What would the Loose Cannon would have done in the WWE?

Goliath Uterus

Getting Noticed By Management
One of my favorite wrestlers of ALL time, is the Loose Cannon, Flyin Brian, Brian Pillman or whatever you wanna call him everything about him was just awesome, he had a great gimmick (even during his Flyin Brian days imo) and great charisma, and of course amazing in ring skills. I often think about what Pillman would have done if not for his untimely passing, I think he would have been a multiple time world champion, maybe some IC titles too, he certainly would have been in some more memorable feuds (just imagine Pillman/Rock, that would've brought the house down). So tell me what you think, what would the Loose Cannons career would've been like, would him living affect the current product, and what feuds would you have liked to see/what feuds do you think they would've put him in?
I've always said Pillman would have been a huge star in the attitude era. It seemed like he was made for it. I think he would have been on the Rock's level in 1998. He would have worked great with all the big stars. I picture great angles with Austin, Foley, Rock, and DX. He couldn't be Flyin Brian after the injuries so he did a great job reinventing himself. If you go back and watch him in 1996 you would recognize him as a pioneer of the attitude era. The segment where he pulled a gun on Ausitn was ahead of its time. Pillman was on the verge of superstardom when he passed away.
Wasn't Brian Pillman in the WWE once before, during the Attitude Era? I remember he was part of a segment with Stone Cold Steve Austin that was perhaps one of the most controversial moments in wrestling history because of the soul fact that Austin was invading his house and Pillman was holding a gun.

If he were still alive, I think he would definitely have made it to Main Event status. I know at that time he was feuding with Austin. Only a matter of time if he were to have feuded with Triple H or Mick Foley.
I don't think he would've been a big wrestling star, per se, because he had a badly injured ankle that affected his mobility and was probably THE catalyst for his prescription abuse. I think, though, he would've been a HUGE personality at the time because he was the exact fit of that era, ATTITUDE. I see him fading away from the Hart Foundation and being the centerpiece of his own stable, similar to the Flock or DX. He would've been the controversial character in WWF/E, so in fact that he would've been part of main event PPVs or on the flip side......fired! Either way, he was perfect for the Attitude Era.
First off lets state the obvious, Pillman was amazing with his matches with Jushin Thunder Liger..... But as time progressed and injuries accumulated he was NEVER the same worker.

To answer your question, If he were still around he probably wouldnt have made past the hart foundation henchmen that he was known for. Sure he had some memorable/outrageuos moments (ie: Stone cold + Gun = made for shocking TV) but as I stated if your in subsidary role to the hitman.... its hard to get out of that shadow. Thats why Bulldog, The Anvil, and even Owen never broke out from the pack.
I think it all depends on how you look at the "what if" discussion? Is it from the "as is" approach, or the "what if he didn't have the car accident" question? I'm not sure how big he would have got with the fused ankle.? If he hadn't had the accident; you're damn right he was a Main Eventer! If he were healthy, he surely would have bulked up a little more working for Vince, and been able to work all sizes a la Randy Savage, Shawn Michaels, Etc...The mic skills were hands down top 5 in the company while he was there. As pretty much everyone before me on here mentioned him and Austin, and working guys like; Rock, HHH, Michaels (briefly), Angle...holy shit, never thought about that before. If he was still in alive and in shape in 2000 he could have helped make; Angle, Benoit, Y2J. It clearly was a huge blow to the industry when he passed. Oh well. all of those guys have done just fine, but you add quality fueds w/Pillman to all these guys careers...I bet they are better for it. Good Thread.
have to say that he would have held the world strap, he would have made his way into a triple threat against austin and turned on the other guy and stole it. he would have eventually dropped it after failing to defend it cleanly and then really would become a loose cannon after failing to recapture the title would start to fade in midcard land
have to say that he would have held the world strap, he would have made his way into a triple threat against austin and turned on the other guy and stole it. he would have eventually dropped it after failing to defend it cleanly and then really would become a loose cannon after failing to recapture the title would start to fade in midcard land

Definitley disagree with you there, I dont think the Loose Cannon would ever be relegated to "mid card land" cause (unless they are stupid) the WWE would recognize he could easily get over as a face or a heel, he was just that damn good. I think he would have most definitley gotten more title runs than one.
One thing people need to think about is that it's been noted that with all the issues in WWE at the time with his body and pain killer addiction he was alwso talking with Bischoff to go back to WCW. And there is the thing. Had Pillman gone back to WCW would he have been as big as a deal in WWE? I think he would have shot to stardom in WCW but sadly not gone past US title level then get rehired during the Invasion then get stuck in mid card purgatory. Had he stayed with WWE I could have seen him as a big star even donning a persona similar to Randy Orton right now changing from the crazy yelling screaming guy to the psychotic, methodical type character like Orton is now. I actually had a vision of Pillman on the stage of RAW with the title with short hair and it just seemed to fit nowadays.
As maybe the biggest Loose Cannon mark on this forum, I just don't know. His contract was the first guaranteed contract so I don't imagin him leaving with Bret when Montreal went down but I do see him feuding with DX because of it. After that, I think he would've been a major personality for sure, a main eventer definitely but I don't know about a world champ. I'd have liked to seen him against Raven when he came over to the WWE as, legend has it, that they had a great match back in WCW in the early '90s. That could've been a great fued with Raven's psychological methods and Pillman's pshycotic tendencies. It'd definitely be a different match than their first since Raven became a heavyweight and Pillman's mobility was limited since that time.
Go back to June 1996 when he signed, has he NOT of had that Hummer crash I believe WWE would of had him feud with Austin or rekindle their friendship and had him turn on Austin or vice versa (I DO believe Bret/Austin I and II was meant to happen but I think Bret would of returned looking to take revenge for his old friend (remember when Bret returned his promo's were more edgy about how in 8 months of him being away the rules had changed etc etc etc) or maybe not, but I believe Brian would been joined into the Hart Foundation has he did, and then go to September 1997 the IC Title tournament, he jobbed to Owen Hart (storyline would have Owen/Austin II) but I believe that was simply to keep him tied in with Goldust/Dude Love (even ending at Survivor series and then WWE would of had given him the WWF Light Heavyweight title, it was meant to go to Bruce Hart until he roughed up Austin at a PPV (Canadian stampede) and I think Pillman would of put on some master classes with Taka in 1997-1998, at the same time being aligned with Owen Hart maybe them joining the Nation together, before maybe moving onto a IC title run or in the mix once Rock dropped the belt to HHH, and in 1999 I think he would of ended up in the Hardcore division it suited his crazy persona and maybe a tag title run with Owen Hart before retiring.

That is my personal opinion, I doubt Vince would of given him the world title, but i could of seen Pillman with a Light heavyweight title & tag title run and even a Hardcore title run.

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