd would go beyond it.

Triple H (00/01 era) vs Brock Lesnar (02/03 era)

Two absolute powerhouses, never to wrestle each other. Put these two in a No DQ match, and just see what happens from their. Im sure if Brock had stayed in the WWE just afew more years, these two would have faced off at least once. Maybe even a lead up feud to a Wrestlemania match.

thanks for reading
One more from me, simply because I have massive respect for both of these female athletes:

Beth Pheonix (of now) vs. Chyna (of early DX era)
This one match would probably steal the show of several male midcard bouts. The displays of strength of these two would remind me of Hulk/Warrior in WW6. And it would HAVE to be for the WWE Women's Championship.
for me it would have to be

Rob Van Dam Vs. Mike Awesome For the ECW Title Back in '99 it just had so much potential cuz' mike awesome was such a monstrous heel back then and RVD being top baby face would have made this so cool. it was supposed to happen but then RVD messed up his ankle and Mike left for WCW =/ but i really believe that this match would have been really cool to watch.

Also i dont know why but i would have love to see a feud between The Great Muta vs. The Undertaker. the mystique behind the muta character would have made the feud very awesome.
I think all my picks have been mentioned.
Kurt Angle vs. Bret Hart
CM Punk vs. SCSA this could have been huge if they were there at the same time
Sting vs. Undertaker
Sting vs. HBK
Owen vs. Angle I loved owen as the bratty brother. I could see this as him trying to prove to Bret he could beat anyone he could or something to that effect.
Owen vs. Evan Bourne Don't know exactly why, I just think this could have been great
Mike Awesome vs. Current Undertaker you all would pay to see this

Hope I snuck a few originals in there. Fun topic.
Diamond Dallas Page VS Randy Orton. The Diamond Cutter VS the RKO. Who'd hit it first? (Money would've been on DDP, who was very ninja when it came to applying the DC)

Ted Debiase (The Million Dollar Man) VS JBL. A meeting of the financial minds....and fists.

A family feud triple threat match - "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes VS Goldust (Dustin Rhodes) VS Cody Rhodes. That match would put the McMahon dysfunctions to shame.

"Macho Man" Randy Savage VS The Rock. If for nothing else then the sharp promos that Rock would cut on Savage.

Beth Phoenix VS Lita. Because both women can look good AND wrestle at the same time.


Hulk Hogan VS Steve Austin. Just because......who wouldn't want to see Hogan "hulk up", point at Austin, then get stunned.
Imagine the impact RVD would have had in '96 as an ECW representative and feuding with HBK. These guys would put on a wrestling clinic. The reversals, chain wrestling, high flying maneuvers and near falls would be SICK. I think a match with them would have revolutionized the big-two the way the luchadors in WCW had.
I think everyone would agree Steve Austin vs Hulk Hogan both in their prime would be a pure classic feud everone in the wrestling industry has always wanted to see. And Austin would kick his a**
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